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Disengaged (Terms of Engagement Book 3)

Page 50

by Melissa R. L. Simonin

  So what should he do? Continue like they were? That made sense. A lot of sense. They had plenty of time. Maybe. No one really knew for sure how much or how little each individual, or couple, had. Whatever time he did have, he wanted to spend it with her. But he didn’t want to speak too soon, and lose her, as a result.

  And so, what should he do?

  James one, verse five, came to mind, and Erik felt relief. He could ask God for wisdom, and God would give it to him. That was tremendously comforting, so he stopped worrying, and did.

  SAMANTHA added another log to the already blazing fire, then stood watching it speculatively. Was it warm enough? It felt that way to her, but how would Rob feel, when he came back?

  She was praying he would, and she chose to live as if that prayer would be answered just as she requested. She’d done it before, and… it didn’t always work out that way. Two years ago, there were many days and nights she spent praying Rob would call her. That he’d come to her, that he would reach out in some way. That her marriage would be saved. He didn’t, and… it wasn’t.

  But maybe now, the prayers of so many yesterdays, and those of today, would be answered the way she longed for them to be. She prayed fervently that it would be so, and bumped up the thermostat another couple of degrees.

  If she kept this up, she might have to shut herself in the bedroom and open a window to keep from being cooked, but one thing was sure; Rob would have a warm welcome, when he returned!

  ERIK’S cellphone rang. It wasn’t Rob, it wasn’t Amber, it wasn’t anyone in his contact’s list. It was a local number, and that made him curious.

  “This is Erik,” he answered.

  “Hi, Erik. This is Justin Reeves, we met at the Thanksgiving Dinner, at church, Wednesday night.”

  “Hi, Justin,” Erik said in surprise. “I remember meeting you, and your wife.”

  “Yeah, and speaking of Laney… I feel kind of like I’m back in junior high, but she insisted I call.”

  “Okay,” Erik said, his curiosity increasing.

  “Laney and I make it a point to be completely forthcoming with each other, so… there are no secrets between us.”

  “She knows how I feel about Amber,” Erik surmised, as his stomach sank, and worry crept in.

  “Yes. She promised not to say anything,” Justin hurried to add. “As long as I agreed to call, and tell you that if you ask Amber out, she’ll say yes.”

  Erik smiled a little.

  “Tell Laney thank you. I did ask Amber, and we are dating, now.”

  “That’s great,” Justin replied.

  “Thanks, I think so,” Erik smiled, then uncertainty shadowed his eyes. “What I don’t know, is if she’s ready for a commitment. I’m glad we’re going out, and I don’t want to rush her, but I do want more than that. I want to build a future with her.”

  Erik heard Justin speak off the phone, probably to his wife. Whatever her response, she sounded excited. Justin was soon back on the line.

  “Laney says she’s already committed.”

  “How is that?” Erik wondered. He heard Laney’s voice in the background, and waited for Justin to relay whatever she was saying.

  “Laney said Amber’s been in love with you ever since you met, five years ago.”

  Erik was stunned.

  “Are you serious? She’s sure about this?”

  “Yes. Laney is completely sure,” Justin replied with certainty. “That’s what Amber told her, just last Wednesday.

  Erik’s heart flooded with gladness. He felt like jumping in his SUV, and driving straight to Amber.

  “Thank you, I had no idea,” Erik said in relief. “And please, thank Laney for me. Your call is an answer to prayer.”

  “You’re welcome,” Justin replied. “You probably want to go see her now, I know that’s how I’d feel. But she’s on her way to you. Laney asked Joshua to drop her off at your place, on his way to church.”

  “Tell her thank you, for me,” Erik smiled, as happiness continued to well inside.

  “I’ll do that,” Justin replied, and the two men ended their call.

  ROB paused to catch his breath, and give his tired lungs and exhausted muscles a few moments’ reprieve. The shadow that passed over the earth, and a glance at the sky, encouraged him to keep going.

  AMBER settled into the passenger side of Joshua’s truck, and fastened her seatbelt.

  “Thanks for the ride,” she said, as he backed out of the parking space.

  “It’s no problem. It’s on my way, anyway. I do need to stop for gas, though,” Joshua remembered.

  SAMANTHA stood by the bedroom window, waiting. She glanced at the sky, and her forehead furrowed at the sight of the dark clouds that continued to roll in. The snow was blanketed in frequent shadow, taking the place of the sun’s bright rays.

  When would they ever be rid of this abominable storm? She brushed back her hair and gripped the sides of her head, as she strained to see any sign of Rob’s return.

  ROB plodded on, determined to make it back to the cabin before the next round of wind and snow began.

  How much further did he have to go? How long since he began this journey that felt as endless as the one to the lodge?

  Rob adjusted his scarf, then blinked, and blinked again. He removed his goggles and rubbed his eyes, then squinted at what looked like it might be…

  Adrenaline flooded his system, as his mind registered what his eyes were telling him. He let the makeshift harness of rope slip off his shoulders, and labored to reach the figure half-buried by snow.

  Rob brushed away the powdery bits of ice. It had to be Stan, and he wasn’t moving. Of course he wasn’t moving, if he was caught in the storm a day, or two, or so ago…

  It was Stan.

  Rob stared into his face just long enough to be absolutely sure it was too late for the man. Then he returned to his harness and his sleds, and continued.

  At least he didn’t make it to Samantha. Rob was more grateful for that, than he was anything. He was overwhelmed with gratitude that his prayers were answered the way he hoped they would be. Not that he prayed Stan would freeze to death. Samantha, though, was safe. If she was rationing, she’d be okay until he reached her with the supplies he was dragging along behind him. He just needed to get there.

  The earth was cast in shadow once more, and a few flakes drifted from the sky.

  In spite of his exhaustion, he pushed himself on.

  ERIK rinsed the breakfast dishes, and placed them in the kitchenette’s small dishwasher. He gave the extended-stay suite another glance, and was satisfied with his hasty housekeeping efforts. When Amber arrived, he intended to invite her in and tell her right away how he felt about her.

  He glanced at his watch. If she didn’t come soon, they might be a little late to class.

  There was a knock at the door, and Erik’s eyes lit with nervous anticipation. He brushed his fingers through his hair as he hurried to the door, and opened it.

  On the other side, stood Meredith. Erik stared back at her hate-filled eyes for a fraction of a second.

  “What in the world are you doing here?” he asked bluntly. He wasn’t happy to see her, and wasn’t going to pretend to be.

  “What I should’ve done a long time ago,” she hissed, as she yanked her hand out of her coat pocket, and aimed the gun she held, at his chest.

  ROB struggled to see through the veil of snow that might as well be impenetrable. There was no wind, for which he was thankful. He wouldn’t be driven off course, not by it, anyway. He was traveling blind, though. How he would find his way anywhere in this… it would take a miracle.

  Exhaustion plagued him, and his muscles ached from the exertion of hiking by the aid of snowshoes, and dragging the train of sleds.

  He kept going, moving forward, pressing on. To stop would be to give up and freeze to death, like Stan. So long as Rob had any strength left, he would keep going.

  ERIK’S mind raced. Whatever happened, he had to keep A
mber out of it. She was on her way, and she must not get involved in this! While Sheila needed psychiatric help, and he wasn’t sure she would’ve shot him, anyway… although she did kill Burns… Meredith on the other hand, was nothing short of evil.

  “Get inside,” Meredith snapped, ramming the gun into his chest. “Go, unless you want to be responsible for the deaths of your neighbors.”

  Her eyes flicked in the direction of a young family, following the outdoor stairs to the parking lot. Erik gave Meredith a scathing look, and did as she said.

  Meredith shut the door and bolted it, then the two stood in silence for a moment, sizing each other up.

  “What’s your point?” Erik asked bluntly. He refused to play mouse, to her cat.

  “You got what you wanted,” Meredith accused. “Rob wants nothing to do with me, and it’s all your fault!”

  “Really. You give me far too much credit, and yourself too little,” Erik retorted.

  Meredith’s eyes blazed, and her hands shook.

  “How dare you!” she snapped.

  “How dare you, is more like it, and I can’t begin to imagine,” Erik countered.

  “He said you were right about me,” her eyes blazed.

  “Yes. I clearly am,” Erik replied, and her face flushed.

  “I told you what would happen if you tried to get in my way,” she said tightly.

  “And I told you what would happen, if you didn’t back off,” Erik retorted.

  “You think your God’s going to swoop in and rescue you, and give me what I ‘deserve’?” she smirked scornfully.

  “God’s method and timing are His to determine. As to the result, absolutely,” Erik replied with certainty. “What’s your point, Meredith? You’re here to try and shoot me, then have a stand-off with the police officer next door? The one who works the nightshift, and is having breakfast with his wife, right now? Go on. Take a closer look at the parking lot, if you don’t believe me.”

  Meredith’s eyes narrowed, as she glanced out the front window. There in the lot was a police car, just as Erik knew there would be.

  “Fine. You’re coming with me,” she snapped.

  “Fine by me,” Erik promptly replied. The further away they were from his apartment when Amber showed up, the better.

  “Before I’m through with you, you’ll wish you’d never been born,” Meredith said vindictively, in a tone of pure evil, as she circled behind him, and motioned toward the door. “Go. You first, and don’t try anything.”

  AMBER looked up at the suite Erik temporarily called home, as Joshua pulled into the lot and found a space.

  “Thanks, Joshua,” Amber said, as she reached for the door.

  “I’ll walk you up,” he offered.

  “You don’t have to,” she assured him.

  “Laney’d about have my neck if I didn’t,” Joshua replied. “She’d look disappointed in me anyway, which is way worse.”

  Joshua didn’t seem to mind it, and Amber laughed.

  “It’s sweet how Justin takes such good care of her,” she commented.

  “Laney’s determined his manners’ll rub off on me, so I’m walking you to the door,” Joshua replied.

  “Alright, fine. Then come on, we’ve got some stairs to climb,” Amber accepted.

  ROB kept his head down, as he struggled to put one foot in front of the other. He was worn out from the awkward gait the snowshoes required, as well as the distance he traveled. He couldn’t see through the blinding snow, he had no idea anymore which direction he was headed, or if he was anywhere near the road that led to the cabins.

  How much longer could he keep this up? His head ached, his scalp was bleeding again, and every fiber of his being was utterly spent.

  To stop, would be to accept death. The heat generated by his movements, would rapidly fade. He didn’t want to give up, but he was only fooling himself if he thought the time wasn’t fast approaching, when he’d have no choice.

  “Please take care of my family,” he prayed under his breath, as he labored to complete each step. “I wanted good works to do, like You said. I haven’t had the chance, since coming to believe in You, and I didn’t do any, before. I wish I had. But I trust You. I’d rather be with You in heaven, than here without my wife and son. If I’m gone, Samantha can move on. I don’t want her to, but… I want her to be happy. I want the rest of her life to make up for all the hurt I caused her. Please, take care of my family. Make them want to know You.”

  Rob stumbled, and caught himself with difficulty. He took another step, his muscles shaking from overexertion. His knee collapsed, and he fell. He struggled for a moment, then with a sigh, he was still.

  ERIK saw the doors of Joshua’s truck open, then Joshua and Amber stepped out, and onto the pavement. Erik’s heart started to sink.

  He ordered it back into ranks, thought fast, and prepared to give the performance of his life.

  “Oh, great,” he said under his breath, as his hand halted on its way to the knob, and his eyebrows knit.

  “What?” Meredith snapped.

  “Nothing, it’s just—look, I’ve got to get rid of them,” he replied firmly.

  “Get rid of who?” she demanded.

  “Those two,” he said in annoyance. He muttered under his breath, “As if I need their help getting to church…”

  A sliver of curiosity joined Meredith’s hostility.

  “Who are they?” she demanded.

  “They’re from a local church here in Ocotillo,” Erik replied, frowning as he kept watch on Amber and Joshua, as they approached the stairs.

  Meredith laughed shortly.

  “Ignore them. They’ll go away before long.”

  “No, they won’t,” Erik said with certainty. “My vehicle is parked outside. They know I’m here. They’re not going anywhere. They’ll pick the lock, if they get half a chance.”

  One of them would, anyway.

  Meredith gave him an incredulous look, as she motioned for him to move away from the window and door.

  Walking up the stairs, she saw a petite, curly-haired blond, and a black guy who was absolutely huge. He looked capable of ripping the door right off its hinges, if he felt like it.

  “Fine. Get rid of them,” Meredith snapped, as she retreated, and motioned for Erik to answer the door. “And don’t try anything, or you’ll pay for it. If I don’t manage to kill you, you’ll spend the rest of your life wishing I had!”

  She ducked around a doorway, and Erik silently prayed for protection over Amber, Joshua, and himself.

  AMBER hesitated as she reached out to knock, then turned and gave Joshua a speculative look.

  “What?” he wondered. The look in her eyes was enough to spook a fellow.

  Amber narrowed her gaze as she thought some more, then she took Joshua by the shoulders, and moved him to the side of the door.

  “Stay there,” she ordered.

  “O…kay,” Joshua said. He also wondered if she was just as bossy with Erik, and if she was, how he stood it. He must really love her.

  Amber turned back to the door, straightened her shoulders, and knocked. She rearranged the purse she carried, and waited for Erik to answer.

  ERIK opened the door, and held it. His eyes were serious, and somewhat apologetic. He prayed he could pull this off.

  “Hi,” he said quietly. “I’m sorry about this, but I won’t be able to make it today. I’m afraid I’m coming down with something.”

  Amber’s eyes filled with sympathy, and something else he couldn’t quite recognize.

  “That’s terrible! Can I get you anything?” she asked solicitously.

  “I’ll be alright. Just pray for me, okay?” he replied softly.

  “Alright,” Amber replied, giving him a long look. “I will. I’ll call you later.”

  “Okay,” Erik nodded, hiding his surprise. That went a lot easier than he expected it to. He was a little hurt that she was so quick to walk away, but Meredith would never suspect they cared abou
t each other, based on that encounter. And that, was what mattered. Amber’s safety. So in spite of his disappointment, he felt a sense of relief as she turned to go, and he started to close the door.

  Amber whirled like lightning, and slammed into it as hard as she could. It flew out of his hand and hit the wall with a bang, as Erik lost his balance, Amber caught hers, and Meredith fired.

  A second shot rang out, and Meredith fell to the floor as if hurled there from a height.

  Erik’s heart pounded as he scrambled to his feet.

  Meredith lay on the ground, motionless, the gun a distance away. The front door was splintered, and Amber—

  “Amber!” Erik said in anguish. She managed to drop her colt mustang back in her concealed carry purse, as he gripped the front of her coat, and ripped it away from her shoulder. He was frantic, she was shot, and—

  Amber grabbed Erik’s wrists, and held on.

  “I’m fine,” she said firmly. “She got my coat, but I’m fine. I’d be bleeding, if I wasn’t. I’m not.”

  Erik looked back at her for a moment, as her words registered.

  “Amber…” he breathed, then pulled her close and kissed her.

  Joshua peered cautiously around the doorframe, and assessed the situation.

  Some woman lay on the floor, obviously the recipient of one of the bullets in the gun Amber sometimes toted around. The other bullet left a hole in Amber’s sleeve, the door, and possibly imbedded itself in the wall behind. Amber and Erik… were busy, and no way was he interrupting.

  Joshua stepped aside, removed his phone from his coat pocket, and called 911.

  Erik hugged Amber close, as he kissed her over and over. He missed a few times, and kissed her cheek. Mostly, he didn’t.

  “If you keep this up, I may get the wrong idea,” Amber said breathlessly. Erik caught the teasing gleam in her eyes, and smiled.

  “If I keep this up, I’m hoping you’ll get the right one,” he replied. “I hope you’ll get out of the habit of ducking, too.”

  Amber laughed, and wrapped her arms around Erik’s neck.


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