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Unbreakable Love

Page 9

by Yesenia Vargas

  That is it, she thought. She had reached her limit. She felt a knot form in her throat and tears race down her cheeks. Jimmy was quiet and stared at the floor. It was obvious no one was going to stand up for her or see her side.

  “I hate this family.”

  She walked briskly to her room. She restrained the urge to pick something up and throw it hard against the wall. To grab a bat and hit something. Why was her life so unfair? Why did other girls like Mayra have all the luck?

  She didn’t know anyone else who had to live their life with such absurd restrictions. She was absolutely tired of it.

  She decided that it wouldn’t be like that anymore. The old Ariana was gone. In her place was a new person, an Ariana who would do as she wanted. She wouldn’t wait forever for her parents to finally give her permission to do something any other person her age would be allowed to do. She had tried to do things the right way.

  Her parents had immediately rejected her requests without considering how she felt. Well, now she wouldn’t care what they thought or said. She was in control now. She would do things her way. Even if that meant seeing Carlos behind their backs.

  She took her phone out of her pocket and started a text to Carlos. No, she thought. I should tell him yes in person.

  She texted Mayra instead.


  Angry tears rolled down Ariana's face as she texted Mayra about what had happened. She controlled her sobs. She didn’t want her parents knowing she was this upset. She wouldn’t let them have that satisfaction. No way.

  There was a knock on the door. It was probably her parents. What were they even doing? She didn’t want talk to them, see them, or hear them. She was through doing everything they said.

  The door opened. Damn it, she had forgotten to lock it behind her. She was laying on her bed. She turned onto her back to give her mom, most likely, a piece of her mind. Or a hard stare.

  It was Jimmy.


  “I’m just here to talk,” he said, walking in and closing the door. “Dad went to the store, and Mom’s in the kitchen.”

  So they were back to their lives. Of course they didn’t care.

  “I don’t care,” she replied. She turned back onto her stomach. No reply from Mayra. She sighed.

  “I can’t believe you told them all that,” he said. “Why’d you even do that?” He sat down on her bed.

  “Why do you even care?” she asked.

  “I know you like Carlos and everything, but don’t you think you guys are going a little fast?”

  Her phone beeped. Finally, Mayra had answered. With a sad face. That was it?

  Come get me. Make something up. Please!

  She couldn’t deal with this anymore.

  “I don’t like that guy. A couple of my friends live in his neighborhood, and they play basketball with him at the park over there sometimes. They say he has a nasty temper.”

  “You don’t even know him. How do I know it’s not your friends who are jerks?” she shot back.

  “I just think you should get to know him better before you make all this effort to get permission to go out with him,” he said.

  “I’m almost seventeen. It’s about time I was able to go out and have some fun. Just like everybody else at school. Like my friends. And your friends. It doesn’t matter who I’m hanging out with. Don’t you ever wish you could just go out?” She stared at him.

  “I’ve heard what some of the people at school do. Getting drunk. Girls doing stupid shit. And everybody taking pictures and putting them on the Internet. And you want to be a part of it? I don’t want to be a part of that.”

  She rolled her eyes and shook her head. Before she could think of a good comeback, the doorbell rang. Please be Mayra, she thought.

  She walked to the living room with Jimmy behind her.

  It was Mayra. Talking to her mom at the door.

  Her mom looked at Ariana and walked off into the kitchen again without a word.

  Mayra motioned to Ariana, indicating that she should come outside. Ariana followed her down the driveway.

  “Thank God you’re here,” she said.

  “I told her I needed help with some math homework because I was failing,” Mayra said quietly. She looked over Ariana’s shoulder.

  Ariana turned to see Jimmy behind them. “You are not coming with us.”

  “Why not? It’s getting dark. It’s dangerous out here. I’ll walk you guys over.”

  “You’re so sweet, Jimmy.” Mayra smiled. “You can walk us.” Ariana sighed loudly and turned to head to Mayra’s house.


  Once they were in Mayra’s room and Jimmy was gone, Mayra asked, “What the hell happened? This is your second argument with your parents. In like two weeks. You never fight with them.”

  “I just can’t take it anymore. They’re driving me nuts with their overprotectiveness. I did what I told you I was gonna do. I tried talking to them. I wanted their approval before me and Carlos made it official. I like him so much.” She threw herself back on the bed, arms spread like an eagle’s wings. She had already told Mayra about Carlos asking her out in the parking lot.

  “I’m guessing that conversation didn’t go so well?” Mayra twisted back and forth in her desk chair. Her mom wasn’t home. She was working a double shift.

  “Worst conversation ever.” She closed her eyes.

  “What happened?”

  She looked at Mayra. “I was honest. I was an adult. I was calm. I told them I want them to treat me like an adult and let me go out. They said absolutely not before the words had even left my mouth.” She shook her head. “Even Jimmy didn’t back me up. And I think he figured out exactly why I wanted to have the conversation in the first place. He’s not dumb. He must have heard that me and Carlos talk a lot.”

  “I wondered why you were mad at him,” Mayra said, smiling.

  Ariana rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe he did that to me. I think that was the worst part. If he needed something, I would have backed him up, you know? And he did nothing. Worse than nothing. Afterward, he came to my room, acting like a goody-good, saying how he had no desire to ever do the things I was asking permission for.”

  “What else did he say?”

  She shook her head. “That Carlos isn’t a good guy. That his friends told him that. Can you believe it?”

  “Hmm.” Mayra spun in her chair.

  “What do you mean, ‘hmm?’”

  “What do you think? Do you think any of what he said might be true?”

  “No! Maybe Carlos does get competitive in basketball. Maybe he doesn’t like to lose. How do I know? But what about Jimmy’s friends? How do I know they’re not lying or exaggerating?”


  “I just think no one gets what I want.” She felt like crying all of a sudden. “I’m not freaking marrying the guy! I just want to be his girlfriend. We’re in high school! I want to have fun—like you’re supposed to in high school. Like you.”

  She looked at Mayra. “You get to do so many cool things. I love you, and you’re my best friend, but sometimes I’m so jealous of you. You always look nice with cute clothes and awesome makeup. Your mom lets you go out when you ask or you don’t even bother sometimes because she’s not breathing down your neck all the time. I wish I had your life. Your life is perfect. You’re getting the full high school experience. Me? I’m just stuck at home with parents who won’t let me do anything fun.”


  Mayra seemed to be thinking of something to say. There wasn’t a smile on her face anymore. She was looking at the ground. Then she looked up.

  “Ariana, you know you’re my best friend too, and I love you, but what you just said, part of it, was really stupid.”

  Ariana’s mouth fell open. Now the tears were threatening to spill out.

  “How can you be jealous of me? Of having a mom who’s never home? I never get to do family things like you and your family. Going out together. Hav
ing dinner together. Having a freakin’ dad. I don’t have that.”

  Now Mayra’s eyes were full of tears, and her voice was straining. “I’m jealous of you. So your parents are a little strict. I’d trade my life for yours any day. You’re right. This is high school. Time to have fun. But also the time to spend time with your family. Because guess what? Two more years, and we’re out of here. On our own. We’ll have the rest of our lives to do whatever the hell we want. No one to stop us, ground us, or tell us no. You should be making those memories with your family now. You’ll have those. I won’t.”

  More silence.

  They were both crying now.

  Ariana felt bad for Mayra. She really did. They had never really talked about Mayra’s home situation before. Not like this. But Mayra still didn’t understand how trapped she’d feel if she’d had Ariana’s parents, even with all the memories. She sighed.

  “I get you. I really do, Mayra,” she said. “But my life can suck too. Please don’t be mad at me for what I said. I’m sorry if I made you feel bad. I wasn’t thinking. But I don’t need everyone I know mad at me, okay?”

  Mayra wiped tears away, and so did Ariana. “You’re right. We’ve only got each other. We need to stick together.”

  They got up and hugged. And they resolved to watch a movie and eat ice cream before Ariana’s mom finally called and demanded she get home.


  The next night, Ariana was in her room, thinking of how she might tell Carlos about her decision. Would he still even want to go out with her? She stared at the ceiling.

  She had to get up and do something. Her parents were still giving her the cold shoulder from the argument yesterday, and they had actually gone off on their weekend grocery shopping trip by themselves, leaving Jimmy and her home alone for once.

  She was about to go outside for a walk when her phone buzzed.

  It was Carlos. He hadn’t texted her in a few days. Mayra had suggested she give him time to cool off. Maybe now he was ready to talk?

  Hey, Cinderella. I’m so sorry about the other day. For losing my temper like that. It just drove me crazy thinking that maybe you didn’t feel the same way about me. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. It’s okay if you want to take things slow. Just please don’t be mad at me. I miss you.

  Don’t be mad at him? He had thought she was mad at him? She smiled at his last words. I missed you too, she thought as she texted him back.

  It’s okay. I was never mad at you. Just worried you wouldn’t want to be friends anymore. I like you too, and I want to be your girlfriend. If you still want me to.

  Ariana felt like screaming her happiness. She jumped on her bed a couple of times instead.

  Another text message. Of course I want you to be my girlfriend. Guess what? You are now my girlfriend. :) When do I get to take you out? Your parents said it was okay?

  She responded, her smile gone. No. Huge fight. But I don’t care anymore. I want to be with you. It’s going to be harder this way, but we can figure it out, right?

  She walked to her window and opened it, taking in a breath of fresh air before Carlos sent another text.

  Exactly right. Can I see you?

  She wanted to see him so bad. She wanted him to hug her tight and—finally—kiss her. She felt warm all over just thinking about that. Her parents wouldn’t be home for another couple of hours at least. They had a little time. She could figure something out.

  She texted him back.

  Can you meet me at Mayra’s house in 15 minutes?

  Ariana changed into jeans and a cute shirt.

  Her phone buzzed again.

  On my way, babe :)

  There was no more denying it. Carlos liked her. He had asked her to be his girlfriend, and she had said yes. Ariana put on some lip gloss and put the stick in her jean pocket. She put on her glittery flats, trying not to have a heart attack at being called babe by the hottest guy she knew, and she walked down the hallway to Jimmy’s room.

  She opened the door and stuck her head in. They hadn’t talked much since their own little argument the other day. But she know better than to leave the house without telling him where she was going.

  “I’m going over to Mayra’s,” she said quickly.

  He put the TV on mute. “What did you say?”

  She opened the door all the way, sighing loudly.

  “I said I’m going over to Mayra’s,” she repeated.

  “One: I thought we weren’t supposed to leave the house when Mom and Dad aren’t here,” he began. “Two: why are you going to her house like that? What are you gonna do?” He looked her up and down.

  She tried to look innocent. “One: I don’t care. I’ll be back before they’re home. Two: we’re just hanging out. Calm down.”

  “Hmm,” he said. “Fine, whatever.” He unmuted the TV.

  She closed the door and left the house. She was so excited she could hardly walk—so she almost ran.

  By the time she knocked on Mayra’s front door, Ariana was out of breath, and it wasn’t because of the power walk over there.

  “What’s going on? Why are you shaking?” Mayra asked. She was in her pajamas, holding a bowl of ice cream in her hand. “Are we going somewhere?”

  “Um, no. Can I come in? Is your mom home?” she asked, barging in as Mayra stepped out of the way.

  “Aren’t you usually grocery shopping with your parents on Sunday afternoons?”

  Ariana rolled her eyes. “Not anymore. They actually let me stay home with Jimmy today.”

  “Wow. You think they’re easing up?” They sat down on the couch. Ariana glanced at her phone. Carlos would probably be here within ten minutes.

  “Hell no. They’re just mad at me,” she said. “Look, I have something to tell you. And ask of you. And I really hope you say yes, because it’s kinda too late for you to say no.”

  chapter seven

  “Ariana, I’m having ice cream and watching movies here,” she exclaimed. “What is it?” She ate some ice cream.

  “Carlos texted me and apologized. And now I’m officially his girlfriend. And he’s coming here to see me. In like five minutes. Is that okay?” She smiled.

  “He’s what? Wait, what did he apologize for?”

  Ariana looked around, thinking of how to say it. “You know, when he asked me to be his girlfriend the other day and I didn’t say yes? I told him I wanted to talk to my parents about it? You know, go about things the right way.”

  She glanced up at Mayra. Her friend’s eyebrows were scrunched up, but she nodded slowly. “Yes, I remember.”

  “Well, I didn’t tell you everything that happened.”

  “What else happened?”

  “When I told him that I wanted to talk it over with my parents, he kind of took it like I was saying no or something.”

  “And what did he do when he thought you said no?”

  “He got kind of upset. I think he thought I didn’t like him or something. But we talked about it just now, and with what my parents said, I decided I want to be with him anyway. I don’t want to give up on him.”

  “So you guys are a thing now?”

  Ariana nodded.

  “That’s cool. You’re a big girl. You know what you’re doing. Come here.” She put her ice cream bowl aside and hugged her.

  “Thanks.” Ariana smiled.

  “How does it feel?” she asked.

  “Good. I’m just nervous, and you know, we gotta figure things out since my parents don’t know. It’s going to be hard, but we’re just glad to be together. I just had to see him.”

  “Well, my mom won’t be here until midnight, so you guys can have the living room if you want. I’ll go to my room and watch the movie there. Here,” she said, adjusting Ariana’s hair. “There. You look great.”

  Ariana took deep breaths, trying not to hyperventilate.

  “You’re gonna be fine.” Mayra walked to the window. “I think he’s here.” She peeked out. “Yep.”
r />   “Oh my gosh,” Ariana said.

  “I’m gonna head upstairs. Let me know if you need anything.” She winked and left.

  There was a knock at the door.

  Ariana went over to open it. Thank goodness Mayra had done some cleaning around here.

  “Hey,” Carlos said. He was wearing jeans and a button-up shirt. He looked really nice. He came in for a hug. And he smelled really nice. He squeezed her, and she squeezed back.

  He looked around. “So this is Mayra’s place?” he asked.

  Ariana shut the front door. “Yep. I come over all the time. My parents aren’t home for once, so we have a little time before I have to go back.”

  He smiled, taking her hands. He leaned down. Their noses were touching, and their eyes were closed. He cupped her face. “I’m sorry about everything. I feel horrible.”

  “It’s okay,” she whispered. “I’m sorry if I made you feel bad. I can’t imagine how you felt.”

  “It doesn’t matter anymore.” He opened his eyes to look at her.

  Her hands latched onto his. He took a step closer to her and put his hands around her back, bringing her even closer to him. Their hips were just about touching.

  She was looking up at him, hardly breathing. Their eyes met.

  “I want to make it up to you,” he whispered.

  She put her arms around his neck. Ariana loved touching him, being so close to him.

  He’s doing it. His face was coming towards hers, and his eyes closed. Ariana closed hers too, and before she knew it, his lips were on hers.

  His mouth was warm and wet, and she heard him groan. His lips were completely over hers. He is clearly more experienced than I am, she thought. It was awkward for her, and she wasn’t sure what to do, but she let herself get lost in him. She moved her lips to mimic his.

  He is such a great kisser, she thought. He was her first kiss, but she knew that for a fact.

  His hands were firm on her back, pulling her against him like she might disappear. Their chests were touching.

  Ariana moved her hands from his neck to his face. She never wanted the kiss to end, but finally, it did. Carlos pulled back and looked at her, mouth still open.


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