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Cocky Queen

Page 8

by Candace Blevins

  Her mouth closed around it, her eyes begged him not to do this, and his dick went granite hard when it’d already ached with a furious desire.

  “One minute for every year you’ve been alive, but we’ll work up to it. Today, you’ll do eleven minutes, just under half.” She was twenty-three, and he didn’t want to mess with a half-minute. “If you fidget, your time will start over. If you reach the hour and you haven’t managed to finish, we’ll take it up again the next time you have a free hour.” He kissed her forehead. “It’s important we talk and have time to enjoy each other, but right now, this is more important. It’s who we are, and if I ignore it, it’s like saying you aren’t important.”

  He took the cuffs off, walked her to the corner, faced her towards it, and talked her through situating her feet and holding her elbows behind her back. “Arms stay relaxed behind you. Feet remain where they are. Knees should be relaxed. Make sure you don’t lose the soap, and don’t swallow. Your chest should be soaking wet when you finish. You’ll drool, and that’s okay. If you swallow and make yourself sick, I’ll give you an enema you won’t like.”

  SANDY WAS PISSED, AT first. She had so much to do, and he was making her stand in a corner? She made over a thousand dollars an hour for some things, and more than five hundred dollars an hour for the basics! Her time was more valuable than this!

  But a few minutes in, something clicked. Maybe the soap helped, because damn it was nasty, and it burned, and she already associated it with punishment. For whatever reason, she understood why it was important she stand still and respect her time in the corner. She wanted to be his baby-girl, and that meant doing some things she wouldn’t want to do. However, he was looking out for her, and for them. If he let her cuss in the bedroom, she wouldn’t be as much of a little. If he couldn’t enforce bedtimes and good nutrition and all the other rules, why bother? She didn’t want a pretend relationship, she wanted a real one.

  By the time he told her time was up, she was bawling her eyes out, but she hadn’t moved. He held the soap and told her to open her mouth, but taking it out didn’t help at all. He took her to the bathroom, used a cool cloth to clean her chest, and had her spit into the sink a whole bunch. Finally, he handed her a glass.

  “Hot water works best. You’ll wear a butt plug while you rinse, and in the future, anytime you get your mouth soaped, you’ll wear a butt plug lubed with ginger oil. Bend over and spread your cheeks. The sooner we get the plug in, the sooner you can start rinsing.”

  Sandy didn’t expect the plug to help center her, but it did. He used coconut oil instead of something painful, so the plug was merely a reminder Vic owned her mouth and bottom. He hadn’t taken her there yet, but it was only a matter of time.

  She enjoyed anal sex. A lot. A few customers who enjoyed size play kept asking for her, and over the years they’d taught her to accept some pretty fat dildos — a few even bigger around than his cock.

  She’d be able to take him, but not right off the bat. He’d have to take some time getting her ready.

  By the time she had the soap out of her mouth, she was feeling all warm and little, and Vic understood. He carried her to the living room and sat in a huge chair with her in his arms, cradled to his chest. “It’s all over, baby-girl. Clean slate. I’m so proud of you for standing for eleven minutes without fidgeting.”

  She squeezed her bottom around the plug and snuggled into him. “If I want to be your baby-girl, I have to let you be my Uncle Victor.” She squeezed her eyes closed. “Let is the wrong word. It’s more like, I have to let go so you can take care of me.”

  “That’s right. You like the plug?”

  “Yeah. It’s kind of comforting, right now. You haven’t taken me back there yet, and it feels like a step we need to take, but it’s not my place to decide when it happens.”

  “Most can’t take my width in their backdoor, baby-girl.”

  “You’ll need to warm me up, and it’ll be a lot, but I think I can.” She breathed him in. “I’d like to try.”

  “Okay, not today. Maybe this weekend, if we have a big enough block of time.”

  “I need to ask you something awkward.”


  “I’m looking at a company in Atlanta, but really only because I interned there and I know I like the people. There’s a company in New York offering more of my dream job, but I’m nervous about moving there. They’re flying me up the weekend after I graduate, meeting me at the airport and driving me everywhere, giving me the whole spiel so I’ll consider their job offer. They’ll even provide an apartment the first six months.”

  He rubbed her back. “I accepted the job here because I needed it for my resume, it’s steady work that exposes me to more people, and it lets me pull Victoria out a little more often. I can find plenty of work in New York and the surrounding areas, though. I’ll be there in a few weeks — three clubs on three nights, and a huge event in the Gardens Friday night — plus a lunch show in another club on Saturday, and a brunch show on Sunday. Your job has to be your decision. If you want to run some things by me, I’ll listen, and I’ll ask questions to help you decide, but I can’t make this one for you.”

  “You want to be Victoria. Vickie was supposed to be a joke.”

  “Yes, but Vickie speaks to people. I get it — there are tons of glamour queens out there, and several Southern queens with a truck driver’s vocabulary, but Vickie’s the only Southern wholesome-but-naughty girl-next-door.”

  “And she can draw crowds in New York?”

  “Baby-girl, they eat her up in the big apple.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Victoria took a breath before walking from the dark of the wings to the spotlight on the stage. The light followed her across the floor and she glided on elegant skyscraper heels, the luxurious fabric of her dress sliding across her legs.

  November in New York, with a beautiful snowfall, and he’d snagged a room overlooking Central Park. His baby-girl was watching from backstage, and he had her to thank for Victoria’s sudden popularity.

  “You aren’t just appealing to gay men,” she told him. “Real women are jealous of you, they want to be able to put their makeup on like you, coordinate accessories like you, and walk in those ridiculous high heels like you’re gliding around the room! You need to make Victoria more accessible. Put some makeup tutorials on YouTube, show people how to properly walk in high heels, and be nice. Approachable.”

  Vickie still came out to play, of course, but right now, the public wanted Victoria.

  When Victoria finished her number, she glided to the edge of the stage, accepted the red-rhinestoned leash, and walked back out onto the stage with Prince prancing by her side. Prince loved performing for the audience, and the audience adored Prince.

  A peacock and a cocker spaniel on stage. Two cocky queens.

  THE CLUB PROVIDED A car and driver to take Victoria back to her hotel. Since she’d be leaving with Prince, there was no use in changing clothes to avoid being spotted. Everyone loved Prince, and walking him as Vic wasn’t exactly incognito.

  All those women he’d dated who eventually couldn’t handle a boyfriend with a more glamorous wardrobe than them? They hadn’t been half the woman as his baby-girl. She’d let him do her makeup for fun, but she preferred her simple earth tones. She’d wear whatever he put her in at home, but her business clothes were all stuffy-scientist clothes, complete with white lab coat over them most of the time when she was working. No one knew he bought her ultra-sexy underwear, though.

  Sandy was confident of her own status as a woman, and nothing he did as Vickie or Victoria threatened her self-identity. She helped him shop, gave him opinions on shoes and accessories, and had fun with it. She loved him and his two alter-egos, and she was more supportive of his career than he’d ever imagined would be possible.

  And he’d been supportive of her need to follow through as a workin’ girl until her end date, and was there to cheer on her successes once she’d started working
as a biomedical engineer.

  Sandy was already in the car when he and Prince got in, and the driver took off without needing to be told.

  It was three in the morning, but they’d had a good nap earlier in the day. Sandy’s new job had flexible hours, and management was fine with her working longer hours four days a week and taking Friday off when Vickie or Victoria had out-of-town engagements.

  Vic leaned down and talked into her ear. “How’s the plug, baby-girl?”

  “Big. Uncomfortable.”

  But wearing it meant she was primed and ready, so he didn’t need long to get her warmed up enough for his oh-so-fat cock. She’d learned, later, that most bird shifters often have super-thick members, something about the fact it’s a cloaca when they’re in bird form.

  “Mmmm. I felt you come close to an orgasm once, while I was on stage. Want to tell me about it?”

  “It got to be too much, and I wanted to take it out, but then I remembered what happens when I have to take it out, and... creamsicles, Aunt Victoria.” Vic said fudgsicles was too close to a minced oath, but he’d agreed she could say creamsicles.

  If she took the plug out, he put these huge, heavy, glass anal beads in her bottom and made her stand in the corner for double her age — forty-six minutes, when they could’ve been having sex but she had to stand and keep from fidgeting.

  She had to squeeze so hard to hold the heavy glass balls in, which meant he’d have to take longer to get her bottom ready for his dick. She always lost a few glass balls, but as long as she held onto the last one, she’d still get her bottom fucked. If she lost the last ball and they all hit the floor, Vic took her to bed, cuddled and held her, and nothing else. No sex. No orgasms.

  She’d only completely dropped the beads once, and she’d been so fucking horny, all night long. Thankfully, he’d taken her ass the next morning, but he told her the next time it happened, she’d wait until the following night.

  When they entered their suite, Victoria took the wig off and talked like Vic. “Get undressed and put your pink baby-doll nightie on. There should be bottled water in the fridge. Drink some, and put a bottle for both of us on the table by the bed, then pull your little nighty up and bend over the bed with your feet apart to wait for me. I wanna see the pink jeweled heart on that plug when I come out of the bathroom.”

  Most of her long-term-wear plugs were heavy but didn’t hold her open wide. This one wasn’t terribly heavy, but held her so wide open she often spasmed around it, her body fighting as the stretched and strained muscles tried to close but couldn’t.

  She got the water first, drank until she wasn’t thirsty anymore, and changed into the frilly, silky, light-as-air nightie. She used the restroom, reaching her hand around back to hold the plug in while she peed, and then was careful to wipe and get herself clean.

  Prince had a bed in the living area, and she walked him to it. “We’re going to close the door for a while. I know you hate it when we do, but Vic will let you in to sleep with us later. Be a good boy.”

  He yipped, and she told him to hush. He minded Vic so much better than her.

  Finally, she went to the bedroom, apologized to Prince again when she closed him out, and assumed the position, bent over the bed.

  Vic would only need ten or fifteen minutes to change and put everything away, and she’d taken close to ten minutes, so she shouldn’t have to wait long.

  Meanwhile, she kept thinking how glad she’d be to have the horrible plug out, even though she knew he’d replace it with his fingers, spreading her wider and wider until he thought she could handle his cock. By the time he came out of the bathroom, totally nude and all man, she was beside herself with need.

  VIC OPENED THE BATHROOM door and leaned against the doorframe to take in the beauty before him. Lithe, muscled legs, and a perfect ass framing the oh-so-wide butt plug holding her open, with a beautiful little pussy peeking out from below.

  His baby-girl had come a long way in the nearly five months they’d been together. He’d spanked her hard once, to punish her when she’d stayed out later than he’d expected, and her phone had died so he couldn’t check on her. Late was okay as long as she checked in with him, but being out without a working phone wasn’t acceptable. She’d cried from the spanking, and it had broken his heart — and made his dick hard. He wasn’t taking hard spankings off the table, but he’d reserved them for when he really needed to get through to her. For most things, his baby-girl needed a gentler touch — cornertime, early bedtime with no sex, and occasionally a punishment enema. She’d spent a lot of time in the corner with soap in her mouth and a ginger-oiled butt plug in her ass for inappropriate language, but had largely gotten used to saying creamsicles and snickerdoodles. She’d say mostly minced oaths when they weren’t being intimate — fudge, shoot, crap, dang, but he still heard her saying fuck and damn enough, too. She’d learned his looks and knew when she was treading on thin ice. Still, he didn’t police the way she talked to her friends, and he heard her on the phone with Kate sometimes, cussing up a storm. Which was fine. She wasn’t Kate’s baby-girl.

  He settled the jar of coconut oil on the table, opened it, made sure the fingers of his right hand were slick, and turned to the plug.

  He touched the outside of the plug with his left hand and ordered, “Push it out, baby-girl.”

  She preferred it when he took it out, but he enjoyed watching the way her muscles looked when they ejected it. He caught it as it came out, and set it aside. Everything was clean. She’d had an enema before her nap, earlier in the day.

  He spent ten minutes opening her ass with his fingers. Sometimes, he didn’t open her quite enough, and it hurt her when he fucked her. Other times, he opened her a little more than necessary, so it was a smoother entry.

  She might not do well with rough, harsh punishments, but his baby-girl loved having her ass taken roughly.

  Today, he opened her enough she’d be able to take the first half of him okay, but then he’d get to hear her scream and beg while he used his cock to open her the rest of the way.

  He wiped his fingers with a baby wipe and told her, “Climb on the bed and center up. Legs together, arms above your head.”

  He didn’t have to say the rest of it — her arms needed to start out above her head, but once they started, she could do whatever she wanted with her arms, whatever was comfortable so long as she didn’t reach back. If she did, training in self-discipline would start all over again, and she’d be cuffed and bound when he wasn’t certain she could follow directions.

  SANDY STRETCHED OUT on the bed, squeezed her legs together, and tried to keep her bottom relaxed. She didn’t have to wait long before the head of his cock was inside her and he slammed in as far as possible before her muscles stopped him. He pulled back and entered slower the next time.

  “You feel so good,” he groaned. “Open for me. Gonna make it burn a little.” He pressed in, slow but without mercy, opening her, and when the burn started and she whined, his lips caressed her arm, still stretched out beside her head. “That’s it. So hot, so damned tight for me.”

  It took him twenty minutes of pushing and stretching her before he was all the way in, and he stopped while they both caught their breath. She curled her fingers around the edge of the mattress and hoped he’d fuck her hard and fast, now.

  His legs clamped around hers, squeezing everything in, and she groaned in bliss. She loved having him inside her and around her, over her, completely taking her over.

  “Love you.”

  “I love you, too. Ready?”


  He didn’t make her beg. He knew what she needed and he gave it to her until she didn’t know her name, his name, or anything else. The only thing in her world was his huge cock, pounding her ass, taking her and owning her. Her gentle lover was always so careful with her — until she needed him to stop being gentle and slake his lust, slake her lust.

  Anal orgasms take longer to reach, and were more violent a
nd all-encompassing when they took her over. When this one finally came, Vic waited until it was nearly over before he emptied himself deep inside her. They’d used a condom once, and never again. It was all flesh-on-flesh now, and his oh-so-hot shapeshifter cum inside her.

  There were baby wipes and snuggles, kisses, and lots of soft, loving talk afterwards, while Sandy floated on a cloud of bliss. Finally, another plug — big going in, but the neck wasn’t huge, so it’d be easier to sleep in. He always plugged her after he came in her bottom, to make sure she didn’t leak.

  Vic opened the bedroom door. Prince came in, sniffed her over, and took up his spot at the foot of the bed. He’d be at the top by morning, working his way between them, but he knew better than to try it now.

  Finally, Vic was behind her, pulling her back to his front, settling her in so she could sleep.

  And she did.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sandy handed Prince’s leash to Victoria for them to get off the private plane at the Atlanta airport. As far as Victoria’s fans were concerned, Prince belonged to Victoria.

  And Sandy wasn’t inclined to argue. The two had bonded something fierce, and while he was still her dog, and preferred her lap — he still got so excited he couldn’t contain himself when Vic came home, even if he’d only been gone a few hours.

  Home. Who’d have thought she’d one day live in a too-big house in the middle of fifteen acres, an hour outside of Atlanta? It turned out, the best job was in the South, thank goodness.

  They’d bought his condo unit, and often stayed there when it was simpler than driving home and driving right back in a few hours, but she’d grown to love their house in the woods.

  When she’d finally had a chance to see Vic’s peacock, she’d been so awestruck, she hadn’t been able to speak.


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