So Hot MC Boxset

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So Hot MC Boxset Page 33

by Blair Grey

  “Do whatever you fucking want, you worthless cunt. I want him.” There were muffled sounds in the background then he added, “And you will bring him to me. I don’t want you sending him my way and that’s it. I want you to be sure he gets to where I need him to get to.”

  Carl looked down, shaking his head slowly. I knew he was disgusted with the way my father spoke to me.

  He’d done it all my life. I almost didn’t even notice when he used language like that. “Okay, I will be with him then if that’s the way you want it. So, where do I take him?”

  “Hold on a minute.” He seemed to be getting an idea. “How come you’re turning on him. He called me and told me that you and he were shacking up and you were his now. If that’s true, then why do you want to give him to me?”

  I looked at Carl who just nodded at me to go ahead with my lies. “I made him think that I want that. I just want to be left alone by everyone. I know I’m not good enough for anyone. He’s just using me, and I know that. And I’m afraid if I just leave him that he’ll come after me. I want him gone as much as you do.”

  Carl smiled at me as I felt tears stinging the backs of my eyes. I didn’t even like saying shit like that about the man who had finally made my life worth living. He stroked the back of my hand gently.

  It was enough to make me smile too. He was the best man in the world, and I knew that without a doubt.

  My father spoke again, “So, you just want to be left alone huh? After all I’ve done for you, you want to just walk away like you don’t owe me shit. How I managed to raise someone so selfish is beyond me. I tried my best to beat your mother out of you. I have always kept a roof over your head. And I’ve even given you a car to drive. A car we can’t fucking find now. Your son-of-a-bitch boyfriend stole it from us.”

  Looking at Carl, I didn’t know what I was supposed to say. I’d never known what to say when he went off on me. Carl just took my hand and held it while my father went on and on about how I was the most worthless creature on the planet and other choice words.

  Finally, I closed my eyes and envisioned myself with a glowing body, full of power. “Hey, that’s enough.” Amazingly my father shut up. “Tell me where you want me to take him and save the lectures. I no longer care to listen to them.”

  Carl gave my hand a little squeeze as he beamed at me, nodding like crazy. It was silly but I did feel pretty good. I’d never felt even a little good after one of my father’s tangents.

  “Well, excuse me,” Arthur said with tons of sarcasm, “your highness. Fuck me for trying to educate you in ways that might make you worth a fuck.”

  “That’s enough,” I said sternly. “Enough. Got it? That. Is. Enough. Now you can tell me where you want me to bring him and when you want him there. Or you can simply go fuck yourself. That’s all up to you. I’ve got loads of other shit I would rather be doing than sitting here and letting you talk shit to me. Those days are over for good.”

  Ah. Now, that felt amazing!

  “Well, fuck you too,” he said quietly. “Anyway, have him out at the place off the highway. You know that place with the two-bedroom place on it? We used to go out there and practice shooting and shit like that. It’s kind of in the country. And I think it would be best if he came out on his bike. Make it just after dark. We’ll be waiting for him. And then you can walk your happy ass wherever the fuck you want to.”

  “I know exactly where you’re talking about. So what night do you want to do this.” I had a sinking feeling about the whole thing all of a sudden.

  “Tonight. Why wait?”

  I had no idea if Carl’s MC could make it happen that fast or not and looked at him with questioning eyes. He nodded and then I answered, “Sure, tonight is great.”

  “Just so you know,” my father went on, “there will be eyes on you at all times. Don’t try to fuck me over or it will be the end of you too.” And then he ended the call.

  I made sure it was ended before I put the phone down. Carl got up then picked me up. “Oh, God. That was brutal.”

  “Yeah,” I agreed. I felt like all the blood had been drained out of me. “How does he do that to me even over the phone? How does he pull every bit of energy out of my body?”

  Carl let me go but took my hand and pulled me to sit on his lap as he sat on the sofa in the living room. “He’s pure evil is why that happens, baby. And what’s worse is that he’s planning on killing you too.”

  I hadn’t caught that. “What makes you think that?”

  “Well, he wants you to be with me and that makes no sense. You could so easily send me out on an errand to get me into position for him to take me out. And he wants us on my bike. He plans on taking us out with snipers while we’re heading down the road. He’s using the darkness to hide them and out one headlight will make us stand out like crazy.”

  “You really got all that out of what he said?” I hadn’t gotten any of that out of it.

  “I did.” He hugged me tightly. “You would’ve figured it out eventually. He used all that mean talk to you so that he would dampen your senses when he told you what he wanted you to do. If he hadn’t kicked you down before delivering his orders, then you would’ve seen that coming from a mile away.”

  “He’s spoken to me that way almost daily. How was I to know that he was doing that so he could get away with doing horrible things to me?” I needed so much therapy that I wasn’t sure they made enough of the stuff to fix me.

  His hand moved through my hair. “We don’t have a ton of time to get things figured out. But we will figure things out. And you will see justice taken, Britt. You will soon see that karma is real and it is a mega-bitch.”

  What he said didn’t make sense to me. “If we do this, we’re not waiting to see what karma will dish out to him though. We’re taking this into our own hands.”

  Smiling, he only laughed. “Honey, karma uses people to do its bidding sometimes. Karma put you into my mind. Karma had me take you. And not just to use you either. Karma was at work for you and me both when it put us in each other’s paths.”

  I was kind of getting what he was saying. “What you think is that you thought about taking me one day out of the blue. Is that right?”

  “That’s exactly how it happened. I was sitting there at our bar one night when your name popped into my head. And the next thing I did was call my daughter to see if she could find anything out about you.”

  Suddenly the woman in the picture came rushing back into my mind. “Sarah! I gave her a massage! You sent her to find stuff out about me?”

  “Yes.” He nodded enthusiastically. “And karma stepped in that first day we met too. It gave us a bond almost instantly. And now it’s stepped in again, forcing our hands where your father is concerned. It is kill or be killed for both of us now.”

  “I guess you’re right.” I hadn’t put all the things in order. “My father didn’t have to take the action he took. He could’ve left me with you, happy not to have to deal with me any longer. He made the decision to pretty much make war on us. What choice do we really have?”

  “There are only two choices here, baby.” He held up one finger. “Rollover and let him kill us.” Then he held up one more finger. “Or kill him before he gets the chance to do the same to us.”

  “Things do have a way of falling into place, huh?” I found that oddly fascinating. “I wonder if my mother was always meant to die when I was a baby.”

  Shaking his head, I knew he didn’t agree with that. “Look, bad people are the reason that happened. She wasn’t meant to die. She was taken before her time. And that is precisely why – one night – out of the blue – your name popped into my head. Karma was coming to me to use me to save you and end your father’s tyrannical reign over you and who knows over who else?”

  “You’re right. Arthur has to be ruining other people’s lives too. It can’t just be mine he’s making into a hell on Earth.” I started thinking about a movie I’d watched once. “You know that movie wit
h the wicked witch and she’s got this army who does whatever she tells them to? But when she’s killed by the heroine of that film, her soldiers are happy that she’s finally gone. I hope that’s how it is when my father is gone. I hope there’s lots of joy about his departure from this world. And I really hope that he doesn’t get to even get a glimpse of my mother on the other side.”

  “Where he’s going, he’ll only find grotesque things with spears and rods with molten lava on the tips of them.” Carl laughed as if he was merely joking. But I thought he was spot on about where my father was headed.

  “Let the devil have him. God knows that I don’t care what happens to him. Not after all the pain and agony he’s caused me and most likely many others.” It was getting closer to a time when I could walk around free without a care in the world.

  That was the sort of thing a child is supposed to get to do. I never knew that kind of freedom. But I would know it soon. I would know what it meant to live in a world without evil attached to my body. I would finally know love and the hate would all be behind me.

  “I think you’re right, honey. I think people who know that man will just be happy when he’s no longer around.” He put my feet on the floor then stood. “I’ve got calls to make. And you’ve got things to think about too. But while you’re doing that thinking, see if you can find some black clothes in Sarah’s closet. We need to become invisible. I’ll show you some of my magic tricks tonight.”

  I hurried upstairs to look for the clothes. I was going to see things firsthand that I knew many only wished they could witness. The – Carl Davis – in action!

  I’d heard rumors that he’d been in the special forces when he was younger. I’d never even asked him if those rumors were true or not. I knew men in those types of MCs didn’t like people knowing all of their deep, dark secrets.

  I knew Carl like to make people wonder about him and what he was capable of. I bet not many people knew that he was capable of being the most loving and honorable man that he was to me.

  Well, his daughter most likely knew about that aspect of her father. And his dead wife had to have known that part of him too. As I stood in the middle of the bedroom that he and I had claimed as our own, I looked up. “I hope you know that I really love and respect that man you got to love first. Don’t worry, I would die before I hurt him or let anything happen to him. I promise you that, Lisa.”

  Now to deliver a little karmic justice with a side of vengeance.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  The sound of my hog leaving the garage had me looking at Britt as she finished putting her dark hair into a tight little bun at the nape of her neck. “We leave in five. You about ready?”

  “Just about. Sarah brought over some leather boots for me to wear. I’ve gotta see if I can shove my size eight into her size sevens.” She smiled as she walked past me to get to the boots on the floor on the other side of me. “She’s nice. And she and her hubby look great together. I bet their baby will be the most adorable kid on the planet.”

  “Me too.” I cocked my head to one side as I watched her slip her foot right into the boot. “But I’m biased. And that boot seems to fit you perfectly.”

  “Shouldn’t it be kind of loose?” She got up and walked around. “This one isn’t slipping on my foot at all.”

  “Because it fits. A shoe shouldn’t slip around on your foot.” I had the idea that it was one of her father’s ideas to make her think she had a larger foot than she had. Just one more reason why I would enjoy killing him.

  If that was what Britt would end up wanting me to do. There was still the power I’d given her to make that call when the time came. I hadn’t asked har another thing about it. I wanted her to make that decision as fast as a snap of the fingers.

  “Are you sure?” She went to stand in front of the full-length mirror. “My foot looks so small and even cute.”

  “Does it feel really tight or make your toes pinch?” I asked her as I came up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

  “Not at all. It feels great.”

  Kissing her neck, I let her in on the secret. “Your father must’ve put that shit into your head. You’re a size seven – not an eight. Not that there’s anything wrong with being an eight if you truly were one. He just did every little thing he could to make you not only mentally uncomfortable but physically uncomfortable as well.”

  She wasn’t arguing as she turned in my arms, wrapping hers around my neck. “I think you’re right. I can’t recall ever going to get my own shoes or clothes. He just brought them home and dumped them on the floor.

  A female who’d never gotten to go shopping was a travesty in my opinion. “Well, you will be going very soon to shop for your own clothes and shoes. I’m sure Sarah would love to go with you too. She’s got great taste in fashion. She got that from her mother.” I thought I should add something to that before she got the wrong idea. “Not that I want you to copy anyone’s style. I want you to pick things you like and think look good on you.”

  As she pulled herself out of my arms to go put the other boot on, she looked a little down. “Carl, I can’t just live here and let you spend all your money on me and lay around all day. I need to get some kind of job.”

  “What kind of education do you have?” I wanted her to see her full potential.

  “High School.” She sat on the bed and pulled the black leather boot onto her foot.

  “Then why don’t you go to college?” I thought that to be an awesome idea. “You can take some time to check out different things to see what you might like before you sign up for classes.”

  Shaking her head, she sighed. “There’s no way that I can pay for college and it costs way too much for me to let you do it.”

  Kneeling in front of her, I caught her by the chin. “Hey, I want you to listen to me and clearly understand something. You are a part of me. And as a part of myself, I want you to have it all, baby. So, whatever it is that you want to do, I want you to know that I will help you achieve every goal you make.”

  “You must’ve been like the most awesome father to Sarah. She seems really well adjusted to life.” She smiled sideways as her eyes glazed over. “I can’t wait to meet her baby.”

  “You and me both.” I didn’t think I was like the father of the century or anything, but I had made sure my kid had everything she needed to succeed in life. “Sarah turned out great, so I think I didn’t do much to mess her up. But people are people and I’m sure I made mistakes in raising her. And I’m positive that I made mistakes in my marriage. The good thing about being a man’s second wife is that the first wife smoothed him out quite a bit.”

  “Yeah, I can see that.” She stood, ready to go. “So, how do I look? Invisible enough for you?”

  Covered in black leather, she certainly looked like something. “Well, with the lights on, you look like something out of a biker’s best dream. But with the lights out, you’ll look invisible.” I wanted to grab her and take all those body-hugging clothes right back off of her, but we did have rather important matters to tend to. “Come on, let’s jet.”

  Axel and Sarah had taken my bike, leading away the spy we knew would be following them. Clothed in black from head to toe and wearing helmets with black facemasks made it impossible to see that the people on the bike weren’t Britt and me.

  Normally, I wouldn’t have used my pregnant daughter in something that might end up being dangerous. But Axel had this idea of going to a few different places in town, giving Britt and I time to take my car and head up to greet her father. If we did things right, just about the time we got to the cabin he should be in, Axel and Sarah would take off their helmets, letting the Irish Reapers’ spies know they’d been duped.

  A couple of my MC brothers had already gotten into place, waiting for us to bring them the bodies of Arthur Kelly and whoever was guarding him. The thing about killing an MC president is that you don’t want anyone to know that they’re dead. Missing i
s much better. Plus, no body – no crime.

  The men I’d asked to help us were topnotch at making bodies disappear. With things in place, we were ready to end this nightmare.

  Heading out the backdoor, I made sure to lock the house back up and turn the security system back on. There was a security light in the backyard that would’ve given us away. But Axle had been the one to have the system installed and made sure that one was deactivated.

  “It’s dark now, but the full moon is going to be up soon,” Britt noticed as we walked through the backyard to get to my car that was parked on the street behind the house.

  I wasn’t taking any chances of us getting caught.

  “If we time it all right, we’ll get there before the moon comes up.” Getting to my car, I opened the passenger door for her. “You ready for this, Britt?”

  Nodding, she ducked her head to get into the car. “I am so ready to get this over with, you have no idea.”

  I had some idea. He wanted me dead too. “I’m ready too.”

  Getting into the driver’s seat, I headed out to the outskirts of Baltimore. As I drove down the road that I knew had to have at least a couple of snipers hiding in the hills on each side of it, I shuddered.

  Britt saw my action and ran her hand over my shoulder. “I know. If we were on your bike, we’d be like sitting ducks down here. I just hope and pray that no other biker comes down this road until we shut this thing down.”

  “Me too.” But I knew how we would’ve handled a situation like this one. “I’m sure they’ve got night vision scopes on their rifles to make sure they don’t take out the wrong couple. We don’t like to kill civilians. Not even the worst of MC clubs likes to do that. Too much media attention comes with that. We hate shit like that.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” She drummed her fingers nervously on my shoulder. “I have seen guns with scoped on them around too. I’m sure they don’t want to kill just anyone either.” Pointing ahead, she whispered, “There, take that road. Shit. This is getting real, Carl.”


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