by Blair Grey
“You will be fine.” I wanted her to remain calm at all times. “The thing here is to get outside of your own head.”
“Hey, I wanted to ask you something that has been rumored.” She bit her lower lip. “And I promise not to speak of it again if that’s how you want it. Were you in special forces in the military?”
That had been bandied about within the Baltimore MC clubs. It wasn’t true but if it made her feel more secure to think that it was true, I’d give her that sense of security. “Promise not to tell a soul?”
“I swear on a stack of Bibles that I will never tell anyone.” She held up her right hand then put it over her heart. “Cross my heart and hope to die.”
“Stick a needle in your eye?” I asked with a grin.
“Of course.” She smiled back at me.
“I was in the special forces. You are in good hands here, Britt. You have nothing to worry about. I will protect you at all times. I’ve protected some of our government’s highest officials. I think I can handle keeping you safe.” I would tell her the truth later after all the scary stuff was over.
She pointed at a dirt road. “Okay, you want to take this turn and then turn off your lights. It comes up behind the cabin. There are thick woods but I’m sure we can make it through without too many problems.”
Shutting off my headlights, I went slow, so the car barely made a sound. “I see some light coming through the trees. Is that the cabin?”
“Yeah. And I think I see only one car there too.” She peered out the window. “Yeah, it’s Nick’s car. So that means he’ll be the one guarding my father.”
“And you’re pretty sure he’ll be the only one protecting him?” I had to ask to be sure.
“That’s how these things always work. There’s a mission, everyone but the president and one guard go out to deal with it. These guys think they’re so invincible that it would only take two of them to fend off an army. They’re so egotistical.”
I thought that interesting. “No wonder I see them always in twos. Makes sense now.”
“Stop here.” She looked at me then held out her hand. “So, do I get a gun or what?”
“I’ve got the gun, baby. I don’t want you killing anyone. Your soul? Remember? I need it to stay as pure as it can be.” I chuckled to make light of the tense situation.
“Okay. But what do I do if I get shot at?”
I couldn’t believe she had to ask that. But answered her anyway. “Um – either drop to the ground or run like someone’s shooting a gun at you.”
Her expression serious, she opened the car door. “Got it.”
Laughter rumbled in my chest, trying to get out, but it wasn’t the time nor the place to start cracking up. With my hand on the gun in the holster behind my back, I eased along the side of the car then walked directly in front of Britt, keeping my body between her and the cabin through the woods.
I knew she had to be freaking out and prayed she could keep that tamped down. I had to keep reminding myself that this was going to help her get her power – power she’d never been allowed to have in her entire life.
Easing to a stop just as the last tree hid us from view, I bent down to pick up some small rocks and limbs to throw at the house. “You can toss some too. Just do it lightly.”
She reached down to grab some too then we started tossing the things at the porch, making it sound like a raccoon or something was messing around on the porch. Drawing people out was by far the smartest thing to do in situations like these.
When the screech of the rusty screen door met my ears, I pulled my gun out, aiming it at the middle of the porch, waiting for whoever that was to walk into that area.
I’d already put a silencer on the barrel of my Glock. Not breathing at all, I waited then the man went to the section I was aimed at and I pulled the trigger only once. He looked astonished only for a split second, then his body went limp and he slowly collapsed into a heap.
Hurrying toward him, I felt Britt at my back. “We’ve got to grab his ankles and pull him to the edge of the woods.”
Nodding, she grabbed one ankle while I grabbed the other, then we pulled him out of the porchlight and into the darkness where we’d just been hiding.
She looked at me with fire in her dark eyes. “I’m ready, Carl. I’m ready to do this.”
“Good. Let’s go.” I kept her behind me as we went back to the front porch.
The sound of a cell phone ringing had the noise from a television getting turned down. We stopped as Arthur Kelly answered the call, “Is it done?”
I couldn’t heat what the other person on the line said, but I was certain it was the news that it wasn’t us on the bike. Britt’s hand touched my back and I knew she was getting worried.
“What do you mean that it wasn’t them?” he asked. “What do you mean that they’re still alive somewhere? I want them both dead. You had better find them. Follow those mother-fuckers until they lead you to them.”
The thought of my daughter still being followed by the Irish Reapers didn’t sit well with me.
But then Arthur got really mad as he said, “You know what? Fuck this. Fuck them. I know where that scared little coward is. That chicken-ass bitch probably cried and begged him not to leave their fortress. Well, I’ve got news for them. A fortress without electricity is just a goddamned house. I’ll get Nick and go take care of them. You let the guys know we’ve been fooled. Call it all off. Go have some fucking drinks while Nick and I end this shit for good.” He ended the call. “I should’ve known that fucking little chicken-shit bitch wouldn’t hold her end of the deal up. That’s all she does is hide. All the time, hiding from me, the world, everything. And she got that old fart to hide with her is all. I’ll go get them both. I ain’t afraid of shit. Nick! Where the fuck are ya man. We’ve got to go. Seems we’re the only two real men in the club. Nick!”
I knew it was time to step up. “Yes, boss?” I stepped inside the house that was dark except for the silver glow of the old television set.
I must’ve appeared only as a shadow as he didn’t seem to notice that I wasn’t Nick. “Hey, get the guns and something to cut the electric wires to that mother-fuckers house with. You and I have to kill those fuckers. They had the nerve to send out decoys for our guys to follow. They must think they’re safe in their little love nest. We need to go show them how unsafe they really are. Fucking bitch, double-crossing me. May she rot in hell.”
Britt stepped to one side of me. “Now, babe. Do it now.”
I pointed the gun at Arthur’s head. “You got it, boss.”
“What the hell?” Arthur’s last words before I put a bullet in his head.
May you never rest in peace, you evil fuck.
Six months later…
“Oh, yeah, baby, right there. Yes, give it to me harder.” Britt’s tits bounced as I lifted her up and down at the speed I wanted her to ride me at. Pulling her long hair up, she arched her back, the tat on her hip made my heart pound as she jutted it out.
Carl’s Old Lady is what she’d gotten tattooed right on the point of her hip bone. She’d been just that for the last six months. The time had come to make her more than that. But that was going to be a surprise.
Her tight pussy clamped around my cock as she came hard. “Oh, shit! Babe, oh, my God.”
Flipping her onto her back, I rammed my cock into her harder, loving the way her sweet pussy pulsed around my erection. “Come on, you can keep it up, baby. Do it for me, girl. Keep giving me more. Fuck! You feel so good.”
Her legs closed around me as she arched up to meet every hard thrust I gave her. Sharp nails bit into my back as she screamed, “Carl! Yes!”
Just as I felt the spasms slowing down, I leaned in and bit her on the neck then sucked it hard. That did it, she screamed as more hard spasms rocked her body.
I couldn’t wait any longer. She’d taken me all the way the Heaven. “Holy shit!” I came so hard that I t
hought she might drown in my cum.
Whimpering as I slowed my movements, her hands moved all over my back. “God, thank you for this man!”
Falling onto her in a heap of contentment, I sent up my own appreciation. “And thank you for bringing this amazing woman into my life.”
We lay there, panting like animals then I finally rolled off her. Leaning up on my elbow, I rested my head on my hand while trailing my fingers over her flat stomach. With the birth of my grandson a couple of months earlier, I’d gotten a small case of baby-fever when I saw Britt with him. “That was something, baby.”
Stretching, she agreed, “Yep. We did some amazing work right there. We make an excellent team, you and I.”
I thought approaching the subject of babies might be best started by talking about the one she’d fallen for already. “I think Sarah and Axel want to go out on a date tonight. I think that’s what he told me.”
Her eyes flew open. “Well, tell them that we’ll keep him while they go out.” She sat up, looking even more excited. “Oh, tell them that he can stay the night too. I bought that baby bed I told you about. If you can get some of your guys to come over and set it up, he’ll have a safe place to sleep.”
I had to test her limits. “Sarah said he’s still waking up at least twice a night wanting a bottle. You up for that?”
“Yes! Of course!” She smiled so big that all of her teeth showed. “When he’s here, I never want to sleep anyway. I just want to look at him. He has so many of your features too, Carl. He’s got your nose. Well, technically, Sarah has your nose and he got it from her, but he’s got it. And he wrinkles his forehead up when he’s cranky, just like you do.”
“Hmm, okay.” I ran my hand over my forehead and didn’t feel any wrinkles. “Well, anyway I’ll let them know that you would love to have him come spend the night.”
“I really would.” She hugged herself. “Oh! I can’t wait!” Hopping out of bed, she wiggled her ass all the way to the bathroom. “I’m gonna shower then go to the store to get all of his favorite things. Tell them not to bring a thing. I’ll have all he needs right here. I want him to think of our home as his second home.”
With her excitement, I had no idea if now was the right time to ask her about having a baby or not. But I knew I wanted to ask her about it, so I went to join her in the shower. “Hey, I just had an idea that I’d like to run by you, Britt.”
Washing her hair, she nodded. “Sure, what is it?”
“You’ve got a real knack with our grandson.” I thought I should start with praising her skills as a mother.
“I do, don’t I?” She smiled as she rinsed out her hair. “Maybe it’s because he’s so easy to love.”
Babies weren’t always so easy for everyone to love. They didn’t smell right most of the time. If they weren’t spitting up, they were pooping. If they weren’t whining about not getting enough attention, they were crying for something to eat. Loveable wasn’t a thing that babies were.
You had to have love for a baby to take them with all the negatives that went along with them. And she loved our grandson.
I had to forge ahead, or I might never get there. “I think you’ve got great natural instincts where babies are concerned. And I think you would make an awesome mother.”
“I don’t know.” She filled her palm with conditioner.
“I do know. I think you would rock as a mom.” I rubbed my palm against hers then pulled it through her hair. “And I’ve never had my own son before.”
“Carl, are you saying that you would like for me to have your baby?” Her dark eyes went wide. “Me? You want me to have your baby?”
“If you wouldn’t mind.” I pushed her head back to rinse the conditioner out of it. “I think having children would enhance both of our lives.”
“I don’t know.” She still had doubts about herself now and then. But her therapist said that would happen most of her life after all she’d gone through. “Do you really think I would be a good mother?”
I shook my head and she frowned. “You would be a great mother – not just a good one.”
“I’ve done some really bad stuff though.” Her lips formed a tight line as a grim expression took her over pretty face. “If it ever gets out what we did, we could both end up in prison.”
“Who’s looking for those men?” I knew who was. “No one. The Irish Reapers have just elected a new president too. They’re moving on. We should too. Not even the FBI gives a fuck that those men have disappeared. No one had said a damn thing. And I would take the blame if that happened anyway. You know that.”
Eyeing me, she knew the code we lived by. “Well, I think you’re probably right about all that. But about me being mom-material, I don’t know.”
“How about you give it a month to think about. I’ll accept your decision, whatever it is. This is your body and your decision to make.” Leaving things in her hands had always worked out for me. I figured it would this time too.
Now all I have to do is wait.
Carl asking me to have his baby came out of nowhere. But as the day went on, I started getting more and more excited about the idea of us having our own baby to love and care for.
I’d been out shopping the whole morning for our overnight visit with our grandson. So when I got home and found Carl still there, instead of doing president work with his club, I was pleasantly surprised.
My decision had been made and now I didn’t have to wait to let him know what I’d come up with. “Hey, you. You’re home early.”
He had his hands around his back then brought them around and I saw a large manila envelope in them. “I’ve got something for you. It came in the mail and I wanted to give it to you right away. I’ve been waiting for months for this to come in.”
He gestured for me to take a chair at the table, so I did. “What did you do?”
Opening the envelope, he gently emptied the items in it. In front of me, I saw my name on a birth certificate. We’d had to have a search done to find one. All we’d found out was that I hadn’t been born in Baltimore. “They found your birth certificate, baby. You’ve got a birthdate now.”
I saw more though. I was happy to have the birth certificate but what else I saw puzzled me. “And what are these papers?”
“Those are the adoption papers for your mother. I’ve got the names of her biological parents and her adoptive parents too.” He moved the papers and then I saw one with names and addresses on it. “And here’re their phone numbers and addresses too.”
“My God Carl. How did you find all this stuff out?”
“It hasn’t been easy at all. But I thought you needed to know that you have a family of your own – even though your father never wanted you to know that.” He pulled one more paper out of the pile of them, showing it to me. “And this is your brother’s information. He lives in Montana.”
My fingers moved slowly over the paper with my brother’s name on it. “Brighton.” I smiled as my eyes glazed over. “His mother named him that so he and I would have similar names. Brittany and Brighton.” I looked up at Carl with tears falling down my face. “Do you think he really wants to meet me?”
“Since I didn’t want you to be disappointed, I made sure every one of the people whose information I’ve given you wants to meet you. Now, you tell me who wouldn’t want to meet his big sister? Or their granddaughter?” He pushed the last document to me as he let me know who this person was. “And this is our aunt. Your mother had a twin. See, your biological parents were dirt poor. When they found out that they were having twins, they knew they couldn’t take care of both babies. So, your mother was given to a couple who had no children. They’d all gone to church together.”
“That’s kind of crazy.” I felt puzzled as I turned the document over to find a picture of my aunt and mother as babies. “Identical twins. It’s almost like having my mother back.”
“Almost.” He couldn’t pull my mother back from the grave b
ut finding a long, lost aunt who looked just like her wasn’t half bad.
Getting up, I hugged him tightly. “This is the most amazing gift I could’ve ever gotten. You really are magic.”
Swaying back and forth with me in his arms, he kissed the top of my head. “Nah, I’m just willing to walk through fire for you, Britt. Magic has nothing to do with it.”
I thought it had everything to do with it. The man was magic – end of story.
Pulling my head off his broad chest to look at him, I thought he should know what I’d been thinking about. “Well, I don’t want you to think that I’ve just made this decision because of all you’ve given me. I had made it before this.”
His eyes went wide. “You’ve made a decision? About what?”
“About becoming a mother.” I knew he’d given me a month, but I didn’t want to wait that long to start trying.
“So soon?” His vague expression told me that he wasn’t sure what I’d come up with. He was stilling himself so he wouldn’t show disappointment if I gave him the answer he wasn’t looking for.
I hated to see disappointment on the man’s handsome face. But I wasn’t giving him what he wanted simply so I didn’t have to witness that look. I wanted to do this with him.
And now that he’d shown me that he was the most thoughtful man in the whole world, I knew it was the right thing to do. “Carl Davis, I want to have your baby. And maybe some more after that one. To have a family with you would be a dream come true. Sure, I’ve never had a dream like that one, but you put that in my head, and one sprang up.”
I didn’t know what to do when a tear fell down his bearded cheek. “Are you sure?”
“Well, don’t cry.” I felt the floodgates opening behind my eyes. “Dang it! I’m sure.”
Putting my head on his chest, I knew I’d made the right decision. When you tell a man that you’ll have his baby and he cries, then that’s the man for you.