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Dawn of Dae

Page 33

by R. J. Blain

  “You can trust me.” Rob picked up one of the syringes, came out of the kitchen, and guided me to the couch. He sank down and pulled me onto his lap. “I was hoping the bath would help with the headache. The doctor said it’d probably get worse before it got better.”


  “This drug is probably one you haven’t used before; it’s only available through the hospitals, and it’s heavily controlled. It’s going to pack a punch, you’ll get exactly one injection of it, and I’ve been assured it has a lower-than-average risk of triggering addiction. It’ll make you drowsy, but it’ll help with the pain. The doctor thought it’d be a good option for someone with concerns about drugs. A common occurrence, even among the elite, it seems.” Rob cradled me in one arm so my head rested against his chest.

  “Just get it over with,” I muttered, holding my arm up for him.

  “I’ll take care of you, so don’t worry. I’ll make Mr. Smith regret putting you in the position he did at the same time, too. I’m even generous; I’m giving you a role to play. Within three or four hours, you’ll be home, and if Kenneth Smith even thinks of trying to hurt you, I’ll turn his empire into smoldering ruins. I’ll have a great deal of fun doing it, and I’ll even let you help.”

  “Let me?” I opened my mouth to give him a piece of my mind when he jabbed me with the needle. “Cheater.”

  “I’m not the cheating kind,” he replied.

  It didn’t take long for the medication to kick in, stealing away any desire to argue with him. Rob left me on the couch to finish preparations, and instead of sleeping, I watched him.

  When he caught me staring, he smiled.


  Don’t you ‘Mommy’ me, Colby.

  After devouring an entire pot of soup, Colby was more like its usual self, bouncing around with limitless energy. When we were ready to head to the Inner Harbor, my roommate zipped out the door and hopped to the passenger side door to wait. In my effort to salvage what remained of my pride, I staggered all the way to the car while Rob hovered at my side.

  Although I made it without falling on my face, my shaking hands fumbled with the straps.

  “Hanging in there?” he asked, batting my hands away and buckling my seatbelt for me.

  “It feels like my body belongs to someone else,” I complained. “Head, too.”

  “I’m impressed you managed to walk at all. Still, it’s better than the pain.”

  I agreed with him, but the disconcerting disconnect left me feeling helpless. That Rob was trying to give me space and let me do what I could manage stung. I was on the brink of collapsing, and we both knew it.

  I was thoroughly sick and tired of relying on others. If I hadn’t caved in and allowed Rob to pump me full of painkillers, I would have been capable of taking care of myself.

  Colby hopped onto the dashboard and flattened itself out into a thin layer of cheese and noodles. “Mommy.”

  I glared at my roommate. “Don’t you ‘Mommy’ me, Colby. You threw up electronics all over the street.”

  “Don’t mind her, Colby. She’s just jealous you stole her thunder.”


  “You know what you need to do at Kenneth’s?” I demanded, my worry over what Kenneth would do surging. “I want my gun. I wanna shoot him if he’s stupid. Wanna shoot him, period.”

  “Ladies under the influence of strong medications do not get gun privileges. I have my gun, and I’m more than ready and willing to use it. Yes, I have a good grasp of the situation, and I’ll delight in watching Mr. Smith squirm when I present the drugs he doesn’t want me to know about.”

  “You’re not working with him on the drug front?”

  “Not at all. I’m competition in a different field. He’s going to be very unhappy when he realizes I have his balls in a vice.”

  I grimaced at the thought of Kenneth naked, wondering why I had ever found the slob attractive. “Ew, Rob. That’s gross. I did not want that mental image.”

  Rob laughed, reached over, and patted my leg. “Since you were so generous as to allow me to tag along for your work, I’ll introduce you to my work once you’re feeling better. A fair exchange. I think you’ll find it interesting.”

  I was curious about what Rob did—and how someone so new to Earth managed to integrate so well with society. “What do you do?”

  “I’m an information broker.”

  “An information broker?”

  Instead of answering me, Rob headed towards Baltimore, avoiding the fringe altogether in favor of the faster highway routes. I dozed off, and when Rob woke me, he was parked outside of Kenneth’s townhouse. “Ready?” he asked, reaching over me to unbuckle my seatbelt.

  “Do I need to be ready? Isn’t my job to just play dead?” Lying limp while Rob carried me around dealt yet another blow to my pride, but it had been my idea in the first place. One day, I’d come up with a plan I liked—maybe.

  At least facing Kenneth beat dangling from the top of a skyscraper.

  “For a stubborn woman like you, it’ll be a challenge. Remember, keep your eyes closed, and try not to react to whatever vitriol he spews.”

  “I know what to do,” I hissed.

  “Good, then you just keep still, and let me do my job.” Rob settled the strap of the briefcase over his shoulder. “Colby, stay with the car; if there’s a problem, you know what to do.”


  After witnessing Colby’s performance at the Ivory Tower, I had a feeling any problems we faced would end with my roommate vomiting bricks from eating its way into Kenneth’s house. I sighed. “My job sucks.”

  “Far better than dangling hundreds of feet in the air on a busted rappelling rig,” he reminded me.

  I shuddered at the memory of my plummet and rude introduction to the skyscraper’s glass window. “My job really sucks.”

  “So work with me instead. The pay’s good, and there are plenty of benefits.” Rob grinned at me, working his arms beneath my legs and back to pick me up. “One final thing: Colby, if you ever hit her again, I’m running you through a blender.”

  “Mommy,” my roommate whined, shuffling across the dash to the other side of the car.

  “You will not run my Colby through a blender,” I hissed.

  “I won’t because Colby won’t hit you like that again. Now be quiet. I want to get you home so you can get some sleep.”

  It didn’t take a lot of effort on my part to play dead; the drugs helped a lot, and a perverse part of me actually enjoyed Rob carrying me. I relaxed and leaned my head against Rob’s chest.

  He was warm, and despite my awareness of going into Kenneth’s home, I felt safe.

  “If I need my gun, I’ll have to drop you,” he warned on his way up the walkway to the front of the house. When he reached it, he gave the door a solid pair of kicks.

  It opened before he could kick a third time.

  “He’s downstairs, sir,” Lily murmured, her tone neutral and polite. Curiosity ate away at me, but I kept my eyes closed and concentrated on keeping my breathing slow and even.

  I wanted to know if Kenneth’s other bitch was surprised to see me alive. When we were done, I’d have to ask Rob. Rob stepped into the house, and without waiting for Lily, he headed to the staircase.

  My feet banged against the wall several times before he got me down the steps, and the drugs were the only thing keeping me from reacting to the impact. At the bottom of the staircase, Rob adjusted his grip on me. “I hope my unexpected visit isn’t an inconvenience.”

  “Not at all, although I’m rather surprised to see what—or should I say, who—you’ve brought with you.”

  Rob remained where he was, and I could feel the tension in his body from the way he held me, tight and close. “She made an error in judgment on who to trust with the gear required to do your dirty work. I suppose it’s fortunate when her equipment was sabotaged, only one of the anchors malfunctioned. I’m afraid it’ll take quite a while for
her to recover. In her pain and drug-induced ramblings, however, she was determined to finish her work, so here I am.”

  “I see.” Kenneth’s voice was devoid of emotion, and unable to stop myself, I trembled.

  People died when his voice turned cold, and my worry for Rob spiked. While Rob was armed, could the dae beat Kenneth in a gun fight? I didn’t want to find out.

  Rob bounced me in his arms, and I remembered my job was to play dead. I really needed a new job—and a better plan for dealing with Kenneth. A permanent one, where I’d never have to deal with him ever again.

  “Do you, Mr. Smith? I find it interesting she wanted me to warn you of the body she discovered in Mr. Moore’s refrigerator within his Ivory Tower residence, along with a rather conspicuous number of drugs, which I presume you supplied. Let’s not dance around the subject. I really don’t feel like having my time wasted tonight. I warned you once. Miss Daegberht is mine, and I will not tolerate any interference on your part.”

  “Why don’t you have a seat so we can discuss this like gentlemen? How severe are Collie’s injuries?”

  “Severe enough,” Rob snapped, his tone so cold I shivered. I wanted to make a run for the car, but I forced myself to remain still and limp with my eyes closed. Carrying me to the couch, Rob sank down, lying me across his lap with my head pillowed against his leg. He kept one hand on my shoulder, and after several moments, the briefcase thumped against the coffee table. “Since Miss Daegberht is currently incapable of handling this matter, I’m here on her behalf. This is for you.”

  I heard the briefcase slide against the wood, and moments later, it clicked open. Kenneth made a thoughtful noise. “It seems my Collie has been quite busy. Explain yourself.”

  “I don’t owe you a single explanation. Do not forget your place, Mr. Smith.”

  “It seems you’re in a rather foul mood this evening, Rob.”

  “There is a reason for that. Allow me to draw your attention to the papers in the briefcase. Take a moment to read them over. If you require an explanation of what they are, ask.”

  “They’re invoices.”

  “Invoices drawn up by Terry Moore. You hired Miss Daegberht to hunt for information on this young elite. You are aware she’s the dean’s assistant, aren’t you?”


  “Should the dean discover you were responsible for her participating in some rather illegal activities, he would take action. Students with her intellect are rare and valuable.”

  “Mr. Lewis would not cross me.”

  “I, however, am quite willing and well prepared to do so. While Dean Lewis may be hesitant, I do not have his scruples. You would do well to remember that. Back to business. Regretfully, the laptop was damaged during Miss Daegberht’s fall. While you might be able to salvage data from it, it’s going to require a great deal of repair. There was only one vial of your primary narcotic left, although she located these other substances in his condominium. The cash was found at another one of his properties.”

  I heard the crinkle of plastic, which was followed by the click of the case closing. “This should be sufficient,” my boss agreed. “Collie told you about a body?”

  “Mr. Moore was storing her in his refrigerator. Judging from the state of decay, I believe she’s been in there since sometime before the Dawn of Dae. Perhaps he didn’t have a chance to dispose of her before his disappearance? By now, the body has been discovered, as we had to take an unconventional way out of the Ivory Tower due to the malfunction in her gear.”

  “You were with her.”

  “Indeed. I had interests of my own concerning this matter.”

  “You are an infuriating individual. Very well. What’s your stake in this? You didn’t bring Collie here while she’s drugged into a comatose stupor without reason. That you’ve brought her work with you tells me you have goals of your own.”

  “As a matter of fact, there are several things I wish to discuss with you. First, Miss Daegberht is mine. If you wish to make use of her services, you will clear it through me first. It’s beneficial for both of us, so I see no reason to hamper your ability to work with her—assuming you take better care with her in the future. She’s far too valuable to be wasted on ill-management on your part. As I’ve told you before, your dae is more than sufficient to make up for her loss in your business practices.”

  “Continue, I’m listening.”

  Rob eased his grip on my shoulder and stroked his way down my arm to rest his hand on my hip. “I’d like to work with you to learn more about why the dean of Miss Daegberht’s college is working with a drug user and potential reseller. The figures on those invoices are quite high. From my understanding, one of those drugs is designed to avoid detection by current testing methods. This could pose a significant challenge to you if the dean has been supplied by Mr. Moore.”

  “I’m aware. I think we can come to an arrangement concerning Mr. Lewis. While it is typically bad form to turncoat on a business associate, it does appear they may be planning to double-cross me.” Kenneth growled, and I heard the thump of him punching the arm of his chair. “I’ll pay Collie the standard rate.”

  “You will double the pay due to the damaged caused by the faulty equipment acquired from your supplies. This is a non-negotiable point. In addition, you will pay for all medical expenses resulting from the malfunctioning gear.”

  “Very well.”

  “I will send you a bill.”

  “If you would care to leave Collie with me, I will see to—”

  “Absolutely not. As my woman, she is my responsibility. Considering one of your hounds tried to kill her once, I would be foolish to trust you with her well-being. I will send word to you when she is recovered sufficiently to do light work for you.”

  As the silence stretched between the two men, all I wanted to do was retreat to the car and hide. Rob shifted beneath me, lifting his hand from my hip to run his fingers through my hair.

  “Fine. How long?”

  “It could be up to six weeks for a full recovery. Perhaps longer, depending on the severity of her concussion. If your goal was to kill her, you came very close to succeeding. I have no intention of allowing you to put her into such a situation again. Her help will cost you dearly from this point forward, so be prepared. For now, we can help each other—as long as you agree to my terms.”

  “And if I don’t?” Kenneth snapped.

  “I’ll ruin you, and I’ll enjoy every moment of it. Think it through, Mr. Smith. You know where to find me. I recommend you agree. You do not want to cross me. I know far more than you think I do, and I will enjoy tearing your empire down around your ears. So long as you remain of use to me, I’ll ignore your dealings. And don’t worry, I’ve taken precautions if you’re thinking about getting rid of me.”

  “You’re an easy man to hate.”

  “As are you, Mr. Smith. Do have yourself a good evening.” Rob rose, picking me up as he did so. “Also, her name is not Collie. It is Alexa; Miss Daegberht to you. Address her appropriately in the future. She is not a dog for you to kick, and if I learn of you disrespecting her in such a fashion again, you’ll find out how far I will go to protect what is mine.”

  Rob was laughing by the time he got me to his car. After setting me on the seat, he rested his head against my chest. “I wish you could have seen his face. It looked like he swallowed a beehive.”

  “He wanted to kill you,” I whispered.

  “Of course he did. I played his game better than he did, and he knows it. He’ll probably try to find some way to cross me, and I’ll take a great deal of pleasure in countering him. He’s not a stupid man, and I’ve stolen one of his prized possessions and challenged him on his own turf. I’d be very disappointed if he didn’t want to kill after that.”

  “Was his dae there?”

  “Yes, he was watching from the corner, thinking himself hidden away out of sight. That dae is a quiet one. Dangerous, too. I’ll have to do some research on his abi
lities. For now, I think you’ll be safe enough, especially when I approach the dean with a business proposal concerning you. I have a few more tricks up my sleeve for Mr. Smith, and I look forward to playing my hand in full.”

  “You’re a smug, egotistical asshole,” I informed him.

  Rob laughed, circled the car, and got behind the wheel. “Why thank you, Alexa.”

  I yawned, stretching my legs out as far as I could. “You need a bigger car. This one’s shit for leg room.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. It’s time for me to take you home so you can get some sleep. I have plans to make.”


  Rob chuckled. “Yes, Colby, you can help.”

  “What about me?” I demanded.

  “Oh, so you can invite Colby, but I can’t? How is that fair? I suppose you can help, too, if you must.”

  I cursed him the entire way to my apartment. The smug way he smiled intensified my fury, but the happy way he laughed pleased me. When we reached my apartment, Colby’s unicorn friend was playing chess with the incubus’s bejeweled dragon. Both took one look at Rob, who still had me cradled in his arms, and dove through my dae-spewing refrigerator, leaving us alone.

  Before the Dawn of Dae, I had truly been alone. The world I had known had come to an end, but I had Colby, and for better or worse, Rob seemed determined to stay.

  Maybe being an ordinary human in a world gone mad wouldn’t be too bad.

  Epilogue: Breathing was important, and I liked doing it.

  Eight weeks later.

  * * *

  Christmas shopping in the dae-infested downtown core of Baltimore was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I should have known I’d have problems; eight weeks waiting for my ribs to heal had put me out of touch with the world, especially since my pair of self-appointed keepers had done a pretty good job of keeping me contained in my apartment.

  I didn’t even celebrate the holidays, but a flummoxing mixture of guilt and gratitude had sent me on a hunt for presents in early November. I thought I had given myself plenty of time to avoid the worst of the shopping mayhem.


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