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Chase The Wind

Page 19

by Janelle Taylor

  To do what she must for the crucial mission, Beth pushed Steven to the recesses of her mind. She tried to retrieve the mood Navarro had evoked with a seductive grin, husky tone, playful manner, and enticing gaze. She placed trembly hands on his chest and toyed with the top button of his shirt. “You know, I’m very lucky to be your wife. I can’t think of any man better qualified to protect me and make me happy.”

  As she lowered her gaze to fidgety fingers, Navarro used his hand to lift her chin. “You can’t do that, Beth. You have to stare straight into my eyes and not look away. We’ll be claiming we’ve known each other for years so we should be at ease around each other, right? By the time we get there, we’ll have been married long enough that you wouldn’t still be a shy bride, would you? ‘Course, I don’t know much about such things. I hope you do.”

  Beth laughed and quipped to calm them both, “It’s strange, partner, but that perfectly describes how I’m feeling about now with this peculiar role. I know that’s ridiculous since we aren’t really married; I’ll try to be more professional.” She laughed again as if jesting. “Actually, this ruse could be fun and quite interesting, definitely a challenge for both of us. If we pull it off, we deserve high praise and a bonus.”

  “You’re right; if we loosen our knots and enjoy ourselves, we’ll be convincing.” His tone waxed grave. “If we aren’t, Jessie and Matt are gonna wonder what we’re doing there. If they get leery, they won’t invite us to stay.” They might even suspect I hired you to play my wife so I could see Jessie and Lane. Maybe not getting an invitation would be best for all of us. Maybe he didn’t need to spend much if any time around the woman and child he had loved and lost. He and Beth could shadow Charles after he left the ranch. The only part of the mission he’d be denied would be a chance to study Charles, eavesdrop for clues, and nose around those wagons if left unguarded. At least he had a backup plan if this one failed. He liked that his partner had promised she would do all she could to keep their objective a secret from Jessie and Matt because he’d be using and misleading them, and nobody liked that kind of treatment.

  “Kiss me, Beth, as if I’m the only man you’ve ever loved or will love,” leapt from his mouth before he could stop it.

  After his silence, his words caught her off-guard. Her heart pounded. “What?”

  “Do as I said, woman, and let’s see if we can play lovers with as much skill as we hunt down criminals.” He grasped her by the shoulders with a light grip. He trekked his lips over her rosy cheek and down her throat. He was pleased when she leaned her head back to allow him free rein. His mouth worked its way to her chin, traversed it with ease, and sought her lips. He felt Beth’s arms encircle his waist and her palms flatten against his back. She swayed against him as if her strength had drained away and she required his support. Her stimulating response was more than he’d expected or needed as passion’s flames licked at his body. She seemed warm and willing, as if her lonely spirit beckoned his to appease its yearnings.

  Beth noticed when the pressure of his lips increased and his embrace tightened. His kiss and contact were wonderful and enlivening. As he intoxicated her senses, her heart beat at a rapid pace. Tingles danced over her flesh. Her body was as hot as the desert in summer. Her mind spun as fast as a child’s top until she was dizzy and weak. She thought how glorious it would be to make love to him beneath the moon and stars, to cast all caution to the wind and take what she craved.

  Navarro hadn’t been kissed or held like this in years, and it was wonderful. Desire for the alluring redhead ran through him like scalding molten lead. He enjoyed how she felt in his arms, how she tasted, how she reacted to him. He became aware of his aroused state. He warned himself with reluctance this had to halt. He parted them, forced a smile, and said, “Well, looks as if we’ll be able to fake it good when the time comes. Thanks, Beth, for not flinching.”

  Fake it? Was that all we were doing? She hadn’t noticed because he had so deftly disarmed her! Nor did she share his opinion, if she spoke the truth. “You’re welcome; that was a pleasant rehearsal. I’m relieved we finally got rid of our anxiety in that area. It’ll get easier each time.”

  Easier? The only hard part was stopping us from galloping headlong into forbidden terrain. “I’m sure it will. Let’s turn in. We’ll make the Rio Grande if we head out early and avoid delays.”

  She stretched and yawned. “Sounds fine to me. I’m tired.”

  Remaining chores were tended and the couple took places on bedrolls spread on opposite sides of the campfire.

  Beth lay on her stomach with her head facing away from Navarro. She was embarrassed and ashamed of herself for behaving so amateurish and improper and vexed with him for causing it. She’d never done anything like that with her real husband. She scolded herself for getting so immersed in their necessary exercise; it made her edgy and insecure to know he could be so…overwhelming. As Beth often did when she was upset, she silently talked to her deceased mate.

  Oh, Steven, I miss you. Everything is so different with you gone. Sometimes I’m lonely and afraid. You and I never had problems working together. Why can’t it be the same with Navarro? I know this case involves his good friends, but I suspect there’s more to his worries than normal concern over hurting and angering them. Help me find the truth so it won’t jeopardize the assignment and my job.

  Ever since you died, Caroline and Robert have been pressing me to retire and return home. I can’t move back to Denver. To do what? Find a job that won’t fulfill me as this one does? To exist from day to day? I can’t look for another husband just to appease my family. That’s what everyone would expect. They’d be pushing every available male within fifty miles on me.

  If only I could remain partners with Navarro—even though he scares the tarnation out of me at times—it would be exciting, challenging, stimulating. I’d be happy and enriched again. But this is our only mission together. As soon as it’s over, he’ll return to a solitary existence, the way he prefers it. Maybe in the future, another case will call for a man-woman team and they’ll put us together again. At least he’s becoming more open and relaxed with me. Help me, Steven; tell me what to do about him.

  On the bedroll not far away, Navarro also had trouble getting to sleep. He was astonished by the easy way Beth had worked herself beneath his tough hide. He’d come to like, respect, and enjoy her; and to care about her more than he found comfortable. There was a radiance, vitality, and inner—as well as outer—beauty about her that was arresting. So was her mixture of gentleness and strength, of courage and caution, of keen wits and skills without arrogance.

  With Jessie, there had been a powerful and instant physical attraction, but it had deepened fast to an emotional one that bound him to her. He and Jessie had been like troubled youths who had matured together with the help of each other. She had taught him life was precious and could be good. She had removed the chip on his shoulder, saved his hide, removed the dark cloud looming over him. She had opened him up to feelings and thoughts he’d never known. She had inspired self-worth and showed him how to make friends and earn others’ respect. She had made him care about how he survived. She had given him herself and a son.

  What had he given her in return? Anguish, fear, and near-shame. He had forced her to break her promise to him and to marry another man. He had deserted her to face torment and troubles alone. Yet, she had still loved him, forgiven him, helped him; that was the kind of woman she was. How could another female be that unique? Replace her in his heart and life?

  Navarro glanced at the redhead nearby. What was Beth’s magic and temptation? Her looks and personality didn’t remind him of Jessie. He flung aside his cover and moved to study her. She was lying on her back now, the full moon revealing and enhancing her. He sank to one knee and gazed into her serene face. Her full lips were slightly parted. Long and thick lashes fanned on her cheeks, pinkened by sun and hot wind. Her brows, with the dye removed, were golden red. The copper hair suited her coloring bett
er. Wavy tresses drifted from the edges of her face and flared on the bedroll, as they weren’t braided tonight. Of their own volition, his fingers reached out to caress a soft cheek. At same time, Beth pushed the cover away from her neck and rested her left hand atop it, exposing a gold band that was too noticeable in the strong moonlight. His gaze glued to the wedding ring that didn’t bind her to him but to Steven Wind, a man she still loved. With haste, he returned to his spot, stretched out on his back, and stared at the twinkling stars.

  He didn’t resist as his troubled mind roamed to tormenting days. The first time he left the ranch after that incident with Mary Louise, Jessie had told him, “I love you. I need you. Stay here and marry me…Make your home and peace with me.” When he’d been forced to refuse, she offered to go with him, telling him, “It’s never too late. …Nothing’s impossible.” She’d been wrong, blinded by her feelings for him. No, he refuted, he’d made her wrong by disappearing that second time.

  “One day you’ll meet a good man and marry him,” he’d said. “Forget me, Jess.”

  Bits of their final talk jumped forward in his mind to haunt him:

  “How can I forget you? I love you. I can make you happy. You can’t keep drifting forever. Please stay…How can anyone take your place in my heart and life? …I’ll wait for you to change your mind. You can’t run forever. When you realize that, I’ll be here.”

  “Don’t wait, Jess. I won’t be back—ever. I’m a condemned man.”

  “I could sell out and go with you. Surely there’s someplace where we’d all be safe and happy.”

  He’d rattled off all the reasons she and her family couldn’t go with him. “I won’t stay and I won’t return. I mean it, Jess.”

  “I love you and want you, Navarro. Don’t be afraid to love, afraid to take risks to claim happiness…I’ll do whatever I must to have you.”

  “Be strong and never look back, Jess. Like the wind, I’ll always feel you around me…It’s too late for us. It’s goodbye this time.”

  “No matter what you say, I’ll wait for you. The law can’t keep searching forever. Go somewhere safe and lay low. When enough time passes, come back to me…You can’t change my mind about waiting. You’ll be back one day, Navarro. I believe that with all my heart.”

  He believed with all his heart she would have kept her vow, but cruel fate had intruded; she had been forced to marry Mathew Cordell for her sake and that of the baby. After his release from prison, he had continued to believe some force would free her and they’d be reunited. Five years ago when he spied on them, she seemed content and a loving wife. But maybe she was only trying to make the best of a difficult situation. What would happen when he blew back into her life, especially if she wasn’t happy or in love with Matt? Or if Matt was involved in the crime at hand or the rancher wasn’t a good father to his son?

  In a week, Jessie, we’ll be standing face-to-face for the first time since we were torn apart; what will we think, feel, say after everything that happened between us, good and bad? Would it be easier to get over the past if we hadn’t joined our bodies and didn’t have a child? Will I be able to think clearly around you and Lane?

  The next morning, both Navarro and Beth feigned good moods as they prepared breakfast, tended chores afterward, and prepared to depart.

  While saddling his horse, Navarro said, “From here on, we play our roles as much as possible to get used to them.”

  Beth glanced at him. “That’s a smart idea. I’ll follow your orders, partner, because I’m a loyal and obedient wife. Haven’t you noticed how sweet and cooperative I’ve been since you met me?”

  He chuckled when she made a comical face. “Yep, and I’m obliged to try my darnedest to be a good husband without being too bossy. I’m glad we haven’t had any problems with rank. How’s the arm doing?”

  She flexed it and smiled. “Fine, no soreness or infection, thanks to you and your magic herbs. But please don’t make me return the favor by getting shot so I can doctor you.”

  They shared honest laughter and exchanged real smiles.

  “Mount up, wife. Sun’s getting higher and hotter.”

  They traveled rugged terrain that led to Texas. Last night, both had learned how fast and easy primal passion kindled between and within them. Each resolved to stay on alert against another perilous loss of self-control.

  Navarro returned to camp following his bath in the Rio Grande, twenty miles north of El Paso. He gazed at Beth and asked, “What are you doing? Surely you don’t keep a record of your work for somebody to find.”

  “Heavens, no. I’m writing letters to my sister and brother; I can post them in town tomorrow. Every month or two, I have to let them know I’m safe and well. I’m planning to visit them in Denver after our mission. Dan said I could take a few weeks off before my next assignment. That will give me a chance to see relatives and old friends again, too.”

  Navarro combed his wet hair, put away his belongings, and leaned against a tree nearby. He observed for a while before he interrupted her task a second time. “How do they answer? Isn’t getting family mail risky?”

  She met his hazel gaze as she explained, “They send letters to me at the Agency office in Sante Fe; from there, they’re forwarded to Dan. When it’s safe, he gives them to me to read and destroy. Since I never use my real name during cases, my identity is protected. That’s how correspondence is handled for undercover agents with families.” Her partner didn’t have kin, that’s why, she surmised, he wasn’t familiar with the process. She didn’t want that realization to sadden him, so she hurried on with, “It’s all right to do this tonight, isn’t it? If not, I’ll burn them and write later.”

  “I see no reason you can’t, no better time than here.”

  “Thank you. In the future, I’ll ask before I take action on any matter. I wouldn’t want to do anything to endanger our mission.”

  “That’s smart, thanks.”

  “You’re welcome, my adorable husband,” she jested.

  “Adorable?” he echoed with a grin and hearty chuckle.

  “Well, you said to practice my romantic role all the time. I served you at supper, gave you hugs and kisses today, and stayed in my best mood.”

  “That you have, Beth Breed.” If you call those quick pecks kisses.

  A few minutes later, she said, “Finished; that should ease their worries for a while.” She put away her writing supplies and stood to stretch.

  Navarro noticed how Beth rotated her head and rubbed her neck first, then her back at the waist with a frown on her face. “What’s wrong, wife?”

  She laughed and said, “I sat too long in an awkward position.”

  “Come here.”

  At his husky tone, she looked quizzical but joined him. “Yes?”

  “Turn around. Let’s see if I can be a good doctor again tonight.”

  “I certainly wouldn’t refuse an offer like that, my kind husband.”

  After she moved long hair out of his path, Navarro began at her neck with a gentle but firm massage. His strong thumbs worked at rigid muscles there. Up and down they traveled with the right degree of pressure. When those muscles relaxed, he shifted to her shoulders, kneading them with fingers and thumbs. He worked at their stiffness until they also responded and loosened. He grinned and chuckled as he elicited dreamy sighs of gratification and reflexive wriggles. He focused on her lower back, above and below the waist. He stroked until he felt the tightness ease.

  “Sheer heaven,” Beth murmured. “You have magical hands, partner. I could stand here like this forever.”

  “You mean, until my hands give out.”

  “Either. Both. Anything. Just don’t stop yet,” she entreated.

  “I won’t halt until I’m finished with you, woman.”

  Beth felt like flowing honey at those provocative words.

  As he studied her, Navarro wondered if her hair color reminded him more of a red fox, new copper penny, or the boulders near the Superstition Mount
ains beneath a blazing sun. He decided the amount and kind of light determined that answer. And he’d never met anyone with eyes so large and expressive, or skin so soft and clear of any markings, detracting or otherwise.

  Even Jessie had a smattering of light-brown freckles across her pert nose and cheeks. Maybe they had vanished over the years: ten long and lonely years since he’d held and kissed her; five since he’d heard her voice and seen her, if he didn’t count looking at her worn picture in the gold pendant. Jessie had given him her pendant as a farewell gift, but a prison guard had stolen and gambled away the prize. Fate had placed it in Matt’s hand months later during a cattle drive when the rancher had gone to buy Jessie a gift for their first Christmas.

  Navarro had purchased the current holder in Phoenix to protect the picture he had hidden in a tiny but weathersheltered crevice just before the law closed in on him. He’d retrieved it after his release and been stunned it was in good condition. He still didn’t understand why he hadn’t concealed the necklace, too; he assumed fate was responsible and had a reason for his weird action. Perhaps it was so hers could find its way home and remind Jessie of him. The locket he now wore was old and lovely, and the elderly woman who had been forced to part with it for needed money must have been saddened by its sacrifice. The only reason he didn’t feel guilty about not generously returning it to the previous owner was because she was dead. He wondered if his sweet Jess had changed in looks and—“Jess,” he cautioned himself to be careful not to ever call her that again.

  Beth knew his thoughts had drifted far away. She reached behind her, captured his hands, pulled them around her waist, and interlocked their fingers. “Thanks, Navarro; that was wonderful and soothing.” Distract him. She leaned her head against his broad shoulder, lazed against his body, and took a deep breath. “This is a nice time of day and peaceful spot, don’t you think?”

  “Yep, it is.” He noticed how her slender fingers had snaked between his to curl toward his palm and nest there. Without hurting hers, he overlapped them with his. He rested his cheek against Beth’s wavy tresses and cuddled her in a snug embrace. “Practice time, eh?” he murmured to make sure she knew why he was behaving in a romantic manner.


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