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Chase The Wind

Page 31

by Janelle Taylor

  Make them a huge loan out of gratitude, or out of love for Jessica to protect her holdings and happiness?

  Navarro cupped her face between his hands and kept her gaze captive to appease her worries about thinking him distracted from duty by Jessie. “Once and for all, Beth, Jessie is happily married; you’ve seen that for yourself. What happened between us years ago is over for her.”

  What about for you? You still have unresolved feelings, don’t you? Beth dared not press him at this premature stage, especially after he’d just made a point about not settling down. “Let’s get inside. It’s been a long and tiring day. Ranch life starts early. We need our sleep.”

  They walked to the cabin and entered it as shadows blanketed the land under a waning quarter moon. Navarro kept his back turned while Beth changed into a nightgown.

  “Finished. Thank you, kind sir.” She reclined on the bed on her stomach and propped up her chest with folded elbows. She lifted bare feet into the air and crossed them at the ankles. “What did you tell your old friends—the hands—about your name change and sudden departure?”

  Navarro sat to remove his boots; he’d taken off his weapons and chaps before going inside to dinner. “Told ‘em I was on the run from the law after being framed for a crime I didn’t commit. Said I’d escaped from prison and was hiding out here. That’s why I couldn’t stay and why I lied about my name and where I was from. Told ‘em I was cleared five years ago. Handled it just like I said Iwould on the trail from Tucson.”

  “They believed you?”

  He looked over at her and nodded. He noticed how the lamplight danced over her coppery tresses and soft flesh. Her hair looked as if it held imprisoned fiery flames that were trying to break free. Those unbound locks spread around her shoulders and they kissed the bed and caressed her body, as he craved to do at that moment. Lamplight also played in her cactus-colored eyes, causing them to sparkle and shine. There was a radiance about her, a seductive glow, a flush of emotion on her cheeks. She was beautiful and tempting, and his loins concurred eagerly with his troubled wits. “Like you said, stick close to the truth and no worries.”

  Beth pretended not to notice how he was staring at her, and she tried to conceal how it aroused her. “They must like you very much.” She rolled to her left side, cocked her right shoulder backward and rested her right hand over her side at the waist. Her left forearm supported her torso and her fingers spread out over a pillow, which she stroked to release mounting tension. Her right knee against the mattress braced her as it lay half across her left thigh. She turned her head sideways until her chin was almost touching her left shoulder and her dreamy gaze locked on the lamp. Steven had toldher once that the position was stimulating and that being close to soft light flattered her coloring. If you want him, go after him as Kate Carter advised. Teach him that second love is possible.

  Shu, woman, what are you doing to me! These tight confines are dangerous. You make a man feel drunk just looking at you or being near you! “Seems that way.” As he peeled off his shirt and pants, she didn’t turn her back to him or appear embarrassed. He tossed his garments over the chair, as there was no longer a need to hide the multiple scars on his back.

  “I can understand why. You’re a very likable person, Navarro Breed.”

  He focused a roguish gaze on her, then grinned and warned, “Careful, Beth Breed, or you’ll swell my head too big to fit in our bed.”

  Her playful gaze drifted to him. “Conceit isn’t a flaw or weakness of yours, partner. To hear Jessica tell it, that cocky, sullen, embittered desperado of long ago is gone forever.”

  Attired only in the bottoms of his long underwear, he walked toward the bed as he asked, “And what do you think?”

  “Me?” Beth’s unbridled gaze roved his bare chest, then his handsome face where a devilishly sexy grin teased at his full mouth.

  He placed hands on hips and stared down at her. “Yep, you.”

  Why are you asking? So you can stress your loner tendency again? And why and when did you remove that locket you always wear around your neck? Why only the Apache amulet tonight? She struggled with the covers and wriggled under them as she murmured, “Does it matter?”

  Navarro doused the lamp and joined her. “Yep, ‘cause we’re partners and friends. Least I hope we are. Just want to make sure all the bad things you’re hearing about me from Jessie isn’t changing your good opinion.”

  “It doesn’t and we are,” she vowed as she rolled to her back.

  You’re an amazing woman, Beth Breed. Shu, did I measure you wrong in Tucson! You’ve been a big and steady surprise, a real nice one. I’ve never teamed up with anybody better. He knew why he didn’t say those things aloud; they’d sound romantic and serious. “Well?” he pressed as he propped on his side and gazed downward.

  “Well, what?” She felt his warm breath on her face and neck, causing both to tingle and warm. She couldn’t see him in the darkness but knew his gaze was locked on where he knew she was lying in close proximity.

  “You’re being evasive, woman.”

  Beth laughed. “A trick I learned from a legend, a man matchless in certain skills.” She asked herself if she dared to show him he could desire and respond to another woman. Could she entice him to forget his lost love’s existence for even a brief while? Could he make love to her again? Particularly here? This time with clear wits?

  Navarro was reasoning along similar lines. If he took Beth again, would it convince her it was over between him and Jessie? Surely making love to her this close to Jessie would—

  If you really want an answer, you’ll get it. “She’s right.”


  “I think Jessica has you figured right, that you’re just about perfect as a man and a partner. I think we make a good team. I think we’ll succeed in our assignment because we’re compatible and determined. I think we’ll try our best not to let these people get harmed. I think we’re having a good time here with them, actually a good time together because we’ve become friends. I also think we’ve forgotten to practice our roles better, that we’re going to get rusty if we don’t return to our lessons. I think your wife might enjoy a kiss and a little attention, if you catch my drift.”

  Think fast, hombre!

  She felt him lift his hand, then movement indicated he was ruffling his hair. Back off or proceed with reckless abandon? “Well?” The word escaped her lips and heart before her head could make its own decision.

  “Well, what?” he mumbled to stall for thinking time.

  Let it go for now, Beth. “Good night, Navarro.”

  “Good night?” he echoed. “What about my answer?”

  “Didn’t seem as if you were going to give one. Are you?”

  “Only way I can answer tonight is like this.” His mouth captured hers and his arms imprisoned her body. What the heck, he wanted and needed her, and it was obvious she felt the same when she returned his kiss and embrace. It felt good to touch her this way in bed, and felt good being with her out of it. The ex-fugitive’s heart and body pounded in desire and wavered in confusion. If he was still in love with Jessie, why did Beth move him like this? Reach and stir him in a way that implied more than physical urges and attraction? Was he ready to give up forever on Jessie? Ready to take another risk with another woman, with Beth? Since he didn’t know the answers to those questions tonight, should they—

  Let her choose. “We don’t have much time together, Beth; we go our separate ways when this case is over. I have little but this to offer a woman, so it isn’t fair to let you believe otherwise. Think about that fact for a minute before we get tangled up by our desires. Much as I want you this way, you’re a good friend and a fine woman; I don’t want you getting hurt.”

  Are you warning me or yourself not to fall in love? Are you scared you’ll weaken if I do? Are you afraid of risking another rejection and broken heart? That wouldn’t happen with me. Does it trouble you to desire me under Jessica’s nose, to make love with me
so close to her? If not, doesn’t that tell you something important?

  While Beth was making her decision, Navarro also gave the matter serious thought. When he’d met Jessie, his heart had been frozen; his life, dark and empty. Jessie—like a flaming summer sun—had softened and melted him, brightened and filled his life. Losing her had frosted him. Now, Beth—another fiery, perhaps hotter, sun—was trying to thaw him and change his life. But a second loss, a third freeze, would damage his emotions forever. Thoughts of returning to the cold, hard, bitter man he’d been scared him. It was best not to let his feelings gallop wild and free until and unless he was ready.

  Beth lifted her hand and stroked his prominent jawline. Her thumb moved back and forth over his lips, and he pressed stirring kisses to it. Her heart beat fast and hard as suspense filled her. She yearned to kiss him, to feel his flesh against hers, to be locked in his captive arms, to make passionate and unrestrained and deliberate love to him, and to have him in her life forever. She hadn’t felt this way about Steven or any other man. “Isn’t this what we both want and need tonight? What harm could it do? We can give each other something scarce and enjoyable while we’re a team. This kind of relationship is all either of us has to offer for now.”

  “I like you and care about you a lot, Beth, I don’t want to mislead or hurt you. I don’t think I have it in me to give you—or any woman—what you need and want, or what you may expect afterward if I don’t make myself clear at the start. I want to be friends, even lovers. You’re a desirable and special woman. But I don’t have more to give than that, and I doubt I ever will. Make sure you understand and accept that harsh and selfish fact before we go any further. It’s not because I’m waiting for a second chance with Jessie; that’s over for us. I’ve been a loner and roadman most of my life; I can’t see myself changing.”

  Say what you must. “What I mean, Navarro, is sharing a bond of friendship, getting a closer and better working rapport, and enjoying our mutual attraction, not love and marriage. I don’t know how I gave you that false impression, and I apologize for making you nervous. I realize they aren’t our destiny. Yes, I do like, care about, and desire you, too; but that doesn’t mean I expect you to fall in love with me and marry me. I don’t want to mislead or hurt you, either. I thought we both understood and agreed to a …relationship like this only for as long as the mission lasts; then, we go our separate ways, but still remain good friends. Just because I’m a woman and I’ve been married before doesn’t mean I want or need to be a wife again. And just because we’re lovers doesn’t mean I have serious or permanent claims on you, or you on me. Even if by some unforeseen miracle I fell in love with you, I would never make demands on you. By the same token, I would expect the same behavior from you. How can I be any clearer?”

  “I agree with what you just said but make certain it’s more than just words you’re hearing and saying. I won’t guide you into a box canyon with pretty lies and a false trail like most men would do to get what they want, and I do want you.”

  Well, Beth, she mused, do you ride onward into possible peril in search of his love or retreat to certain safety?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Beth’s heart urged, Teach him he can have a bright and happy future withyou if he dares to accept it. Prove to him you and new love are risks worth taking. “I understand how you feel. Don’t you realize it’s embarrassing and hard for me to practically be forced to cajole and seduce you every time we want to go to bed together? You’ve made your position crystal clear and so have I. Well, do you want me until this mission is over, or do we call a permanent halt to our affair to assuage your worries about me pursuing you later? I won’t have this talk again.”

  He couldn’t summon the wits or strength to retreat. “You’re right, Beth, so no more talk. But I will say I haven’t cared this much about many people in my life. That’s why I want to protect you from any harm and do what’s right for you. If I didn’t care, there wouldn’t be a problem.”

  “If we didn’t care about each other, there wouldn’t be this situation.”

  “You’re right again,” he murmured, and kissed her. When Beth laced her arms around his neck and responded in an ardent fever, she removed any thoughts except for those about her and this stimulating episode as he chased a wild and wonderful Wind.

  Beth’s hands roved over his strong shoulders, crossed his scarred back, and caressed his taut buttocks before she brought them up so her fingers could play in his midnight hair. Yield to me, my love, and I’ll never make you sorry you did. As if he heard and agreed with her dreamy thought, she felt his embrace tighten and heard him groan in rising desire that matched her own. Can’t you see and feel how perfect we are for each other? Don’t you realize this must be more than physical desire? Her body flamed at a swift and uncontrollable pace, one she didn’t want to slow or halt. She quivered at the force of their shared passion, as did he.

  Navarro’s pulse raced. The contact with her was more potent than any Apache tiswin he had drunk in the past. As their kisses became deeper and more urgent, his mouth trailed over the soft and warm surface of her face before traveling down her neck, then returning by a different path. He nuzzled his chin against her fragrant locks and relished their texture against his skin. His hands roamed up her arms and drifted into her fiery mane where wavy strands surrounded his questing fingers. He wondered if passion and friendship were all she wanted from him, all he wanted from her. He craved her like mad, but he couldn’t afford the distraction of turbulent emotions in the midst of a crucial case. Whatever might happen between them must take place later, if they both allowed it.

  Beth grasped his head and guided his mouth back to hers. She took and gave countless kisses until they were both breathless and trembling. Her fingers sought the pulse point in his neck; she could feel his heart pounding in desire for her. She felt it gaining speed with each minute he held her close and pleasured them. She was so elated she wondered if her heart could burst. She had known deep inside he was the perfect man for her the moment they met. If only he’d grasp that truth. He needed convincing, and she was giving that task her best efforts. Soon, they would be endangering their lives when they challenged Charles Cordell and his cohorts. She’d lost her mother, father, and husband. She would feast on every morsel of affection he shared with her. Once they were bound in bodies, hopefully unity in hearts would follow. Then, he would never release her, never ride out of her life as he had done with Jessica.

  It was difficult for Navarro to believe he could touch Beth so deeply. It was clear she didn’t care who or what he had been or was. She liked, respected, admired, and trusted him. He was glad she was honest and brave enough to take what she desired, and he never wanted to make her sorry for that decision.

  Navarro meshed his mouth to hers as his shaky fingers unfastened the buttons of her gown. He was relieved when she peeled it over her head and dropped it to the floor. His hands trekked her satiny flesh with arousing leisure. They reached and covered her breasts where they savored the firm mounds. Her nipples hardened into taut buds as he caressed them while kissing her mouth. His head began to lower as his lips journeyed down her throat. He brushed them over the straining peaks and lavished sweet nectar upon their pinnacles.

  Beth felt his hands shift to her bloomers. In case he didn’t know how to loosen and remove them, she assisted him. His. hands ventured over her naked body, stroking every part he could reach. Afterward, they traveled over her hips to the very center of her passion. With skill and tenderness, he caressed her moist and silky region. She moaned and squirmed in delight, her body sensitive and receptive to everything he did. She wanted to touch, pleasure, and tantalize him, too.

  Beth unbuttoned his underwear bottoms and Navarro lifted his hips so she could push them out of the way. Her hand closed around his maleness. She heard him suck in air and stiffen a moment when she did so. She smiled at his reaction and continued. Her fingers worked their way up and down his hot, hard, smooth length. Her
mind was trapped by a wall of fire around them. Her body was engulfed in passion’s flames, a blaze of splendor she wanted to consume them and mold them into one.

  Navarro guided himself into her welcoming heat after she parted her thighs. Once inside, he halted a moment to establish self-control before he began to move inside her.

  Each time he thrust within her and she matched his pattern, it was sheer ecstasy. Their hearts throbbed in unison as they moved with urgency, aching for release from sweet torment. Both were torn between wanting to claim their reward and wanting their magnificent quest to continue, as it could be their last, at least for a long time.

  Soon, there was no choice for them to make. Their desires ran wild and untethered. Unable to wait another minute, they climbed upward at a rapid pace to a level they hadn’t visited before. They grew breathless as ripple after ripple of wondrous pleasure washed over them then remained cuddled and quiet for a while as contentment embraced and held them.

  Finally, Beth murmured, “I’m glad you made the right decision. It was worth changing your mind, wasn’t it?”

  “Yep, if we don’t get too caught up in this new role; distractions can have bad consequences. None of this on the trail after we leave.”

  What else, Beth fretted, could she say except, “You’re right, boss,” with a sad reluctance? “This predicament is your fault; you’re so attractive and appealing. Your skills cover every territory.”

  As he pulled his underdrawers into place and secured them, he mumbled, “That’s my problem: you’re too darn hard to resist.”

  To relax him, she forced out merry laughter. “How can something that sounds so amusing be that bad?”

  “As I said, anything distracting is too hazardous to allow, even a ride as nice as this one. I’m just a man, Beth, so I think and feel like one. I get carried away when an arresting woman like you leans in my direction.”


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