Book Read Free

Chase The Wind

Page 34

by Janelle Taylor

  Navarro asked, “What’s the excitement about?”

  “My brother’s almost here. Be coming in sight any—There he is!”

  The undercover agents noticed Matt’s elation and saw him head toward the entrance gate to his home to be ready to greet Charles. Jessica glanced at Beth, forced a smile, and followed her husband. Navarro and his “wife” joined them at Jessie’s coaxing.

  Charles Cordell rode into the clearing that surrounded the house and other structures. He dismounted with a broad grin, but his friends stayed on their horses and hung back at a short distance. The agents noticed how those three men remained silent and alert and checked out the location. All three appeared tall and muscular, and were well armed. The brothers embraced with an enthusiastic hug and gave each other a light slap on the back.

  “Welcome to our home, Charlie. This day’s been too long in coming. Lordy, it’s good to see you. Any trouble finding the place?”

  “None, your directions were simple to follow. I rode ahead of my wagons to give us time to visit before they get here and I have to move on to my appointment. Should allow us two or three days leadway. Which one of these beautiful women is my sister-in-law?”

  Navarro watched Charles eye Beth and Jessica with annoying rakes of mud-colored eyes that glowed with a light he found offensive. As if sensing a threat, he placed an arm around Beth’s waist.

  Matt grasped his wife’s hand and tugged her forward. “This is her, Jessica Lane Cordell, the best woman in the world.”

  Charles grasped her hand while murmuring, “Pleasure and honor to finally meet you, Jessica. I can see my brother has excellent taste in women and land. He’s one lucky ex-Reb, luckier than the South was years ago.”

  “Thank you for the flattery, Charles, and welcome to the Lane/Cordell Ranch. Matt’s been eagerly awaiting your arrival ever since you wrote you were stopping by.”

  “Took me long enough to get out this way. Every time I planned a surprise visit, something came up and prevented it. Is this your sister?”

  Navarro was getting more vexed by the minute as Charles appraised Beth with undeniable interest. He had noticed Jessie’s comeback to Charles’s compliment on Matt’s choice of land; in truth, the property had been selected, settled, and owned by the Lanes. He also grasped she didn’t say she, too, had been “eagerly awaiting” his visit.

  “Nope, this is Navarro and Beth Breed. He’s a longtime friend of ours, used to work here years ago, one of the best hands we ever had. They just got married a few weeks past. They’re visiting until Wednesday, en route to San Antonio where they’re buying a ranch.”

  “Ah, newlyweds. Congratulations. I hope you’re enjoying your new marriage and visit. Glad to meet you, Navarro, Mrs. Breed.”

  “A pleasure,” Navarro replied as they shook hands. He warned himself not to break the man’s fingers over his suggestive tone and grin.

  Beth gave him a genial “Hello” and a polite smile in response as the children rushed forward to check out the commotion.

  “This is my family: Lane’s the oldest. Alice is nearing seven, and Lance is halfway to five. Kids, this is my baby brother, your Uncle Charlie.”

  “He’s too big to be a baby, Papa,” Alice said amidst giggles.

  Charles squatted and said, “You’re right, Miss Alice. What a pretty little lady you are.” He ruffled her curly hair before standing. “A fine-looking family and ranch, Matt. Makes me envious of you.” He lifted and opened a cloth sack he’d dropped on the ground and handed the children gifts.

  “More presents!” Alice squealed as she clutched another doll. “Thank you, Uncle Charlie; she’s pretty. Look at her dress, Mama.”

  “It’s very nice, Alice.”

  Lane and Lance accepted accurately carved and sized wooden pistols with leather holsters, and both thanked their uncle. Lane assisted Lance before strapping his own gift around his waist. Navarro’s son asked Charles questions about the wooden weapons.

  Beth used the distraction to study their new target. He had a medium-size build on a frame just under six feet. His eyes and hair were brown, as were a short and neat beard and thick mustache. A dark tan implied he stayed outdoors much of the time; the deep shade caused healthy teeth to appear snowy when he smiled or grinned. She knew from Jessica he was thirty-nine, six years younger than Matt. He favored his older brother but he wasn’t as rugged or goodlooking. Charles didn’t have Matt’s appealing personality and charm; nor did he possess Matt’s honesty and honor; Charles was a cunning deceiver and betrayer. Beth didn’t like him and she didn’t trust him. Neither did Navarro judging from his snug grip on her!

  “Can we go play with them, Papa?” Lance asked.

  “Sure. You can visit more with Uncle Charlie later.”

  After the children ran off toward the backyard, Charles handed Jessie a package, which revealed a pearl-encrusted gold brooch when unwrapped.

  “You shouldn’t have, Charles; it’s much too expensive, but thank you.”

  “Consider it a combination wedding-lots of missed birthdays-and ten-years-worth-of-belated-Christmases present. Beautiful women should have beautiful things. Isn’t that right, Matt?”

  “Right. Put it on, Jessie, and let’s see how it looks.”

  As she did so, Charles said, “This is for you, big brother.”

  Matt took the Spencer lever-action repeater rifle and studied it. “A fine weapon, Charlie, good weight and multiple firing. Thanks.”

  “Might help you keep rustlers and renegades away. Has your name and the date she was made engraved on the butt plate. I have a case of ammo for you in one of my wagons; it was too heavy and awkward for horseback.”

  “It’s nearing time for the children to eat and bathe, so let’s all go inside,” Jessie said. “They have to get to bed early for school.”

  “We’ll go wash up after our ride and give you all some time alone for a proper reunion,” Navarro told the group.

  “Supper will be in thirty minutes, so hurry,” Jessie coaxed.

  “I’ll be back in about ten minutes to help get the food ready.”

  “Thanks, Beth. I’ll round up that busy brood of ours, Matt, while you take Charles in the sitting room. You two can chat while I do my chores.”

  In the cabin, Beth asked, “Why did you bring us in here? We need to observe Charles, don’t we?”

  “Yep, and we will. I didn’t want to appear overeager to be around him every minute. We don’t want to make him skittish. Let’s get cleaned up and head back to the pit to see what we can learn about our slick-talking snake.”

  They ate leftovers from the large Sunday dinner and chatted about family, the ranch, and other neutral topics. Afterward, the three men retired to the sitting room to converse while Beth did the dishes and Jessica bathed the children to ready them for bed; Charles’s friends had eaten where they camped near the barn. Charles had told the group the men were employees of his and guards, and not to be included in the family meal and reunion.

  After the children hugged their uncle and told him good night, Jessica and Beth put Alice down on a pallet in the couple’s room. Lane and Lance always shared a room, and Charles was to use the little girl’s during his stay.

  Jessica closed the upstairs doors to prevent voices from disturbing the youngsters’ sleep. She whispered to Beth, “What do you think of him?”

  “I’m not sure, yet. He seems a little too…”

  “Flirtatious and false?”

  “I…really shouldn’t speak wickedly of him; he’s a stranger, family.”

  “He’s Matt’s family, not mine; and I don’t care for him or his behavior. How dare he bring my boys real-lookingweapons! And that doll for Alice, it’s too fragile for every-day playing. And this trinket, it’s…it’s an unappreciated attempt to win me over after he almost destroyed all my family created, what my father died to preserve. I must sound terrible, but he reminds me of Wilbur Fletcher. He gives me the shudders.”

  “Me, too, but we’ll hav
e to be nice to him for Matt’s sake.”

  “He can’t be gone soon enough to please me. We were having such a wonderful time; now, he’s spoiling our last few days together.”

  “Maybe he’ll spend time on the range with Matt and the boys.”

  “Blazes, I hope so. I guess we have no choice except to join them.”

  When they went downstairs, they didn’t have to endure Charles very long before he said he was going outside to smoke a cigarillo and get fresh air. He asked Matt to go with him.

  Navarro stood and said, “We’ll say good night. See you tomorrow. Been nice meeting and talking with you, Charles.”

  “Same here, Navarro, Beth. Have a pleasant sleep.”

  “Good night, everyone,” the redhead said, and followed her partner.

  Inside the cabin, Navarro pressed Beth against the closed door and whispered in her ear as he pretended to nibble on it. “They can see us through the window. Let’s do some quick kissing, then douse the lamp. I wanna sneak out and spy on ‘em.” His mouth closed over hers and he wished he didn’t have to rush away when she responded with ardor.

  Following two fiery kisses, he guided her to the bed and put out the lamp he had lit earlier to prevent returning in the dark. He yanked off his shirt, belt, and boots.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Not much of a moon, but this light-blue shirt could catch the wrong eye. The boots and belt could make noise. Just precautions. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be back soon as possible.”

  He sneaked out the door, around the cabin, and to the stucco wall. He slipped in the near blackness as close as was safe to Charles and Matt. He listened in suspense and rising worry:

  “That’s a fine rifle you gave me, little brother.”

  “It’s one from our shipment, the best made.”

  Navarro heard Charles’s lips draw on the cigarillo and smelled the smoke he exhaled. Our shipment, his keen mind echoed.

  “This is also for you, little brother. You don’t need to count it tonight; it’s more than enough to settle us up for that trouble you endured for me. I’m sorry it had to be done this way, but I had no choice. The money should make it up to you.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Charlie; everything will be like it was as soon as I use this to restock my herd. There won’t be any trouble; nobody knows the truth; Doc doesn’t even suspect what happened to those steers.”

  “That’s good; we don’t want him or anybody getting hotheaded and coming after us. Does Jessica know about this?”

  “I haven’t told her.”

  Know about what? Navarro fretted.

  “That’s best; she might not understand or agree.”

  “I can handle Jessie, so don’t worry. It’s late and we start early around here, so we’d best get to bed. We’ll talk more tomorrow. Just be alert around Jessie; she’s still upset about the cattle.”

  “Everything will be settled soon, Matt, and we both may come out of this situation rich men. That wouldn’t bother you none, would it?”

  Matt chuckled and replied, “Nope, it surely wouldn’t. I just hope your dangerous idea works and you stay out of trouble down there. You change your mind about coming back this way after it’s done?”

  “No, but I’ll be back later to make sure we’re settled up.”

  Navarro listened to the brothers’ return to the house. His exposed broad back rested against the cool stucco wall. His arms lay across his raised knees, bare feet supporting them. What he’d overheard didn’t sound good for Matt and caused him to think it was possible he’d misjudged his old friend. If so, Jessie and the children were in for heartache. He hoped with all his might that Matt wasn’t guilty and he wouldn’t have to arrest the rancher. If he did, remaining days and nights with Beth were numbered, a thought he found unsettling and saddening.

  Navarro worked his way back to the cabin, entered, and bolted the door. He wasn’t surprised to find Beth still awake and wanting answers. “I’ll tell you later, after I sort it out in my head. I don’t want to go jumping to conclusions, but it didn’t sound good.” He shucked his pants and joined her in bed. He rolled close to whisper, “While you were busy in the kitchen, he didn’t say anything about diseased cattle; it’s supposed to be a secret, remember? He didn’t explain his reason for going to Mexico or tell what kind of business he’s in. When we’re sure of our privacy, we’ll go over this in detail. I don’t like the looks of those men with Charles, so let’s be careful with our talk.”

  She cuddled closer to whisper, “You’re the boss.”

  Navarro inhaled her sweet fragrance before she rolled to her back. She was so intoxicating and enchanting. He was captivated by her potent allure. She had stolen his peace of mind and self-control; she’d worked her way under his tough hide; she was almost stealing his heart.

  Beth listened to Navarro’s breathing and knew he was disquieted about something important. She was relieved he didn’t seem happy about discovering the possible collusion of Matt; no doubt because the rancher was an old and trusted friend. If Matt was guilty, Navarro was lost to her, because he would be back in Jessica and his son’s lives faster than she could blink. Even if Matt was innocent, that didn’t mean she could win the man she loved.

  And I do love you, Navarro Breed. She had never lost herself in the smoldering depths of any man’s eyes or experienced an overwhelming urge to wantonly surrender to a man, not even Steven Wind. Perhaps she was embarking upon a reckless and futile adventure, but she could not stop herself from going, did not want to stop.

  Navarro wondered how she had the power to make him ignore all else except his yearning for her. He murmured, “I want you, Beth.”

  When she turned to face him, he gently grasped her chin and pulled it toward his to seal their lips in a heady kiss. He was too near and too compelling to refuse. There could be so little time left to explore their feelings and to strengthen their bond. Her heart rebelled against the loss of him. His embrace was strong, comforting, enlivening. His mouth left hers to nuzzle his chin against her hair. His lips claimed hers with hunger and possessiveness; they burned those sweet and forbidden messages across her unsteady senses and hazy brain.

  Unruly desire attacked Navarro as his hunger for her increased. He felt enthralled by her, by a desperate need of her; it was one prison from which he didn’t want to escape.

  Beth perceived Navarro’s gentleness. His body was lean and hard, but his skin was soft and almost hairless. His broad shoulders were followed by a flat waist and narrow hips that led to supple thighs. She’d never imagined any male could be so devastatingly magnificent, so overpoweringly attractive. She was like a piece of soft wood in his hands, ready and willing to be whittled into any shape he wanted, a treasure he would keep forever as the ebony wolf and the saguaro cactus Zack had carved and given to her.

  Navarro pushed strands of coppery red from her neck so his mouth could journey it without obstacles. “Am I being selfish and unfair to you? I didn’t even ask if you wanted me tonight.”

  Beth chose her response with caution. “You’re honoring the bargain we made and so am I. We aren’t children or dreamy-eyed youths. If we’re both in agreement, no problems are involved.” If only I could giveyou a child to replace Lane, maybe…

  He noted her anxiety, but misread its cause. He must use his talents to rekindle the fires between them that his query had doused. From her response, the answer should have been obvious: she wanted him, too. His head lowered once more. His deft tongue plundered her mouth.

  Beth could not resist that summons. His masterful lips seemed to brand her mouth, cheeks, and throat—every inch of her face and neck. Any restraint vanished. Potent feelings took control and guided her toward total submission as flames of passion leapt and burned within her. She wanted and needed this to happen again, and tonight. She was glad her menses was a little late this month.

  Navarro trailed his tongue over her parted lips, nibbled at them with his teeth, then tasted the
sweetness of her mouth again. With her help, he removed her gown and bloomers and tossed them to the floor. His lips trekked over the flesh he had bared. His fingers quivered as they moved over her shoulders with leisure and delight. His hands caressed and fondled and stroked silky areas as he set out to tantalize, stimulate, and pleasure her and to give her the same satisfaction that he received. His mellow tone whispered soft and stirring words into her ears. “You’re wonderful, Beth Breed, and I enjoy you every time I touch you. I get all fiery sometimes just watching you or hearing your voice. I hope this is a slow mission so I can keep you around for a long time.”

  Beth trembled within his arms. She thought it unwise to tell him how his words affected her or to respond to them, as he might not realize how they sounded to her and may not mean how she took them. She might reveal her true feelings, might expose her lie about not wanting love and marriage. His embrace and romantic onslaught were blissful. A curious mingling of languor and tension surged through her. Her mind was dazed by a fierce and rapturous longing for him and what lay ahead. She never wanted those breathtaking sensations to halt.

  With lips fastened to hers, Navarro wiggled out of his long underwear and cast them to the garment pile. “Shu, woman, you set me afire too quick and easy. That’s some magic you possess and use on me. A man don’t stand a chance of escape when you set those arresting eyes on him. If I’m not careful, you’ll be leading me around like a bull with a nose ring.”

  “Don’t worry; I won’t risk enticing you to break free and deny myself such pleasures. I want to take selfish advantage of you every chance I get because I’ll never have another partner like you.” Beth stroked the virile body touching hers. Its strength and beauty titillated her senses. His hands were strong, skilled ones, and gentle. From his sable head with arresting hazel eyes to his firm middle to his warm feet, her “husband” was appealing. His actions were slow and deliberate, as if he were memorizing every inch of her body. Never had her breasts been this sensitive to touch and kiss. Her body and mind throbbed with mounting urgency.


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