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Chase The Wind

Page 53

by Janelle Taylor

  “Yep, especially after the way we’ve lived for the last few years.”

  “Do you think I can learn to be a rancher and make a success of things here?”

  “You’d stand a better chance with good help at your side.”

  “The ranch hands agreed to work for me; the foreman, too.”

  “I mean, somebody closer to you. A husband, Beth,” he clarified.

  “That isn’t a position I can hire a man to fill.”

  Navarro withdrew a piece of paper from inside his shirt. He walked to the table and unfolded it there. “According to this marriage certificate from Tucson, Beth Breed, that position is already filled.”

  “That document is an imitation, only a part of our ruse. It’s between Navarro Breed and Elizabeth Lawrence; even if it were legal, that isn’t me.”

  “The one the preacher gave us to use was a fake. The one he gave Dan to hold for us is legal, has our real names on it: Navarro Breed and Bethany Wind. If you remember, the preacher never called you Elizabeth Lawrence a single time during the ceremony, just Beth, your real name.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It seems our superior and friend didn’t lie to the preacher; he told him our real identities, what we needed, and why. He didn’t make that preacher lie in his church and while holding his Bible. He really married us, woman.”

  Beth lifted the paper and read it: the date, location, and names were accurate! “You mean…we really are husband and wife? It’s legal?”

  “That’s about the size of it. We’re bound to each other.”

  “I swear I didn’t know. I wasn’t a party to tricking you. So, you came to see me because I have to sign something before you and Dan can dissolve it? You need my help to get a release from the marriage?”

  He shook his head. “I came to ask you not to get out of it.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I like you being Beth Breed and want you to stay Beth Breed.”

  “Didn’t Dan tell you I’ve retired? Besides, for the kinds of missions you accept, you don’t require a counterfeit spouse for a partner.”

  Move slow and easy, hombre; don’t spook her into bolting. “I want you to stay my wife for selfish, not work, reasons.”

  “So you can have a home to use between assignments, like I was planning to do originally? You want your good friend to stay around for companionship? Keep your pleasing lover for other needs?”

  “Those aren’t my motives. I admit they sound wonderful and so does becoming a rancher, but the reason is, I love you and I need you.”

  Beth stared at him and wondered if she’d heard him right or if she was only suffering from a cruel delusion. “What did you say?”

  “I love you and need you, Beth Breed, only you, with all my heart.”

  “You love…me?”

  “Only you, woman. I’ve never loved or wanted or needed anybody as I do you, not even Jess. With her, it was different. We were young, hurting, and in need. Jess and I had a long talk while you and I were at the ranch, and we got our heads cleared about the past and present; I guess we finally had a chance to say a real goodbye. You’re the one who made me realize it was over, had been over for years. I knew before we reached the ranch, I wanted you. I have to confess, I kept denying the truth like it was a snake about to bite me.”

  Beth remained silent, as he didn’t appear to be finished, and wasn’t.

  “I’ve been trying to show you how I feel before I told you so you’d have no doubt it’s true. Guess I didn’t do a very good convincing job.” He walked to where she was leaning against the cabinet. He cupped her face and gazed into her eyes. “Best I can figure, I fell in love with you in Tucson; ‘course I didn’t know it. Dan was clever to force us to fake a romance. Somehow and somewhere during our ruse, it stopped being a pretense. The more I got to know you, the more I got ensnared by you. But I was scared of being hurt again and scared you could never love and accept a man like me, so I fought it like an enemy. Then, the truth hit me on the head one day: you were perfect for me and I’d be loco to let you get away without a chase. If you’ll stay my wife, I’ll try my best to make you happy. We can have a good life together. Maybe in time, you’ll learn to love me, too.”

  “I can’t learn to love you, Navarro, I—”

  In panic, he interrupted, “Just give it, me, a chance to prove you’re wrong. I know I’ve had a sorry birth and life until a few years ago, but I—”

  Beth pressed her fingers to his lips to silence him and halt his pain. “Let me finish what I was about to say. I can’t learn to love you, Navarro Breed, because I already love you. It was just as you described; I fell in love with you in Tucson before we married. The more I came to know you, the more I came to love and want you. Steven and I were like you and Jessica: we were young and adventurous and in need. I’m over Steven, but I feared you weren’t over Jessica. As with you, I didn’t want to risk rejection and anguish. I wanted and needed you so much, I was going to offer you a home between assignments, a friend, and a lover. I hoped that relationship would blossom into much more in time. Ever since the day we married, even though I believed it wasn’t for real, I’ve longed to stay Beth Breed.”

  Navarro pulled her into his arms to embrace her. They hugged, kissed, laughed, and snuggled for several minutes.

  He parted them to tell her, “I sent you a telegram after I saw Matt and Jessie and told you I was on the way to Tucson. You’d already left. The clerk didn’t know what to do when he couldn’t locate a Mrs. Navarro Breed or Beth Breed registered at any of the hotels. I didn’t give any instructions about forwarding or returning it to me if it couldn’t be delivered, so he had it under the counter when I spoke with him. I didn’t think to tell him to check with boardinghouses or to contact Dan or Harrison if he couldn’t find you. Since he’s new in town, he didn’t know who any of you are. I can guess how not hearing from me gave you wrong thoughts.”

  “I admit, I was hurt and worried. But things worked out perfectly.”

  “Yep; they did. I have two gifts for you.”

  He removed Steven’s gold wedding band, placed it on the cabinet, and slid the one he had purchased for her on her finger. “I bought this in El Paso while I was waiting for the train to bring me to you in Tucson. And had this one made by a photographer taking the same trip.” He opened the antique locket to reveal a picture of himself. “I hoped it would keep me near your heart and on your mind so much you’d have to give in and take a chance with me.”

  “They’re wonderful presents, the best you could bring. No, Navarro Breed is the best surprise you could bring to me. My husband…The words send tingles all over me. I love you so much. I hope you like the ranch; if I’d known about your feelings, I would have let you inspect it first and been in on the decision.”

  “It’s a perfect choice, Beth, just as you are. Come with me, wife.” He grasped her hand and guided her to the hitching post outside the picket fence. He withdrew the sign Big John had made for them. “I took time to retrieve this while I was in Texas. Let’s hang it on the front gate.” He saw her smile and nod. He removed the past owner’s sign and suspended theirs on the curved nails. “Navarro and Beth Breed, that’s much better. If the circle B brand isn’t taken, we’ll register it as ours.”

  “Sounds marvelous, our initial inside a ring like a wedding band.”

  “We’re locked together for life, woman, and I’ll never let you go.”

  “I’ll make certain you don’t, I think you’ll love it here. You can meet the men later; they’re working the range. I’m sure you’ll like them. They reminded me of the hands Jessica and Matt have; that’s why I asked them to stay on with me. I hope I judged their character as well as I did yours.”

  “I’ve no doubt you did, love. We’ll be happy together and living here.”

  “I’ll miss you terribly when you’re away on missions.”

  He chuckled and murmured, “No, you won’t, my love; I’m resigning, too. Gonn
a be a full-time husband and rancher.” He left off father on purpose because of what she’d told him in the past, and what Dan had said about being content without children if necessary. And she may change her mind.

  “You’re retiring, too?”

  “I told Dan I would if this meeting worked out as I hoped and prayed. All I have to do is write and mail an official letter. Dan’s losing two of his best agents, but he has only himself to blame for throwing us together. Somehow that sly fox knew it would work out between us. He’s a good man and a good friend. He put love for us above risking our losses.”

  “Yes, he did, and I’m glad. You’re full of surprises, dear heart.” Shall giveyou one? “What do you want to name our first son or daughter? I thought Daniel Trask Breed would be nice for a boy; it would link our names with the man who got us together. Sierra Breed sounds wonderful for a girl, since Mexico played such a large role in opening our eyes and hearts. What do you think? Do you have any special names for our first child?”

  “I thought you didn’t want any children.” “I’ve always wanted them, and would like to have several, but I believed I couldn’t have any. A girl supposedly became pregnant by Steven years before we met and wed, but she ran out on him before he could marry her. After six years without children and thinking he’d fathered a child, I assumed the problem was mine; so did he. I now suspect she lied to Steven and that’s why she vanished, fear of exposure. Those times I slept with you, I didn’t think I was risking getting pregnant, but I was wrong. It must have happened on our first or second time; that would put our baby due the end of January.”

  Beth watched him as her words struck home. “I was willing and ready to fight Jessica for your love; then, I found out about Lane, and your hunger for another child when I thought I couldn’t give you one. I was being selfish, Navarro; I was going to have you for as long as our mission lasted; then let you leave to find a woman who could give you a child. I decided in Eagle Eye’s camp to tell you about my love and problem as soon as our assignment ended and we had privacy to talk about personal things. When I came to the ranch, I intended to purchase it, settle in, and return to work, hopefully as your partner for as many times as Dan could arrange it and you were willing. A few days ago, I realized in shock that I was pregnant. The baby is why I resigned. I was planning to contact you next week and tell you everything. I was hoping you wouldn’t object to me and the baby keeping your name. I was going to let you be as much a part of our lives as you wanted. But since I seduced you in the desert, it wasn’t right to coerce you into marriage.”

  Navarro’s left hand flattened over her lower abdomen. “A baby?” He saw her nod and look a little insecure. His hazel gaze and heart filled with joy and wonder. “Thank you, Beth. I can hardly believe my good luck.”

  “Then you aren’t upset? Aren’t angry with me?”

  As he hugged her and spread kisses over her face, he said, “Of course not. I love you and I want our child. This baby will have my name. We’ll raise him here, love him, protect him, guide him. Of course I want him.”

  “I know Lane can’t be replaced, and I won’t ever try to do that.”

  “Lane has a good father and home. I love him and want what’s best for him, and I believe he has that where he is and without me in his life. If he ever needs my help, I’ll give it, and I know that’s what you’d expect and want me to do. But from now on, we’re a family, my only family. I love you, woman, more than ever. How lucky can a man get? A wife, a home, a ranch, a child—all in the same day. We have each other and a fresh start. Our future couldn’t look brighter than these locks, Flamehair.”

  “The shaman told me we’d have land, horses, cattle, and children. He said that dress I was wearing was dusted with sacred Pollen, so you and I would grow many things. He said Ysun would reward us for what we did. I wonder how he could make such accurate prophecies?”

  “I don’t understand those things, but I know they happen. Years ago, he told me about meeting you. That’s one vision I’m glad came true.”

  “So am I.”

  Navarro glanced at the waxing moon that was rising early. “It seems like a long time since we were under that full moon in Eagle Eye’s camp and you passed your tests as Flamehair.”

  “Almost four weeks ago, and so much has happened since that night. So much has happened since we met months ago, wonderful things. Neither of us imagined we’d ever be standing here together today and with so many blessings to count.”

  For a few moments, each did as she said. They reflected on the past, the family and friends who had been or still were parts of their lives, loved ones they had lost to death or sacrifice or change, their careers as agents, their daring and glorious adventure together, and the love and future they now shared.

  Beth knew she would have lost herself in Steven Wind, as Navarro knew he would have lost himself in Jessica Lane. Those first loves would always be special episodes in their lives. But it was as if they had been waiting for each other to come along, to be awakened from dark dreams to a golden reality.

  Beth broke their reveries. “I have a lot of things from my parents’ home stored in Denver; they’ll be lovely in ours. After we get settled, we should go fetch them. Then, you can meet my family and relatives. I’m sure you’ll like Robert and Caroline. I know they’ll love and accept you as quickly and easily as I did. They’ll be delighted by the news of our marriage and retirement. My family is yours now, my love.”

  “I’m gonna enjoy having kin and being a rancher. Most of all, I’m gonna love being your husband and the father of our children.”

  “We’re blessed to have each other and so many wonderful things.”

  He related the romantic news about Zack and about Dan’s romantic inclinations. “I’ll sit my little fox beside that black wolf of yours; I saw them when I strolled through the house; they’ll make a nice pair, like we do. Zack carved mine out of cedar, so it’s red like your beautiful hair. Seems that trail-duster was giving us hints with those carvings. If we go to Tucson for business or to visit Dan, we won’t have to worry about exposing our identities or have to trick our friends again.”

  “You’ll have to wire Dan tomorrow to let him know the news, but I doubt he’s worried about you failing this mission, my matchless agent.”

  The ex-desperado-turned-lawman murmured, “I’ve chased wild winds in two different worlds ever since I was born, and I finally captured the best Wind of all. You blew on me in Tucson and swept me away, woman. Shu, how I love you, Beth Breed.”

  Navarro sealed their lips to stress his vow. Beth snuggled into his embrace and returned it with almost feverish desire. His fingers played in her radiant locks as her hands drifted over his back. Soon, they wanted total possession of each other, an exquisite union of bodies to match the glorious one which bound their hearts. They had been married for months, but this seemed like their wedding day, a time of commitment.

  “Now that we’re officially wed, Mr. Breed, why don’t we go inside our new home and…consummate our marriage, since we didn’t realize we were doing it that night in the desert?” She patted her lower abdomen and joked, “Once the baby is born, it’ll demand lots of attention, time, and energy, according to Jessica and Matt. We’ll have to write them soon and tell them our good news; I know they’ll be as happy for us as we are for them. For now, we’d better take advantage of the seven months of privacy we have left before he or she begins to flourish.”

  “My thoughts exactly, Mrs. Breed,” he murmured in a husky tone.

  Navarro lifted his cherished wife in strong arms and carried her to the four-poster bed. He lay her there and gazed at her for a minute as love and pride surged through him. As predestined and as foretold by the wise old shaman years ago, Tl’ee’ K’us would not walk alone forever; Kuu ‘tsiighaa’, “Flamehair,” was at his side and without ghosts or obstacles between them.

  She coaxed, “Lie down, Agent Breed, and carry out your assignment. The best mission in life is ahead for u

  Navarro’s hazel eyes gleamed with love and desire as Beth removed her clothes and tossed them to the floor. He did the same and joined her, this time to chase and capture a wild and wonderful wind of passion.

  Author’s Note:

  Geronimo and his renegade band continued to raid in Arizona and Mexico and to elude General Miles’s troops for months. Then, the Indians took refuge in the mountains near Sonora until late August. On September 3, 1886, Geronimo and his followers surrendered to General Miles at Skeleton Canyon in Arizona. The Indians were promised they could return to their homeland after an exile in Florida to prove the hostilities were over and peace would reign. As usual, that promise was broken.

  En route to Florida, the train was halted in Texas and a decision was made against hanging Geronimo for his crimes. General Crook was the white officer who intervened and prevented the legendary leader from being executed. Geronimo and the Chiricahuas were heralded as the last warrior and tribe to be conquered by the white man. Geronimo was separated from his family for months. Finally, he and others were transferred to Fort Sill in Oklahoma Territory in 1894. He became a public sensation for years until his death on February 17, 1908, without returning to his native Arizona. While researching this book, my husband, Michael,

  videotaped an interview with Geronimo III, the legend’s grandson, who lives near Tucson and is a fascinating man with keen wits and sharp eyes at 112 years old. One of my treasures is a photograph he signed for me, one that is shown in countless history books. To my -ch’ uuné’, ‘Ixée.

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