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Freak (Fallen Lords MC Book 7)

Page 14

by Winter Travers

  Leo leaned forward and whispered in Wrecker’s ear.

  “Nice that you’ve been making friends. Leo was worried you wouldn’t have anyone after you took off.”

  “Fuck Leo and the Banachi’s,” Bobby spat. “I’ve decided the mob life isn’t for me since Leo became a pussy. Bikers are more my style.”

  Was he talking about Freak?

  “Gonna have to agree with you on that one, Bobby.”

  “You know what? You actually know my new pal. Let me put you on speaker and you two can say hi.” There was a beep and then static on the other end.

  “Hello, Wrecker.”

  Wrecker clenched his fists, and he leaned toward the phone. “Jenkins?” he asked.

  “You know damn fucking well this is Jenkins.” Jenkins sounded annoyed that Wrecker even had to ask if it was him.

  Wrecker’s gaze flicked to Pipe, and a smirk spread across his lips. Wrecker knew exactly what he was doing when he asked that. “Sorry, brother. It’s been awhile since I heard your voice. Had to make sure it was you.”

  “It’s me, all right,” Jenkins drawled. “Back from the dead after you tried to screw me over and then kill me.”

  “Kill is such a harsh word.” Wrecker cleared his throat. “So you’re teaming up with Bobby now?”

  “It seemed logical. He had a beef with a chick that turns out is connected to the Fallen Lords, so it seemed like a natural partnership. Two birds, one stone.”

  “So what is the next move. You’ve got one of our guys.”

  Bobby came back on the line. “You give me Carnie, and we’ll give you back this guy. That slut was fucking him in the bathroom of the bar, so we figured it was the logical decision to take him.”

  They didn’t even know who they had taken.

  “That sounds like you get what you want, but I’m wondering what it is that Jenkins wants.”

  “Territory. I want River Valley back. I want you to pull back the asshole you have lurking around and stay the fuck away.” Jenkins cleared his throat. “And also fifty grand. It’s not exactly easy to get back on your feet after someone trying to kill you.”

  “So we give you Carnie, fifty grand, and River Valley and then you’ll had back over Freak?”

  They better not be considering this bullshit. All Bobby deserved was a bullet in his head and from what I gathered, this Jenkins guy deserved the same thing.

  “That’s it,” Bobby drawled. He was such a slime ball. I didn’t even know why I had been attracted to him before. I was such an idiot.

  “Seems like you guys are getting three things, and we’re only getting one.” Wrecker glanced over at Leo. “How about we give you River Valley and the money, and we get Carnie and Freak.”

  “That’s bullshit!” Bobby shouted through the phone. “That bitch ruined my life!”

  Again, I begged to differ.

  “Well, you’re gonna have to discuss this with Jenkins, Bobby, because you’re not going to get three things and we’re only going to get one.” Wrecker leaned back and sighed.

  Bobby and Jenkins mumbled for a few minutes.

  I still didn’t like where this was going. We were going to get Freak back, but it didn’t sound like Bobby was going to be satisfied unless he got me.

  “We’ll take the bitch and River Valley,” Jenkins stated clearly.

  Wrecker’s eyes connected with mine. “Where do you want to meet?”

  “Seventeen West Haven drive. Four hours. You try anything funny, and we’ll blow the fucking building up.”

  The line went dead, and I stared at the phone.

  Were the Fallen Lords about to hand me over to Bobby?

  “I’ll brief my men.” Leo stood up and button the suit jacket. “We’ll meet up here in three hours.” He walked out of the room with his two goons following him.

  “Are you…” I gulped and looked at Wrecker. “Are you about to give me to Bobby?”

  A smirk spread across Wrecker’s lips. “That’s what he thinks.”


  Chapter Twenty-Three


  “Get up.”

  I raised my head off the concrete and blinked. “Could have used a pillow.” I wiped the dirt off the side of my face and realized my arms weren’t tied anymore. I sat up and looked up at Boink. “Gotta say, whenever these girls get kidnapped, they really go through it.” I slowly moved my arms around trying to gain feeling back.

  “Make sure you tell Mayra that the next time you see her.” Boink handed me a bottle of water. “And you’re welcome for saving your ass.”

  I nodded and drained the bottle of water. “You guys kill Bobby and Jenkins yet?”

  Boink shook his head. “Nah. We thought we’d get you out of this hole before the fireworks started.” He held out his hand and pulled me up. “Dumbasses think we’re gonna give Carnie and River Valley to them in exchange for you.”

  They were dumbasses if they thought that. “Carnie okay?”

  Boink laughed. “Gotta tell you, brother. I have never seen a woman more fired up. Barged into Church and everything. The best part of it was the shirt she was wearing.” Boink shook his head. “She really does fit in perfectly with the Girl Gang.”

  “Good to know seeing as I hope she sticks around.” I brushed off my pants and combed my fingers through my hair. “So what’s the plan now?” I glanced at the window I had spotted before. It was now kicked in, but it was still too far up for us to reach.

  Boink pointed to the stairs. “Figured we’d give those a try when the time is right. It’s all part of the plan, brother.” Boink reached into his waistband and handed me a gun. “You might need this, though. These guys are idiots, but that doesn’t mean an idiot doesn’t know how to shoot a gun.”

  I checked the chamber to make sure there was plenty of bullets and clicked the safety off. “Is it only the two of them?”

  Boink nodded. “From what we can tell, it is.”

  “Then this should be easy as fucking pie.” I had been trying to figure out a way to get out of here, but thankfully, the Lords had arrived before I needed to take matters into my own hands.

  “Ya dead, Freak?” Pipe stuck his head through the window Boink had kicked in.

  “Still kicking.”

  “Good. I’d hate to be the one to tell Carnie ya died. Pretty sure she would have gone fucking bananas if something happened to you.” Pipe chuckled. “And we’re getting shirts for all of the girls.”

  “Still don’t know what the shirt says.” I knew Alice had given a shirt to Carnie for her birthday, but I was clueless about what it said. I assumed it was something about cows, but that wasn’t really anything that all the girls would need.

  “You’ll just have to wait and see.” Pipe disappeared from the window, and Wrecker’s face appeared.

  “Know anything about what we’re about to walk into?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “They knocked me out, and I woke up down here.”

  Wrecker nodded. “Figures.” He looked over his shoulder and held up a finger. “You know, for being so damn young, your chick is might fucking pushy.”

  “She’s normally pretty chill.” The only time I had really seen Carnie freak out was at the falls, but I honestly didn’t think she overreacted.

  “Right,” Wrecker drawled.

  A hand curled over Wrecker’s shoulder and pulled him out of the window. “Would you let me talk to him?”

  Carnie’s head popped through the window. “I’m sorry.”

  I looked at Boink, and he shrugged. “She keeps telling everyone that.”

  “What the hell are you sorry for?” I called.

  “Because this is all my fault. Why couldn’t I have met you before Bobby?” Even peering down at me from a broken window, Carnie was the prettiest thing I’d ever seen.

  “Just the way shit happened, doll. You need to stop telling everyone you’re sorry. You’re not the first one to get kidnapped.”

  “Probably won’t be the last eith
er,” Boink drawled.

  Carnie turned around and whispered something.

  “Now who is she talking to?’ I asked Boink.

  “The only other person out there with them right now is Leo.”

  Carnie turned back around. “I gotta go hide in some car right now. Wrecker told Bobby he could have me but he really can’t.”

  “That’s good, doll.”

  She smiled wide. “I also told Wrecker and Leo if you come back to me with more than a scratch on you, I’m killing them both.” She waved quickly and ducked back out of the window.

  “You don’t really think she told Leo and Wrecker that, do you?”

  Boink nodded. “She did because I was a witness to it. I didn’t think it was possible, but that woman has more sass than any of the girls.”

  “Guess it’s better than having some meek and mild woman.”

  Boink rolled his eyes. “I just don’t know why they can’t land somewhere in the middle of sass and meek.”

  Wrecker peeked his head in the window again. “Wait for the signal. We’re going in.”

  Boink gave him a thumbs up, and I was back to waiting.



  I hated waiting.

  I didn’t see why we couldn’t just get Freak out of that basement and be on our way.

  “Would you stop tapping your foot?”

  I glared at the goons sitting in the front seat of the car. “Sorry, but there's a bit of a stressful situation about to play out.”

  “If are doubting Leo, then you really don’t know anything.”

  These guys were loyal to Leo, through and through. I leaned forward and stuck my hand out. “We didn’t formally meet. I’m Carnie.”

  He looked at my hand and scowled. “Murphy.”

  I retracted my hand and rested my elbows on the back of the passenger seat. “You have a girlfriend?”

  He shook his head.


  He shook his head again.


  He glanced at me. “Why does it matter?”


  “Fine,” he huffed. “I have a dog. His name is Winston.”

  “So, how would you feel if Winston was trapped in a room somewhere and you couldn’t get to him, but someone else could so you have to rely on them to take care of Winston until he’s back in your bed. Arms, I mean arms.”

  “He’s a dog. He’s fine.” Murphy shook his head. “You Weston chicks really are crazy.”

  I sat back and folded my arms over my chest. I looked out the window in the direction of the house Freak was in and sighed. Murphy had driven us a few blocks over to wait out whatever it was that Wrecker and Leo were about to do.

  “You guys should really use walkie-talkies. How are you supposed to know what everyone else is doing?”

  “I don’t need to know what everyone else is doing. I worry about what I’m doing, and what I’m supposed to be doing is keeping you safe.”

  That may be what he was supposed to be doing, but what I was doing was worrying about Freak. I knew he was safe now, but once everything started happening, would he stay that way?


  Chapter Twenty-Four


  A loud boom shook the house, and Boink turned to the door.

  “Was that the signal?”

  He shook his head. “No, but it should be coming soon.”

  I pulled my gun from my waistband and looked up the stairwell. I knew there was a plan, but if anything happened that wasn’t supposed to, I wanted to be prepared.

  The door handle to the stairwell rattled, and Boink and I both moved to the side and lifted our guns.

  There was shouting on the other side of the door, but I couldn’t make out anything they were saying.

  A bullet blasted through the door, and Boink and I both took cover.

  “Honey, I’m home!”

  A grin spread across Boink’s face, and he lowered his gun. “That’s the signal.”

  For Christ’s sake. I moved back to the bottom of the stairs to see Pipe standing at the top of them. “Sorry, but Bobby wouldn’t give up the keys to the door so I had to get creative.” He motioned for us to come up. “The show is about to start.”

  Boink jogged up the stairs, and I followed behind.

  “Where the hell are we?” I asked.

  We followed Pipe down a long hallway that opened to a large, empty room. I stood next to Boink and Nickel. “Feed mill over in the old side of town. They had you in the basement of the offices,” Nickel explained.

  Bobby and Jenkins were standing along a wall with two of Leo’s men on either side of them. Wrecker and Leo stood ten feet in front of them while Boink, Nickel, Pipe, and I were behind them.

  “Trapped like a rat,” Pipe chuckled.

  Nickel leaned forward and looked over at Pipe. “You really get too much enjoyment out of this, you know that, right?”

  Pipe shrugged. “It’s good to get out and have some excitement now and then.”

  “Does Nikki know about this side of you?” Boink asked.

  Wrecker glared at us over his shoulder. “Shut it.”

  We all nodded except for Pipe who pretended to zip his lips shut.

  “I see the Lords women have rubbed off on the men,” Leo chuckled.

  “You’re on bathroom duty when we get back,” Wrecker said to Pipe.

  “What?” Pipe hissed. “I’m the vice president.”

  “More like the vice idiot,” Boink whispered.

  “You got it after him, Boink.”

  Boink glared at Pipe who stuck his tongue out at him. “Ha, ha,” he taunted.

  Wrecker turned back around with a shake of his head. “They’re gonna be the death of me.”

  Leo chuckled but didn’t say anything more.

  “This isn’t what we agreed on,” Bobby spat.

  Leo tipped his head to the side. “Because you’re a man who keeps his word, aren’t you?”

  It was Jenkins turn to open his mouth. “Just let us go and we’ll actually disappear.”

  If he thought we were going to buy that load of crap, he was an even bigger idiot than we thought.

  “Just let you two run off only for you to pop up later in our lives for some dumbass reason?” Leo nodded to the guy on the right of Bobby. “I should have taken care of you a longtime ago, Bobby, but maybe that was me being a pussy.”

  Recognition dawned on Bobby’s face. Leo had heard every word Bobby has said about him. “No reason to turn over a new leaf,” Bobby stuttered.

  Leo glanced at Wrecker. “Bet on which one of these assholes pisses their pants first.”

  “My money is on Bobby. He’s already starting to prance around like he’s ready to go.”

  Leo nodded. “Can’t argue with that.” Leo turned to Jenkins. “But we can’t count him out just yet.”

  “You really thought we were going to just give you money and your territory back?” Wrecker asked Jenkins.

  Jenkins shrugged. “Not like I really have much to lose. You took everything from me, Wrecker, including my sister.”

  “You gave her to us, Jenkins. In your own weird way, you were trying to save her.”

  Jenkins tilted his head to the side. “And did it work?” he asked.

  “She’s better off in Weston than with you.”

  “Then all of this was worth it.” He closed his eyes and hung his head. “Please tell my sister I’ll be seeing her soon.”

  Bobby flung himself at the guy to his left, and Jenkins managed to swing his leg backward and kick the gun out of the guy’s hand behind him.

  Jenkins scrambled for the gun and got his hand on it just as we raised our guns and started shooting. Jenkins dove, crashed through a window, and landed outside.

  Nickel, Pipe, and Boink ran toward the door and barreled through it after Jenkins.

  “Get him!” Wrecker shouted.

  Leo’s man, the one whose gun got kicked out of his hand,
followed behind.

  Leo was crouched down on the floor and shook his head.

  Bobby hadn’t fared so well when it came to the grand escape Jenkins and he had planned. Leo’s man had Bobby in a chokehold and his gun pressed against his temple.

  Wrecker offered his hand to Leo and helped him up. “Why are these guys such idiots?” Leo wiped his hands on his pants. “It’s so hard to find good help these days.”

  “Now you see why I tend to not bring prospects in.” Wrecker pointed to me. “These dumbasses need to take a lesson from Freak.”

  “Something needs to happen.” Leo stepped toward Bobby. “You are definitely onto something when you say I’ve gone soft, Bobby.” Leo turned to Wrecker. “I know we had previously discussed you taking care of this, but for my piece of mind, this is a situation I need to rectify.”

  Wrecker glanced at me.

  Bobby had been trying to kill Carnie. I had to be the one to take Bobby down.

  “You good with that?” Wrecker asked.

  I thought about Carnie and the fact that she was safe and I had the rest of my life to spend with her. “As long as he gets what he deserves, I don’t care who does it.”

  Leo nodded to me. “Wrecker isn’t wrong when he calls you one of the last few good ones.”’

  A compliment from Leo Banachi and Wrecker all in the same day was a little too much to take.

  Leo turned back to Bobby and unbuttoned his jacket. He reached inside and pulled out a gun. “I'm not much of a hands-on guy.” He looked at Wrecker. “I really don’t need to be anymore, but sometimes, doing things yourself is the best.” He stepped toward Bobby and nodded at the guy holding him. “Let him go, Princeton.”

  “You sure?” he asked.

  Leo nodded.

  Princeton slowly released his arm from around Bobby’s neck but kept his gun pointed at him head.

  “Leo, please, I’m sorry. I made a mistake,” Bobby pleaded. “I got restless.”

  “Get him on his knees.”

  Princeton kicked his legs out from under Bobby, and he collapsed to the floor.

  “I said on his knees, not in a pile on the floor.”

  Princeton grabbed Bobby by the collar and hauled him on his knees.


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