Captured: A Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Romance (Garrison Earth Book 1)

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Captured: A Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Romance (Garrison Earth Book 1) Page 10

by V. K. Ludwig

  I worked in a breath at the sight of her body, the flesh of her breasts, the pink around her nipples. If someone had asked me what I liked best about her, I would have responded her imperfections.

  Eden wasn’t an droid, designed to please the eye in every way possible. Her waist wasn’t as slender, her breasts were slightly unequal in size, and her lips too narrow. And yet I kept staring at them whenever I managed a secretive glance over her features, urging me to taste them once more.

  She hesitantly stepped over to my desk, although she tried her best to make it look confident. What had this female seen in her life that she always felt the need to act strong?

  Pulling herself onto my desk, she gasped at the coldness of the surface against her bottom. A generous lick across her fingers. Then she pulled one leg up to the desk and slathered her saliva across her folds.

  My penis tightened, fully erect, crown swelling against the constraint of my belt buckle. I walked up to her, hands fumbling impatiently with my pants, freeing myself. A translucent bead of seed spilled out of me at the sight, the excitement, the promise.

  I wanted to grab her thighs and pull her onto my erection, pounding her until my desk wailed underneath the force. Seed her quickly, only to pull out and fist my shaft until I would spurt once more, covering her in milky-clear droplets.

  This female wasn’t supposed to have been touched by anyone but me. But I knew she had been. Many times. And the thought of it made me want to fuck her until she screamed my name so loud it would resonate inside her skull for eternity, making her forget all those not destined to have her.

  Sert. No no.

  My thoughts scared me.

  If I mated her now, I didn’t know if I could hold back.

  Keep from hurting her, or perhaps even the both of us.

  “No…” I reached out for her arm, tugging her off my desk.


  I turned around and handed her dress and panties. “I… I can’t.”

  Leaving my office, I hurried up the stairs, Eden’s voice soon resonated through the hall. “What do you mean with you can’t?”

  “I’m afraid I might hurt you.” Or worse.

  “Please do explain how you intend to knock me up then.” She scrambled up the steps beside me, naked, furious. “What about my parents?”

  “I already ordered the agency to search for them.”

  “And you leaving? Is that still going to happen? I don’t want to be mated to you, Torin. I want you out of my life.”

  Her words shouldn’t have bothered me the way they did. I took those final steps at a sprint, trying to leave that awkward feeling in my chest behind.

  Chapter 12


  My naked soles slipped up the marble steps, running behind the Vetusian I had spent the last three weeks escaping.

  I followed him into the bedroom, my tits bouncing with each step. “Does that mean I can move out?”

  “Your new habitat is still under construction.”

  I let out a sarcastic laugh, tossing my dress and panties against the wall. “Let me guess. It’ll be two years before it’s completed.”

  Torin walked into the bathroom and cleaned his teeth, letting me stand there naked and furious until he finished, saying, “It won’t take that long.”

  “How long?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Got me good, didn’t you? Fuck, how could I be so stupid?”

  I hovered the sonic cleaner over my teeth, while Torin stripped out of his uniform before I watched his tanned ass disappear from the mirror.

  I walked back into the bedroom and grabbed a nightgown from the closet. “Are you going to move out?”

  “Why would I?” he asked. “This is my ship. My home.”

  “Great.” I slipped underneath the blanket at the far end of the bed, less than an inch keeping me from hitting the ground. “We’re gonna live here like roommates now? Why did I agree to all this? You just… wanted to fuck a human once? Is that it?”

  “Why are you so upset? Considering how it took you a week to come to me, I don’t see why you’re in such a rush now.”

  “It took me a week because I wasn’t ready.”

  A tug on my scalp made it clear he played with a strand of my hair. “But now you’re ready?”

  Tossing around, I ripped my hair from his clasp. “Yes. Now I’m ready.”

  He stared at me, the green of his eyes appearing less vibrant than a week ago. Cheeks sucked in and eyes squinted, he raked a hand through his hair, thinking, observing me.

  “And I am not ready now.” He turned around and presented me his back, no less scarred than his chest. “I have to think about this.”

  “Artificial insemination!” I blurted. “How about you jack off in a little container, and we do that? Might even get yourself a package deal.”

  “We considered it. But the risk is too high since we have no data on natural conception between our species yet. Besides, it would be counterproductive to the merge of our societies. One day Vetusians and humans will reunite their two gene pools as if they’d never split.”

  That made so much fucking sense, I didn’t even bother coming up with a snarky remark. But it didn’t keep me from letting a grunt of annoyance shatter through the room.

  “Argh!” I leaned over from bed and fumbled with the recessed light on the nightstand. “How does this thing turn off? I’m so sick of sleeping in a bedroom brighter than a Walmart parking lot on Black Friday.”

  “The lights stay on,” he said, voice tight. “How about you tell me why you’re so upset.”

  “I’m not upset. Tired is what I am because I wake up a gazillion times at night with all the lights and the swooshing and stuff.”

  The moment the room dimmed, Torin rolled me onto my back. With one swift move, he climbed on top of me, hard shaft pressed against my pussy. “I said the lights stay on. That is how I sleep. If you don’t like it, feel free to find other accommodations.”

  “Yeah, how about you let me go home to my place?”

  “Your place does not exist anymore.” His voice hushed against the side of my neck, making me strain away from where his voice hid in the darkness. “We tore down almost all buildings, aside from those of importance.”

  Saying his words didn’t sting somewhere would have been a lie. Granted, my place had been just a studio with a view of the junkyard next door, but that didn’t make it less painful to learn it wasn’t there anymore.

  “Get off me!” I writhed underneath him, the whole situation feeling awfully familiar.

  “So first you want me to get on. Now you want me off?” His hands gripped my wrists and wrestled them over my head. One intense grind against my pubic bone. One drawn-out moan, resonating in every cell of my body. “Let me tell you what I think. You’re more upset at yourself than me because you liked what I did down there.” Hot and wet, his tongue trailed from my collarbone all the way up to my earlobe, where he whispered, “I heard that little moan.”

  I wasn’t sure what shocked me more.

  That he’d noticed, or that he had no restraint in calling me out like that. Either way, it left me speechless. My lips parted, but my vocal cords stayed mute with shame.

  In my mind, I had an excuse.

  How could I have known he’d suddenly go down on me? It was so unexpected. Any red-blooded female couldn’t ignore friction if it was there. And if that didn’t clear things up, I could always have told myself captivity had turned me insane.

  Clearly, only a deeply disturbed person would find pleasure in it.

  He let go of my wrists, one arm fumbling over my nightstand. A second later, Torin came back into view, a self-satisfied smile displayed across his mouth.

  “The lights stay on.” That was all he said before he rolled off me and onto his side, back toward me.


  I hated it when he did that sexually loaded intimidation thing. Mostly because it always managed to shut me up.
  I lay there in bed, tossing, turning, thinking.

  An internal scoff later, I pulled the blanket over my shoulder and said, “Have you considered I moaned because I was about to throw up?”

  However long it took me to come up with that pity reply was too long. A look over Torin’s shoulder revealed him asleep, his features softer than I had ever seen them before. He looked nothing like the warrior he was or the Vetusian who’d pulled a gun from my hand. For a fraction of a moment, he looked like a guy I wanted to know more about.

  Man, I was unhinged.

  But dragging me over the dirty floor of a pharmacy Torin was easier to hate.

  The apology. The confession. The way he distanced himself after, gave me space. It made hating him a little less easy, a little less instinctual.

  No doubt I liked him a lot better when he was an asshole.

  Like now.

  I swiped over my nightstand and turned the lights off.


  A mumble trickled into my sub-conscience. Eyelids heavy, mind half asleep, my ears pricked.


  The mumble turned into a shout.

  The shout into a scream.

  The bed shook and vibrated.

  My chest filled with panic, the rushing of my pulse quickly overriding the desperate grunts coming from right beside me.

  I sat up and glanced about the black room, the bit of moonlight filtering in from the window breaking against Torin’s flailing arms. Why was it dark? Had I turned the lights off?

  “Torin!” I grabbed for his arm and gave a tug, my fingers slipping off the cold sweat layering his skin. “Wake up. Wake up!”

  His arm crashed against my jaw like a metal rod. I fell back and scurried away from him on all four limbs, pain stabbing the roots of my molars.

  “Dor’cha!” he screamed over and over again, the panic in his voice rattling the walls and numbing my ears.

  Frantically, I shoved my fingers over the nightstand, swiping any and all buttons I could find. Curtains opened and closed. Mechanic clanks came from several parts of the room. Lights turned on, off, then finally on again.

  Torin catapulted his massive body up to sit, his face a raw display of fear and panic. His hand shoved madly over the bedsheets, his voice small, “Eden…”

  I swallowed, unsure as to what to do.

  My jaw throbbed, but it paled compared to Torin’s inner torment. Tortured, burning eyes locked with mine, and he shrunk into half the Vetusian he was only hours ago. He sat there, spine crooked, shoulders slumped, nothing but a shivering shadow of that proud and strong Commander.

  “I’m right here,” I said, scooting closer.

  Veins popped, he dragged his arms around me, more in his own support than embrace, his eyes wide but unfocused. His breath came noisy and labored as if he’d just barely escaped something with his life. Head sitting heavy on my shoulder, his trembles consumed his body.

  Guilt gripped my heart, clutching it so tight, it pumped faster, harder, and hotter, making it jitter away in my ears. Waking up once or twice because of the lights suddenly didn’t seem so bad anymore.

  I sat there for a long time, not knowing if I should sit still, or if I should touch him. Seeing him like this, weak like I had been, should have filled me with malicious joy. Instead, I just felt plain sorry for him.

  “Did I…” His voice shook, then broke off, and he gulped before he tried again. “Did I strike you?”

  “No.” The lie came with no hesitation.

  I stroked my fingers through his hair, expecting bristles, but it was surprisingly soft, letting me flatten it each way I shoved it. He didn’t ask me not to touch him. Simply tolerated it without complaint.

  Exhaustion gnawed at my posture, my body growing tired underneath the weight of his muscled arms. And yet I continued to hold him, until he peeled himself away from me, his gaze averted.

  “I’m really sorry for turning the lights off.”

  The apology poured without consent.

  It was supposed to remain an unspoken thought but seeing Torin this broken did something to me. It made sympathy snake its way through that oversized wall I had erected around me.

  Where his calloused hands had pinned me down a week ago, they now smoothed over my shoulders, gently lowering me onto the mattress. “Now I’m ready.”

  His hard exhales penetrated the silence, brushing against my pussy as he once more lowered himself between my legs, panties quickly ripped down.

  Not this again…

  There were a million different reasons why I couldn’t enjoy sex with Torin, starting with the fact that he was the enemy.

  I fisted his hair, ripping, pushing, pulling, whatever would make him stop. But he only gripped my thighs and spread them wider, his lips firm on mine.

  “Am I hurting you?” he asked, his hot breath searing against my sex.

  “No, but —”

  “Then I have no reason to stop.” His voice came rough, hungry. “You won’t ever have me weaker than I am right now. I couldn’t hurt you even if I wanted.”

  I should have said no.

  But wasn’t this what I wanted?

  For him to get me pregnant?

  If he insisted on eating me out before that, heavens, let him. At least now he didn’t refuse to do anything at all. Perhaps he needed this to calm down. I wouldn’t feel a thing.

  Would. Not. Feel. A. Thing.

  The tip of his tongue entered me slightly, then swiped all the way up to my clit, making me flinch at the sensation. “I could taste you all night and still not have enough.”

  What was I supposed to do with this Torin so different from a week ago? With the way his touch might just be an illusion it was that soft and gentle?

  Shit. I stared at the paneled ceiling.

  One, two, three ridges. A carved flower in the center with nine petals, three leaves, a small bud not yet blossomed. I concentrated on every fucking detail, telling myself there was no pleasure. I pretty much wasn’t even there.

  I didn’t feel the way he sucked my clit into his mouth. How he discovered the way I jerked when he clasped it gently between his lips. And I most definitely didn’t moan just now, as he shoved his lips over my pubic bone and trailed them up over the thin fabric of my nightgown.

  When he came back up, torture still lingered in the green depths of his eyes, but there was something else. An unspoken question. Can I mate you?

  His cock nudged at my entrance.

  Torin worked one hand between my shoulder blades. With the other, he cupped my cheek, locking my eyes to his. “Are you still ready for me now?”

  A shudder went down my spine.

  I forced my stiff neck into a nod, staring at this seven-plus foot male hunching over me, his muscles contracted, his veined arms keeping his weight off me.

  “I never had to be gentle with anything,” he whispered, a shaky hand stroking my lips. “But I will force my body to be gentle with you. If I pain you, you will tell me. Do you understand?”

  I gulped. “Yes.”

  Forcing my body to relax, I collapsed my knees to the outside, letting his crown press against my entrance.

  He entered me carefully, dipping in and retreating right after, repeating it in tender waves. “Is this gentle?”

  All I managed was a nod.

  Torin closed his eyes, searing pleasure fleeting over his features. With every inch he worked himself inside me, his lips curled back some more, revealing a set of clenched teeth.

  His hard length made me gasp. His swollen thickness asked my walls to stretch and adjust. In all fairness, it wasn’t realistic not to feel anything. There was simply too much of Torin to be ignored.

  He opened his eyes with his first groan, deep and raw, turmoil staring right back at me. His entire body trembled, as if he fought an internal battle against an unseen enemy, trying to be as tender as possible.

  Each stroke came agonizingly slow, and yet he moaned as if he might come at the
very next one.

  But he didn’t do me that favor.

  Keeping his pace even, he kissed over the rise of my breasts, his lips hot and wet through the silk. He stroked in and out of me, watching me, reading my every reaction. Whispers in a language I didn’t understand crept into my ear, soft, letting an uninvited layer of goosebumps swell against the side of my neck.

  Torin’s broad chest replaced the ceiling, muscles defined, and skin decorated with scars. At least a dozen. Thin ones. Thick ones. Straight lines. Jagged lines. It made questions rise I shouldn’t have wanted an answer to. What had he seen? What had he done?

  “So magnificent. So much what I never dared wanting,” he said softly, stroking my hair over and over again. “Am I slow?”

  “Too slow,” I breathed. “Just… finish already.”

  “Like this?” I didn’t feel how his steel-hard shaft stroked along my clit faster now. Ignored how he pushed deep inside, to the very end of me, his breath turning labored.


  “Am I still careful?” he breathed.


  His breath trailed over my cheeks until his whisper broke against the corner of my lips. “Do you like it?”

  My mouth opened.

  I had no time to say no because he kissed me before I could utter a word. He worked his lips over mine, softer than the last time, nibbling, sucking them into his mouth.

  Each time I turned my face away, his mouth came searching, moan after moan, thrust after thrust. Until his body stiffened, his movement stalled, and his cock throbbed against my walls.

  He came with such intensity he let out a rough shout against my lips, coating my walls with streams of semen as he jerked inside me. It held something ferocious. Something primal. And a woman who noticed all that in such detail was clearly deranged.

  Chapter 13


  I breathed in the scent of pinecones until the seams constricted my ribcage, held it, and released it in a deep moan. “This is amazing.”


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