by Carol Jean
When she hangs us Charlotte, Franklin and Charles are staring at her. “Minutes, I have only minutes. What can you tell me to help me?”
“If Simon’s strong arming them, listen don’t talk. Be their friend.” Franklin says quickly. “Tell them their check has been cut, but if it’s not enough you’ll double it.”
I gasp.
“You’ll make it up. You did the numbers.”
Charlotte is twisting her hands and sort of swaying. “I think it has to do with Simon’s father. My sources say that Simon isn’t happy about the whole deal. Mr. Perry was shot and that’s why he’s in a wheelchair and has a whole slew of physical problems.”
Her gun at the ball was that why he was so belligerent toward her?
“It’s only gossip, but everyone knows Mr. Shockley’s wife is the one who shot him. An affair gone wrong maybe, but no one seems to know for sure. They all covered it up, but Mr. Shockley’s wife, is Mr. Wade’s sister.”
“Family crap? All this trouble for messy family business? Hundreds of people’s jobs are at stake!”
“Where is she?”
“She still lives with Mr. Shockley.”
“Where is that?”
“What are you going to do, Judy?” Franklin looks scared of what she might do.
“Go to the source. Franklin, please get to Shockley and Wade they’re in Shockley’s office. They haven’t had lunch. DeShaun is ordering it. You can be their friend and take them lunch until I get there.”
“Charles, go with Franklin and hang out with DeShaun. You’ll be able to call me easier than he can. He’s supposed to be digging into Shockley history, prior to five years ago.”
She’s ready for out the door when she stops. “When we were dancing Simon said I was wrong thinking that he didn’t want Stalwart to be successful. If he was telling the truth, it’s got to be Wade and Shockley being sold. Not to Stalwart, but to anyone.
“Obviously, Perry has some kind of controlling interest in Wade and Shockley and wants to keep it. Why? This family business shooting thing doesn’t make any sense as a reason. I’m thinking that it has something to do with why Shockley was in the red five years ago. He was and then he wasn’t. Now his company is free and clear. Does that actually happen, Franklin? That quick, just like that?”
All eyes turn to Franklin. “Investor, selling off significant assets, a partner dying leaving everything to the company, lucky at the Black Jack table, yes Judy, it can. But truthfully it isn’t often.”
“But a new owner would have access to the records -- all the records.” There’s a lengthy pause.
She jerks everyone back. “It’s doesn’t matter to us. All we want to do is to grow Stalwart. There’s no way we can figure this out. The only thing we need to do is focus on our goals: complete the buy of Wade and Shockley’s companies. Other than that we are not concerned.”
“Stall, Franklin, if it gets scary hit them with the the five-year thing and tell them we are only interested in their records for the last five years. Tell them that they owe me the courtesy of telling me to my face and that I’ll be along shortly.”
“Where are you going?”
“The source.”
Chapter 18. The Agreement
Twenty minutes later she’s standing at the front door of the most beautiful house Judy has ever seen. It’s straight out of pre-civil war plantation glory. Tall white columns, huge porch, flowers, trees, walkways, it’s breathtaking. She knocks with the lion’s huge chin. She can hear it echo inside the house, wondering what it would be like to live in a place like this. A lot better than her one room flat, she laughs and can’t help it.
The door opens and she’s still grinning and now at a man with Clarence’s body, who’s stuffed into a tux. That’s funnier yet.
“Avon calling.” Pops out of her mouth.
The huge man frowns.
“I’m sorry. I’m not with Avon; it was just a . . . private joke.”
The man still hasn’t changed expression. “I’ve come to see Mr. Perry. He was supposed to see me at eight-thirty, but I had to come early,” she lies. If called on it, she can always say she was confused with which Simon Perry. “Can you please tell him I’m here now?” He backs up and Judy walks in.
“Your name.”
“Judy Mason and please tell him that I’m not wearing my gun.”
His eyebrow twitches.
“Don’t worry, he’ll understand.”
Judy could see Simon growing up in this house. His style and swagger would have would have naturally evolved by the time he could walk living in a place like this.
She wonders if he ever slid down the long curved banister, or ran through these enormous high-ceiling rooms hollering for his mother or playing hide and seek with siblings.
She doesn’t remember hearing or reading about Simon’s brothers or sisters, maybe he’s an only child. It would be a shame if only one child had access to all this space. It would be lonely instead of fun.
“Miss Mason, Mr. Perry said he would rather die than see you. Follow me please.”
She needs a distraction to process. “Excuse me, but do you know Clarence Davis?”
The hulk of a man turns quickly to face her. She reactively takes a step back.
“He’s my twin brother.”
“Clarence taught me to dance, so I could dance with the governor. He and I workout at the same club. I met your nephew John. He looks very much like you and Clarence.”
“Yes ma’am I know and that’s why I’m going to let you see Mr. Perry, even though I’m was told not to let you in.”
“It’s Judy and please, I don’t want to get you in trouble.”
“No ma’am. It’s no trouble.”
“What’s your name?”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She holds out her hand. He’s as gentle and warm as Clarence. “I’d love to meet your Mother. She must be a wonderful woman.”
“Yes ma’am, she was.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
The gentle giant opens the tallest door she’s ever seen. “Good luck Judy.”
Simon’s father is sitting behind a huge antique desk that she thinks is bigger than her office. He’s reading something and for some reason doesn’t seem to realize she’s here. She walks across the thick Persian rugs and can’t even hear her own footsteps. She sits in one of two elaborate chairs placed in front of his desk and waits.
She doesn’t count the minutes, but it’s less than five and more than three before he looks up startled to see her.
“I told Chauncey not to let you in.”
“Yes, sir. I know. He said you told him that you’d rather die than see me, so I thought I’d watch.”
“Watch what?”
“You die.”
His face turns red then white. She can’t help but feel guilty about threatening an obviously ill man, but quickly remembers that he’s trying to prevent her from legally, and honestly acquiring businesses that would make Stalwart Company grow. He’s deliberately putting people out of jobs and they probably loose their homes and have their cars repossessed.
“Get out!”
“No. I’m going to sit here until you tell me why you are interfering with the growth of my business. Stalwart Companies is no threat to you or the Perry empire. Mr. Wade and Mr. Shockley want to sell to me. I’ve offered them good money and a promise to take care of their employees. I see no reason why you would prevent that from happening.”
If he could walk, she’s sure he would be rising from his seat to threaten her with the police. “That’s none of your business now get out of here.”
“That’s where you are wrong Mr. Perry, it is my business and you are the one who is interfering.”
Mr. Perry glares at her. “My son thinks he wants to marry you, Miss Mason.”
Didn’t expect that, but there’s no time to dwell on it. At last she sees a way to get Mr. Perry’s coopera
“I won’t let that happen because you are nothing but poor, white trash.”
“Yes. You’re right there, I am.”
She’s watches in slow motion as his mouth drops open.
“If I promise that I won’t marry your son, will you allow me to buy Mr. Shockley’s and Mr. Wade’s companies? Tell you what, I’ll write a statement now and sign it, saying I will not marry Simon and you will never see me again. I want nothing from you, Mr. Perry, other than to allow Mr. Shockley and Mr. Wade to decide for themselves if they want to sell to me or not.”
He’s looking at her, like she’s the most evil woman he’s ever met. She can’t help the shiver than runs from the base of her spine up to the back of her neck. Goose bumps cover her arms.
Don’t back down. Steven’s words pound in her head over and over and over, while she holds Simon’s father’s eyes.
“Oh and one other thing, I’ll put in the note that I’m not interested in any company records for Mr. Shockley or Mr. Wade that are more than five years old.”
She had to look carefully, but it was there. He flinched.
“I intend to take the companies just as they are today – the past stays in the past.”
“Are you blackmailing me?”
“Yes sir. The cost is a phone call to Mr. Shockley and Mr. Wade, releasing them from your influence.”
He doesn’t respond.
“I’ll wait.”
She and Mr. Perry stare at each other. Judy holds his eyes, but in her mind she sees Steven looking hard at her during her third workout session and hears his voice as he yelled in her face. “You blinked and you stepped back, Judy, your attacker now knows you are vulnerable. You’re dead.” Steven threw up his hands and walked away from her. “I don’t work with dead people.”
We stare at each other and now its Gerry’s voice that floats in beside Steven’s face. “That should be your first shot Judy, not your last.” She went for the shot between Mr. Perry’s eyes, because everyone at Stalwart is counting on her not to fail. She’ll wait until the sun goes down and comes up again.
Mr. Perry’s shoulders drop and his eyes fall to stare at his hands. She reaches over and takes a piece of fine letterhead from his desk and a gold pen and writes that Judy Ann Mason consents to never marry or otherwise engage in any relationship other than that of acquaintance with Simon Andrew Perry IV from this day forward for the remaining years of her life and if this promise is broken Mr. Simon Andrew Perry III has the right to sue her in a court of law or justly take whatever action he determines to be equitable.
She signs her name, dates it and then below writes that the business records older than five years from this date for Mr. Shockley are to be sealed and denied to her or anyone in Stalwart Company.
She signs it, dates it and carefully places it in front of Mr. Simon Andrew Perry III.
“I’ll wait while you make the phone call, Mr. Perry.”
He reads her handwritten page at least two times and maybe more.
“I’ll agree to any additions or changes, Mr. Perry. Just let me know what you would like to change.”
He reaches for the phone. His thin, knotted fingers tremble slightly as he dials. “Give her whatever she wants.” He yells into the phone and then slams it down.
She gets up and looks down on the elderly man. She’s never known any of her family other than her Mom, Dad and brothers. She can’t help but wonder what it would be like to part of a family that has generations to know. There are probably, uncles, aunts, and cousins somewhere, but she has no wish to ever meet any of them.
“I wish only happiness and peace for you sir. I will not disturb you ever again nor will I ever cause you any trouble. I’m gone from your life and you are gone from mine.”
She turns and quietly walks out. Chauncey is waiting for her. “He didn’t die Chauncey. Go on check on him, you’ll see. I can find my way out.”
She and BB are pulling out when a black Mercedes flies past her and comes to a screeching halt. Simon jumps out and starts running after her. She hears him calling “Judy, wait. Damn it wait!”
She and BB speed up, but not before she notices the license plate of Simon’s car. It is the same as the car that kept cruising by her as she ran that night. It was the car that scared the crap out of her.
“Do you think Simon has been stalking us, BB?” He doesn’t know or care because he says he’s faster than any wimpy Mercedes.
Franklin is grinning at her, while she shakes Mr. Shockley and Mr. Wades’ hands and apologizes for being late, saying that she had an important errand she had to take care of.
“We heard, Judy.”
“Okay then, will you still sell to me?” She stands tall in front of Mr. Wade and Mr. Shockley giving them time and space.
When she and Franklin returned to the office, the staff was ready and waiting, excited to know everything that happened and to confirm when the sale would be completed. She told them what she wanted to them to know and went into her office to call Steven.
“Are you okay, Judy? I’ve been worried about you.”
“I’m fine now that I’m talking to you. I don’t have anything to say. I just wanted to hear your voice.”
He laughs.
“I love that sound, Steven and I’m fairly sure I love you. Are we still on for tonight?”
“Yes. I’m glad you called. The governor came for his first workout today. He said to tell you hello and he really likes my place. He’s made a schedule for the next three months. Simon was here a little while ago and he was worried about you too.”
“Yea. He and I go way back . . . grew up together . . . like brothers. He’s my partner in the club. He’s a great guy . . . my best friend. He keeps me in the loop about all the troubles you’ve been having at work. He’ll pick you up at 8:30 and we’ll all have dinner together. There’s a lot to talk about between the three of us.” Steven’s voice is happy and his words are thrown at her casually like she should be happy that Simon is going to be part of her first date ever. Steven didn’t even ask her, he told her.
Judy’s brain vibrates with a recurring shockwave. Steven’s wife walked out the door, it closed, the lock clicked, he died. The sound of her phone quietly hanging up triggers that moment for her. She’s not meant to love or be loved. She always knew it. Steven told her earlier to go to work. Work is good for you he said. How could she have been so foolish to interpret her first kiss this afternoon for anything other than what it was – indulging a customer?
Chapter 19. The Working Dead
It’s been almost a year and a half since the Shockley/Wade buy. Judy was frantically busy for the first three months, but she’s proud that she got things settled down quickly. Dion is amazing and she’s finding it challenging to keep up with his pace.
DeShaun is director of finance for the bigger Stalwart Companies and he and Rosie are expecting a baby in the spring. She bought three more companies. One came with an incredible office building. Glass, modern with eight floors and it’s filling up fast. The new Stalwart Company sign was erected yesterday and the governor came to launch it. He was very pleasant and she and his wife, Grace, hit it off immediately. The last thing she said was, she’ll call and we’ll do lunch.
The saddest part of growing Stalwart is when old friends leave. Evelyn isn’t getting better and Franklin wanted to spend all his time with her. Judy calls every day or so and usually stops by on Sunday’s, but they’ve been traveling quite a bit visiting all the places around the world that Evelyn always wanted see.
Evelyn will die before the year is out. Her heart shutters with pain.
Charles didn’t want to leave when she found him an incredible job with a rising technical company in California even though they were thrilled he was joining them. She pushed him out the door saying that he’s learned everything she has to teach him, so go kick some ass. He had worked harder than any P.A. she ever had and he would be greatly missed by by S
talwart’s and everyone who works here. But that’s the deal. Take away what has been learned at Stalwart’s and spread it around.
When she handed him her contract bonus-plus he looked sad . . . insulted and for a moment she thought he was going to refuse. It was enough to set him up more than comfortably in any business venture or life he wanted.
Judy knew the money wasn’t Charles’ motivation. “I believe in you Charles. You are the best P.A. Stalwart’s has ever had. I’m so excited for the future that is waiting for you outside that door. Go and make great things happen I’ll always be here for you . . . anything you want and need . . . anytime. You know that.”
Judy used her brightest, warmest smile and held out her hand. “I look forward to working with you again Mr. Waverly.”
Charles was impossible to replace and she interviewed for months until her staff was screaming at her. No one measured up to Charles. How do you replace a brother?
However, life has to evolve and her new P.A. is fond of short skirts and stilettos and she’s had to talk to Candace twice already about not wearing club-flashy clothes in an executive environment. She just smiles at Judy, flashing her dimples and says she’ll find her niche wearing what she likes. She’s only two years younger than Judy, but Judy feels like she is forty years older than Candace.
Brilliant and gutsy but fun it’s hard to get upset with her. Maybe Judy should relax and try to learn something from her. Ginny’s trying but her navy blue suits are still her favorites. In her new three bedroom condo in the twenty-fifth floor, her walk-in closet is mostly bare.
However, her shoe racks are filling up nicely. Obsessed, Charlotte teases her every time she walks in with another new pair of shoes.
She hasn’t spoken to Steven since that phone call. He called for awhile, but gave up about a month later when she never returned his calls. She runs into Clarence every now and again and he told her last week that Steven and Deidre are planning to get married and he’s opening his third club in December just before their wedding.