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Blown Page 6

by Braxton Cole

  "Okay." He backed neatly into an open space and turned off the car. "This is a really bad idea." Maybe he thought the redundancy would keep him from following me up the stairs and into my apartment. It didn't. He was even all gentlemanly and shit about it and carried my bag for me.

  He followed me all the way to my bedroom, then dropped my bag by the door. I could have pretended this was something else, maybe asked if he wanted to watch a little TV, or offered him something to eat or drink. But why? I wanted him one last time before we had to say goodbye.

  "What happens in the morning?" he asked while pulling his shirt over his head. He dropped it, then slipped his shoes off. He apparently had the same thoughts I did.

  "I'll check in with my boss and see how he wants to proceed." I purposefully answered around his question. I doubted he cared at all about my boss, my case, or my career. Well, the last part he cared about plenty since it was in direct opposition to his.

  "But you're done working undercover, right?" He let his pants slip to the floor and pushed his shorts off as well. I realized that I was still fully clothed and simply staring at him in his beautiful naked state.

  I removed my shirt and bra. "Probably. I'll have to wait and see what he says." My skirt and panties followed. I stepped out of my shoes and closed the gap between us.

  He held me at arms length. "You can't go back. They'll kill you."

  I snaked my arms around his waist and pulled him close. The feel of his naked skin pressed up against mine was pretty fucking close to perfect, but this was so much more than normal. He was genuinely worried about me and all I wanted to do was comfort him. I wanted to hold him until he felt better. And hopefully his feeling better would lead to a whole different kind of feeling good as well.

  "Odds are against it. With the pictures I took, they'll likely move in immediately. He'll probably flip rather than face the murder charge." I said it like it was absolute truth, but Mateo probably didn't believe me. It rarely happened like that. The people he worked with would threaten him with something a lot worse than some time in a jail cell.

  He tightened his hold on me. "I hope you're right, but if you're not, you have to tell your boss."

  "Tell him what?"

  "Tell him you can't do it, that you're compromised."

  I definitely felt compromised. I felt ripped clean apart. I loved my job, loved making bad people pay for doing bad things. Then there was Mateo. On paper he looked very, very bad. In my bedroom, with only the filtered light from the hall to illuminate him, he looked very, very good.

  This conversation needed to end. There was no point continuing it because the results would never change. I pulled out of his embrace and retrieved his discarded pants. The strip of condoms was in his pocket just like I'd hoped. I waved them at him. "We're going to need these."

  I tore one off and set the rest on my nightstand where I'd be able to find them later. Mateo frowned at me, but his cock seemed to like the idea. It twitched and grew as I watched, and I debated whether I should open the package or simply drop to my knees and help him along.

  "Roni, don't change the subject." He folded his arms over his chest. Maybe it blocked his view of his traitorous cock, which grew harder by the second.

  I sighed. He wasn't ready to let the conversation go. "I can't promise that and you know it. I have a job to do. That hasn't changed."

  "It's not safe."

  "It never is. Neither is your job." It seemed to me his job was considerably more dangerous than mine, but I wasn't fucking whining at him not to do it.

  "But I can't protect you there." He grabbed my wrists and held them against his chest, squeezing tight enough to make me cringe. The condom fell to the floor. Shit, he was going all alpha-male on me, and goddamn was it hot. Probably wasn't a good time to mention how wet he was making me.

  "Mateo, it's not your job to protect me." That probably wasn't my best response, either.

  "What if I want it to be?" He said it loud enough for me to worry about my neighbors. It took a few seconds for his words to sink in.

  "Shit." I didn't know what else to say. Our relationship was simple, if conflicted. We fucked and it felt really good. And we both knew we'd have to stop when it stopped being convenient. Or at least I thought we both knew. He didn't seem to have gotten that memo. "Shit." I said it again just to be clear.

  "I know that we'll never work, okay?” He said. "I know. But I can't help it. When I saw Crimson kill that guy, all I could think about was getting you out of there, about what a fucking dumbass I was for ever taking you there in the first place."

  I could feel his heart pounding in his chest and I placed my palm flat over his heart. He was so fierce and loyal and he wanted to protect me. It was overwhelming. And it was never going to happen.

  "I'm a cop." I spoke soft, but even and clear. I wanted absolutely no miscommunications on that point.

  "I know."

  "And you're on the ATF watch list." I hadn't meant to tell him that part, but at that point, I didn't have it in me to hold back. Homeland Security knew about the Vargas brothers, but their information came from the ATF.

  "What? The ATF has a fucking watch list? What the fuck?" He looked surprised, both by the information and the fact that I knew it. Then he shook his head. "Not the point. I want more, Roni, I want us.”

  I couldn't help it. I totally teared up at that. I wanted it, too. But what good did it do either of us?

  "That can never happen."

  "Why not?"

  I debated repeating my bit about being a cop, but he already knew that and it wasn't enough. "Because I don't want to arrest you. And the more I know about you, about your life, the more likely that is to happen."

  "You could quit."

  I laughed. "And so could you."

  He didn't respond, just drew his mouth together in a tight line, his brow creased in thought. His resignation wasn't forthcoming, of that I was certain.

  I stood on my tip-toes and kissed him gently. He allowed the kiss and returned it carefully. "Can't we just enjoy the time we have together right now? Please?"

  He deepened the kiss then, his tongue gentler in my mouth than it ever had been. Still knowing and confident, but easy and slow.

  I broke off first and looked into his eyes. His expression was sad beyond explanation. There was nothing I could say or do to change reality, short of quitting my job as he suggested. And we both knew I wasn't going to do that. I kissed my way down his chest and settled easily on my knees before him. I picked up the condom and showed it to him, then flipped it behind me onto the bed. As long as I was down on the floor, I was going to spend some time there.

  I'd wanted to suck him off since forever, and right then it was a hell of a lot easier than looking in his eyes. I rested my hands on his calves and squeezed gently. He made a strangled grunting sound and rocked his hips forward, a not so subtle reminder that he needed me. Like I could possibly forget the hard cock that was a few inches from my face. As if.

  "Easy." He'd said something similar to me recently. A tease letting me know he would take care of me, give me what I wanted, but only when he was goddamn good and ready. The role reversal made me smile.

  "I've got you."

  "Please." He rocked again. I traced my hands up his legs, stopping at his hips and applying enough pressure to let him know what I wanted. In a true battle of force, he would win, but that didn't mean he couldn't surrender control when I wanted it. He grabbed my hair and urged me forward and I batted his hands away.

  "No more of that." I smiled up at him and licked my lips. "Hands behind your back."

  He growled, a low, deep rumble that resonated up through his chest and dissipated in his throat. He glared at me, then moved his hands into position. I peeked because I couldn't help it. Here he was, this pillar of manhood and strength, submitting to me, however little. His trust made me heady, but the power itself was exhilarating. He clasped his hands together in the small of his back, like a soldier at ease

  "Good, now stay like that." And before he could protest further, I licked the length of his cock before taking him into my mouth as deep as it would go, which by deep throat standards, admittedly wasn't very far. But it was a hell of a lot farther than I'd let him go again if he complained about it.

  I fisted the base of his cock and pushed back on his hip, forcing him to withdraw. Then I gripped his ass, squeezed it tight because it felt amazing in my hand, and pulled him forward. A few more rounds like that and he got the idea. He thrust sharply into my mouth with a groan and a shudder, his legs straining. My hand kept him from going too deep, but I was definitely going to feel this the next day.

  His cock was satin smooth and soft, almost delicate, which is pretty damn ridiculous if you think about it. A cock is the symbol of manhood, of virility and strength. It was designed for penetration, for pounding relentlessly into a woman's cunt, and yet it was also the softest, most vulnerable part of the male anatomy. That he trusted me with this part of him, that he put himself inside my mouth with no fear and only the belief that I would take care of him, well, that was fucking hot.

  I moaned around his cock, my tongue caressing and accepting him as he thrust into my mouth. The salty secretion of pre-cum coated my tongue and mouth, but I wanted more. I relaxed and opened my throat wider, inviting him just a little deeper.

  "Roni." He groaned out my name, his hips working hard and fast. I looked up at him, begging with my eyes, because my mouth was otherwise occupied, for him to just let go. I wanted all of him and this was the best I could offer at the moment. "Fuck," he muttered.

  And then his hands were back in my hair, gripping tight and holding my head immobile. The look on his face, the sheer drive for release, would have kept me from reprimanding him even if I had been able to speak. Oral sex had always been fun, but this was the first time I really wished I didn't have a gag reflex. Maybe I could work on that for him.

  Or not, since this was a technically a farewell fuck.

  I dug my nails into his ass a little harder. I wanted to leave some mark on him, some sign that I'd been there, however small. He jerked and pulled my hair taut.

  "I'm close."

  I released my hold on his cock and wrapped both arms around his thighs. Hopefully he'd control himself and not thrust farther than I'd previously allowed, but I was willing to take the chance. I wanted both of my hands on him, holding him in me when he came. I didn't want him to pull out at the last minute out of some misguided sense of chivalry.

  As lost as he was, thrashing his head side to side with his lips curled back in a snarl, he kept himself in check. He thrust to the back of my throat, to the exact point that made me gag and choke, then withdrawing just as quickly.

  He came with a stilted grunt, his legs quaking and the hold in my hair sharpening as he orgasmed in my mouth. My grip on his ass was tight and unrelenting as I sucked hard enough to hollow my cheeks and looked up at him through my lashes.

  "Oh God," He thrust a few more times, jerky and uncoordinated, and continued to release down my throat.

  He slumped on top of me, his weight enough to make me surrender my hold on his cock. After a few deep, gasping breaths, he gathered himself and stood straight again. He stroked my hair gently.

  "That was. . ." he smiled at me with a predatory gleam. It was totally hot.

  I arched one eyebrow and looked up at him, choosing to remain kneeling. "Yes?"

  "Fucking awesome." He laughed as he said it, the seriousness of our earlier conversation washed out completely with the orgasm.

  "You liked that?" I laughed, too. Not because it was funny, but just because it felt great to release some tension.

  "Oh yeah. Definitely." He wrapped his hands in my hair and tugged me up. "Come here."

  He kissed me slow and deep, his tongue sensual and probing, licking his essence from my mouth. He moaned and I squirmed, clasping my thighs together. A futile act, but all I had at the moment.

  He broke the kiss easily, "Want to get some rest?"

  "Are you insane?" I led him to the bed.

  There was no way either of us was getting any sleep for the rest of the night.

  Chapter 7

  I woke up with my legs around Mateo's shoulders and his tongue in my cunt. My body was already rolling with fire, building low in my belly and pulsing outward. All in all, not a bad way to start the day.

  I arched my hips and grabbed his head and shouted all at once. "Fuck!"

  He smiled, I could feel his mouth curve up around my pussy, and then he sucked my clit into his mouth. Hard. I was suspended in this surreal place between sleep and orgasm and it was fucking awesome. They should totally invent alarm clocks that wake people up with orgasms. Of course, I'd hit snooze about fifty times, and never actually make it out of bed, but so not the point.

  He did this thing with his tongue, where it curled around my clit, yet went all flat at the same time. He pressed against me and circled crazy fast.

  "Jesus, I'm going to come." I held his head tighter to me and thrashed against his face. He tightened his grip on my hips, adding to the score of sex bruises from the day before, but he couldn't hold me. I just dug my heels into his back and arched into him. He moaned and it reverberated through my pussy, flooding me with arousal. I had no idea how he was even breathing, let alone enough to manage a smile and a moan.

  He flicked his tongue rapidly against my clit in exactly the right spot and that was it. I was done, gone flying around the room, yet lost so deep inside myself that I couldn't be sure if the yelling I heard was coming from me or three apartments over.

  "Good morning." He pressed a kiss to my stomach, just below my belly button, still smiling like crazy.

  "Get up here." I pulled on his head hard enough for him to have no choice but to follow.

  He complied, but stopped along the way to kiss little patches of skin. The tattoo that follows the line of my ribs on the right side, between my breasts, my collar bone, that place right behind my ear that makes me crazy, and finally my mouth. He was covered in me, his lips, his tongue, everywhere inside his mouth and he let me lick and suck the wetness from his skin.

  His cock was hard against my thigh and I spread my legs wide open for him. He moaned and jerked against me. "Let me get a condom."

  I wasn't sure we even had any left, but really hoped so. I wasn't the kind of girl to take that chance. I hated them, but they were a necessary evil.

  "Found it." He kneeled between my legs and waved the condom like a victory flag. He must have had the same thoughts I did.

  I took it from him and pushed him onto his back. "I got this."

  He settled with his hands behind his head and I straddled his thighs. He looked totally chill, but his legs and stomach were taut with tension, and there was absolutely nothing relaxed about his cock.

  "Comfortable?" I asked. He nodded, then arched his brows exaggeratedly and looked at the condom.

  I ripped the package open with my teeth. Never a good idea because I got that nasty latex and lube taste in my mouth. Yuck. I positioned the condom over the crown of his penis and wiggled my hips. This was different and fun. That craze fueled drive that pushed us before had dissipated. I still wanted him so much it made my cunt throb in anticipation, but I wasn't worried that he'd disappear if I didn't get him into me right now.

  I rolled the condom into place, then I fisted my palm around him and stroked up and down his shaft a few times. He jerked and shook his head.

  "Unless you want me to come in your hand, you shouldn't do that." He gritted his teeth together, his body growing tighter.

  "Really?" I stroked a few more times. The thought of Mateo losing it from a hand job was pretty fucking hot and something I definitely wanted to explore later. Right then, however, I wanted him inside me too much to waste what I was sure was the last condom we had left. "Another time."

  I rose up on my knees and edged forward until my cunt was directly over his cock. I squeezed my hand tight aroun
d the base, and he moaned and jerked his head back. Maybe a cock ring next time? Keep him hard so I could ride him for hours. I loosened my grip and slid my fingers lightly to the tip, holding him in place. When I reached the very top, I swirled my cunt over his cock, coating my fingers, and dropped down a little to take in the slightest bit of him.

  He stared at us, my hand, his cock, my cunt hovering over him, my slick wetness leaking down to coat him. I brought my fingers to my mouth, drawing his gaze upward. I licked my fingers, rolling my tongue to collect the moisture, all while he watched. And panted. His hips jerked upward and I rode the momentum, rising with him and keeping him right at the edge of penetration.

  "Roni, please." He gripped the tops of my thighs, his fingers flexing and releasing.


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