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Love Lives On

Page 4

by E. L. Todd

  “I can never get enough of you.”

  His hand moved under my dress and he pulled my underwear over. He slipped two fingers inside me and started to pulse, his thumb working my clitoris. “Be quiet, darling. That door isn’t soundproof.”

  “Okay,” I whispered, my hands moving into his hair. I had the strong urge to kiss him but I restrained myself. He asked me not to until I was ready to be everything he wanted.

  When I was thoroughly wet and ready, he undid his slacks and pulled his cock out. Then he slid me onto his thick length, making me want to cry out in pleasure. I slid all the way down until I completely contained him.

  “I could fuck this pussy all day, darling.” His face was pressed close to mine as he gripped my hips and lifted me onto him repeatedly. We moved slowly together, trying not to make too much noise. His lips found my neck and he kissed me gently. Then he moved his lips to my ear and whispered sweet nothings. “You’re my dream, Clementine. And I’m so glad you’re having my children. They’ll be beautiful—because of you.”

  He was making me spiral. His words and the way he felt inside me was sending me to a place I’ve never been. My heart loosened and I couldn’t contain it. I felt my body tighten in preparation for the pleasure and the emotions. “I love you, Ward.”

  He moved his face to mine and stared into my eyes while he moved inside me. “I love you too, darling.”

  My nails dug into his shoulders as I came around him, feeling myself tighten around his shaft. It felt so good that I wanted to scream. But I managed to keep it back, my labored breathing the only thing making a sound.

  Then Ward gripped my ass as he prepared to come inside me. “I love filling you…” He pressed his lips tightly together before he released deep inside me. Good thing I was already pregnant. He filled me so many times that there was no way he wouldn’t knock me up.

  He leaned back in the chair and caught his breath. “I wish you could stay just like that while I worked.”

  “You wouldn’t get anything done.”

  “During the times when my body is recuperating I could.”

  “Even then…”

  He kissed my neck then lifted me up, pulling himself out of me. “I do need to get back to work.”

  “Lunch?” I asked.

  “I’d love to get lunch.” His hand rested on my stomach through my dress. “What are you in the mood for?”


  He gave me an incredulous look. “You still want more?”

  “Would you judge me if I said yes?”

  He chuckled. “I’m going to knock you up again as soon as you have our son.”

  “My body might need a break…”

  “And when it’s ready, I’m getting you pregnant. Try and stop me.”

  I didn’t want to stop him. While our relationship was strained, Ward and I had made a lot of progress. I wouldn’t change any of it for anything.

  He helped me stand up and pulled down my dress. “I’ll come get you when I’m ready.”

  “Okay.” I leaned in to kiss him but I realized my mistake. I quickly turned away before it was too late.

  Ward had a sad look on his face. But he didn’t say anything.

  I walked out and headed to my desk. Once I was seating, I squeezed my thighs together as the area between my legs burned. It was like Ward and I hadn’t had sex at all.


  “Where do you want to go, Darling?” His hand moved around my waist as we left the lobby and headed to the sidewalk.

  “I don’t care,” I said. “Anything.”

  “How about a sandwich?”

  “I can go for that.”

  “Okay.” He kept me close to him as we walked down the sidewalk. His arm was so long it wrapped around my waist and touched the side of my swollen belly. “Anymore kicking?”

  “Well, you haven’t read to us.”

  “I’ll do it tonight before bed.” He opened the door to the shop and allowed me to walk inside first. “What would you like?” He pulled out a chair for me and helped me sit down.

  “Something vegetarian.”

  “You got it, darling.” He kissed my forehead then got in line.

  Perhaps I was just experiencing a mood swing but I was really happy. Having lunch with Ward and spending time with him as more than a friend…felt right. Making love in his office felt right. And I wasn’t scared to have him move in. Maybe I was over what happened with Skye. Maybe it really was in the past.

  I glanced over my shoulder to stare at him. But Ward wasn’t alone. He was talking to a pretty blonde girl. She kept touching him on the arm and laughing at anything he said.

  Jealousy burst inside me. I didn’t know where it came from. All my emotions were heightened and amplified. I was territorial and aggressive. I guess I was afraid someone was trying to take him away from me, to ruin our little family. Seeing the girl touch him like she had the right made me want to smack her. Did he sleep wit her too? Why did he have to sleep with all of Manhattan and do such a good job that no one ever forgot him?

  When she laughed again and moved her hand to his chest I was fed up. I left the chair then stormed across the room with enough adrenaline to take out an entire army. I subtly knocked her out of the way with my shoulder as I moved into Ward’s chest. Then I gave her a glare. “Keep your claws off my man.” I’d never said that to anyone in my life, but I was crazy when I was pregnant.

  Her eyes widened at my words and she glanced down at my stomach. “Uh, sorry.”

  “Yeah, go sell yourself somewhere else, honey.”

  She shot me a glare then walked off.

  Ward looked down at me, amused. “I don’t remember you being this jealous before.”

  “Well, I don’t like it when women touch you.”

  “They used to touch me all the time.”

  “Oh really?” Now I gave him my wrath.

  His lips stretched into a guilty smile. “I guess that wasn’t the most tactful thing to say…”

  “It pisses me off. You’re mine.”

  He pulled me into him and chuckled in my ear. “You’re right about that. So cool your jets. Women will hit on me no matter what. Just remember you’re the only woman I want to come home to.”

  “But still…” I was still a little angry.

  His hand moved to my stomach. “We’re having a baby, Clementine. We’re a family. And nothing will break us apart.”

  His sweet words drove my anger away. “Yeah?”


  He kissed my cheek and wrapped his arm around me. “Now let’s order and not get into another cat fight.”

  “Well, stop attracting women like flies.”

  “It’s not a switch, darling,” he said. “I can’t just turn it on and off.”



  “You got everything?” Slade asked as we threw everything in the back of the truck.


  “You’re sure?” he asked. “Because we can’t just drive back and get it. We’re already running late.”

  “Yes, I got everything.”

  “Okay.” He opened the passenger door then helped me inside. Then he sat in the back.

  Ryan looked at Slade in the rearview mirror. “You’re going to let her sit in front?”

  “She always sits in the front,” he said defensively. “Yes, I’m a sweetheart to my fiancé. Get over it.”

  Ryan chuckled then headed for the airport. “Be safe, you guys. I know you guys want to have a good time but stay together.”

  “Like I’d let that hot number out of my sight,” Slade said.

  “Why are you talking about me in third person?” I asked.

  Slade ignored the question.

  Ryan pulled up to the terminal. “Don’t get too crazy. And if someone offers you a brownie, just say no.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because it’s full of pot,” Ryan explained.

  “Oh okay.” I never knew tha
t. “Thanks for the lift.”

  “No problem, Trin,” Ryan said. “Have a good time.”

  “Thanks for the ride, old man,” Slade said as he opened the door.

  “Hold on,” Ryan said as he looked in the backseat. “You be careful. I mean it.”

  Slade rolled his eyes. “I know, Dad.”

  “I love you.” Ryan stared at him in the eye.

  “I love you too, Dad.” He leaned forward and hugged his father.

  Ryan patted him on the back before he released him. “Now have fun.”

  We grabbed our luggage from the back then entered the airport. After we went through security and checked our bags, we headed to our gate.

  Everyone else was already there.

  “Hey, we thought you guys weren’t going to make it on time,” Cayson said.

  “I always find a way,” Slade said. “And we wouldn’t have been late if the little princess didn’t try to pack everything she owned.”

  “This is my bachelorette party,” I snapped. “And you have to be nice to me. It’s a rule.”

  “Since when?” Slade asked.

  “You do,” Skye said. “That is the rule.”

  “And where are these rules?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “They’re implied,” Silke said.

  Arsen had his arm around her waist, holding her close while he looked at her affectionately. Anytime I saw them together, that’s what they were doing, looking at each other.

  The plane started to board so we got inside and took our seats. Slade and I sat by the window while the other two couples were in different spots on the plane. Slade rested his hand on my thigh then turned to me. “Do you need anything?”

  “No, I’m okay.”

  “There’s a blanket under my seat if you need it.”


  He pressed his head to mine. “This will be the best bachelorette party you’ve ever had.”

  “Well, I’ve never had one before. So, the odds are good.”

  “And just to warn you…you might see a stripper.”

  I cocked an eyebrow. “I thought you didn’t want me to see strippers.”

  “I don’t,” he said. “But this is a special stripper.” He winked at me.

  “You’re going to dance for me?”

  “Oh yeah,” he said. “And you’re going to love it.”

  I tried not to laugh and opened a magazine.


  After we got off the plane and grabbed our luggage, we piled our things into a few taxis.

  “Where are we staying?” Cayson asked.

  “Caesar’s Palace,” Slade answered.

  “They have good odds there,” Arsen said.

  I didn’t ask how he knew that.

  After we arrived at the hotel, we checked into our rooms then met in the lobby. I wore a short blue dress with sky-high heels. It was difficult to get out of the room without Slade taking me from behind. Judging the way the way Skye and Silke’s hair was a little messy, they had the same problem.

  “What should we do first?” Skye asked. “Should we go dancing?”

  “First thing first.” Slade pulled out a few things from his pocket. One was a tiara that said BRIDE on it. He inserted it into my hair, and my veil hung behind it.

  “It’s so cute,” I said.

  Then he handed the other two to Skye and Silke.

  “You aren’t wearing one?” I teased.

  “Uh, no,” Slade blurted. “We’re good.”

  “That was really thoughtful of you.” I leaned in and gave him a kiss.

  He melted and gripped me tightly, clearly wanting to go back to the room.

  I pulled away before it got out of hand. “Well, the girls and I are going to dancing.”

  “You mean, we’re all going dancing,” Cayson said.

  “You guys don’t like to dance,” Silke said.

  “I can dance,” Arsen said.

  What could the guy not do?

  “Hey, it’s her party,” Slade said. “If she wants to go dancing, fine.”

  I liked this new Slade.

  We headed to a club then stood in line. There was a wait out the door. We stood in lie and made small talk as the bouncer walked along. When he reached us, he looked us up and down. “You three are in.”

  “Then we three are in,” Slade said, not backing down to the bouncer. They were the same height, but the bouncer was much bigger—even if most of it was fat.

  “Sorry, kids,” the bouncer said. “The three girls are in—you aren’t.”

  “Would some Benjamin’s change your mind?” Arsen asked as he pulled out cash.

  “No.” The bouncer gave him a dark look.

  “Well, we aren’t waiting.” I pulled the girls with me. “Bye.”

  All the guys glared at us.

  “They’ll get over it,” I said as we entered the club. The music was loud and people were passing us with trays. Strobe lights moved around the room and people carried glow sticks.

  “Whoa,” Skye said. “This place is pretty cool.”

  “Let’s get our drinks down then hit the dance floor,” Silke said.

  After we got our drinks—for free—we downed them like water.

  “Who can finish theirs first?” I said. “One…two…three.”

  We all chugged our drinks.

  Silke finished hers first. “Take that, suckers.”

  My stomach immediately burned. “Man, that was some good vodka.”

  “It tasted like birthday cake,” Skye said.

  “Now let’s shake our asses,” Silke said, pulling Skye and I with her.

  When we were on the floor, we all danced and got a little crazy. I hadn’t gone out like this in a long time, which was sad since I lived in the most amazing city in the world. Guys were staring at us from different corners, and we caught a lot of attention. But thankfully, no one bothered us.

  Then a group of three guys joined our group. “You guys look lonely dancing by yourselves.” He was a good-looking blonde, and his friends were equally attractive.

  “We’re just getting our freak on,” Silke blurted, clearly buzzed.

  I cringed. “Let’s just forget she said that.”

  The main guy laughed. “I can do that—if you girls will give us a dance.”

  “Well, we should warn you that we all have boyfriends,” Skye shouted. “And they’re really territorial.”

  “We don’t mind in the least,” the guy said. The others moved in and we danced in a circle. Thankfully, they didn’t grab us and pull us in closer. They seemed to be nice, just wanting to have a good time.

  The guy dancing with me kept checking me out. “Getting married?” He pointed at my tiara.

  “Yeah, and really soon.” I spun in a circle, the alcohol kicking in.

  “Lucky guy,” he said. “But you should let loose one last time, you know? Make a mistake that he’ll never find out about.”

  “That was forward,” I said with a laugh.

  “Hey, you want a night you’ll never forget? That’s where I come in.”

  “No thanks,” I said. “I’m pretty sprung on my fiancé.”

  “Like I said, lucky guy.”

  “I’m the lucky one,” I said. “He’s got these sexy sleeves that are so stinking hot.” Did I just say stinking?

  “You like ink?” he asked. He rolled up his sleeve. “Then you’ll appreciate this.”

  “What is it?” I asked bluntly.

  “A box jelly fish. These things can kill you with a single touch.”

  “That’s pretty scary…”

  “You got to respect the sea, you know?”

  “Hey, asshole. This chick is off limits.” Slade grabbed my arm upper arm and dragged me to his side. “Get lost or I’ll break your skull.” Slade was dead serious judging the look in his eyes.

  The guy raised both hands. “When you said you had a man, I didn’t realize you brought him along.” He backed away.

and Arsen had made their moves too, and the other two guys trailed away with their tails tucked between their legs.

  I rolled my eyes. “He was a nice guy.”

  “Nice?” Slade asked. “His dick was hard and he wanted to shove it up your ass.”

  God, he could be foul sometimes. “We were just having fun. You said this would be a fun time. If you just came along to keep tabs on me then we shouldn’t get married at all.”

  That dimmed his anger. “I wasn’t keeping tabs on you.”

  “Then you shouldn’t have yelled at him. We were just having a good time. Nothing was going to happen.”

  “Guys in bars don’t have the same mindset you do.”

  “I’m wearing a bridal veil.” I pointed at it. “It’s pretty clear I’m getting married. You can calm down.”

  He sighed, knowing I was winning the argument. “I’m sorry, okay? You’re right.”

  “Damn right, I am.”

  “I’ll back off,” he said. “Let us know when you’re ready to do shots. We’ll gladly take care of the rounds.” He headed to Arsen and Cayson and convinced them to give us space. The fact it worked was a miracle.

  Skye and Silke both gave me incredulous looks.

  “How did you pull that off?” Skye blurted.

  I shrugged. “I reminded him this is my bachelorette party and he shouldn’t even be here.”

  “Wow.” Silke started clapping. “I bow to you.”

  Skye bowed too.

  I laughed then rolled my eyes. “Whatever. Let’s get back to having fun.”


  Slade ordered me another shot. “Come on, baby. You can do it.”

  I was already wasted. “It tastes like piss.”

  “Each shot is ten bucks,” Slade said. “It better not taste like piss. Now do it.”

  I picked up the glass and started laughing for no reason at all. “Slade and piss rhyme.”

  “No they don’t,” Slade argued.

  “No, they do,” Silke said, clearly just as drunk.

  Hesitation came into his eyes. Then he shook his head. “Just do the shot.”

  I downed it then cringed. “Man, that burns…”

  Both of the girls cheered loudly, like I accomplished something noteworthy.

  “Truth or dare!” I yelled.

  “Are we thirteen?” Cayson demanded.


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