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Black Light: Scandalized

Page 35

by Grant, Livia

  The room erupted in questions, again being shouted at everyone on the stage. Nolan hadn’t expected much more than this today, but he had thought the DA would at least have the balls to speak about the possible charges they were considering bringing against the movie mogul.

  The crowd of officials on the stage were readying themselves to file back out when shouts from the back of the room drew everyone’s attention. When Nolan swung around to follow their gaze, his heart nearly exploded.

  The chaos in the room hushed. As one, everyone on the stage looked at the door where a stoic Piper stood silently. The crowds parted as if she were Moses, somehow knowing she had something important to say. Why else would the award-winning actress be here in this media circus?

  She’d come. As much as he’d goaded her into doing this very thing through his texts, now that the moment of truth was here, he worried he’d made a mistake. What if she wasn’t strong enough? What if she broke down in front of the global media?

  Nolan’s heart hurt, watching her. To the crowd, she looked like her moniker, the Ice Queen, strong as Teflon. She’d dressed in all black, her thick, dark hair pulled back in an all-business ponytail. As she took her first steps forward, she reached to take off the dark sunglasses she’d been hiding behind. Even from the distance, he could see the lines around her eyes, betraying her lack of sleep, and the whites of her eyes were pink, no doubt from crying.

  Without a plan, he slowly started pushing through the gaggle of reporters between them, jockeying to get closer to her. He was torn. He wanted so badly to help her through what she was about to do, but he knew there was a pretty good chance he could make things worse for her if she saw him in the crowd. Unwilling to risk it, he was careful to stand behind one of the larger cameras.

  The din in the room increased as everyone whispered to their neighbors, guessing why Piper Kole had just walked up the few steps to the stage. Nolan fought the urge to storm up to the front, placating himself with the knowledge Davidson, Covington, and the head of their security had stepped forward from their sideline perch to crowd in around Piper. He trusted them to keep her safe from anything rowdy that might break out. Sadly, they couldn’t do shit to help her through the emotional rollercoaster he suspected she was on.

  He couldn’t even imagine the kind of courage it had taken her to walk into this building… this room—to willingly insert herself into the middle of the biggest Hollywood media circus of the decade. This was the kind of drama that had TV mini-series written all over it.

  There was no way anyone could pick up what was being said by the crowd of officials on the stage, but he recognized the growing agitation on Davidson’s and Covington’s faces. He fought down his jealousy when they each leaned in to hug the woman he loved. He didn’t try to hide his smile when he watched her shoving them away.

  She doesn’t need hugs, boys. She’s about to go to war.

  You could hear a pin drop as the DA nodded, and Piper spun in the direction of the center podium. It was subtle, but he saw her square her shoulders before walking bravely to the microphone. Her hands trembled as she took a piece of paper from her jacket pocket and held it in front of her. For a minute, he thought she might back out, then she gripped the edge of the podium and spoke.

  “Hello. My name is Piper Kole. I am here to officially inform the District Attorney of Los Angeles County and the Police Chief of Beverly Hills that I am coming forward as a material witness in the felony sexual assault and battery charges being brought against Henry Howard Ainsworth.

  “To be clear, I do not have information directly related to the rape and torture of his most recent victim.” Piper broke her visual connection with the room to look down at the shaking piece of paper in front of her. For a minute, he thought she might bolt from the room. When she looked back up, he saw the tracks of tears silently streaming down her face. It took every ounce of his self-control to stay rooted to his spot, instead of rushing to her side.

  “However, I do have direct knowledge of previous felonies of this nature committed by the same piece of shit, excuse for a human being, Henry Ainsworth.”

  The room erupted at her accusation.

  That’s my girl. Stay mad.

  “In May of 2015, I traveled to Budapest, Hungary, for on-location filming for the movie I would later win my Best Leading Actress Oscar and Golden Globe award for.

  “Over the course of filming, Henry Ainsworth engaged in systematic and calculated sexual abuse of two women. The first was an actress by the name of Mari Lynn Martin. While Mari had only a small role, her excitement for the industry was contagious. She was a bright light on the set… until she wasn’t. Overnight, she turned into a fearful, reserved woman who cried easily. When I tried to talk to her about what was wrong, she was terrified. Within days, the rope burns on her wrists and bruises along her neck were impossible to ignore. Without knowing who had been abusing her, I stormed into the production office to report my concern to the producer of the project, Henry Ainsworth and the director, Donald Harrigan.

  “To say I was disappointed by their lack of action was an understatement. I threatened to walk off the project if they didn’t report the abuse to the local authorities, so an investigation could be opened. They finally assured me in that meeting, the police would be called. I left, feeling I had done the right thing.

  “That night, when I returned to my hotel, I was informed there had been a pipe break in the room above mine. Because of water damage, they were upgrading me to a penthouse apartment. I was escorted to that secluded room by the head of security of the Budapest Marriott.

  “I share these details because waiting for me in that room was a furious Henry Ainsworth. While the director Donald Harrigan was not present, I have no doubt he had full knowledge of what happened to me over the course of the twenty-four hours because the entire filming schedule had to be modified as the lead actress was not available for filming.”

  Nolan’s heart hurt watching. He wanted to throw his hands over his ears to block her words, but if she were brave enough to say them, he sure as hell would be brave enough to listen. He took his eyes off her for a split second to glance around the room. She had everyone transfixed, hanging on her every syllable.

  “Over the next day, I was tied in the most despicable positions. Every part of my body was beaten. He used his belt, the buckle end, to pummel me because he said he loved to hear me scream. His hands strangled me to near death more than once. His feet kicked me until I had three cracked ribs. I wasn’t allowed food or water and became dehydrated.

  “But the worst were the horrific words and names he spewed as he raped me more times than I can possibly count. No matter how many doctors I’ve talked to or anxiety drugs I have taken since that time in my life, the memories have dogged me relentlessly. It has impacted every aspect of my life, including my career, my friendships, and my personal relationships.

  “Adding insult to injury, by taking horrific photos, framed in a way that made it look like I was enjoying myself, he was able to blackmail me. To silence me when I should have been shouting about his crimes from the rooftop. He repeatedly pointed out that anything that might have happened had been in a foreign country, where the American justice system couldn’t touch him, so coming forward to you, the press, would only hurt me.

  “I am deeply ashamed I’ve remained silent all of these years. I want to personally apologize to each and every one of what I worry might be dozens of victims he’s abused in the years since I was silenced. I will have to live with the fact that had I been braver back then, perhaps they could have been spared the hell he put them through.

  “Before you all leave here and try to use this press conference to gain higher ratings for your news programs or better sales for your newspapers and magazines, I have one favor to ask you, the media. For one minute, put yourself in the shoes of just one of his victims. He preys on naive women who want to trust an authority figure in our lives. Henry Ainsworth took that away from us. When yo
u cover the many victims who begin to come forward, remember that. We are more than just a housekeeper, which is how Nalani is being described. And yes, I am well aware, in spite of her name being withheld, you, the media, have somehow uncovered her real identity and will use it to dog her relentlessly. It sickens me that most of you wouldn’t even be here if Shane and Jaxson hadn’t come forward with her to somehow legitimize what she’s gone through.”

  Piper’s voice broke as a sob escaped. He couldn’t hold back anymore. Nolan rushed forward, taking the stairs two at a time to the stage. His movement caught her attention, and Piper looked up, afraid that someone was about to hurt her. The relief in her eyes when she saw it was him gave him hope they might somehow find a way through this mess. She shook her head slightly, waving him off. There was no way he would be leaving her alone on that stage again. Nolan took up his spot next to Jaxson, nodding to her to let her know he would be standing with her.

  Piper finally found her voice to continue.

  “I am even more ashamed to admit, I most likely wouldn’t be standing here if it weren’t for the fact my good friend Shane Covington’s heart is broken because the woman he loves has been hurt. Or for the fact, the most recent abuse started at the place of business of my dear friends Jaxson, Chase, and Emma Cartwright-Davidson.

  “I have just two more things to add. My assistant, Danielle Chapman, is currently being escorted by several detectives to the local branch of my bank, where they will be retrieving the contents of a lockbox I rented just over four years ago. Inside that box are the photos used to blackmail me, along with multiple pieces of physical evidence that will prove, without a shadow of a doubt, Henry Ainsworth not only raped and tortured me, but he then persisted in terrorizing me over the next six months until I successfully got him to disengage by blackmailing him back. I am aware my own actions during that time may have been criminal in nature, and I will accept any punishment, legal or monetary, that result from the investigation.

  “The final thing I will add is, in the safe deposit box is a grainy voice recording of Henry Ainsworth taunting me backstage at the Golden Globes that same year. I recorded him without his knowledge and, again, will accept any consequence of my illegal activity. On that tape, you will hear Henry gloat that he continued to abuse Mari until she felt she had no other option but to take her own life on November 21, 2015. I regret I didn’t do more to help Mari at the time, but truthfully, I could barely get through a single day myself without breaking down. I am no longer that scared young woman, and I will no longer stand on the sideline and watch Henry Ainsworth systematically destroy women’s lives without consequence.

  “Before I turn this press conference back over to the police, I want to speak directly to the scared women at home watching this right now. I know how you feel. I’ve walked in your shoes. I understand how hard it is to come forward when so often, it will be you who is made out to be at fault. I thought by staying quiet and turning myself into an Ice Queen, it would just go away, but I was wrong. The only way to get our power back is to make the assholes who hurt us pay. So, if Henry Ainsworth has harassed or abused you in the past, I implore you to be brave, come forward. I will stand next to you. If it was someone else who hurt you—a teacher, minister, parent, relative—know that you didn’t do anything wrong.

  “I didn’t start the #MeToo movement, and unfortunately, I don’t have the power to make the abuse end either, but Henry Ainsworth has stolen so much of my past from me.”

  Piper’s voice broke as she turned to stare straight into Nolan’s eyes.

  “I draw the line at allowing him to steal my future too.”

  His heart exploded with love for the most amazing woman to ever walk the earth.

  Piper turned back to the waiting media, and through her sobs, she spoke.

  “My name is Piper Kole. I was raped and beaten by Henry Ainsworth. I know without a shadow of a doubt, he is responsible for the same abuse of Mari Martin and Nalani Ione and suspect, of many other women yet to come forward. Thank you for listening to me today.”

  * * *

  She’d done it. God help her, as she stood there looking out into the sea of shouting reporters being held at bay by a half dozen security guards, the harsh truth of what she’d done slapped her hard. Her life would never again be the same.

  Piper’s legs turned to spaghetti beneath her. She would have fallen had Nolan not been there to scoop her up into his arms. Like her Prince Charming, he was there to catch her. Only they were living in a nightmare, not a fairy tale. There wasn’t going to be a happily-ever-after. After all, she was damaged goods.

  “I’ve got you, baby. Nothing’s going to hurt you again.”

  Oh, how she wanted to believe him as he hugged her close against his chest, heading toward the side door behind the authorities also leaving the stage. It would be so easy to relax into him, to let him wrap her in a cocoon where nothing could hurt her—but not even Nolan Boeing was that powerful.

  She’d expected him to whisk her out of sight of the cameras, so when he merely carried her to the edge of the stage, then slowly lowered her legs, Piper was confused. Why wasn’t he getting them the hell out of the media circus?

  Once her feet hit the floor, he stayed close, holding her until her legs grew steady enough to hold her up. When she focused on the knot of his perfectly tied tie, Nolan’s index finger found her chin, gently lifting her face until she had to close her eyes to avoid eye contact.

  She’d dug deep to be brave enough to walk to the microphone. She’d done it for Nalani and others like her. And for her friend Shane, and Jaxson, and so many unknown victims she’d yet to meet. But until this very minute, she hadn’t realized just how afraid she was of Nolan’s reaction to all that had happened in the years they’d been torn apart by Henry Ainsworth. He might not have been physically abused, but Nolan surely was a victim of Ainsworth too.

  “Open your eyes, baby.” His arm around her waist tightened, holding her close while she felt him slipping away emotionally.

  Piper leaned in, placing her forehead on his shoulder. To a casual observer, their embrace looked intimate, but she knew the truth. She needed to pull away, do anything she could to avoid seeing his disappointment and disapproval.

  “Please, Nolan. I can’t do this. Not here. Not now… hell, not ever.”

  “Piper, as far as I’m concerned, you walk on water. You can do anything you put your mind to.”

  “Yeah, right,” she scoffed. “I just blew up Hollywood, my career, and our relationship in the space of ten minutes. Aren’t you scandalized?”

  “You didn’t blow up anything except Henry Ainsworth. That bastard better pray he never sees the light of day because I’m positive I’m capable of strangling him with my bare hands for what he’s put you through.”

  He was saying all the right things, but…

  “Why didn’t you just carry me out of here? I can still hear the cameras clicking. Everyone is getting off on watching us.”

  “Yep. That’s why I put you down. Please. Look at me, baby.”

  “Why? So, you can feel sorry for me?”

  “Now. Eyes.” It was a command. She wasn’t used to listening to commands.

  He waited for her. When she finally peered into his gorgeous eyes, her heart constricted with pain. He was so damn handsome, it hurt.

  “Listen up. I didn’t carry you out because you are Piper Fucking Kole. You are the strongest, most beautiful, wittiest woman I’ve ever met. In private, I promise to carry you whenever you need me to. Say the word, and I’ll be there. But here… today… you’re gonna walk out of here with your head held high. You have nothing to feel guilty about. Not a damn thing to be sorry for.”

  It took a minute for her brain to process the words he was saying.

  “But if I’d been...”

  “Stop. You’ve been through hell. No one in their right mind is going to blame you for any of this.”

  “Are you so sure about that? I’m pretty sur
e Shane Covington is going to blame me for not speaking up earlier, so Nalani wouldn’t have been exposed to the devil.”

  “You aren’t responsible for Ainsworth’s actions any more than I am, and Covington knows that. You came forward now. You’re taking a stand. He’ll feel nothing but gratitude for what you’ve done.”

  Piper prayed that was true, but were the situation reversed, she wasn’t so sure she would.

  Nolan leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on Piper’s lips before pulling back and smiling down at her.

  “Let’s go home, Piper.”

  “Home? Where the hell is that?” She was only half kidding. She was supposed to be on a plane to France… ready to start the next chapter of her life without Nolan—without everything she loved.

  And at that moment, she was honest enough with herself to admit, she loved Nolan.

  “Baby, home for me is wherever you are. You want to take a trip out of the country, I’ll help you pack and will even carry the bags. You want to go to your house… or mine? Either place, we have blackout curtains ready and waiting. All I want is to wake up in your bed next to you every day for the rest of our lives. Don’t forget, I plan on rooming with you in the old folks’ home.”

  Memories of their phone call just a few weeks before made her smile. So much had happened since then.

  “Better watch out, Boeing. That sounds like a dangerous proposal.”

  “Yeah, well, I fell in love with Mistress Ice, so danger is my middle name.”

  “I think I’m the one in danger. You seem to be doing a pretty good job of melting my ice. Pretty soon, I’m going to just be a puddle of water melted on the floor at your feet.”

  “That sounds like a great scene we can work on next time we’re at Black Light. You on the floor at my feet…”

  “Fat chance. You’ll be the one on your knees, Boeing.”

  “I can live with that, but I do have one small favor.”


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