Sergun's Mission
Page 5
‘I’ve never seen anything like this before. So many unclothed women, it’s brilliant though they are dirty Raiders.’
‘Taking pleasure in the misfortune of innocent others is not a worthy morality for a good person,’ Sergun whispered. ‘Would you like your sister or niece to be here?’
‘These are Raider scum,’ Turner replied.
‘Not all. Jannesse is meant to be one. They buy kidnapped stragglers from our own society as well.’
The opening of cells continued and the number of slaves was larger than he expected. ‘These are the new arrivals: those who came in here the last thirty days?’ Sergun asked the junior.
The junior conferred with the slave master and confirmed they were. Twice Sergun thought he’d found her, but the boy made no indication and the girls did not respond when Sergun spoke. They displayed no birthmarks on their upper backs only the brand of the Keratha: an oblong shape with the head of an alien on the inside. He was concerned if Jannesse had arrived and been hunted already. ‘Are all slaves branded as soon as they arrive here?’
The junior translated, ‘only if accepted and if they survive the trials down here.’
Sergun didn’t ask or want to imagine what the ‘trials’ were. Instead, he asked. ‘Ask the Slavemaster if any with yellow hair have left here or do the Keratha keep slaves anywhere else?’
The reply was only select Keratha were allowed to keep slaves and trade in them was prohibited outside of one group. Sergun asked if new ones went anywhere else. He was told the Raiders bought a surplus stock of slaves back. One of them was blonde. The slave master said it was hard to distinguish between humans. The Raider’s name who bought slaves from the Keratha he did know; it was Terris Thorn. Sergun was relieved he didn’t recognise the man’s name; it meant at least he wasn’t of the same clan of one of the known dominant families of the Raiders. It was possible there was a new ruling clan but he found it unlikely.
The junior translated. ‘For this information, we ask a favour; bring us the head of Thos Eren. He’s a slaver trader who bought us humans, suffering a contagion. Several died.’
‘What does Thos Eren look like?’ He asked.
‘The master says he has a head, two arms, two legs and black fur on his face.’ The junior translated.
Sergun wondered if it was Keratha humour. Most Raiders had beards. The creature had just described nearly every adult Raider male. ‘Can the master be specific? How does he recognise this man?’
‘The man says his name to the master. But he wears a patch over his eye and is wider than you.’
An overweight slaver with an eye patch and beard. ‘What does Terris Thorn look like, other than having two arms, two legs, one head, two feet and a body?’ Sergun asked with a thin smile.
The junior translated. ‘He wears blue clothes not black. His hair is red and his skin pale. He has two eyes and ears.’ The Keratha chuckled like a saw slowly cutting through a large tree.
‘How will you recognise we have sent the correct man’s head?’
‘No human tricks us if they value their life, and we have trusted slaves who will identify it.’
‘When do slaves leave the trials and cages? How many days are they down here for?’ Sergun asked.
‘At least twenty.’
Sergun found out there were yellow haired females who were with masters upstairs. He told the junior they would have to be found and bought to him or Turner as soon as possible. The boy was disappointed the inspection of the slave girls was ending and asked to see more before he left. Sergun watched the slaves, bored now only concerned with one resembling Jannesse’s description. Seeing so many women made him long for Sharis. He hoped his family and a-dogs were safe and well, and the guards were not upsetting anyone. He quickly shut all the thoughts from his mind. They were too far away and he didn’t know if he would ever see them again. The search at the palace was nearly over.
Back at the palace’s main room, they sat for lunch and the blonde slaves were bought for inspection. One was older than Jannesse and her figure was fuller. She was attractive and Kall longed to buy her freedom. Sergun said the Keratha would want to charge him far too much and his girlfriend would not be happy. The other woman fitted the limited description and all of the men looked at her intently. She was pretty from what they could see and if this was really Jannesse then they would pay the price, take her home and their mission was over.
Their junior translated to the Keratha soldier who guarded the women. They asked for her to come closer and to be able to speak to her. The girl had an adolescent body with slim hips and flattened breasts. Her hair colour and age was right. The colour of her skin was pinker than any Raider they’d seen. They asked her to come closer and give them her name.
Turner said, ‘Jannesse is it you?’
The girl’s head remained pointed down.
‘Turn around and let’s see if you have a birthmark.’ Kall said.
The girl remained still.
Sergun said softly, ‘young lady we are from Tharne and are searching for a girl who went missing. Please let us see if you have the birthmark or tell us your name. We don’t want to hurt or embarrass you further.’
The girl started to cry and put her hands to her face. Sergun stood and put his cloak around her. He stood to her side and wasn’t able to see if she had a birthmark because her hair was in the way. She was branded. The men became silent and Sergun said soothing words.
The girl recovered her voice and said softly in a Tharne accent, ‘I’m not Jannesse but I was with her when we were attacked. Have you come to buy me back?’
Sergun felt embarrassed and didn’t want to tell her but no one else spoke. ‘I’m sorry, the Government gave us funds to find Jannesse but no one else.’
‘We can buy her and her family could pay us in return,’ suggested Kall.
‘How much will this girl cost us?’ Sergun asked the junior.
‘This is the property of a deadly scientist. Not for sale!’
Sergun didn’t like the sound of the Keratha. ‘Minister, would you pay for this young girl to be bought?’
The girl lifted her head.
‘Ask the Keratha their price,’ he replied.
‘There is no price.’
There was a discussion between the Keratha and a delay until finally they were told if they wanted to buy the girl she would cost them two thousand Tharne pieces. Sergun paid his workers annually three hundred which was generous. The price was too high for him.
‘Lady, what’s your name?’ Sergun asked.
‘Is your family rich?’
‘No, I’m a servant of the doctor who was with us.’
‘Minister, will you pay for her release even if she cannot pay it back.’
Minister Shilhard went red and in a soft voice said he could not. Kall could not afford the price either. Sergun hadn’t felt so bad since the last war he had fought in. He was powerless and a failure. He took back his cloak and the Keratha guard clicked at her and pointed the sharp spear with many points.
‘Please don’t let me go back. I’ll die soon. Please help me!’ She said before quickly moving away from the spear and men. She did not look back.
They would have to hunt for the men across the Raider’s lands. They would find him and Jannesse or make him reveal where she had gone. They would not be able to save Preca which produced a bad feeling in Kall and Sergun. Kall came up with many ideas for rescuing her all of which sounded implausible and a great way of getting them put into a hunt for the Keratha to rip them apart and eat them.
Before they left the Keratha laid on fire dancing with both male and female slaves performing. It was exciting to watch. The human slaves performed musically as well with happy songs in praise of the Raiders. There was good food served and Sergun had an idea. In a quiet time, he asked Spear Thrower if they would release Preca as well as Jannesse for killing Thos Eren. Spear Thrower chuckled. ‘You must be fast. Deadly Scientist mi
ght have her arms implanted on her back by the time you get back. If she is still intact it’s a fair trade.’
There was relief from Kall about the trade. They found their men in good health and were happy to see their leaders return safely. Sergun knew it would not have been pleasant to sleep knowing tens of thousands of aliens lived close by many of whom could rip a human apart without any extra weapons. He too wanted to leave the Keratha capital behind and their lands.
7. Raiders
They were allowed to leave the city without trouble. The bodyguards and soldiers were safe though they disliked the alien capital. The journey back to Edge City was uneventful and there was a strong feeling of relief at leaving the alien lands. Sergun desperately wanted to move into the Raider’s lands before their prey rode too far but they needed to escort the Minister and his son back. The Minister’s wagon and bodyguards disappeared into the city along with the doctor. Raiders would have prized killing a ruler of Tharne. The remaining soldiers took on extra supplies, an additional nine were added to their party and before they left Kall spoke.
‘Raiders have stolen an innocent woman of our lands. She is noble and gentle. If we find others from Tharne we’ll save them as well! Let’s find her kidnappers and show them what happens to those who dare to steal our women and hurt them. We’ll show them the blades of our swords and the arrows from our bows. They think of us as weak and their prey. Let’s teach them who are the masters of war in this world! We’ll show them the power of Tharne justice and the long reach of our arms! They want our people as slaves so let us reward them with death! Death to all Raiders who turn our people into slaves. Death to all who dare oppose Tharne! Soldiers fight fiercely and with all your skill. You’re trained to kill. Now it’s time to unleash your skills in a just cause!’
The men roared back their war cry and they appeared keen and genuine. He was glad to see the fighting spirit from his day was still present. They left their supply wagon at Edge City and took on pack horses instead. Sergun thought he was only ordered to go to the Keratha lands but remembered the letter. Find the girl and return her. So be it. That was his mission and they would do their best to finish it. The pendant was secure around his neck. They would make it their task to find Thos Eren and kill him for the Keratha. To save Preca was a worthy task. He wanted no innocent person, especially one from his own lands in the claws of the hoofed monsters.
They rode cautiously in the Badlands which the Raiders considered part of their territory though most of them followed the herds of beasts further north as it wasn’t the time of year for them to be there. Raiders was the name given to humans from the north and east who lived outside the land of Tharne or the civilised cities. The majority lived from hunting and loathed farmers, regarding them as weak. Their men rode on horseback and were clad in the skins and hides of the animals they hunted. They were large enough in number to threaten Tharne but were split into tribes which had never united. Occasionally parties of them crossed borders and robbed and murdered people. The largest bands would be twenty days ride away, following the migrating herds. The Raiders were good horsemen but lacked armour or the technique of the skilled and disciplined Tharne warriors.
Close to the northeast of Edge City, there were the remnants of large forests and only one main track to the Raiders’ lands. Sergun felt relief the enemy were now going to be humans. The vague descriptions they were given would have to suffice. The men were in good spirits. For the first couple of days, they saw no one. Elusive burrowing creatures stayed hidden and the fierce and rare whipmen were not visible either. Apart from the occasional bird, it was as if the land was deserted.
They sighted their first group of Raiders on the third day. Though there were only forty Tharne soldiers, they were equipped for battle and wearing armour. The sighted the smoke from a good distance. They rode at walking pace into the camp not wanting to cause alarm. There were less than a hundred people present; there were brown hide tents, and women and naked children present, so it wasn’t a hunting party. There was roughly the same number of adult men as themselves, though they were dressed in the traditional black skins and furs. All of the men grabbed weapons while the women took the children to the far side of the camp. A few small dogs stayed behind the men. The men held a motley assortment of weapons; war clubs, axes, spears, swords, though none had armour or helmets. They looked amateurish compared to the well-equipped and armoured Tharne soldiers. Their clothes were dirty and ragged, and it looked like they hadn’t washed for many days. All of the males were heavily tattooed as was their way, but no children or women were. One of the larger men who appeared in his mid-thirties with a long black beard and curly black hair stepped forward. He held a long spear and spoke aggressively, ‘what do you want on these lands? You’re far from home.’
‘We’re searching for a man called Terris Thorn. Do you know where he is?’
‘Looking to buy slaves? Are your own women not good enough to please you,’ the man said with a smile.
The Raiders laughed.
‘He has a woman of ours and we aim to bring her to safety. You know his name and what he is, we only ask for help to find him.’ Kall said.
‘Why should we help you?’
Kall grinned. ‘Because if you don’t I’ll run you through with my sword.’
‘We refuse to help those who threaten us. Give us gifts and we might help.’ The man said but didn’t change his stance.
‘We’ll give you something better than money.’
The man looked puzzled and many of his followers looked excited.
Sergun watched without expression. He didn’t expect the Raiders to help unless the target was someone they hated. He expected hostility from them but did not anticipate a fight with such a small force as they sensibly liked to heavily outnumber their enemy.
‘You’ve no women to trade. What is it then?’
‘Help us and you’ll live. Fail to help and we’ll kill you.’ Kall said.
The leader stepped back and took up a defensive stance as did his men. None of the men on horseback made any move to become aggressive.
Sergun spoke calmly. ‘Give us the man’s track or haunts. He’ll never know it was you. We respect your bravery but have no need to kill one another on this day.’
There was a stand-off. Sergun’s hand itched close to his sword. The Raiders talked amongst themselves in loud voices. They decided to talk.
‘He’s no friend of ours. We hate you murderers but he takes some of our girls whenever he likes. Kill him if you can but he has a large number of followers. Take the main trail east, head towards the lakes. His base is there before he moves onto the great cities.’ Their leader explained.
‘If we find him he won’t trouble your women again.’ Kall stated.
‘Someone will replace him!’ A voice from the Raider’s side shouted.
‘Not our problem.’ Kall replied. ‘If you’ve lied to us we’ll come back and kill you. That’s a promise.’
There was silence from the leader and his men. They looked at their enemy with hatred and stared until the men of Tharne rode off.
The sky was blue with no sign of rain. It was hard to see far with the gentle hills. There was little sign of life as they rode. Sergun hoped Jannesse would be found with Terris and rescued. But what if he’d already sold her to someone? The trail may lead further north or east into the independent cities. He hoped she was still alive and that Thos Eren too would be someone easy to find and close by as well. Their small force wasn’t powerful enough to go further against the larger tribes of Raiders.
It was two days before they saw another person or sign of human life. The landscape made it impossible to see far as small hills constantly were around them with many black rocks scattered from pebble size up to those large enough for men to stand on. They rested at night, set guards and took their salted meat and sweet biscuit rations. They lit a fire in between large rocks to provide light and heat. Apart from smaller fast-moving wildlife the land
still appeared deserted. The trackers and scouts of their party rode ahead but each time they said the tracks were days old. Smoke from fires finally made them stop. A scout went forward on foot and reported there was a camp by a stream with many horses and men. There were few women with them and some children. There were ten large tents and smoke came from inside. There were more than double the numbers of men compared to the first camp. They spotted guards but their scouts were confident they had not been sighted.
From the light of the fires, it was clear the Raiders were not afraid of anyone detecting their presence. They discussed several plans, the most popular was to attack the camp at dawn and kill many. They needed to find where Jannesse was and Sergun doubted the leader would reveal all of his transactions to his followers or family. There was the danger of Terris being killed in the mayhem of the attack. He was the clue they needed to find to resolve the puzzle of her whereabouts. Without him, it would be as bad as finding a specific blade of grass in the Raider’s lands.
Kall and Sergeant Dules volunteered to sneak up on the enemy camp at night aiming to locate the man with the red hair and bring him back. Sergeant Dules was slim but muscular with a shaved head, green eyes, a sharp nose, and thin lips. He was a veteran of the last war and exuded confidence. Sergun was keen to go but his lack of recent experience meant he was denied. If spotted they were to cause as much disarray as possible. They crept up to the camp and spotted the red-haired man in blue well into the night after hours of waiting but there were many guards. They decided it was too dangerous to try and kidnap him at night.
They knew their enemy had been drinking heavily and set their attack for sunrise. They must not kill the red-haired man in blue or any red-haired man unless they had no choice. Their five best archers they left on the opposite side of the camp. The rest of the men went around the opposite side where they had a clear run over open land. The pack horses were tied up and all unnecessary equipment left with them hidden between rocks a short ride from the camp. There was excitement and dedication in the men’s expressions. All were looking forward to attacking the enemy. Slavery had long been abolished in Tharne and slavers were considered as cruel profiteers.