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Page 2

by Charity Parkerson

  Holding out her hand, Aubree introduced herself when neither Ryan nor Max jumped to handle the job. “I’m Aubree Holiday.”

  Drew’s gaze dropped to where her feet touched the floor, before skirting up her body and coming to rest on her face. The blatantly sexual scrutiny left Aubree feeling as if he’d physically run his hands over each place he looked. Taking her hand between his much larger ones, he slid closer and lifted her knuckles to his mouth. His warm lips skimmed the top of her hand as he held her gaze. “Charmed.” The word dripped with lust. He didn’t let her go even when Max cleared his throat.

  Aubree was the one who was charmed but nothing else. In spite of Drew’s appeal, she recognized his type. She was female, breathing and therefore a target. He wouldn’t remember her name tomorrow. Tugging her hand away, Aubree linked her arm through Ryan’s since he was the closest. Max moved to flank her other side. “Thank you for inviting us, Mr. Alexander. Everything looks amazing.”

  A flash of humor and a bit more interest moved over Drew’s features at her dismissal. “Please call me Drew, and thank you. This is my favorite time of year. Not to mention, Sunrise Children’s Hospital is a wonderful charity. I enjoy finding unique ways to raise money for them. Which of these two belongs to you?”

  The question caught Aubree unawares. She floundered as all three men stared at her expectantly. Taking her silence as an answer, Drew somehow managed to—once again—claim her hand. He was leading her away from her friends before she knew what was happening. She attempted to shoot a pleading look over her shoulder Drew’s massive form blocked her.

  Giving in, Aubree allowed the sexy fighter to escort her to the paper horse. Pointing at the long line of people waiting to add their name, he said, “This is the perfect example. Each person in this line has paid a hundred dollars apiece to have their wish sent up to the gods.”

  Effectively distracted, Aubree’s mouth fell open. “A hundred dollars? I’m not even going to embarrass myself by telling you how many hours I have to work to earn such an amount.”

  A deep, husky laugh fell from Drew’s lips. “I take it you’re not going to add your name.”

  “I think I’ll hold onto my wish so I can eat for the next week.”

  “What sort of work do you do?” he asked, sounding curious.

  “I’m an RN at Sunrise Children’s Hospital.” At her answer, Drew threw his head back in laughter. Aubree found herself smiling at his open humor. He dressed like a man used to living in style while surrounded by fake people, but he seemed completely guileless.

  Snaking his arm around her waist, he drew her against his side as he bypassed the line and approached the women taking donations at the front. Blonde-haired and blue-eyed, each of the three women stood close to six feet tall. Aubree didn’t doubt they all worked as professional models. Judging by the way they smiled at Drew, Aubree was also willing to bet they’d give it up for a night with him.

  The girl in the middle was the first to speak. “Good evening, Mr. Alexander. How may I help you?”

  Dropping his arm from her waist, Drew pulled a few bills from inside his jacket and handed them to the model. “Ms. Holiday would like to add her name.”

  The blonde cut her eyes in Aubree’s direction and smiled. It wasn’t as welcoming as the one she’d given Drew. Aubree understood. “Of course,” she said tightly as she held a Sharpie out in Aubree’s direction. “Please feel free to sign the horse anywhere you can find a blank spot, Ms….did you say Holiday?” she asked, sounding surprised. “Are you related to Claude Holiday? If you don’t mind me asking,” she added hastily.

  The first genuine smile of the evening touched Aubree’s lips. “Yes. He was my father.”

  Drew’s eyes sharpened, but the model smiled brightly. “I knew you looked familiar. I was so sad when I heard about your parents’ accident. It’s Mandy.”

  At the mention of her name, all the pieces clicked inside Aubree’s head and she found herself reaching out for the girl at the same time Mandy squealed. “I cannot believe it’s you,” Aubree said as she hugged her. “It’s been so long and you’ve really changed.”

  Mandy fluffed her hair. “Well, you can’t wear pigtails forever.”

  An irritated huff at her back reminded Aubree she was holding up the line. She stepped to the side. Drew followed patiently and Aubree explained. “Mandy’s father worked as a prizefighter for Wright’s Casino. My dad was his manager.”

  “I actually knew your father well,” Drew said, surprising her. Mandy glanced behind her at the ever-growing line.

  “I’m sorry. I have to get back to work, but I’d love to catch up with you if you’re going to be here all weekend.”

  “I am,” Aubree agreed. With a small wave, Mandy jumped back into the fray. Once they were alone, Aubree asked Drew, “You knew my dad?”

  The cocky smile and laughing eyes Drew hid behind before this point were gone. In their place was a serious version of him she wasn’t expecting. It made him seem older and—for some reason she couldn’t explain—more appealing. “He was one of the few people I considered a real friend. Believe it or not, in my mother’s day, she was a ring-card girl. When she turned up pregnant with me—out of wedlock—no one wanted anything to do with her, but your dad gave her a job pushing paperwork.”

  Realizing she knew exactly whom he referred to, Aubree asked, “Your mom is Gigi Alexander?” When he nodded, she struck without thought, slugging him in the arm. “Shut the fuck up!” He chuckled and she gasped, horrified by her own actions. She reached over, rubbing the spot where she’d hit him absently. “Your mom used to sneak me candy when my dad would put me in time-out. Come to think of it, I really blame her for the ten extra pounds I can’t ever seem to lose.”

  “I’ll be sure to let her know.”

  It had been five years since her parents had passed away and even longer since she’d spoken to anyone outside her family about either one of them. The crowd around them fell away as Aubree stared up at Drew. “Wow. I can’t believe how small this world is. My dad would’ve loved knowing Gigi’s son has gone as far as you have.” She allowed a hint of shame to leak into her words. “I have a confession. I wasn’t looking forward to this event, but now I’m really glad I came.”

  The blue of Aubree’s eyes twinkled as she made her confession. For a single moment out of time, Drew forgot where he was. “I commend your bravery for showing up. I’m sure it wasn’t an easy decision considering the theme.”

  Aubree’s smile turned into a sad one, making Drew regret the words. Aubree’s father had been well known and respected in the fighting world. News of the car accident on Christmas day that claimed the lives of both Aubree’s parents had moved quickly through the MMA gossip mill. Drew didn’t want to dampen the mood, but he’d been moved to say something. Unfortunately, now he was almost desperate to bring the happiness back into her eyes.

  “Just think,” he said, allowing a bit of devilry to show. “If you hadn’t shown up this weekend, you wouldn’t have met me. That would’ve been a real shame for you.”

  Aubree narrowed her eyes, but her grin gave her away. She was ready to play along. “How do you figure?”

  “You would’ve missed your chance to seduce me, and although I’m not easy, I’m totally worth every moment.”

  Her teeth sank into her bottom lip. Drew could see her fighting back her laughter even as her eyes danced with it. He wasn’t content to let it stand there. “You’d better get started.” He made a show of looking at his watch. “I don’t know what time you usually go to bed, but I’ve only got a few hours left in me. Wine me, dine me,” he paused and smiled roguishly. “Well, you know the rest.”

  Aubree threw back her head laughing loudly, snagging the attention of everyone nearby. She covered her mouth when several people turned in their direction. Her eyes swam with tears as she stared at him accusingly. With a chuckle, he held his hand out to her, pouring on the charm. “I would be honored if you would spend some time with me
this evening. I can’t promise to behave, but as I said, I am worth it. Not to mention, I’m so good when I’m being bad.”

  She rolled her eyes but linked her fingers through his. Feeling triumphant, he led her toward the high-roller room. She leaned closer to him, lowering her voice for only him to hear. “Just so you know, I would totally rock your world.”

  He didn’t doubt it, not for one damn minute.

  * * * * *

  Aubree had more fun in the few hours she spent with Drew than she could remember having in years. He teased without mercy and gave her his full attention. At times, he left her breathless with laughter. The next minute, he simply stole away the oxygen from the room with his hot glances. By the time he walked her to her room, she was wondering why she’d spent so many months lusting after two men she could never have. Leaning against the cool wood of the hotel room door, she met his stare trying hard not to smile like an idiot.

  “This was fun.”

  Drew’s eyes flashed. “If you ask nicely, I’ll let you take me to bed.”

  She shook her head at his antics. “What if I’m not feeling especially nice?”

  Drew brushed his hand over her hip. “You’re right. You did feel naughty,” he agreed. Holding her stare, he bent closer, giving her time to protest his advance. The door opened at Aubree’s back. If she hadn’t hit the solid wall of Max’s chest, she might have ended up sprawled across the floor. Tilting back her head, she took note of the angry expression on Max’s face before switching her gaze back to Drew. His eyes danced with humor as he mouthed, “Denied,” and Aubree slapped her hand over her mouth to smother her giggles.

  “Have a nice night, Drew.” Drew ignored Max’s snarling words.

  “May I see you again?”

  “I’d like that,” she answered without hesitation. Max growled. At the sound, Drew flashed him a cocky grin before giving her a wicked version of it and turning away. As soon as he moved out of the doorway, Max slammed it closed, focusing his ire on her. She’d never seen him truly angry before now. She laughed nervously.

  “Are you drunk?”

  “No,” she answered, incredulous. “I’ve had two glasses of champagne all night.”

  “Your face is flushed.”

  Aubree shrugged. “I’m happy. I had a good time.”

  Max prowled toward her. The hard set of his jaw caused a flutter of desire to run through her. “Did you forget who you came here with?”

  Unable to think of a single retort, she shrugged again. “I’m young and single. Why shouldn’t I enjoy myself?”

  Max’s eyes flashed dangerously. His tone had a bite to it when he spoke. “You are not single.”

  Words failed her in the face of his heated gaze. She knew there were a thousand arguments against his announcement. She couldn’t think of a single one. His eyes swept over her body. Every place they paused cheered with happiness. Her nipples hardened, and her muscles tensed, anticipating his touch. With her focus completely ensnared by Max, Aubree jumped in surprise when the warm weight of Ryan’s arm encircled her waist. Her heart raced.

  “Whoa,” Ryan said. “What’s going on?” His calm tone went far in the way of soothing her panic. Ryan had always been the body whisperer. When he spoke, the smooth vibrations in his voice would run over the person’s skin, relaxing their muscles faster than the world’s best massage. Max switched his gaze to Ryan as he answered, saving Aubree from attempting to find the words for what had passed between them.

  “Drew was attempting to steal our girl. I was explaining to Aubree how she has plenty to keep her entertained already. She’s no longer free to go elsewhere.” Aubree didn’t know what she expected Ryan to say, but when the silence stretched on, she looked over in an attempt to gauge his reaction. To her surprise, he didn’t seem the least bit taken aback by Max’s pronouncement. Instead, he merely looked thoughtful.

  “I think we’ve been too patient with you,” he said after a moment. Pulling out of his grasp, she faced off against him. “What are you talking about?” Even as the panicked question left her lips, Aubree realized she already knew the answer. She’d always known, really. She crossed her arms underneath her breasts, then dropped them to her sides as the lessons they’d taught her about being prepared for an attack filled her mind. The motion didn’t go unnoticed by him. A quick smile passed over Ryan’s lips.

  “Are you going to tell me you didn’t see this coming?” Ryan asked quietly. She held her tongue as she realized she couldn’t force it to shape such a lie. Max pressed his large frame against her back, engulfing her in his embrace. Incapable of holding Ryan’s stare with Max’s erection pressing against her ass, she instead chose to focus on the tan skin of Ryan’s chest. In her shock, she hadn’t realized his shirt was unbuttoned, exposing his muscular torso.

  “Tell me you don’t want this,” Max demanded and God help her, she could not. She opened her mouth to say the words, the ones ending this game before it began and ruined everything between them. No sound escaped. At her silence, Max’s lips touched her bare shoulder. Closing the distance between them, Ryan tilted her chin up with his thumb, forcing her to meet his gaze. Gone was the sweet Ryan she’d always known. In his place was a turned-on Alpha male intent on consuming her.

  Her mouth went dry. She swore she could almost taste the lust hanging in the air. She heard the sound of her zipper sliding down. The dress she wore loosened. Her brain detached from reality. Max’s hands pushed the straps of her dress down her arms and his palms smoothed over the skin in their wake. His touch scorched her even as Ryan’s mouth descended upon hers. When his tongue boldly stroked hers, her mind snapped out of its reverie. She realized her hands now clutched the lapels of his open shirt dragging him closer. She was beyond reason, and living in a place where her body reigned supreme. There was no going back.

  Ryan held her face gently between his hands. The devouring kiss belied his soft touch. Max’s teeth nipped at the skin of her neck before he brushed his tongue over the spot as if in apology. She didn’t know which way to move as her mind went into overload from the sensations of her body. Flattening her palms against Ryan’s chest, she hummed in delight over the hardened muscle beneath her fingertips. Impatience reared its head as she swept her hands up his chest and over his shoulders, pushing his shirt down his arms. Max’s touch fell away for a moment. A cool breeze touched her bare skin making her realize he’d somehow divested her of her clothing while she’d been distracted.

  Ryan’s lips moved from her mouth to her throat. Max buried his hand in her hair, tugging until she tilted her chin back far enough for him to take over. If she had believed Ryan’s kiss to be intense, it was nothing in comparison to Max’s bruising consumption of her lips. She couldn’t breathe. There were too many mouths, too many hands, too many fingers. Max cupped her breasts between his hands, kneading them gently, as his hot erection probed at the globes of her ass, proving his clothes had gone the same way as hers. Ryan’s teeth scraped along her stomach as he dropped down to his knees, kneeling at her feet. Max held her tight against his chest, as her feet left the floor. Ryan’s mouth opened wide over her dripping cunt. With her thighs on Ryan’s shoulders, she kept a hand buried in each man’s hair as she fought to hang on to some form of control.

  This was her ultimate fantasy come to life. She struggled to hold reality at bay. Ryan’s tongue slipped inside her channel and he growled against her mound. “Damn, you taste fucking delicious.” At his words, Max ripped his mouth away from hers and sucked in a deep breath as if calling on his patience. She whimpered over the loss of his kiss. Her disappointment was quickly forgotten as Ryan took her button between his teeth, nibbling gently.

  “She’s ready,” Max announced, and Aubree fought back tears as Ryan set her feet back on the ground, denying her the release she sought. Bending at the waist, Max swept her into his arms. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck as he headed for Ryan’s room. Catching a flash of a box of condoms on the bedside table, she
realized they’d been prepared and waiting for her.

  Ryan stripped out of the remainder of his clothing along the way while Max set her down at the edge of the mattress. Climbing onto the bed, Max settled back against the pillows and crooked his finger. Ryan placed his lips against her ear as he gripped her hips between his hands. Speaking quietly, he directed her movements. “Wrap your lips around his cock, but keep your gorgeous ass in the air for me. Understand?”

  “Yes.” Her answer came out sounding breathless. She didn’t care. Ryan’s controlling attitude gave her the freedom to do the things she wanted without guilt. Crawling up Max’s body, Aubree paused to nip at his inner thigh. He sucked in a hiss. There was nothing soft about either man. They both spent their days inside a gym and the result of their hard work was Aubree’s reward. All the dreams she had of licking Max were finally coming true. Gripping his shaft, she squeezed him lightly, lifting him toward her lips. A drop of semen leaked from the tip. She watched its progression in fascination.

  “You’re killing me, Aubree.” His words shook her from the mesmerized haze. “I’ve been waiting for so long, baby. Let me feel your hot tongue.”

  Giving in to his demands, Aubree closed her mouth over his crown. The taste of male and salt exploded across her taste buds. She barely noticed the sound of Ryan ripping into the box of condoms. As the bulbous tip of Max’s dick hit the roof of her mouth, Ryan’s hips settled against her ass. His lips touched her spine. At the contact, Aubree sucked Max down her throat causing him to moan. Ryan began pushing inside her. The higher Aubree’s lust skyrocketed, the bolder her motions became. As Ryan rocked against her, he encouraged her with words she could no longer hear. Her mind couldn’t function beyond the needs of her body. When Ryan reached around, pinching her clit between his thumb and forefinger, Aubree bucked against his hand. His fingers were slick with her juices as he teased her button until the tingle exploded into an uncontrollable spasm. Aubree’s orgasm caused her to tighten her throat around Max’s staff as her inner muscles pulsed around Ryan’s cock. A hot jet of semen filled her mouth. She swallowed against it. Max gripped her hair until her head stung at the roots. He pumped his hips upward, riding out the waves of pleasure. Ryan held her hips in place as he pounded against her. His fingers dug into her skin as he shouted loudly with his release.


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