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Page 7

by Charity Parkerson

  “Wow,” Gigi said, causing Aubree to blush.

  Drawn back into reality by the sound of the bell, her stomach fell when Drew’s opponent proved to be every bit as quick as he appeared, landing a solid kick to Drew’s ribs. The sound echoed in her ears but Drew never flinched. Taking advantage of the man’s need to reset his balance after the move, Drew struck. His fist connected solidly with the guy’s chin and he went down hard. Aubree blinked owlishly as her mind attempted to accept it was already over. As the judge called it, Drew walked back to the cage where she sat and knocked his fist against the steel twice, before placing his hand over his heart. Keeping his eyes locked on her, he raised his arms in victory and walked backward toward the judge.

  Gigi bumped Aubree’s shoulder, dragging her out of her haze. “You’re the one.”

  “What?” Aubree asked in confusion.

  “For my son,” Gigi clarified. “Everybody only gets one, you know, and you’re the one for Drew.”

  Without thinking, Aubree scoffed. “Drew’s probably met a thousand of the perfect one.” Realizing not only what she’d said but to whom she’d said it, Aubree groaned in mortification, but Gigi chuckled.

  “I’m not exaggerating. You don’t realize it, but my son is easily the most serious man on the planet. He doesn’t joke, tease or laugh.” After a moment, she added, “Actually, he doesn’t even talk very much, come to think of it, but he does all those things when you’re around. Look at him right now.”

  Aubree did as Gigi bade. Drew stood in the center of the mat shaking hands and nodding as people spoke. His face was a hardened mask. There was none of the smile or humor in him she’d become accustomed to seeing. She was watching a stranger. Gigi leaned closer. “That is my son. He is wonderful but also an impenetrable island.”

  Aubree continued studying him in wonder until—almost as if he felt her regard—Drew turned his head meeting her gaze. A mischievous grin passed over his lips and she knew he was thinking of his earlier promise.

  “And there is the Drew he’s become since meeting you,” Gigi said sounding satisfied over making her point.

  The ride home was a silent one as Aubree continued mulling over Gigi’s words. Drew was such an overwhelming force of nature she’d never considered he wasn’t the same person twenty-four hours a day. There wasn’t anything special about her. She didn’t have anything to offer someone like him, but she also could not deny what she’d seen with her own eyes. Testing a theory, she turned her head enough to bring him into her line of sight. The lights from the dashboard cast enough glow for her to be able to see his face was completely devoid of emotion as he concentrated on the road in front of them. Testing a theory, she reached across the darkened car, touching his arm. The moment her skin connected with his, Drew’s face transformed and he let go of the wheel. Linking his fingers with hers, he brought her hand to his lips. The tip of his tongue touched her knuckles. Her body went haywire at the small caress. When he did it a second time, she nearly whimpered as her pussy clenched. Tugging her an inch closer, he repeated the action on the inside of her wrist. This time, she couldn’t stop the sound from escaping.

  They made it to her house and Drew had her out of the car with her back pressed against her front door before she realized what was happening. His wide shoulders protected her from the view of any passing motorist as he settled his lips over hers. It was total consumption. There was no other way Aubree could explain the way he kissed her. She swore she could taste his lust, and pride roared through her with the knowledge a man such as Drew wanted her. He’d said the words, but people lied and flirted all the time without really meaning it. His touch was the most honest thing she’d ever encountered. He was using every weapon in his arsenal against her. His tongue, teeth and even the vibration of his voice as he encouraged her to go farther with every passing second, combined with the way he touched her, stealing her sense. With one hand buried in her hair and one gripping her ass, he kept her pinned in place. When he pulled away, she could barely breathe.

  She could feel his heart racing beneath her fingertips, but his breathing held steady. Keeping her gaze locked on his mouth, her heart skipped a beat. The world went dark around the edges as her vision narrowed to a pinpoint. Everything became crystal clear in her mind. He was a perfect mixture of Max and Ryan. She’d never been able to choose between the two men because together they possessed all the qualities she searched for in one man. Drew had it all. He could be intense and serious, smiles and happiness. He was dark and light with single-minded focus, which would leave her sated. He watched her with hooded eyes, and the words fell from her lips before she could stop them.

  “I don’t know what to do.”

  His mouth lifted in one corner and she stared at his bottom lip, which was swollen from her kisses, in fascination. “Yes you do.”

  “I do?”

  “Yes. You want to invite me inside so I can show you what it would be like if you chose to keep me.”

  She couldn’t stop the question. “Do you want to be kept?”

  “I’m fighting my nature here as we speak. I want to throw you over my shoulder and steal you away from this place. I want to hide you away while I show you every pleasure your body is capable of enduring. I don’t intend to let you come up for air until I’ve touched, tasted, explored and penetrated until you’ve accepted you are mine.”

  An image of Drew doing all the things he mentioned flashed across her mind. A shiver of yearning ran through her as moisture flooded her core. His nostrils flared, as if he could smell her lust. His hold tightened on her waist. She licked her suddenly parched lips, and let her head fall back against the door. “I hate wanting you so much,” she admitted. “I have this burning desire to believe everything you say to me, but I don’t know how. It’s not as if I think you’re dishonest. I can’t trust myself anymore.”

  “You cared about Ryan and Max, because you were friends. Yes, it included benefits, but in the end, you weren’t upset by the outcome. That says more than you realize. Maybe you’re angry over the secrets they kept from you and the loss of their companionship but make no mistake, you are mine. You can keep fighting and I will keep chasing you, but in the end, the result will be the same. It will be my name you’re moaning.”

  She stared speechless at his mouth. It was true. She couldn’t deny a thing he said. She wanted to give in and he knew it. Gripping the door frame, he boxed her in with his arms. “Do you need me to demand it and set you free from guilt?” She remained stubbornly silent. “Open the door, Aubree. You once told me you expect more from me than anyone else ever has. I’m calling you on it now. Take me inside and give me the entire list.” At his commanding tone, she did as he bade. He followed her inside, closing the door behind them. The lock clicking in place sounded unnaturally loud in the quiet house.

  Drew made no move to touch her. Instead, he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned his back against the inside the door. “I’m wait—”

  “Take your clothes off,” Aubree said interrupting him.

  Aubree was easily the most “both feet in” person he’d ever met. Once she made up her mind, she pushed doubt aside and he could see it written all over her face. This wasn’t her merely giving in. She would challenge him to meet every boast he’d made. Straightening away from the door, Drew watched her closely as he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Prowling toward her, he waited until the last second before veering to the right and sitting on the edge of the couch. In the otherwise silent house, he heard her indrawn breath. He kept his smile hidden as he untied his work boots. Slipping them from his feet, he shoved them beneath the coffee table. As he stood once more, he pulled his leather belt loose. Her eyes followed every move his hands made. His cock reacted as if she boldly stroked it when he pushed his jeans past his hips baring the rest of his body. She stepped closer.

  “I’ve been dying to know,” Aubree said, brushing her fingertips along his hip. She sat on the coffee table, forcin
g him to turn in her direction. Staring at the top of her head in a position he’d fantasized about more than once caused his dick to weep. A drop of semen leaked from the tip. Instead of doing what he hoped, she traced the lines of the word unsurpassed, which was tattooed between his navel and hip. “I’ve caught flashes of it several times and it’s been killing me to know what it was.”

  Brushing her hair aside, he traced the line of her cheek. “All you had to do was ask.”

  Ignoring his words, she trailed her fingers over his “v” muscle. “I’m never sure what this spot right here is actually called, but it makes me want to do this.” Leaning forward, she opened her mouth over the place she’d pointed out. Something in his jaw popped as he called on every ounce of his control.

  Panting, he answered her question. “It’s an oblique. You’re a nurse. You should know this shit.” She chuckled as she followed the line of muscle with her tongue until she was half an inch away from his shaft. “You’re a cruel woman.”

  Aubree tilted her chin back meeting his eyes and the look of unadulterated lust on her face almost broke him. He’d never been so tested in his life. “I thought you expected a list of things I want from you.”

  “I do.”

  She buried her nails into the back of his thighs and urged him forward. “I want you to let me have my way,” she said, as she took him between her lips. His self-control lasted long enough for Aubree to tighten her throat around his cock one time. Snatching her from the table, he tossed her over his shoulder and strode toward the bedroom.

  “Next time,” he promised. She roared with laughter as he tossed her onto the bed and began peeling off her clothes. She tried to help but he pushed her hands aside. He’d been fantasizing about this moment and he wouldn’t miss it. The moment he had her divested of her clothing, Drew froze, standing over her, almost mesmerized by the sight of her bare skin.

  “You’re fucking amazing. I think I owe my mom a thank-you card for the extra ten pounds you definitely do not need to lose.”

  Aubree snorted. “This might not be the best time to talk about your mom.”

  Releasing a deep chuckle, Drew slid open the drawer of the nightstand and pulled out a handful of condoms. Aubree’s eyebrows lifted. “I don’t recall having those.”

  Drew tossed all but one on top of the stand as he taunted her. “I have my ways.” He tore at the plastic with his teeth and Aubree sat up, letting her legs dangle over the edge of the bed. She took the condom from him and slowly rolled it down his shaft as if determined to make him insane. He could tell by her impish smile, she was enjoying his torment a bit too much.

  “Enough,” he said, stepping out of her hold. “It’s my turn.” He went over to the dresser, found a pair of silk panties and returned to Aubree’s side.

  “Up,” he ordered, pointing toward the headboard until Aubree obeyed. Climbing onto the mattress, Drew straddled her hips pinning her in place. “Do you trust me?” At her nod, a shout of satisfaction rang through his head. He ran his hands up her body forcing her arms above her head. “Hang onto the headboard, baby, and don’t let go.”

  Aubree wrapped her fingers around one of the oak rungs without question. He twisted the material around her wrist before securing her hands to the wood. She could easily escape the knot, but he hoped she would play along. Her eyes were slightly unfocused and her nipples were hardened into tiny beads. The picture of feminine lust she painted was every man’s dream.

  “I’ve spent every night since we met wondering what you sound like when you come.” Dipping his head, he sucked her nipple into his mouth, flattening his tongue over it once before pulling away again and adding, “Let’s find out.”

  Shifting positions until he was on his knees with her open thighs draped across his, Drew traced the seam of her cunt with the tips of his fingers before spreading her pussy lips wide. Aubree was dripping. She whimpered as he pressed two fingers inside coating them with her juices. A growl rose in his throat when her warm channel squeezed the digits.

  “Damn, you’re tight. I’m going to need you relaxed and ready if you’re going to accept me.”

  “Ready now,” she gasped out causing him to bite back an evil grin.

  “No,” he argued, using her moisture to circle her clit. “You’re still fighting me and trying to anticipate my next move.” Without warning, he pushed past the tight ring of muscles in her ass. She moaned and writhed at the intrusion. “You’re so fucking responsive. It makes me want to try a thousand things at once.”

  Drew was feigning a patience he didn’t truly possess. His dick beat a drum pattern against his navel and he could feel the blood pounding through it. The force of Aubree’s reactions to his caress made him want to drag out the experience. He couldn’t get enough. It was addicting.

  “Please, Drew?”

  His eyes fell closed as he savored the sound of his name falling from her lips in the perfect tone of sexual need. Reluctantly, he pulled away. Leaning past her, he dug around in the bedside table once more. This time, he came back with a few toys.

  “I’m not going to leave you unsatisfied,” he promised.

  He didn’t ask for her preference before slipping the anal plug inside her. Aubree’s hips left the bed, but he wasn’t done. Spreading her lips wide once more, he exposed the tiny bud hidden from sight. After turning the vibrator to its highest speed, he pressed it against her. The muscles in his stomach clenched in anticipation as she moved her hips in time with his strokes, taking her pleasure from him. She threw her head back and gasped as the first spasm hit. Drew couldn’t wait any longer. Tossing the toy aside, he buried his cock inside her while her channel continued pulsing, allowing her pussy to milk him. A sound he could only describe as carnal tore from her throat and he swallowed it down, shoving his tongue into her mouth. She sucked on it greedily as he rocked against her, making sure to grind down on her clit with each stroke.

  It seemed no sooner had one spasm ended than a second round began, taking Drew by surprise with the power of her muscles constricting around his shaft. Aubree sank her teeth into his bottom lip, and his balls drew up in expectation of release. Something shifted inside his chest as the hot jet of semen shot from the head of Drew’s cock. His body was nothing more than a mass of nerve endings focused solely on the sensation of possessing Aubree. Even after the explosion passed, he couldn’t shake the feeling.

  Her ragged breaths fanned across his cheek and her pebbled nipples brushed his chest. Her inner thighs pressed against his hips as she cradled him with her body. Tiny aftershock pulsations continued tugging at his shaft. He was more than aware of every place she touched him. Pressing a kiss to her jawline, he reluctantly pulled out. Her hips followed him as if she fought to hang onto him. “Don’t worry. I’m not done with you,” he whispered against her skin before pushing away from the mattress and heading for the bathroom. He needed to get them both cleaned up, but Drew meant every word he said. Aubree Holiday had sealed her fate by allowing him inside her. Now he’d never be done.

  Aubree lingered somewhere between awake and dreaming as she rested in the cradle of Drew’s arms. She didn’t know how long she’d been dozing off and on before his voice cut through the dark.

  “You’re unlike any woman I’ve ever met before.”

  The silence stretched on as she waited for Drew to say more. When he didn’t, she asked, “How so?”

  Coming up onto his elbow, he leaned over her. Realizing sleep was lost to her, Aubree stared up at him as he brushed his knuckles along her jaw. Drew’s eyes followed the motion with a tenderness she’d never believed possible.

  “You have bursts of extreme animation but for the most part, you’re almost always quiet,” he explained. “Except for your eyes.” His gaze moved to hers and she was ensnared. “Sometimes they have so much to say, I can’t look away. I feel as if we have entire conversations without speaking a word.”

  It was true. She felt the same, and she found herself admitting her secrets. “I’
m always begging you to touch me in my mind and hoping you’ll see it when I look at you.”

  “You’re amazing,” he said, brushing his thumb over her bottom lip before reaching down to swipe the covers from her nude body. Without warning, he cupped her mound. “And I can’t seem to stop wanting you,” he added as he stroked her inflamed flesh. Finding her tender nub, Drew rolled it between his thumb and forefinger drawing a moan from deep inside her. Her focus turned inward as she concentrated on the tingling of her pussy.

  She groaned in protest when he withdrew his touch and licked his fingers. His eyes fell closed as he seemed to savor her taste. When they opened again, heat radiated from his stare. “I’m going to fuck you with my tongue,” he warned. “And once you’re screaming my name, I intend to slip my dick inside your tight pussy and ride out the waves.” She was on the verge of orgasm with his words alone.

  Dipping his head, he closed his mouth over her nipple and Aubree whimpered in her need as his rough tongue pulled at the hardened point. Clutching his head to her chest, Aubree closed her eyes and gave herself over to the moment. Every place his lips touched seemed to have a direct line to her pussy. By the time he stroked his tongue over her clit she was primed for release. Digging her nails into Drew’s shoulders, she gasped as stars exploded behind her eyelids. He moaned. The sound sent vibrations through her. She pushed closer to his tongue, riding out the waves.

  Crawling up her body, Drew reached over snagging a condom from the bedside table. While holding her gaze, he ripped the gold package open with his teeth. Aubree enjoyed every second of the show as he donned it. By the time the blunt head of his cock was pressing against her entrance, she was begging for it.


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