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Evil Within

Page 21

by Richard S. Tuttle

  The Arin prince kicked his legs and used his free hand to move himself closer to the bank. The reins went tight, and he tried to pull the horse towards him, but the beast panicked and pulled Gunnar back to midstream. He stared at the rocks that were fast approaching and sadly let go of the reins. He used both arms and legs to propel his body through the water in a desperate attempt to reach the shore.

  * * *

  The attackers on the Caroom side of the bridge began to get braver after Gunnar had jumped over the rail. They eased their way to the edge of the forest and began to creep forward along the bridge. They could see two men making alterations to the wagon and a lone warrior pacing back and forth.

  Horst saw the attackers sneaking towards him from Caroom, but he pretended not to. While he could not let them get close enough to harm Kerzi or Talot, his purpose was to buy his friends time to complete their preparations. He continued to pace back and forth from rail to rail, his eyes always watching the enemy clandestinely. They came crouched down alongside the rails as if that hid them from view. During his pacing, Horst counted seven of them, four along the northern rail and three along the southern.

  "You need to hurry," Horst urged softly, "and whatever you do, do not look towards Caroom. There are attackers sneaking up on us, and I don't want them to know that I have seen them."

  Kerzi and Talot nodded silently as they frantically worked to complete their preparations.

  "How much time do you need?" asked Horst.

  "Five more minutes," answered Talot. "If you cannot give that to us, just say the word and we will go with what we have so far."

  "No," Horst replied with certainty. "Complete your preparations. I will buy you five minutes somehow."

  Horst knew the time to fight was close at hand. The next time he passed the wagon, he surreptitiously snared a quiver of arrows and held them alongside his leg as he paced towards the southern rail. When he reached the rail, he leaned on it and stared downstream as if he were searching for his friend. He let the quiver of arrows slide to the ground, snaring four shafts as he did so. He placed the four arrows on the railing and spread them out so that he could quickly grab one without accidentally tossing the others into the river. He turned his head slightly and saw that the attackers were already close enough to strike. The only thing stopping them from doing so was their desire to get closer without being seen.

  The Odessian took an arrow from the rail and nocked it. He pulled back his bowstring and turned suddenly towards the Borundans. The arrow sped into the head of the lead attacker before anyone knew what was happening. Horst already was pulling back on the next arrow when the attackers' shouts roared through the air. He fired smoothly and hit another man as he was rising to his feet. The arrows did not hit the man's head as it was supposed to, but the shaft in his heart proved just as fatal.

  Horst whistled loudly as he let the third arrow fly. His Odessian horse came running, and Horst let fly his fourth arrow before he leaped onto his horse. The fourth arrow missed its target as the Borundans charged. Horst dropped his bow and drew his two scimitars.

  "Get the wagon moving," Horst shouted.

  Talot picked Kerzi off his feet and shoved him into the capsule of wood. The old man crawled forward and grabbed the reins that had been fed across the seat.

  "The brake is still on," Kerzi shouted.

  Talot raced around the wagon and released the brake. The wagon started rolling as Horst charged at the four attackers. Talot swung onto the tail end of the wagon and slipped through the pieces of wood to stand over Kerzi who was lying on the floor of the wagon.

  Three of the attackers charging Horst were along the right side of the bridge, while the fourth man ran along the left. Horst charged directly at the three, but at the last minute he veered across the bridge towards the lone man, but not before leaning far out of his saddle and letting his scimitar slice open the leader's chest. The lone man was unprepared for the sudden change in direction. He faltered as the Odessian bore down on him, and fear filled his heart. He dropped his sword and leaped onto the railing to throw himself off the bridge, but he acted too late. Horst swept by close to the rail, his scimitar slicing through the man's legs. The Odessian wheeled his horse around and halted.

  The remaining two Borundans had stopped their charge when Horst changed direction. They had turned to chase the Odessian and now found themselves facing him. They dared not turn their backs to attack the wagon, for they knew they could not outrun the horse. Their only options were to flee or attack in concert, and fleeing did not appear to be a viable option. If they scrambled for the rail, the horseman would be upon them before they could jump. As they steeled themselves to attack, the Odessian did the strangest thing. He dismounted and waved his horse aside.

  "That was a fatal mistake, Odessian," grinned one of the Borundans.

  As Horst expected, one of the attackers charged him, while the other raced after the wagon. Horst stood his ground, a scimitar in each hand as he waited.

  "Borundans never learn," Horst smiled thinly. "An Odessian always seeks to divide his enemy."

  The Borundan heard his partner shouting behind him, but he was already committed to the attack. Horst swung one of his scimitars, and the Borundan blocked it with his sword. Only the searing pain in his gut reminded him that he had forgotten the Odessian's other scimitar. The Borundan looked down in disbelief as blood flowed from his torso. The sword fell from his hand, and Horst mercifully decapitated the man before swiftly moving past him.

  In the center of the bridge, the remaining man from the Caroom side was trying desperately to catch up to the wagon, but the Odessian horse blocked the way and refused to yield. The attacker swung his sword at the horse, but the beast nimbly stepped away. As he drew his arm back to swing again, the horse nudged him with its head, pushing the man backwards a few steps. The Borundan tried to outsmart the horse by faking a move to the left and then moving swiftly to his right, but the horse rose up and threatened the Borundan with his hooves. As the attacker fled backwards a few steps to avoid the horse, he heard the approach of Horst. He spun around too late to defend himself. Twin scimitars ripped into the attacker's flesh and his bloody body tumbled to the ground.

  At the Salacian side of the river, Kerzi was guiding the wagon off of the bridge. Arrows thudded into the makeshift fortress from both sides of the road, but they were incapable of penetrating the thick planks.

  "Swords!" shouted one of the hidden ambushers. "Don't let them get through."

  Four men raced from each side of the road, their bows dropped and their swords raised high. As soon as they moved away from the tree line the real attack began. First one of the ambushers on the north side of the road fell with an arrow in his back. That was quickly followed on the southern side of the road with another ambusher falling with an arrow in his back. One more died on each side of the road before the Borundans realized that they were being attacked. The charge faltered, as the men were confused about what was happening.

  At that moment, Talot rose above the barricade on the wagon. He hurled a long spear into one man and immediately turned and speared another on the other side of the wagon. Monte and Gunnar used their bows to fell the last two of the attackers, as Horst came charging off the bridge on his horse.

  "What's going on?" shouted Kerzi. "Why is it suddenly so quiet?"

  "We are alive old man," shouted Horst, "and they are not. It is time to celebrate."

  Kerzi wiggled backwards underneath Talot's legs and emerged from the wagon.

  "And how are we going to do that?" asked the merchant. "You already dumped my wine and destroyed my wineskin."

  "I did at that," smiled Horst as he dismounted. "I will buy you a hundred more when we get to Kyland."

  "That may be a long time from now," frowned Gunnar. "My horse didn't make it."

  "Nor did mine," added Monte. "I was fortunate to make it myself."

  * * *

  Princess Glynis strolled through the marketplace
in Anatar. She stopped at stalls and perused the merchandise while engaging the proprietors in small talk. She was only fifteen years old, but the people had grown to love her. She was always willing to talk to anyone who had a desire to converse, and she always spent money in the marketplace each week, and not just with the merchants. She would pay children to dance for her, and porters to deliver her packages to the palace. She was not extravagant and did not spend a great deal of money, indeed she only received a modest allowance, but she was willing to share it with everyone.

  The merchants knew that she bought only to please the sellers, as they often heard tales of porters being instructed to deliver the merchandise to some needy villager. They sensed in the princess a desire to truly help the people of Arin, and they welcomed her warmly every time she arrived. Little girls would follow her around all day and mimic her movements, but she never minded, in fact, at times she encouraged them. She loved to see smiles and adored to hear people laugh.

  At each of these outings, the princess would have lunch at one of the inns surrounding the marketplace. Most of them had outdoor tables if the weather was fair enough, and this particular day was as fair as fair could be.

  Princess Glynis had just finished a morning of shopping in the marketplace, and the porters were already carting her purchases to the palace. The crowd of young girls following the princess had sensed that it was mealtime, and they never bothered the princess when she ate. The flock of small girls giggled as they scattered, and the princess stood alone, trying to decide which inn she would favor for the meal.

  "It must be a dream that I am having," intruded a warm voice.

  Princess Glynis turned and saw a young man standing not far away. He was a fair man with dark, black hair and shining green eyes. He had a small imperfection upon his cheek, but the princess ignored it. She knew full well that not everyone was perfect. What intrigued her was the man's dress. In the marketplace where most men wore aprons or work tunics, this man was dressed royally, yet she knew that she had never made his acquaintance.

  "You are absolutely the most beautiful creature I have ever laid my eyes upon," smiled the man. "You must be the Princess Glynis," he bowed respectfully.

  "I am," nodded the princess. "Have we met?"

  "I am Prince Calitar of Caroom," the man bowed again. "I do not think we have ever met before. I am sure that I would have remembered such beauty, but perhaps we might have attended the same events. Were you at the funeral of King Eugeon perhaps?"

  "Oh, goodness, no," smiled the princess. "Such things are the affairs of men, but I do thank you for your kind words."

  "They are far more than mere kind words," insisted the prince. "My eyes smile at the mere sight of you. I was just planning on having a small meal at my inn. Would you care to join me?"

  "What inn would that be?" asked the princess.

  "The Palace Shadow," smiled Prince Calitar. "This is my first trip to Anatar and it is the only inn whose reputation I have heard of."

  "It is certainly the finest inn in the city," offered Princess Glynis, "but also rather expensive. I usually eat at a more affordable inn."

  "But certainly I would not hear of you spending money in my company," retorted the prince. "Your forays into the marketplace are well known across the land. Let me buy you a meal and that will leave you with more money to spend with the merchants."

  The prince seemed nice enough, and the princess knew that no harm would come to her at the Palace Shadow. She smiled warmly and nodded to the foreign prince.

  "I would be delighted," replied Princess Glynis. "Perhaps you will tell me all about Caroom while we dine?"

  "It would be my pleasure," smiled Prince Calitar as he extended his arm.

  Princess Glynis took the offered arm, and the prince led her through the center of the marketplace. Everyone turned to look as the couple walked by, and whispers and giggles echoed through the stalls. The little girls followed, but at a distance. Some of the more forward young girls grabbed boys and forced them to give them their arms and escort them.

  When they reached the Palace Shadow, the princess requested an outside table, much to the chagrin of the prince who was looking for more privacy.

  "I do believe that I saw your father at the funeral," said the prince after they were seated. "Didn't he have a favored bodyguard with him?"

  "He always takes a dozen men with him," the princess said as she perused the menu. "I don't know that he has a favorite. They are all quite capable."

  "I am sure that they are," smiled Prince Calitar, "but I do remember something about the Borundans taking offense at a full-face helm. I think that was it. Yes, I am sure of it now."

  "Oh," Princess Glynis said dismissively, "sometimes royals have too few serious things to talk about. Imagine making a fuss over a helm. It wasn't even a bodyguard in any event. It was my brother. What are you having?"

  "Prince Antion?" frowned Prince Calitar.

  "I only have one brother," shrugged the princess.

  Chapter 18 - Prince Calitar

  Prince Calitar

  Horst roamed through the small herd of horses inspecting each and every one of them. The other members of the party stood around the wagon watching the Odessian shake his head and move onto the next.

  "What is he doing?" scowled Kerzi. "The wagon has been put back together over an hour ago. They are only horses; pick two and let's get moving. It's long way to Kyland."

  "He is an Odessian," replied Gunnar as he took his tunic away from the fire and felt it. "They do not look upon horses as merely beasts to carry men. He will find the best two to replace our mounts."

  Gunnar's tunic was finally dry, and he pulled it on over his head. Talot sat with his back to a wheel sharpening his axe, and Monte was oiling Gunnar's bow that had been submerged in the river. Horst eventually left the herd and returned to the wagon, which was off to the side of the road near the bridge.

  "The Borundans did not care for their animals well," frowned the Odessian. "They have been ridden hard and long with little attention to their needs. Some of them might be fit to pull the wagon, but they are not dependable mounts, and far from battle steeds."

  "They will get us to Kyland," shrugged Kerzi. "That is what is important. We can buy better horses there."

  Horst shot the merchant a glare, and Gunnar casually stepped between them. He knew that the Odessian was stressed at the sight of animals that had been needlessly abused. It was not something that the merchant would grasp until he understood Horst better.

  "State what concerns you." Gunnar instructed Horst.

  "We could travel onward as the merchant suggests," the Odessian sighed, "but it is a long way to Kyland. If we need to flee from our enemies, we will be unable to do so with those Borundan mounts. Talot will have to remain in the wagon, as not one of them would fare well under his body."

  "You have an alternate plan," accused Gunnar. "I know that look. What is it?"

  "We are not that far from Odessia," Horst answered. "I could take these animals there where they will be cared for and brought back to health. I will bring back fresh mounts for the trip to Kyland and the journey to Capri."

  "Oran is five days away," frowned Kerzi. "We cannot sit here for two weeks while you switch horses. There may be more Borundans searching for us."

  "Oran is five days by wagon," retorted Horst as he sidestepped around Gunnar to glare at the merchant. "An Odessian does not ride so slow unless he is forced to. Besides, I do not have to go as far as Oran. There are villages fairly close to the Caroom border. I can be in Odessia by morning and be back the following morning with fresh mounts."

  Everyone looked to Gunnar to decide the course of action to be taken. The Arin prince sighed and walked away from the group. He did not go far, but he wanted time to think without being pressured. Kerzi was anxious to be away from the bodies of the Borundans, and Horst felt a compelling need to care for the abused horses. Everyone's nerves were on edge after the clash with Borundans, and Gun
nar sought a solution that would calm them all. Eventually he returned to the wagon and everyone stared at him.

  "Is there at least one mount that will safely carry a man for a day?" asked Gunnar.

  "There are two horses that I would allow a rider on," nodded the Odessian, "but not if it involved hard riding."

  "Good," smiled Gunnar. "I have a plan. We will move away from the bridge and find a campsite for the night. In the morning, Horst and Monte will take the herd to Odessia. Kerzi, Talot, and I will continue westward to the next town. We will wait for our new mounts there."

  "I could be back much quicker if I left now," objected Horst, "and I do not need help with such a small herd."

  "I understand," Gunnar nodded knowingly, "but there is reason to my madness. I want you to have the time to properly take care of the horses en route to Odessia. I also want you to be particular in your selection of replacement mounts, and the nearest village may not have a large enough herd to please you. We can wait in the town or village as long as it takes you to return, so you will not be under pressure to move so quickly."

  Horst smiled and nodded in appreciation of the plan. It was better than he had hoped for.

  "Why a town?" asked Kerzi. "We could just stay at a campsite for a few days."

  "A number of reasons," answered Gunnar. "We need to rest and replenish our supplies. The canvas needs to be repaired and I need to pick up some of the things I lost when my horse separated from me."

  "I will bring you a saddle," offered Horst.

  "Thank you," smiled Gunnar, "but there is more that I need to replace. There is also a need to just be among people for a day or two," he continued as he viewed his friends. "I have put you all through more than you have bargained for. Let us rest for a few days and think about what we are doing. All we have been doing since we left Caxon is reacting to the Borundans. We cannot continue to let them herd us as they have been."


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