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The 45th Parallel

Page 16

by Lisa Girolami


  “Even if they were times, these would all be dates and times that occurred after your mom wrote the list.” She pointed to the date written in the top corner.

  “She wrote October fourth. You’re right. All of these numbers, or dates, occur after that time.”

  Cam scanned the paper. “And, as of today, all of these dates have passed…except for one.”

  Val read aloud the numbers next to the address for the church. “One, zero, one, four, one zero, three, zero.”

  “October fourteenth. That’s tomorrow night. At ten thirty.”

  “Something’s going to happen tomorrow. Should we go to the police?”

  Cam scrunched her eyebrows together. “I don’t think so. I doubt they’d believe an ounce of what we said. They wouldn’t think this paper was tied to anything. Even if they were interested in playing ball, they’d say they’d have to do their own investigation. And based on what evidence we don’t have, on something we don’t even understand, tomorrow will have come and gone before they’d act on it.”

  An Elton John song was now playing on the radio, and they both fell into silence again.

  Cam moved her arm up onto the back of Val’s seat and gently pulled Val toward her. Leaning against Cam’s shoulder, she gave in to the offer of safety and comfort, something she not only wanted but also needed.

  With her head on Cam’s shoulder, she listened to her breathing. The cadence was as calming as a hypnotic watch, swinging from a chain. In this moment, the world grew tranquil and time stopped, allowing her to just…be.

  Sometime later, Cam turned off the radio and the sounds of the forest took over again. From just outside the car, the rustling of trees almost sounded like rain. The car’s engine still ticked every so often as it cooled down, and the staccato trilling of what might have been a Western screech owl came from somewhere not too far away.

  Cam adjusted her butt in the seat, and Val felt her wince.

  “One of your cuts?”

  “One I didn’t know about.”

  Val reached for her cell phone and clicked the light back on. She took the Bactine from the bag at her feet as Cam inspected her left arm.

  Close to the crook of her elbow, Val found the cut and applied the antiseptic. She then felt around, making sure there were no more scrapes, running her fingers along the muscles in Cam’s forearm, brushing across it with light touches.

  Cam laid her head back and murmured, “That feels nice.”

  Val turned off her phone and dropped it and the antiseptic on the floorboard, wondering if she should stop. Given that she was still unsure of practically everything that had transpired since she’d arrived in Hemlock, she probably should, but the human contact felt wonderful. She could feel Cam relaxing, but touching Cam was just as soothing to her. She needed a break, a chance to catch her breath and calm down. And despite her uncertainty about Cam, her attraction was growing.

  As Val massaged her arm, Cam reached over and steadied her hand on Val’s leg. Then she began rubbing Val’s thigh, and a mixture of relaxation and arousal washed over her. She closed her eyes, allowing only the feeling of each other’s fingers to fill her mind. And slowly, as their hands began traveling in widening circles, Val’s heartbeat accelerated and she tightened her thighs, not to stop the sensations she was feeling, but to heighten the throbbing between them.

  Cam must have been feeling the same way, because she moaned slightly when she exhaled.

  In the darkness, Val let her head spin from the disorientation but, more powerfully, from the heady arousal taking over every part of her increasingly stimulated body.

  She marveled at the pleasure that saturated her like an invigorating spring shower, washing over her body with velvet fluidity. Simply from Cam’s hand brushing across her pants, squeezing periodically, Val’s breathing quickened as if she were being drawn under a sensual, but escalating, spell.

  Cam moaned again, so quietly that it screamed in Val’s ears, its fervent declaration sounding sexy but controlled, as if Cam was trying to keep her own desire a secret or, even sexier, was unable to restrain her response to the sensation.

  Val ached, needing more. She was losing control and allowed her hand to drop to Cam’s leg, mirroring the strokes she was receiving on her own thigh. Ever so slightly, Cam writhed in her seat, holding her breath and then fighting its escape, as if she was struggling to contain all of her normal bodily functions.

  Not a word had passed between them for a long while, but the air was teeming with the intense unspoken exchanges.

  Cam seemed to be fighting her desire, which only stoked the flames erupting in Val’s stomach and between her legs. Just picturing what Cam might feel like or how incredibly amazing she would taste destroyed whatever restraint she had left. Val’s mouth found Cam’s neck and she kissed her, slowly licking and circling her lips over the delicate skin she found there.

  She felt Cam squeeze her thigh, harder now, and Val moved her hand higher up Cam’s leg. Cam responded by raising her hips with such yielding subtlety that Val almost passed out.

  She reached up and turned Cam’s face toward her, again finding her mouth not only open, but also searching for hers. They kissed as if the act would soon be outlawed, reluctant to stop and driven to make up for every second they’d spent not kissing.

  Val wanted Cam with the ferocity of a thousand volcanoes, surprised at the scorching heat she felt. It was like uncontrollable molten rock that must have always been inside her, but had lain dormant until now. Its potential eruption and consequent devastation scared her and propelled her at the same time. She was incapable and unwilling to stop now.

  Cam’s muffled moans matched hers as Val dropped her hand, finding the spot between Cam’s legs that caused Cam to raise her hips even higher. She felt Cam’s thighs part, consenting to whatever Val wanted. The heat that radiated there was intense, and all Val wanted to do was climb inside her.

  As she massaged the tightness she felt, Cam kissed her harder. Their breathing became so loud, the symphony of muffled exhales mounting, that all sounds coming from the forest disappeared.

  Cam pushed away suddenly and, in one swift motion, backed through the space between the front seats and pulled Val with her. They landed in the backseat, and when Cam flipped her onto her back, Val grabbed Cam’s shirt, tugging it off her. Their mouths found each other again as Cam lowered herself onto Val, straddling her hips on the challengingly narrow backseat.

  The bra had to go as well, and it unsnapped with the first flick of Val’s hand. Cam raised herself up, twisting her shoulders until it dropped off her. In the dark, Val could barely see her breasts, but she rose to meet them with her mouth. Cam balanced herself by holding onto the back of the front seat as Val alternated kissing and lightly sucking each breast.

  Murmurs of arousal came from Cam, and Val took that moment to unsnap Cam’s pants. She tugged the zipper down and glided her hand inside, slipping beneath Cam’s underwear, and immediately found the searing wetness she craved.

  Cam cried out, arching her head back, and Val stopped kissing her breasts to listen more than watch from her perfect position underneath. When Cam began to rock against her hand, Val slipped two fingers inside her. With her other hand, Val held on to Cam’s hip, steadying her and holding her captive at the same time.

  Around her swirling fingers, Val felt her shudder and groan. Cam then lowered her upper body until they were nose to nose. She could now see Cam’s eyes and the concentrated intensity that had overtaken them. Cam didn’t need to say anything; the look begged her not to stop. And she didn’t.

  They were now panting in unison, and Val became so turned on, she thrust deeper. Cam gasped and kissed her as they moved together.

  Val’s own clit was throbbing, and she was sure that if they kept this up, she’d come without being touched. When she withdrew her hand slightly to rub Cam’s clit, Cam began rocking from side to side and sucked on Val’s tongue as they kissed.

  Cam’s breathing quickened, and the shudders came again. Val sensed she’d found Cam’s sweet spot so she kept up the rhythm, moaning encouragement as she spurred her on. Cam began trembling and broke their kiss, lifting herself up just a few inches from Val’s face. She squeezed her eyes tightly together for a few seconds, and when she opened them, Val saw the most intoxicated gaze she’d ever witnessed.

  Cam’s eyebrows rose in surrender and her lips parted slightly. Her arms and hips began to shake and her expression deepened, drawing Val in with her. Cam’s breathing quieted momentarily, and then she suddenly cried out loudly as her orgasm pounded against Val’s fingers. As each wave gripped her, Cam stared into Val’s eyes. And Val saw the sacred center of her desire.

  Val was completely mesmerized by the sight, succumbing to Cam’s needs and so devoted to this pleasure she didn’t intend to stop until Cam made her.

  And when she did, Cam made love to her, slowly at first and then with a passion so fiery, Val knew for the first time what being thoroughly consumed felt like.

  Though the car was parked among the trees of Cascade Head, Val was now speeding down a nameless road, with Cam’s arms tight around her and well aware that she wore no safety belt.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Val awoke with Cam’s arms wrapped around her and a slight cramp in her side. They’d fallen asleep sometime in the middle of the night and stayed in their spooned position, but she wasn’t sure how the blanket had ended up pulled over them. When she moved to relieve the cramp, Cam began to stir.

  Val sat up, bringing part of the blanket with her, and squinted into the morning sun that was peering through the trees.

  Two other cars were parked in the trailhead lot, one devoid of people, and on the bumper of the other sat a man who was tying his running shoes. He finished, checked his watch, and then took off running up the trail.

  She wrapped the blanket tighter to fend off the chill of the Oregon morning and listened to the birds as they chirped and rustled cheerfully in the forest around them. She massaged her face, trying to drive the drowsiness away. Taking stock of her surroundings, she saw remnants of the night before littering the car. Anyone peeking in would think, with all the clothes draped over seats and wrinkled on the floorboards, that they were homeless.

  Cam sat up and Val turned to kiss her.

  “Good morning.”

  “Good morning.” Cam rubbed her eyes. “What time is it?”

  “Almost seven.”

  Cam stretched and yawned while Val ran a hand through her disheveled hair.

  “You look beautiful,” Cam said.

  Val eyed her sideways. “I bet you say that to all your backseat girls.”

  Cam laughed. “I do. Seeing as you’re the only one I’ve ever had.”

  Val was still attempting to tame her hair when Cam caught her hand in hers. She pulled it toward her and kissed her fingers, one at a time.

  “Are you okay?”

  Val’s first response was a resounding yes. Her body felt the exertions from the night before and her muscles were tired and sore, but it was a satisfied discomfort. Her bones and skin were happily invigorated and completely content.

  Her mind, however, needed to catch up with the events of the night before. She should question the rationality of her decisions and weigh the possibility that she’d just stepped into a dangerous situation. A part of her still wondered why Cam had been aloof and questioned her true connection to Donna, Nedra, Mack, and the others.

  But right now, Cam sat next to her and the blanket failed to cover one of her beautiful breasts. The scratchy wool fabric against her soft skin was one of the sexiest juxtapositions Val had ever taken in. With Cam’s body so close and her sleepy eyes looking so damn sexy, Val had no desire to pay attention to her rational self.

  “I’m very okay,” Val said. “How about you?”

  “I’m a little surprised but very happy.” Cam’s smile was delicate, as if she’d just grown shy. “And I really like you.”

  “I’m pretty into you, too.”

  They found their clothing and made a fairly good attempt to avoid the awkwardness of dressing in the backseat of a car. Cam finished and climbed into the front seat, retrieving the grocery bag and rummaging through it.

  After Val finished dressing and tying her shoes, she opened the backseat door. She stepped out into the crisp morning and stretched, reaching as far up to the treetops as she could. It was a spectacular morning. The fog was burning off, and the pine trees presented their perfumed needles to the wind to help freshen the day.

  Cam rolled down the driver’s window and offered Val a bottle of water.

  Val took a long draw. “What about Donna?

  “What about Donna?”

  “From what I remember, she loved cars.”

  “She did?”

  “Yeah. And beaches. And strangers’ porches, behind the candy counter at the Bijou—”

  “Donna Laufstrom?” Cam sounded truly astonished.

  “Yes. But that was a long time ago. I suppose she was just being a crazy kid.”

  “Well, she wasn’t that way by the time I met her. She was more shy and reserved.”

  “Donna Laufstrom?”

  That made Cam grin.

  “Seems like she ended up being two different people,” Val said, handing the water back to Cam.

  “Three, actually.”

  “You mean the way she also changed right before you split up?”


  “Sounds like she reverted back to her crazy self. Like the way she was in high school.”

  “It was as if one day she just decided to change,” Cam said. “Did she ever wear leather pants and jackets back then?”

  Val shook her head.

  Cam grew silent, her head nodding slightly as if she was making a decision. She began to tell a story that must have been roaming around in her head, confused and itinerant, for quite a long time. “Toward the end with us, things got strange. She hid sex toys in the closet—toys she never showed me. She started computer searches on sex and porn websites, but only when I was at work.

  “I didn’t say anything about it. I was in shock, I guess. I thought maybe it was some strange phase. Stupid me. I thought it’d pass. Then one day when I was in the laundry room, I picked up an extra box of laundry detergent, thinking it was empty. As I threw it in the trash, I could tell something was in the box. It was photographs. Porn.

  “Except not of women. Or even men. They were of really young guys. Junior-high-school boys or something like that. Pretty heavy bondage stuff. Jesus, the kids looked thirteen.”

  Cam stared down at her hands. “I’m not sure what caused the change. It was like she was questioning her sexual feelings. I guess she began to search for the answer somewhere else. Looking back to when we met, she was quite nervous about sex. Maybe timid is more the word. But then I think about what she got into after that…all that kinky stuff. How could she feel comfortable with that? I don’t understand it. I don’t know what happened.”

  “She was pretty religious when we were in school. Not that it affected her then, but maybe it did later.”

  “She did go to church all the time,” Cam said. “She’d already started something with Mack when we were still together, and he had something to do with it.”

  Val looked out the window. She began to say something but stopped. The early morning woods looked beautiful. A few bright streaks of sunshine lit up leaves that glowed bright green as the rays cut through the trees.

  “It makes sense. Mack’s recording unsuspecting women in the bathroom for his own jollies.” Val rested her hands against the driver’s doorframe. “Mack knows we’re onto him. But do you think he knows about me on the video camera?”

  “I don’t know. I sure wish I had my hands on the tape.”

  “Well, you said the video recorder’s got to be in his office. All we have to do is pop the tape out and run.”

  “If it’s there.”
  Val wondered what the chances were. “It’s worth a try to see.”

  “How do you propose we do that? We can’t disarm the alarm without knowing the code.”

  “We go when the alarm’s not on. During daytime hours.”

  “So after he tried to kill us last night,” Cam said, “we just waltz in there and get the tape?”

  “What’s he going to do? Shoot you in front of all his customers?”

  “Oh, I guess I just got volunteered.” Cam smiled warmly and reached out, and Val took her hand. “So I walk into his garage and right into his office and grab the videotape?”

  “No, I walk into the garage and you grab the videotape.”

  “And what are you doing while I’m grabbing the tape?”

  “Creating a diversion.”

  “I was afraid you were going to say that.”

  “What? It’s a great idea.”

  Cam hesitated, glancing at Val with a crooked grin that looked full of trepidation.

  “Then we go to the police. Okay?”

  Val leaned over and kissed her. “Okay.”

  “I can’t believe we’re even talking about this.”

  “I can’t believe we spent the night in Mr. Harlin’s car in the middle of the forest.” Val stroked her cheek.

  A faint warning bell rang in the recesses of her brain, alerting her that she’d crossed a line that couldn’t be reversed. But she’d known when she’d first massaged Cam’s arm the night before that she was taking a step into the dark void of uncertainty. However, she was so tired and touching Cam felt so good that she allowed her body to wrench control from her hesitant brain. And while she might come to regret her decision, her body was thanking her for feeling so refreshed and satisfied.


  Cam and Val sat on Mr. Harlin’s couch while he rested in his easy chair. Jesus and the Virgin Mary still stood sentry over the room. In the background, a sermon on the evils of premarital sex emanated from the television.

  “Necco wafer?”

  Val thanked him as she took the Apostles jar. She took a few and handed it to Cam.


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