Book Read Free

Caramel Flava

Page 29

by Zane

  Could I possibly be bolder than I was last night? I asked myself. Why the fuck not? I answered.

  I took the lime out of the Corona and squeezed it on my breasts. I was wearing a halter top, showing much cleavage. I sucked the remaining juice from the lime, maintaining eye contact with “my dick.” The waitress had taken the hint and the few other men in the place were staring at me as well, but I had my sights on only one.

  I lifted my left foot and placed it on an empty share, spreading my legs for all the world to see. I ran the lime up my thigh and let it disappear between my legs, rubbing it on my clit through the lace fabric. Then I started rubbing it more vigorously and squeezing my breasts with my free hand. You could have heard a pin drop in the place if there had not been music playing. Even the waitresses were engulfed in my performance. I almost got scared but then I remembered that none of these people knew me. Two tears in a bucket; mother fuck it!

  I spent the next ten to twelve minutes masturbating myself into an orgasm. I stood up halfway through the show and sat on the table, spreading my legs even further. I fingered myself, moaned, threw my head back and got lost in myself; imagining “my dick” was helping me out. I am not sure when life began to imitate art but his hands were suddenly upon me; his fingers taking the place of mine. I gazed up into his eyes as he looked down on me; removing his fingers barely long enough to lick them before putting them back.

  Was this really happening?

  A man yelled out, “Ustedes no pueden hacer eso aquí!” You can’t do that here!

  “My dick” replied, “Usted no tiene que miranos. Cierre y vayase.” You don’t have to watch. Lock up and leave.

  Everyone cleared out of there like bats. Whoever the man was that I was about to fuck, someone either owed him something or respected the hell out of him. I suspected it was a little bit of both. Seeing him up close, he was definitely older than me; at least forty. Fine by me.

  “Dámelo, Papi.” Bring it on, Daddy.

  He did not ask my name; nor did I ask his. What did it matter? We had one mutual goal; to fuck the shit out of each other. That was apparently clear. That is exactly what we did.

  We helped each other strip down to nothing. He pulled my thong off with his teeth; taking it and sucking on the middle like it was licorice. Then he pushed my breasts together and devoured them for a good five minutes. I had never cum before from a man sucking on my breasts but I squirted like a water gun.

  I fingered his bald head as he ate my pussy and I was yearning to suck some dick; “my dick” but he was not having it. He wanted to get inside me and he rammed into me and took me for the ride of my life. My shoulders were the only things remaining on the table as he lifted my hips and caught a rhythm that damn near scared me. I had never been fucked so royally. Yet, there I was, on a bar table in Mexico, on a vacation by myself, fucking a bullfighter who had a dick so big that I could not fathom a jock strap big enough to hold it.

  I thought about Aunt Maxie and how ashamed she would have been of my behavior. But Aunt Maxie was not there, Korey was not there, and I was going to be free; if only for a little while.

  “My dick” never said a word to me directly. After everyone else left and I called him Papi, he simply tried to break my back. We fucked for a good two hours before I had to almost crawl out of there with an aching pussy and ass. I had this thing about ass play. That day the Corona bottle had done double duty.

  I took a cab back to the hotel, took a long shower and then fell asleep until later that night. About ten, I woke up thinking about sucking dick. Shame on it but that was the first thing on my mind between the time I opened my eyes and the first blink. “My dick” was history, for we had not spoken; let alone exchanged contact information. Too bad because I knew he would not try to catch any feelings for me. Carmelo was a touchy matter, on the other hand. There was something about the night we had spent together that bothered me; it was too real.

  Everything within me tried to prevent me from calling the front desk to complain about a dripping sink that was keeping me awake. Of course there was not a drip; except for the one between my legs from my natural juices waiting to be licked off of me. Within ten minutes Carmelo was knocking on my door. Less than two minutes off of that, we had commenced to fucking.


  A New Year, a New Dick

  C armelo was off for New Year’s Eve. Just as well. I was getting too accustomed to being with him after a whooping–ass two days. There was a big celebration in the grand ballroom at the resort open to all who had reserved a seat ahead of time. I snagged the last seat at one of the tables closest to the stage and entered, wearing a tight gold-sequined floor-length gown—the one originally meant to make Korey’s eyes pop out. There was a man occupying the seat next to mine. He was gorgeous and, as it turned out, very, very nice.

  His name was Enrique. He was from California. A long way from the motor city, Detroit. He was traveling alone because he needed a vacation. He said that he had been too busy lately chasing Benjamins to chase skirts. He was an IT guy—CEO of a privately held corporation—and thirty-three years old with no kids. For a second I thought he might be gay and able to afford the trip because he was in a DINK—double income no kids—situation. Sometimes they’ll leave their lovers at home to put on a front. After a few flutes of champagne and two dances with his hard dick pressed against my aching pussy, I knew he was down with the puddy.

  There was an awesome band, an awesome show and even some performers there from Cirque du Soleil. They began to count down to the New Year, but I was already toasted before the toast. Enrique and I bumped glasses and then bumped lips. His tongue was sweet from the champagne. He was a fantastic kisser. I had been ready to get busy less than an hour after we began dining together. Now I did not want to waste another minute.

  “Your villa or mine?” I whispered in his ear.

  “Doesn’t matter, as long as wherever we go has a bed,” he replied. “Are you sure you want to do this? You seem a little tipsy and I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

  “Trust me, this week is all about me taking advantage of the situation.” I eyed him seductively. “I want to go to your villa. I want to lie on your sheets and smell your cologne in my hair, all over my body, on my pussy. I want to lick every inch of you, from head to toe, as long as you return the favor.”

  He grinned. “I’m an extremely good licker.”

  Enrique was so fine in his tuxedo as I grabbed him by his bow tie and issued a weak threat. “You better be good. You better be damn good or else…”

  “Or else what?”

  “Or else I’m going to make you fuck me over and over again until you get it right.”

  Enrique laughed, grabbed the back of my hair and yanked my head back. “Then I might mess up on purpose so I can keep you in my bed longer.”

  Enrique and I did not leave his villa for the next three days. We ordered room service three or four times a day, licked food off each other’s asses and fucked and sucked like the final days arrived.

  We did briefly leave the room one night. We snuck over to the pool. It was deserted at that time of night, we eased down into the corner of it, and fucked each other slowly against the wall. I went underwater and sucked him back into a hardened state; breathing through my nose and using his dick as a snorkeling tube. He grabbed my head and for a second, I thought he might drown me; he was so into it and not wanting me to come up for air.

  After he was hard again, I stood and palmed the side of the pool while he entered me from behind. He lifted my feet up off the ground and my toes were dangling as he drilled his thick dick into my pussy. I heard a noise and just knew we were busted. It turned out to be an armadillo, an iguana, or some shit.

  Enrique chided me. “What were you going to do if had been a person?”

  “Shit, I don’t know. Ask them if they want to join, maybe?”

  We both laughed.

  “You know, I have to leave first thing in the morning
,” he said solemnly. “Are you going to come to California to see me? We’ve spent some special time together. I would like to continue to see what develops.”

  I sighed; even though he was still digging my insides out. “I like you, Enrique. I like you and I love the sex but I’m confused right now. I didn’t come here to find a new man.”

  “Then what did you come here for?” he asked.

  “At first, I had no clue. I was disappointed that I had to come alone.” I had revealed my Korey drama to Enrique at some point during our three-day fuckathon. “Now I am glad that I did. I am glad that all my girlfriends had other plans. If one of them had been here, I could never have been myself; not like this.”

  “Then I’m glad their asses didn’t come either,” he said jokingly.

  For the next few minutes, Enrique shut up and handled his business. We came together underneath the water. As we were walking back to his villa so he could pack, he added, “Take your time and think about it. I’ll give you my number and I hope you’ll consider giving me yours. I won’t pressure you but I would really like to see you again.”

  I decided to spend the remainder of that night in my own villa. Saying good-bye to Enrique as he left for the airport would have been too much drama for me. He had caught feelings and I was straight-up confused. My message light was blinking when I got back to my unit. There were five messages from Carmelo, wanting to know where I was because he wanted to see me before I left. There were two messages from Aunt Maxie, worried about my safety since she had not heard from me in days. Then, there was one from Korey; short, straight and to the point. “I hope you’re having a good time. That’s cold that you would go on a trip without me. Well, I guess you’ve made your point. Have a nice life.”

  Maybe it was just me but I could have sworn that Negro had cheated on me, disrespected me, tried to control me and then dumped me. He was acting like I had victimized him. Yes, that shit was definitely over!


  Reminisce Over Me

  C armelo was banging on my door bright and early the next morning. You would have thought the sky had fallen; the way he was panicking. I struggled out of bed, turning off my iPod. “He Is” by Heather Headley, one of my “sleep” selections, was caressing my brain until now as I staggered toward the door.

  I knew it was him I did not even bother covering up the bra and panties I had fallen asleep in after an early morning shower less than four hours earlier.

  “Carmelo, what the hell is wrong with you?”

  “¿Dónde has estado?”

  “What do you mean, where have I been?” I asked angrily. “I’ve been in my skin.”

  “I left you a ton of messages.”

  “Five barely constitutes a ton but I did get them last night.”

  Carmelo started sniffing the air and examining my sheets.

  “Um, excuse me, what are you doing?”

  He glared at me. “Searching for evidence.”

  All I could say was, “Wow!”

  He stopped in his tracks as he rearranged the pillows on my bed. “Wow what?”

  “I’m stunned. You’re acting like my man and, last time I checked, we only met about five days ago.”

  Carmelo sat down on the bed and buried his face in his hands. I sat down beside him and rubbed his back.

  “Carmelo, you’re really sweet but I have to go back to the States tomorrow and we’ll never lay eyes on each other again. You need to get a grasp on reality.”

  He did not utter a word for a few minutes. Then he stunned me again. “Okay, okay, since you’re going back, spend today with me.”


  “Please, Taneisha. What else do you have planned for today?”

  “Actually, I was going to go to Playa del Carmen and catch the ferry to Cozumel.”

  “Then I’ll go with you,” he stated insistently.

  “Don’t you have to work?”

  “I’ll get the stomach flu. I never get sick or miss work. They won’t give me a hard time.”

  Everything within me told me to put Carmelo off and insist that he leave and get back to work. Everything but the part of me that wanted to spend my last day in Mexico with the man who had clearly stolen my heart; despite all the whoring around I had been doing. Even with three days of fucking with fine-ass Enrique, Carmelo was the one who made me feel most special. I could not be honest with him and tell him that I had gone to the bullfight, fucked a man on a table at a bar and then spent seventy-two-plus hours with a Californian.

  I got dressed while Carmelo went to go tell his supervisor that he was sick. We could not be seen leaving the resort together so I took a cab and picked him up outside the main gate at a bus stop where employees arrived between shifts. It took nearly an hour to get to Playa del Carmen. So, Carmelo and I jacked and jilled each other off in the backseat. The driver was visibly aggravated but did not say anything. He rather demanded his payment upon arrival and rushed us out of his cab.

  Waiting for the ferry to arrive, watching the locals with their beach bags and swimsuits getting ready to go spend the day on the white sandy beaches of Cozumel, was so romantic. It reminded me of how cruel Korey was for trying to punish me by sending me there alone. The last laugh was on me. I felt like a contestant on that show Temptation Island. My relationship with Korey had not survived the test. It was never meant to be.

  Carmelo and I located a secluded spot on the top level of the ferry for the thirty-minute ride to Cozumel. We kissed each other passionately the entire time. I had never kissed someone so long and hard before in my lifetime. One woman walked by with a younger child and I tried to pull away from Carmelo’s tongue but he refused to let the fire die down. The woman shook her head and walked off with her child in tow to find somewhere else to sit.

  We arrived at Cozumel and had frozen drinks at Fat Tuesday, then walked around the town so I could pick up a few trinkets and souvenirs from the shopping areas. Most of the items—particularly the silver—was overpriced, but I was able to find some reasonable things. I bought a marbleized gray dick to add to my collection. Okay, so I am a freak. I love my toys. Heaven knows, I would not and could not ever deny that one.

  I was surprised to see how readily available amoxicillin, penicillin and other drugs that require prescriptions in the States were and purchased a few bottles right over the counter to prepare for the winter months. We grabbed some lunch at La Parilla Grill and then headed down to a secluded area on the beach. It was breathtaking. The water, the sand, the clear sky, the man beside me. All breathtaking.

  Carmelo surprised me by taking off his shirt and shorts right there, in broad daylight. “There’s no one around. Get naked,” he demanded.

  I giggled. “And what do you propose to do to me if I do get naked?”

  “Ever made love on the beach?”

  “No, but would we be making love, Carmelo? I thought we were simply fuck partners.”

  He sighed in disgust and collapsed beside me in the sand. “Why do you try so hard to be hard, Taneisha?”

  I brushed his question off. “I’m keeping things in perspective. I live in Detroit; you live in Cancún. You have a woman, to boot.”

  “No, I don’t have a woman. I told her three days ago that I was in love with you.”

  “What did you just say to me?”

  “Te amo. I love you.”

  I stared at Carmelo, sitting there naked next to me, proclaiming his love for me. I reached out and took his hand. “Carmelo, you don’t even know me. If you only knew…”

  “Knew what?”

  That I’ve been the biggest whore in Mec-ci-co this week, I thought to myself.

  I could not get the words out. Instead, I started getting undressed. I wanted him; right there on the sand. After I was nude, I lay back and watched him climb on top of me. We kissed, even deeper than on the ferry. He caressed my breasts and I felt renewed; reborn by his touch. No one had ever brought out those emotions in me before; no one.
r />   He licked a trail down the middle of my chest and then dipped the tip of his tongue in my belly button. I grabbed his shoulders and stared up at the blue sky. There was not a cloud in sight. It was truly paradise. Carmelo went down on me and I spread my legs to welcome his face between my legs; right where it belonged. He spread my pussy lips with his fingers and lapped at my clit until my moans became uncontrollable. I tried to back my hips up away from him but he sucked me right back into his ecstasy.

  Once I came, I pulled him all the way up so that his knees straddled my shoulders. I commanded him, “Aliméntame con tu dick.” Feed me your dick.

  “Damn, Taneisha! You sound so sexy when you say that.”

  He positioned his dick right at my lips and I ate my dessert. It was good, too. I took the head of it in and suckled on it like an orange. He was excited and wanted me to deep-throat him but I worked the shaft with my hands for a while; working magic with my fingers and my mouth. Then I relaxed my throat, took it all in and held it there. He shuddered and stared down at me. I gazed into his eyes and wondered what had carried me to this place; lying on the white sands of Mexico with a dick in my mouth that was not attached to the man who had been my world for more than three years.

  The waves started crashing against the shore as the tide was about to come in. I did not want to stop, though, and it was a sensual feeling to have the water cascading through my hair and over my skin, mixed with sand, as I continued to devour Carmelo’s dick. This had gone beyond lust. I realized it at that moment. I realized it even more when he entered me and slowly worked my G-spot with all the right moves. I let out a yelp when I came.

  By the time we caught the last ferry back to Playa del Carmen, I was exhausted. Still, Carmelo insisted that I go into town with him to meet his family. I was totally embarrassed when I shook his mother’s hand; thinking about all the nasty and freaky things I had done with her son whom I had met mere days earlier. I sat and ate dinner at her table. Her English was minimal but I had gotten better with my Spanish so we somehow managed. She was a sweet woman who had been dealt a tough hand in life but like sisters united in all races, she had lived up to her responsibilities and done the best that she could do. She had managed.


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