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Hearts and Arrows Box Set

Page 84

by Staci Hart

  He looked up the line of her body, the beauty of her all he could comprehend as he parted her and ran his tongue up her entrance, pausing to suck when he reached the top. She let out a whimper, and he moved low again, slipping his tongue in, pausing to roll it around, grazing his teeth against her when he reached the top once more. She twisted and rolled underneath him, angling her hips to him as he kissed her long. Her legs squeezed him tighter and tighter, but he didn’t stop. He pushed her harder and faster until she arched her back, chest heaving as she came, and he slowed to kiss her softly as she caught her breath with shaking thighs.

  “Come here,” she said as she looked down at him with the most glorious smile he’d ever seen.

  And he did, but slowly, trailing kisses first on her thighs, then her stomach until he reached her breasts. He touched her above the hem of her bra, then cupped her, feeling her nipple hard against his palm. He hooked a finger in and pulled gently, baring her to him, and he kissed her, taking her into his mouth with a roll of his tongue, running his teeth on the sensitive skin. She leaned into him, cradling his head in her arms, and their legs tangled together as his fingers skimmed down her back and lower still, cupping her from behind to touch her again.

  Her senses exploded as he buried his face in her breasts, every space between them gone. He had on too many clothes, she noticed very suddenly, and scrabbled across his back to grab handfuls of his shirt, his fingers working some magic on her again as she tugged and pulled at the cotton to get it off of him. She needed his skin against hers.

  He let her go and leaned back, and she was almost sorry she’d stopped him until he reached over his shoulders to grab his shirt and pull it over his head. She froze, mouth gaping as she touched the planes of his chest and stomach, then reached for him, pulling him down to her, crushing her mouth against his, fumbling with his belt with trembling fingers. She slipped her hands into his pants, and when she found him, her fingers swept his length. He moaned, and the sound took her breath away.

  She ran her hands around his back, curling her thumbs in his jeans to pull them down over the hard curves of his body. He kicked them off the end of the bed, and she shifted, unclasping her bra to shrug out of it. He took the moment to rummage around his bag next to the bed, returning with a condom that he ripped open and slipped on in a fluid motion as she watched, her eyes on his hands as he rolled it on.

  He knelt at the foot of the bed watching her, and she watched him, both frozen for a long moment of appreciation before she opened her arms, and he filled them.

  His lips were everything, everywhere, his touch overwhelming as she opened herself up to him. She gasped when he found her, and her entire body pulled him in, her legs tight, her hips open, her fingers gripping his back as he buried himself in her. Neither could breathe as he filled her, their foreheads pressed together, their noses brushing with a feather’s touch, as whole as they could ever be.

  He rolled and twisted, bringing her with him as he sat up with grace, their bodies never separating. Her legs were slung around his waist, and he looked up at her in awe. Her hair long and loose, red against her dove-white skin, her eyes soft and rich as velvet. He marveled at her as her eyes closed, her lashes brushing her cheeks as she began to move her hips, rolling them around.

  She laid her hands on his chest and pushed gently, and he lay back as she moved against him. His hand rested on her hip, the other low on the flat of her stomach, and his thumb circled her where their bodies were connected. She gasped, his touch sending a shock through her as she leaned forward, her arms pushing her breasts together as she rode him harder and faster. He met her rhythm, and with every move they came closer, her body tightening as she squeezed her eyes shut, her breath shallow and lips parted, and she came with a sharp cry, the relief overwhelming her as her body let go. He was right behind her, overcome by her as he pulled her hips until they both slowed, and she collapsed against his chest.

  He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and rolled onto his side, taking her with him. She curled into him, and he kissed the top of her head. No words were required as she listened to his heart beat in his chest, and he felt hers against his palm on her back. They breathed together until their heartbeats matched, and they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  ———— Olympus ————

  The gods broke out in chatter, but someone hissed a “Shhh!” and everyone listened for the alarm to sound. Hermes stood with a smile and addressed the room.

  “Ah, ah, ah. There are too many variables yet to claim the win. Anything could happen at this point, and until a real decision is made and they’re safe, the game is still on.”

  Artemis looked relieved, and Dita sighed. She knew it wasn’t over, but everything was lined up for the win, and for the time, that was about all she could ask for. There was still the matter of Rhodes, though, and he was a wild card. She wouldn’t rest easy until they were safe.

  Perry elbowed her. “Dude. Hot.”

  “They’ve been waiting a long time for that,” Dita said with a nod.

  “How come you don’t look completely blissed-out jazzed right now?”

  “Because they’re still after a serial killer, and that freaks me out.”

  “They’re going to be okay, Dita.”

  But Dita only watched the sleeping players on the screen. “I hope so.”

  ———— Montana ————

  Josie dreamed she walked through the tall, lush trees of a dense forest. She looked up, and golden sun cut rays through the trees, illuminating the mossy ground in patches. It was cool under her feet, and she stopped in a column of light, feeling the softness of the long, white gown against her skin. She caught movement in the trees before her, and from the shadows walked a doe who held knowledge in her eyes that Josie could feel. She took a step toward the creature who held her head high, watching the human approach with an outstretched hand, looking into Josie’s eyes as she said, It is time.

  Josie woke with a start to her phone blaring. It was dark out, and she blinked, confused for a moment. Jon stirred against her, and she remembered everything with a rush, but the ringing wouldn’t quit. She reached over him to grab her phone off the nightstand.

  “This is Josie,” she said and cleared her throat.

  Jon stretched for his own phone to check the time. It was ten. Jesus. He couldn’t believe they’d slept so long and wondered who was calling as he listened to her half of the conversation, tucking his hand behind his head.

  “Yeah. Okay. Hang on, let me write down the address.” Josie waved at Jon, who handed his phone over. She pulled up the notes. “Go ahead.” Her fingers flew as she banged out an address. “Thank you. Give me a call if he leaves before we get there, and we’ll give you a bonus.”

  She hung up and laid a hand on his chest. “This is it.”

  He tucked her hair behind her ear, and she leaned into his hand with a sigh, but worry passed across her face as she looked down at him.

  “Jon, I want to figure all of this out, but we have to get through Rhodes first. I have to get through Rhodes first. I don’t know if I can do both things at once.”

  His fingers skimmed down her back. “It’s okay, Jo. First thing’s first. We’ll get to the rest when we can.”

  Her eyes glistened in the low light of the room, and she leaned in and kissed him gently, smiling when she broke away just before her eyes flew open. “Oh my God, Jon. The Jeep.”

  He sat up fast. “Oh, fuck. Fucking shit fuck.”

  Josie was already twisting her hair back and climbing out of bed. “Maybe we can find the mechanic. This town is tiny. Come on, let’s get moving.”

  He got out of bed and pulled on his shirt and jeans. When he turned, Josie was stepping into her jeans, her silhouette black against the blue light coming in from the curtain, and he shook his head with a sigh at the sight.

  She clicked on the lamp, and they packed their things and rushed downstairs. The front desk had Jon’s keys and a receipt for
the tire patch, and Josie was thankful for small town hospitality. Once they thanked the owner and left extra cash for the mechanic, they hopped in the Jeep and were on their way.

  He reached for her hand as they pulled onto the interstate, and she took it gratefully.

  “Are you ready for this?” he asked.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  ———— Olympus ————

  The large fire crackled in front of Artemis, lighting her Oceanids’ faces where they sat around her, all looking to her for a reaction. She rose and addressed them all.

  “The hunt is on.”

  They cheered, and Artemis smiled as she waited for them to quiet down.

  “I know there has been talk of the competition and your thoughts on my decisions.” She scanned the crowd. “This game has not been easy on any of us, myself included. I …” Her throat was tight, and she cleared it. “I am sorry. Reason has escaped me, and I fear the competition may be lost for my mistakes.”

  Murmurs rolled over the nymphs.

  “Now, now. Have you ever known me to give up?”

  The chatter turned to soft laughter.

  “I will try to win still, do not doubt that, but let us focus on the chase and the hunt. I have done all I can, exposed Rhodes’ location, and Jon and Josie are on their way to face the end. The rest, my friends, shall work itself out with our help or without. And now, we drink.”

  A ruckus ensued, and a few nymphs pulled out instruments. They broke off into groups, but Artemis was alone in her thoughts as she took her seat once more.

  She watched the flames lick the stars, watched as the embers floated up to the heavens and disappeared. The world went on around her, grinding her down like wheat into dust, scattering her to the wind, and she wondered if she would ever be whole again.

  Day 12

  JOSIE REACHED FOR JON’S HAND where it rested on his knee, and he squeezed her fingers gently. She looked out the window at the road rolling by. They were eight hours from Rhodes when they left the bed and breakfast but would make it in six. Jon drove like his life depended on it.

  Almost every thought in Josie’s head was consumed by Rhodes as she played over scenarios. She looked up the motel on Google Maps and familiarized herself with the surroundings, imagining the routes he would take. Thought about the phone call she’d make to her dad when it was over. Wondered and worried what ‘over’ would mean when it was all said and done.

  Nerves rolled through her as she thought about facing him. She didn’t want to kill him … she’d never killed anyone before. She’d much rather him live the rest of his life in jail, rotting through a half-life behind bars. But she wondered what she would really do when faced with the choice.

  “Are you sure we shouldn’t call the local cops, Jon?”

  He glanced over at her and rubbed her thumb with his. “We can if you want, but they’re going to go busting in there guns blazing. They could cock it all up. We really don’t know.”

  “It just feels irresponsible.”

  He smiled sideways at her. “That’s your cop blood talkin’. We’ll call them as soon as we get there.”

  She nodded. He was so solid and steady next to her, and even though she wasn’t certain how it would all shake out for the two of them, she knew she wanted to try.

  The sky was lighter by shades as they pulled into the motel and parked in front of the office. Josie’s nerves were on fire, her stomach churning as they spoke to the man behind the counter who told them everything they needed to know. No, he hadn’t checked out. He was in room 205.

  They stepped out of the office, and Josie made the call to the local police while Jon watched Rhodes’ door from across the courtyard. They made for the stairs just as the door to 205 opened, and there Rhodes stood under the fluorescent lights, keys dangling in one hand and a duffle bag in the other. Shock and recognition passed across his face as he froze in front of the half-open door.

  The three stood staring for a split second, and when Jon pulled his gun, Rhodes took off running.

  Josie drew her gun as Rhodes sped down the stairs at the far end of the building, and they followed as he scrambled over one fence and around another into a junkyard. When she and Jon reached the entrance there was no one in sight, and everything was hushed and still in the moments before dawn. The owner ran out of his office, and Josie flashed her PI license at him. She held her finger to her lips and motioned for him to go back inside. He inched back in, and she saw him through the window as he picked up the phone.

  Jon motioned that he was going to take the back route around the stacks of scrap and junk. She nodded and watched as he made his way around, clearing corners until he was out of sight.

  “Rhodes,” she yelled as her eyes scanned every shadow around her, “the cops are on their way. There’s no use in hiding.” Each step was wary and watchful as she walked between columns of cars on racks with her gun drawn. It was a maze of rusted metal, and she cleared corners until she found herself in a row that dead-ended into a tall, metal wall.

  She shifted the exact amount needed to train her sight on Rhodes, who stood at the end of the path.

  He was a handful of yards away with his gun pointed at her. Her heart drummed in her ears, her finger resting on the trigger. She could pull it and end him, right then, right there, and she almost did. But that would be too easy for him. She wanted him to pay forever.

  “Where’s your friend?” he called.

  She didn’t move, only stared at his eye at the end of her sight. “Around here somewhere. Or, waiting for the cops. Guess we won’t know ‘till we know. Now, how about you put your gun down, and we have a little talk?”

  “Or not.” He unlatched the safety, and in the dim light she saw that his eyes and body held no fear.

  “You’re going to shoot me in the middle of a junkyard?” She took a step toward him, unable to back down. The minute she did, it would be over.

  “It’s looking that way.” His tone was too calm, and cold adrenaline pumped through her.

  She could smell rust and rubber, dust and dirt, hear every breath he took from feet away, see his smug smile. Even in the end, he still didn’t believe he’d be caught. “No, no, this is too messy for you, isn’t it? You like it nice and clean. No strings. Not until Hannah. And then Anne.”

  “I’m not afraid of a little mess, especially if it gets rid of you. I should have killed you sooner. I considered it, did you know?”

  “Oh?” Her voice was shockingly brave.

  “I’ve been to your place so many times looking for the necklace. It would have only taken climbing in your window once, and I could have ended you. Then we wouldn’t be here, would we?”

  “No, you’d be killing hookers or teenagers and dumping them in the Hudson. Does it make you feel like a man to kill them the way you do?” Keep him talking. Wait for Jon. Where is Jon?

  “There’s power in holding someone’s life in your hands, in squeezing until that life is gone. It’s over so fast, but it’s infinite. I remember each girl, every face. I see them in my dreams.” A smile stretched across his face that terrified her.

  “How did you kill Hannah?” she asked, knowing he enjoyed enlightening her, wondering if he’d ever spoken about it aloud.

  “She didn’t suspect me, not until I was dragging her inside. She almost fought as much as your friend, Anne.”

  She stopped breathing, and her finger twitched against the trigger.

  “Oh, Anne. She was pretty, you know? Really. Her being there was an unexpected surprise. Cleanup was a little … undesirable, but you know what they say. Do what you have to do, right?” He was so cool, like he was recalling changing a flat tire instead of murdering her best friend. “I’m sad to kill you this way. I’d much rather it have been under different circumstances.”

  She swallowed hard. “Who said I’ll be the one dying today? Maybe it’ll be you.”

  “No,” he said, flatly, “I don’t think it will.”

nbsp; Everything happened at once, but each event was separate in her mind, stretching out, splitting, and coming back together in a time warp. She heard Rhodes’ gun fire, saw the flash just as she pulled her own trigger. Jon slammed into her, knocking her to the ground, and as the world tilted, she saw her bullet pass through Rhodes’ left eye, watched him crumple to the ground, his blood spilling out around his head in a halo of gore.

  She lay stunned on the ground for a moment before she looked down, patting herself for an injury. But then her eyes found Jon, and nothing else mattered.

  He had rolled off of her and lay in a pool of blood, the crimson bloom on his chest spreading with each heartbeat.

  “Oh my God. Oh my God, Jon.” She pulled him into her lap, cradling his head in her arm. She pressed her hand to his chest, and he laid his on top of hers just as she heard sirens in the distance.

  “Sorry I took so long,” he whispered and broke out coughing.

  “Jesus, Jon. Look at me. Look at me.”

  His eyes listed, moving slowly to meet hers. “Josie… Jo… I … I love you. I only ever … wanted you.”

  Her voice was broken. “Stay with me, Jon. Stay with me. I love you, please. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” She brushed his hair back from his gray face, laid her hand on his cheek. “Please, don’t leave me.”

  She bent, holding him, rocking him as cold clarity washed over her. He was all she’d ever wanted and she denied it, denied him for reasons that didn’t matter. Reasons that wouldn’t save him. Reasons that wouldn’t save her. She’d lost countless minutes and hours and weeks of his love, and for nothing.

  The chains and ropes that bound her snapped and unraveled. She turned her back on her past and looked down into his eyes, touched his ashen skin, and realized too late that there was only one thing that mattered in her life, in the universe. She loved him. She would always love him.


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