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Death Rub

Page 6

by Ashantay Peters

  “Let me untie that for you.” I put my fingers on the knot and winced. This would not be an easy maneuver. “So besides your clothes, why do you think Brad didn’t retain some clumsy dweeb genes?”

  “I think he tripped you to set off the chain of events. Don’t let his innocent act fool you.”

  One part of the knot loosened. Phew. Looked more likely I’d get him out of it before dawn. “Brad’s I.Q. topped the charts but he never had social skills in school.” I refrained from mentioning that the rest of him had caught up.

  “He’s got some muscle under those clothes. I’ll bet he’s coordinated, not clumsy.”

  I bit my lower lip. This second knot had no observable opening to loosen. “So Brad puts in gym time. I don’t see why that makes him dangerous.”

  Cam pulled my hands away from his neck. His tie hit his chest with a splat. “Because, Mags, he’s dangerous to you.”

  My forehead wrinkled. “Me?”

  “Yeah, if any more drool had collected, you’d have been sitting in the deep end of a swimming pool.”

  Ah. The truth became evident.

  “Katie starred on the swim team, not Brad. He golfed. Made varsity against all odds and held his own. That didn’t change his status, though.”

  Cam grasped my upper arms, holding me—and Ginger’s dress—away from his damp chest but still close enough to see his narrow pupils. “You know what I mean. I’m surprised your dress isn’t soaked from his saliva.” He ran his finger over the tops of my breasts.

  I gripped his shoulders. “Is that the real reason you don’t like Brad?”

  He smoothed a fingertip over my cheekbones. “I didn’t like the way he moved in on you.”

  “Your jealousy is sweet but unfounded. It’s hard to see Brad in this new light. Kind of like the world tilted on its axis or something.”

  “From what I saw and heard tonight, Brad is out to prove he’s no geek. Sheesh, your entire class held more than its share of liars, jerks and losers. And those are just the people I met.” He pulled me closer. “Except you, Ginger, and Katie. You’re rock stars.”

  What? I stiffened. The gossip lines must have been running hot and wide open. “What did you hear?”

  “All good. Let’s drop the subject. I’ve got something better to talk about.” Cam kissed my forehead and nibbled his way to my lips and lower. “Help me out of these wet clothes?”

  Oh, yeah. With renewed determination, that tie knot fell apart in no time. Our clothes disappeared and oh, my, seeing Cam nude? Better than I anticipated.

  Shoulders from here to there, nipped waistline, muscle-packed thighs, and trim calves. My gaze moved to his penis and he acknowledged my stare by going from half to three-quarter mast in a nano-second.

  Whew. Talk about delayed gratification. I hoped I returned the favor.

  Apparently I passed muster and then some. His pupils expanded, his breath hitched. His gaze traveled from my head to toe and back. “Maggie, you’re lucky I haven’t seen you nude before tonight.” He let out a breath. “No way I’d have waited this long.”

  “Wow. You sure know how to compliment a girl.”

  We moved together, his body solid against mine. The musky undertone I always associated with Cam became more pronounced. His planted kisses on my temples, cheekbones and jaw.

  I ran my hands over him, not feeling a place that wasn’t hard with either toned muscle or desire. “Wouldn’t you like to lay down?”

  He lifted and carried me to my queen-sized bed. We rolled to the middle. The mattress had always seemed big enough until I shared it with Cam. His broad shoulders spanned almost half the bed, not that I complained.

  His palms framed my face. “You’re sure about this?”

  I nodded and initiated a kiss so hot he couldn’t question my attraction.

  He pulled back. “Because I don’t want our first time to be the result of some old boyfriend shining around.”

  Apparently my kiss hadn’t been so hot after all. I lounged over his chest, the better for eye contact in my dimly lit bedroom. “You’ve changed your mind?” I swallowed a lump of emotion. To bed or not to bed a guy. Screwed me up every time.

  His thumbs massaged my earlobes, causing a shiver along my nape.

  “No, I haven’t changed my mind. I know you’re the woman I want for keeps. It’s just—”

  “It’s just that Travis and Brad’s attention toward me made you think I’m using you. Because we haven’t had sex yet, and tonight I changed my mind. As if they made me horny, and you’re here to scratch my itch.” I rolled off him. “Like you’re only good for one thing.” Just like the bitch that screwed you over. I hadn’t voiced my last thought, but our mutual knowledge of his former fiancé filled the room.

  “No, you’re not like her.” He lifted me and meshed our upper bodies, his arms holding me in place. Unasked questions filled his gaze.

  I gave him the only answers I had. “I trust you. I want you for you.”

  His muscles relaxed under me. “I’m glad.” He pulled my face down for a kiss.

  Hot turned scorching. It didn’t take long before moans echoed off the walls. Being a modest sort, I won’t say more, except that adage about waiting for good things had become my new motto.

  I don’t know why I’d worried. Given the way he worshipped my body, Cam wouldn’t leave me anytime soon. Especially given my whispered plans, detailing how I’d reward him for waiting on me so patiently.

  Chapter Six

  “You mean you didn’t get a stomach-full last night?” I blinked at Katie and Ginger, who stood at my door, disgustingly bright and chipper.

  “Nope. Get moving. We’ve got the reunion breakfast this morning.” Katie grinned. “Besides, you owe us. We waited until Cam left before knocking.” She slipped past me.

  “I’m surprised Cam’s tongue didn’t get stepped on, what with it hanging on the floor every time he looked at you last night. Told ya.” Ginger hugged me then joined Katie in smart-aleck grins.

  Holding back a full-fledged smile proved hard, but I managed the task. “Thanks for lending me the outfit.” I thought I’d hung up the garment, but couldn’t remember. Things had gotten heated pretty fast last night, and I’d only rolled out of bed ten minutes earlier. Anyway, I’d planned to dry-clean the outfit and Cam’s tie. A replacement J. Garcia had been found and ordered while Cam showered, but I still wanted the one his dad had given him as spotless as possible.

  Katie leaned against the door. “Is the dress still in one piece, or did he tear it off you when you got home?” She cleared her throat. “By the way, did he rock your world? That man has some muscles. You did finally do the deed didn’t you?”

  Ginger nudged her.

  “What? She looked hot-to-trot last night. And she’s got beard burn on her chest this morning. Wait, is that a hickey?”

  I glanced down and quickly pulled my robe tight. My face burned. “I, uh, we, um, we necked. Guess we got carried away.” I continued my feint with little hope of success. “You know, like high school.” I’d never felt comfortable talking about my sexual exploits, not that I’d had that many. But these were my closest friends. I shrugged and grinned. “No details, but yeah. Officially rocked my world.”

  Ginger grabbed Katie’s shoulder. “Maggie doesn’t want to talk about it. Geez. Maybe we should ask for a blow-by-blow about you and Dirk.”

  Katie plunked her hand on her hip. “I don’t think so.” She grinned at me. “The facts would send this place up in a fire so hot there wouldn’t be any smoke. Just burnt out cinders too tired to wisp.” She whispered into my ear. “Never mind, I get it. Cam’s too new.”

  “Come on in while I grab a shower. Coffee should be done by now.” When I walked into the kitchen fresh and dressed, my friends were munching Ginger’s home baked cookies and lounging at the table.

  I poured a coffee and checked the fridge for creamer. Shutting the appliance’s door, I picked up the ongoing conversation.

  “And the
n the fashion luncheon, unless you prefer golf,” Ginger said.

  Ginger had been on the girl’s golf team, so I knew where she’d be heading. Katie hated exercise and fashion anything, so if I went to breakfast with them, I’d be off the hook until later today. Sounded like a plan I could support.

  I’d barely settled at the kitchen table when Katie opened a new topic. “So, can you believe the changes in Brad Crosby?”

  “He really grew into himself,” Ginger said.

  “With a vengeance.” I taste-tested a cookie.

  “Vengeance is right.” Katie pointed to Ginger with a half-eaten cookie in her hand. “He didn’t hold back about sharing his successes.”

  “Not everyone has a chip on their shoulder.” Ginger huffed. “So he had something to prove. That incentive drives any number of successful people.”

  “Yeah, and he didn’t look like a men’s fitness magazine cover model in high school.” I recalled my hand hitting his shoulder in the fracas after dinner last night. Cam had been right about Brad having muscles. Not that I’d mentioned my observations.

  Katie leveled her partially eaten cookie in my direction. “I see you salivating over there. You’d better not even consider dumping Cam for that weasel Brad.”

  “I wasn’t thinking about Brad in that way.” Had I? My thoughts moved to last night’s activities. Nope. Cam wouldn’t get traded in anytime soon, if ever.

  “Uh huh. I see where your thoughts went.” Katie nudged my arm. “Go on, finish your coffee and get your purse. Hurry up.”

  I stared at her, wondering what had her all wound up.

  “What. Nicole left by herself last night. I want to brag about hot sex with Dirk in front of her. You know, just loud enough for her to hear and get jealous. “

  Eye roll action wouldn’t have been out of place, but I restrained my urge. I’d reconciled myself to another day of forced enjoyment. After the dry cleaner stop, of course.

  “Let’s travel together.” Ginger held up her keys. “I’ll drive.”

  We tumbled into her luxury car and took off. I ran a hand over the soft leather upholstery, glad I’d left my coffee mug at home. Ginger wouldn’t mind stains; I would.

  Katie half-turned in the front seat. “Dirk’s not talking about the case, the rat.”

  “What about Matt?” I asked.

  Ginger answered. “Him either.”

  Katie picked up the complaint string. “I know they’re looking into Clarice’s recent relationships, financials, all that regular stuff. I couldn’t get anything more out of him. And I tried.”

  Shifting on my seat, I leaned forward. “I can’t help thinking Clarice’s murder could have been a mistake. I mean, Nicole was in a different room, but she was supposed to be in mine. Liz offered her space to me, and I jumped on it. Otherwise, Clarice would have been in the reception area not in my room when the killer walked in.”

  “So you think the murderer meant Nicole as the target and missed?” Katie nodded. “Now that I believe. Nicole’s someone who inspires murder.”

  Ginger slowed the car and glanced to Katie. “You don’t mean that.”

  Katie looked out the side window then back at Ginger. “Guess not. She ticked me off last night, that’s all.”

  Ginger shook her head. “She just acted like herself.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I mean.”

  Someone who didn’t know Katie would think her heartless, but I knew her loyalty had no bounds. Nicole had earned a place on Katie’s shit list and wouldn’t fall off anytime soon.

  Ginger stepped on the gas, and we turned to other subjects. Still, I couldn’t stop thinking I should call Dirk and share my crazy idea that Clarice had been killed by mistake.


  Breakfast seemed more relaxed than I’d anticipated. A muted noise level, probably the result of hung-over participants, made the atmosphere enjoyable. My two friends and I snagged seats at an empty table set for four. Reserving our seats with sweaters and handbags, we made for the buffet line and began filling plates with fresh fruit and yogurt. I planned on returning for some tasty looking cheese grits, sausage, and fluffy eggs. Once you’re raised on good old fashion Southern breakfasts, it’s difficult to change. The cheese grits were enough of a departure from tradition, much less eating only fruit and yogurt.

  Katie eyed my plate after my second buffet trip. “Girl, I don’t know how you can eat like a truck driver and stay skinny.”

  I grinned, my mouth too full of delicious food for words. Not that she required an answer.

  Once I’d swallowed, I leaned closer. “You’ll wish you’d gone back for more when I tell you what I heard.”

  I looked around to ensure no one sat close enough for eavesdropping.

  “You know where the fresh fruit bar intersects the hallway?”

  Our three heads turned in unison. Yep. The inanimate bar remained situated right where I’d said. The station stood empty, a lucky coincidence or we’d have one confused person wondering about our combined stares.

  “As I moved along the buffet, I could hear arguing. When I got closer to the end, I realized the angry voice sounded like one person, not two. I figured, phone call.”

  My friends nodded. Katie gave me the hurry up signal with her right hand.

  “So, okay, I recognized Nicole’s voice.”

  “Let me guess,” Katie said. “That’s what took you so long coming back.” She nudged Ginger. “I told you she wouldn’t have a problem deciding between the sausage and bacon.”

  They looked at my plate, which held both meats.

  “So I like protein. Anyway, I stalled so I could hear more.” Plus Katie was right. I really couldn’t pick one meat choice over another.

  Ginger spoke while her lips remained still like a ventriloquist’s, a skill I’d love to develop. “What did you hear?”

  I scanned the area again. All clear. “Nicole said she wanted her payoff. Said she couldn’t wait to blow this small-minded town.”

  My companions raised their eyebrows, encouraging me to continue. “Then she said she ‘knew the truth about’ something. I didn’t catch that part.”

  “Well, don’t keep us waiting.” Katie had slid to the edge of her chair and teetered there. “Then what did what did you hear?”

  “A few words about ‘investments coming due.’” I chewed bacon, satisfied I’d piqued their interest and wanting to milk it.

  Katie narrowed her eyes at me. “You know more than you’re saying.”

  I swallowed the bacon but not my cat-in-cream grin. “I heard her say Daddy.”

  Ginger put her hand over mine, staying my food-filled fork from reaching my mouth. “Do you mean she talked with her father or to someone else about him?”

  “I don’t know. I couldn’t hear that part because she lowered her voice.” Plus, my head had been partially under the sneeze guard. I’d been reaching for a spoonful of hash browns, not wanting anyone to realize I eavesdropped.

  “Huh.” Katie rubbed her forehead with one finger. “I wonder if any of this is connected to Clarice’s death. Or could our glorious mayor be getting his hands dirty?”

  I grinned, knowing she’d adopted that forehead rubbing gesture from Dirk and hadn’t realized she’d picked up his habit.

  Ginger shook her head, her lips turned down. “Katie, tying a phone conversation to Clarice’s murder is really far-fetched. And investing isn’t against the law for a public official.” She cocked her head. “Unless it’s a conflict of interest.”

  Katie snorted. “Do you really think that nothing underhanded is happening?”

  “You’re seeing a crime where there isn’t proof of one.”

  I stepped in. “All I’m saying is that Miss Nicole is not the squeaky clean former prom queen she portrays.”

  “Perhaps she is, and it’s our interpretation of a one-sided conversation that isn’t on the ups. Or could be her daddy got her involved against her will.” Ginger always took the high road. Darn it all, anyway

  I mulled my other overheard phone conversation from the night before. Whatever Nicole had hooked into made her a very unhappy person. I decided to mention Nicole’s whining but didn’t get the chance.

  “Ginger, stop being a goody two-shoes. I vote she or her daddy is dirty. I retain the right to accuse them both.” Katie lifted her arm in physical support of her statement. “Any other yea votes?”

  My right hand held half a jam-covered biscuit, so I raised my left. Ginger hesitated then joined our indictment.

  “Are you girls taking a pledge about something? Don’t you think you’re a little old for the Girl Scouts?”

  Nicole stood at our table. She must have approached in Ninja mode. Good thing Katie hadn’t spoken Nicole’s name when she made her accusation.

  Ginger made the fastest recovery. “Hi, Nicole.”

  I stuffed my face with biscuit and looked away. Katie drank her juice, also avoiding a greeting. If I were Nicole, I’d be surreptitiously checking my armpits just in case I physically offended. I envied her confidence in all situations, but she didn’t have to lord it over us. Especially after our public blow out the night before.

  “Mind if I join you for a few minutes, Ginger? I know you’re big enough to let bygones lie and do the reunion committee a favor.”

  No discernable apology there.

  Katie and I exchanged glances. I concentrated on chewing, and Katie sipped her coffee.

  “One of our models backed out of the fashion luncheon today. I’d love for you to fill in for her. You have the right height and weight for taking the model’s place. And your posture is perfect. Would you help us out?”

  Pardon me? Ginger had made clear last night that she stood with Katie and me. I couldn’t figure Nicole’s angle asking for help with the fashion walk. Except that she knew Ginger’s popularity never flagged. Nicole had just made an obvious bid to recoup her reputation. And an obvious slap to me—Ginger and I were the same size.

  We really needed to stop leaving open seats at our table. They only filled with asses.


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