The Bear Shifter's Second Chance

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The Bear Shifter's Second Chance Page 3

by Jasmine Wylder

  "Who do you think you are, huh? You're nothing. Not even a proper shifter. Do you have a mate?" The young buck poked him in the chest.

  His bear growled but he fought it down. Not yet. He would need a solid explanation for his actions once he beat the crap out of these guys.

  "Are you part of the clan?" the boy continued. "No. The matriarch kicked you out with the rest of us. So, who do you think you are?"

  Marcus yawned. This was getting tiresome. He moved to brush past them but they formed ranks. None of them were quite as tall or broad as he was and he couldn't help but smirk at them. Even if he was mildly drunk, that didn't mean that he wasn't going to teach them a lesson if they didn't get out of his way. His bear huffed in warning. He felt it start to rise to the surface, seeping down through his veins.

  "Are you part of the clan?" he asked calmly.

  "We will be soon." The kid's face turned a shade of red previously never seen before except on tomatoes. "We've got a plan. We're going to buy our way back in, and then we'll have mates and—"

  "Buy your way back in," Marcus repeated. His eyes narrowed. "Is Lexa involved in any way?" The sullen silence he got as a reply was all he needed to know. He growled as his bear seeped closer to the surface. "Stay away from her. If she's involved it'll just end badly for the clan and the club."

  The kid sneered at him. "What would you know? You know, I used to hear stories about you, even in the clan. You were tough and could beat up guys twice your size. But you've gotten weak. All holier-than-thou, acting like you're some sort of hero. You're not."

  "You need to shut up now."

  "You're nothing. Less than nothing."

  Oh, he was going to enjoy teaching this little punk a lesson. He rolled his shoulders and loosened his neck, his bear so close under the surface that he could feel his fingernails starting to turn into claws. He reigned it in just a little more. He didn't want to maul the kid, just let him know what being tough was really about.

  "I'm nothing, huh?" he asked, his voice calm. "Well, that's better than being a dumbass."

  Such a simple insult, yet so effective.

  The kid's face contorted in rage and with a snarl he leaped forward, swinging at Marcus' face. He easily sidestepped the blow and the force of it carried the kid into one of his companions. The group swarmed him, all howling and gnashing their teeth. Marcus spun on his toes. He grabbed one and threw him into a second before elbowing a third in the face. The original kid jumped at him again and he grabbed the kid around the shoulder and spun him in a circle, knocking several back. A snap and a howl of pain rose in the air.

  Marcus tossed the kid away and shifted into a solid stance. As the kid's gang of friends came at him, he sent out a series of rapid punches. Half of them stumbled back with broken noses, whimpering as blood poured down their faces.

  These kids were green as grass. Cubs that had never been in a real fight before. He couldn't help but laugh at them. The rest tried to surround him, but he dropped and swept out his legs like a break-dancer, knocking them off of their feet. When he jumped back up the kid with the broken arm came at him again.

  With a yawn to show how bored he was, Marcus grabbed the kid by the collar and swung him face-first into a lamppost. The metal creaked and dented. The kid collapsed to the ground.

  Alava burst out of the bar, claws long and teeth sharp. The black eyes of his bear peered from his face. "That's enough!"

  Marcus stepped back as the gang of children regrouped. They still glared at him, but seemed to be heeding Alava's words… for now, at least. The doctor strode to the middle of the group and bent over the unconscious kid. With a growl he shook his head.

  "The cops have been called and I know some of you still have families that need the money you're bringing in. Get out of here, quick. And you." Alava pointed at Marcus. "Help me get this kid into my car. I'm going to have to set this bone and do some x-rays to make sure his orbital bones heal properly. What were you thinking, smashing him into a metal pole?"

  Marcus shrugged. "Kid attacked me."

  Nevertheless, he seized the kid's shoulders and helped Alava carry him to the doctor's car. The whole time Alava muttered and spat under his breath. Once the kid was in a seatbelt, the doctor turned to him and poked his chest.

  "You need to be a better role model for these kids."

  "Hey, they attacked me."

  "They look up to you. I don't care what sort of punk attitude they're wearing on their sleeves, these are kids that have been kicked out of the clan and who need to feel safe, and have someone looking out for them. Not beating them up."

  Marcus scowled. He wasn't going to play babysitter for a bunch of dumb kids.

  With the police sirens wailing in the distance, he returned to his bike and hefted it over his head before crashing into the forest. He strode for several hours before his head started to clear and he worked his way back to the road.

  Just his luck that he ended up near Isaias Durant's mansion. The big house looked empty. He was tempted to break in and do some mischief, but the security systems were far more advanced than ever before and he didn't want to risk getting arrested. His scowl deepened as he got on his bike and headed into town. Who was protecting Adela now, when Isaias had abandoned her and their child?

  Marcus shook his head. Maybe he was still a bit drunk but he'd just swing by her new place, just to make sure that everything was alright…

  When he arrived, he saw that the front door of Adela's house was wide open. His heart nearly stopped. He dropped the bike and started forward, images of everything that could have happened to her racing through his mind. A small sound from behind him caught his attention and he turned.

  Adela's little girl slid down the slide, laughing and cooing to herself. Marcus stared for a moment before cautiously approaching her. If she was out here… had something terrible happened, or had she learned to unlock doors? Two years old… was that old enough for that sort of thing? She looked up at him as he approached, her small face illuminated by the yellow glow of the street lamps.

  "Hello," she said, waving.

  "Hello." Marcus crouched next to her. "Come on, we have to get you home."

  Luci cocked her head to one side, her dark hair falling over her shoulders. "Um, no. I done sleep."

  Well if something terrible had happened, then Luci couldn't be aware of it. Marcus reached for her again and she slipped away, giggling. In a blink a tiny bear cub ambled around the playground. Marcus stopped, surprised. He knew that she was a shifter and he knew that kids started to shift when they were toddlers. But she was so little. So tiny, so helpless. Marcus went after her. She was too small to be playing around at night like this.

  And he had to see if Adela was okay.

  Luci evaded him for several minutes, but eventually he caught her. She growled and swatted at him as he picked her up, then settled down in his arms and started to chew on his thumb. Her tiny teeth were like needles stabbing him, but though he winced he didn't chide her. A smile grew over his face as he carried the baby back to her house.

  Not for the first time, he regretted the way he had acted when he found out about Adela's pregnancy. They had always used condoms when they made love, and more than once he had smelled Isaias on her. Whenever he did have the courage to ask her about it she would roll her eyes and repeat over and over that she and Isaias were just friends.

  But he never smelled anybody else on her, and then she was pregnant. There had been no accidents, no slip-ups, nothing that could have resulted in a pregnancy between them. And yet, she was pregnant anyway. Worse was that she didn't tell him first. She told Isaias.

  Maybe there would have been a chance that he would have believed that the baby could have been his if she had told him first. But no, she told Isaias and he only found out because he overheard them talking.

  Even now, however, he wondered if things could have gone differently. Isaias didn't mate her. He decided to go for someone else. It was clear he didn't care en
ough for Adela or their daughter. And Marcus knew that he couldn’t swoop in like some sort of hero after the way he had acted… but was there a way…

  He put the thought from his mind as he followed Adela's scent to her bedroom. Relief swept over him as he saw her lying in bed, heard her steady breathing. He moved closer and set Luci on the bed.

  Chapter Five

  The familiar little grunts and growls of Luci when she shifted brought Adela out of the dream she was having. She groaned as a small weight buried itself next to her. If Luci was up it meant she wanted to play… Maybe she needed to stop having such long naps during the day, it was getting silly how much she was up during the night…

  A hand rested on her shoulder. A large, male hand. Adela shot straight up, a strangled scream in her throat. Luci, beside her, started to cry. The huge shadow of the man backed away from the bed, holding up his hands. Did he have a gun? Adela grabbed Luci and jumped to her feet, adrenaline flooding her. She struck out, a fist hitting solid flesh.

  "Oof! It's me!"

  Adela's heart still pounded but she stopped. "Marcus?"

  "Yeah. Ugh."

  Adela pushed past him and turned on the light. It stabbed into her eyes, making them water, and she turned to squint at her ex-lover. He rubbed his eyes, shielding them. Figured–he probably had merely been using his night-vision that came with the territory of being a shifter. It probably hadn't even occurred to him that he needed to turn on the light.

  That only made her angrier, though. What right did he had to be in her house without permission? To be in her bedroom?

  "What are you doing here, breaking into my home in the dead of night?" She adjusted Luci, trying to soothe her but keeping her eye on Marcus.

  "I was in the neighborhood when—"

  Adela snorted. In the neighborhood like he was in the neighborhood earlier. "So, you're stalking me now?'

  Marcus narrowed his eyes. "I was going by and I saw that your door was open."


  "And then I saw your daughter playing on the playground and I figured that I better bring her home and let you know what happened." He stepped back. "But if you're mad at me for it—"

  "No. Just…" Adela shook her head and set Luci on the bed again. She glanced over her quickly, making sure she was okay. Luci's tears slowly stopped and her lower lip stuck out in a pout. Adela hugged her tight for a moment before putting on her best stern face. "Did you get out of bed and go to the park?"

  "I done sleeping. Time to play!"

  Adela shook her head. "Not time to play. It's time to sleep. And you never, ever leave the house by yourself. And don't talk to strangers, and when I put you to bed I want you to stay there!"

  She could feel her temper rising, no matter how hard she fought it down. Her anger was more at herself than at her daughter, though. And how could she not be furious with herself? Luci had gotten out of the house in the dead of night without her even knowing. What sort of horrible mother was she? Anything could have happened.

  If Marcus hadn't been there… Luci stared to say something but Adela picked her up, intending to put her back to bed. And then she was going to sleep on the floor outside her door so that it didn't happen again.

  "How did you even get out of the house?"

  "She unlocked the door," Marcus said unhelpfully. "You should get something to put higher up on the door so she can't unlock it. Like one of those chain things. You can get them practically anywhere."

  Adela had to stop herself from glaring at him. Did he think that she couldn't take care of her own daughter? Although, from what had just happened, maybe she couldn’t. Maybe she was the worst mother ever and she couldn't do this on her own. Her lip started to wobble but she bit down hard on it. She was not going to cry.

  At least not while Marcus was here. After he was gone then she could let herself break down, but she wasn't going to act like she needed him to play the hero.

  "Thank you. But I've got it from here, so you can leave now."

  "No!" Luci kicked and squirmed, making angry, impatient noises in her throat. "My new friend!"

  Adela adjusted her so she could hold her without risking hurting her. When she glanced at Marcus again, he hadn't moved. Now that she wasn't freaking out over Luci sneaking out in the middle of the night, she could see how bloodshot his eyes were and when she got closer, she smelled the distinctive scent of alcohol on him.

  "You're drunk," she accused in a low voice as Luci still squirmed and whined.

  Marcus shifted from side to side and shrugged. "Maybe a little."

  Well, she didn't want him overestimating his ability to drive and end up in a fiery crash. She shook her head. "Then you can stay the night. Crash on the couch, sleep off your night of fun, and maybe have a shower in the morning before you go. You stink."

  He didn't, really. Under the scent of alcohol was that manly aroma of pine trees that had always clung to him. It never failed to make her mouth water for a taste, and now was not an exception. Adela brushed past him, pushing those thoughts from her head. No way was she going there again. Luci's whining turned to full-on sobs as soon as she was put in her crib and she immediately climbed out again. Adela put her back in.

  "It's time to sleep."

  "No, no, no, no!"

  Adela closed her eyes as Luci climbed out again. She was just so tired… "Okay. Change of plans. Luci and I are going to watch a little TV." Hopefully that could get her to sit still enough to fall asleep again. "Marcus, you can take my bed. I'll probably sleep out here anyway."

  "Your bed, huh?" He grinned at her. "Mind if I shower first, then? I don't want to stink up your bed with my smell."

  She shook her head, trying not to think about the steamy water dripping over his manly body, or the soap lathering up over his muscles… Luci kicked her in the stomach, bringing her back to herself. She managed to tell Marcus where to find everything that was necessary and turned on the TV, finding a mindless children's program. Luci still squirmed, but was soon sitting still and quiet. Adela wrapped both of them up in a blanket and settled herself comfortably.

  It didn't take long for Luci to drop off to sleep again. Adela turned off the TV and wrapped an arm around her daughter so she'd wake if Luci did. She could hear Marcus moving around in her bed, and tried not to think about him as she drifted off.


  At some point during the night, Adela transferred Luci back to her crib. She was so tired that she fell to sleep quite quickly. When she woke the next morning, Marcus was at the door, slipping on his jacket. She sat up, yawning. This was familiar, him slipping out before she was awake. In the past it hadn't bothered her because she always knew he was coming back.

  Not that she was bothered now, either.

  It was over between them, so there was no need for him to stick around. Except maybe so they could talk since she wasn't an emotional, tired wreck and he wasn't stinking drunk.

  "Thank you," she said.

  He glanced up and gave her a devastating half-smile. "It's nothing. I'm just glad I decided to stop around."

  Adela nodded. Her hands started to shake as she considered what might have happened if he hadn't been here right at the right time. She wanted to tell him how much she appreciated it, but her throat closed up and all she could do was continue to nod as her hands dug into the blankets around her. Her lip trembled and Marcus came back to her.

  "Hey, it's okay. Everything is fine. Kids get into trouble. Don't you remember all the things I told you I did at that age?"

  Adela smiled, though it didn't help much. He hadn't put on a shirt under his jacket, revealing his beautiful sculpted muscles. To her shock, she found herself staring at an image of herself on his pec. She remembered when he got it, and how it made her feel so happy that he would do something like that for her. That was back when she had been thinner, though.

  She sighed as she shook her head. "Gosh, I wish I could look like that again, even just for a day. I need to start hitting the gym agai
n. Maybe if I—"

  Marcus' hands closed over hers. "Adela Choi, if you're going to say that you're not beautiful because you have some extra weight I'm going to have to do something to prove you wrong."

  Her breathe caught in her throat at the seductive growl in his throat. Heat flashed through her and she knew she had to stop it. She needed to tell him no, to get him out of the house before anything happened. They would regret it. They both would. She knew they would. This was just because of their close proximity and because of the emotions of the previous night… She leaned forward, unable to stop herself.

  "So, you still think I'm pretty?"

  "No. Pretty? Not even close. You're hot as a branding iron."

  She shouldn’t.

  "Prove it," she breathed.

  He didn't need any encouraging.

  There had never been anything slow and gentle about her relationship with Marcus, and this was no exception. His thick arms banded around her waist, pulling her tight against him. His mouth caught hers, plundering it at once.

  All the old excitement rushed back and Adela forgot everything that had happened between them. She threw herself over him, grinding against him, as her hands hungrily traced the contours of his muscle. Perfect. Utter perfection. Hot and firm under her fingertips. Marcus' hands plunged under her top, seeking out her breasts at once. He always did like them. Adela couldn't stop a giggle as his thumbs brushed over her nipples.

  "Laughing?" Marcus grinned at her. "You'll be begging soon enough."

  She didn't doubt it. He turned, setting her on the edge of the couch. A quick tear and her silk shorts ripped away. He threw them away, her lace panties soon following. She didn't even care. The insistence, the borderline violence of his motions only made it more exciting as he pushed her thighs apart and delved in.


  Her back arched, eyes fluttering, as he focused in at once. Shivers ran down her legs and she clung to the blankets beneath her, biting her lip to keep from moaning. This was his special technique, to set her on edge so quickly that she didn't have time to think. Her fingers dug into his hair as she pushed him deeper, unable to stop a gasp as his teeth scraped over her sensitive flesh.


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