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Lizbeth's Lesbian Collection

Page 31

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  “Why are you avoiding the issue?” Robin asked.

  “It looks, well, fascinating, I suppose, but I can’t believe I’d crawl on the floor for any woman, or make another women crawl at my feet. Somehow all that posturing, I think I’d lose the sexual excitement.”

  “Funny, Les, you played around at the club, and had no problem,” Robin reminded her. She had a way of making Leslie look into the vast depths of her haunting blue eyes.

  “The atmosphere in that place, how could I not? And Leta was hardly your typical Domme, she certainly wasn’t Jane. It was just one of those things that happens, like suddenly finding yourself in bed with people you never expected to be attracted to. A little drink and you’ll do most anything.”

  “But you weren’t drinking that night,” Robin said. Leslie would never drink on the job.

  “Of course I wasn’t. It was the place, just being there is like being drunk, soaking up the vibes. An experience, not a life pattern.”

  Robin flashed her a haughty grin. “You’re making excuses,” she said. She rose from her seat and went to the couch where Leslie sat, then knelt to her side on the floor, leaving her espresso cup on the coffee table. Her gentle hand moved along Leslie’s thigh. “How about let’s take care of what we’re feeling now? I don’t wait any longer and you’re being silly for being so cautious.”

  Leslie looked into Robin’s smoldering eyes, unable to fend off the longing in her sexual body. Pent-up desire… need… a desperation only growing more real by the minute, now that Robin forced this confrontation. “So who’s going to be in charge?”

  “Does it matter?” Robin leaned forward, touching Leslie’s lips with hers. The tentative exploration began.

  Leslie’s immediate reaction was to dive headlong into Robin’s body for a quick fuck… but she stopped herself and instead lay back passively on the couch, letting Robin make love to her; a particularly submissive position for Leslie and one she’d rarely taken in the past when the two made love. Now, today, it was exactly what needed to happen.

  Robin took away Leslie’s half finished cut of espresso and set it on the table. Then taking Leslie’s hands in hers, she pinned them over her head, moving aggressively to her lover’s lips, her tongue forcing its way into Leslie’s mouth.

  Robin backed away ever so slightly, then bit the brunette’s lip with her teeth.


  “Leave your arms right there,” Robin ordered, sensing that Leslie was about to revolt. So, she settled back, suddenly mesmerized by her partner… her friend’s intriguingly dominant behavior. “You’ve wanted to have me again for a long time, so tonight you will.”

  “But this way?” Leslie said, feeling excited but bewildered. “I didn’t imagine it like this.”

  “Too bad. I will promise you one thing – you will enjoy it.” It was as much a command as it was an assurance.

  “I always thought it would be the other way around,” Leslie whispered, dazed by Robin’s bold advance.

  “It will be, just not tonight,” Robin said. Leslie had the feeling that any protest would be immediately shot down. Robin was tugging at her sweater…

  “I want this off.”

  She pulled so hard, it pulled Leslie’s hair with it.


  Robin smiled. “It’s been so long.” With a sensuous sigh, her head descended to Leslie’s luscious breasts. She squeezed the tits together and licked them both, her mouth moving from one to the other as she nibbled on the sweet-tasting flesh, leaving small red hickeys behind. Leslie’s nipples stiffened when Robin blew her warm breath on them, and when she pinched them between her fingers, Leslie gave up a soft rasping gasp of pleasure. “You’ve never been tied up, have you?” Robin asked.

  “No.” Leslie shuddered at the thought. Afraid and wanting at the same time.

  “That’s what I want to do to you,” Robin decided. “I want to tie you so you can’t move, so you’re mine to do with as I please. You have no idea…” Her voice sounded raspy and breathless already.

  “You promise it won’t hurt?” Leslie asked, staring anxiously into Robin’s beautiful face. Her blonde hair surrounded her determined features, like a glowing light accenting the urgent passion she’d been denied far too long.

  “No. I won’t promise anything, but I will start gently.”

  Robin rose from the bed and moved toward a closet, returning with several lengths of soft nylon rope. “Come with me.” She reached for the reluctant Leslie and taking her by the hand, lead her into the bedroom.

  Leslie stopped at the entrance, letting her eyes adjust. This was not what she expected to see.

  “Everything’s changed!” Dark papered walls… bold colors – gold, green and burgundy swam before her eyes, and the bed, a behemoth four-poster queen with diaphanous gold curtains hanging from the canopy above. This was Robin’s room, but everything had changed.

  The blinds were closed, and a single bedside lamp gave the room a mellow light. Like a harlot’s lair! Leslie shivered, feeling like a raunchy whore.

  “You like it?” Robin’s eyes were lit as dark and dreamily as the sensuous room, which only made Leslie shudder more profoundly.

  “You’re going to tie me here,” Leslie breathily gasped. “It’s a little too reminiscent for comfort.” Her mind instantly recalled Felicia’s pose at the time of her death.

  “Don’t go there,” Robin said, having her mind made up. She pushed Leslie towards the bed. “Take off your jeans.”

  Such a strange way to begin sex, Leslie thought. But she’d gone this far and could not turn back. No. Never. Robin was more erotically appealing to her now than she had ever been – even during the best months of their relationship. Feeling every bit under Robin’s control, Leslie removed her jeans and panties, all in an unthinking stupor, still staring at her business partner, her mind working frantically to get a fix on the woman Robin had suddenly become.

  “Lay down and spread your legs.” Robin’s voice was mellow but convincing.

  Leslie’s brunette snatch already glistened with juices – that fragrant, pungent sticky juice. The redolence of it hit the air, affecting both women with its powerful aphrodisiac.

  “You’re really going to do this?” Leslie whispered.

  “Why not, Les? You know I’d never hurt you. If you can take chances with a stranger at Shappos, you can take a few with someone you…you love.” The word was difficult for Robin to say and Leslie flinched at the sound.

  As Leslie stood watching, almost numb, Robin began to strip off her clothes. Not some erotic striptease, but something more direct, simple, her eroticism matter-of-fact, throwing Leslie into a tailspin. She was dizzy with lust.

  Leslie wasn’t sure about anything, but once seeing Robin stripped down to nothing before her eyes, she knew what she’d do, no equivocation, no second guessing this time. The heat between her legs billowed like clouds before a storm. No turning back, not now.

  Leslie turned and crawled up on the bed, planning to lie back just as Robin ordered. But before she could do so, Robin took her by surprise, catching her arm with a firm hand, “Stop right there,” she said.

  “I thought you wanted me spread eagle?” Leslie said, gazing back at her.

  “Later.” Robin’s blue eyes had darkened until they seemed almost black.

  Leslie knelt stock still on her hands and knees with her ass end waving in the breeze in front of Robin’s eyes. She couldn’t help herself, taunting the woman even though she was unsure of what was about to unfold. Maybe even Robin didn’t know. “What are you going to do?” Leslie asked.

  “Shush!” Robin ordered. She accompanied the sound with a smack of her palm on Leslie’s pale ass. Then she continued slapping her bottom, spanking the two quaking cheeks. The fire of her delivery made Leslie shudder as much as the sting on her bottom made her burn with desire.

  “Oh, I like this,” Robin seethed. “You’re getting very red. How does it feel, hum?” She kept slapping Lesli
e’s bouncing skin, while the brunette moaned without protest, and Robin finally vented: “Tell me, bitch! I want to know.”

  There was a time when Robin calling her ‘bitch’ made Leslie’s blood boil. Now it humbled her and turned her on. Being Robin’s bitch turned her on.

  “C’mon, tell me!”

  The smack that followed stung more than all the rest

  “It stings, dammit!” Leslie groaned lustily.

  “Good! You can stand a little pain.” Robin stepped back to admire the bright glowing color, while Leslie waited, waited for more. Did she really want more?

  “You know, you’re very wet down here,” Robin said, as she reached in and fingered Leslie’s cunt lips, pulling her labia. “You like this too, don’t you?”

  Leslie could barely think, let alone answer.

  “You like this, don’t you?” Robin insisted on a response. She pulled down harder, then spanked the red cheeks nonstop until Leslie finally blurted out:

  “Yes, yes, I like it!” She cried through the smacking sound of Robin’s hand. “Yes, I like it, I want it, I want more,” her voice lowered with the admission.

  “About time,” Robin chided – a nasty Robin speaking in a way Leslie had never heard.

  “You know, you’re very good at this,” Leslie purred. Had Robin been domming women for years, and she never knew?

  “Hey, bitch, that’s not for you to comment on, of course I’m good.” She paused. “But my hand is starting to hurt. Maybe it’s time for the paddle, huh?”

  This time there was some question in her voice.

  “Robin, please… I don’t think I could…”

  Robin backed away and stared at the splash of color on Leslie’s bottom, sighing, the powerful feelings subsiding slightly. “Okay, sure, sweetheart. It’s really too bad that you don’t want more pain because your pretty bottom is quite a sight.” She snickered darkly, but moved on. “How about let’s see what your pretty cunny is up for tonight.” She moved in and played with the juicy portal, pushing her hand against the opening door, jabbing it lightly. “You still take fists?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I suppose, I do,” Leslie admitted. Robin’s hand was there already probing her deeply, just like old times. She’d been the first to fist-fuck her cunt. Leslie rocked back against the invasion, feeling the powerful forces between them making her whole being swell with lust and desire. “Yes, goddammit, yes…” she hissed thoughtlessly, as Robin worked her hand deeper with each prodding thrust. She had a way no other woman had of taking her beyond herself, beyond any pain, to a place where she was utterly fulfilled. They worked in tandem, Robin inch by inch forcing her way inside with loving zeal, while Leslie pushed back, desperately wanting more, and still afraid of that final surge of passion that would make them one… why was she still afraid?

  When Robin’s whole hand finally crossed though the doorway, Leslie felt herself swallow Robin’s essence inside her, as it had been before. No battles, not fear, every hesitation seemed to be washed away inside the need they shared.

  How strangely demeaned…loved, used, hurt this was. Taken by Robin’s forceful passion, she could dissolve in the feeling forever.

  “Oh, my yessssssssss,” she softly exclaimed. She was starting to come, her bottom moving with the invading fist as it prodded her ever deeper. Without warning, her entire being quivered and her muscles seized up for several blissful seconds, the waves of orgasm crashed through her body.

  After a long sigh, she finally collapsed to the bed and Robin’s hand slipped out.

  Her body pulsed in a sensuous rhythm; she felt as if she were rocking on smooth ocean waters, the waters pouring through her, her mind gently, slowly coming back to life. Her empty cunt felt lonely and sated at the same time, as if she hadn’t had enough, at the same time, she’d had all she needed. She felt Robin near, but was just barely conscious of her, until she felt something slip around her ankle… then the other ankle, then something soft circled her left wrist then her right.

  “What are you doing?” Leslie suddenly came to in a languid panic. She was hardly able to speak.

  “Tying you up,” Robin answered.

  “But I just came.”

  “But maybe I’m not done with you. Now turn over so I can tie you down.”

  “What…” she was totally dazed.

  “I told you I was going to bind you. I just got carried away taking you so fast to start. It’s been so long since I’d had the pleasure of my hand in your cunt, I just couldn’t stop.” She smiled, but not all that sweetly. “Now move over, dear.”

  Leslie smiled back as she followed Robin’s order. Scooting over, the ropes flopped about but Robin took care of that as she started to tie her limbs to the bedposts.

  “You may want to keep denying the truth,” Robin said, as she moved around the bed, “but I’ve seen the way you’ve stared at the pictures.”

  “I’d rather not think about them,” Leslie groaned. The murder investigation was the last thing she wanted on her mind.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll forget, just give me your wrist.”

  Leslie followed her order, and Robin fixed her wrist to the bedpost with a quick simple knot. Then she moved to the end of the bed and finished binding her second ankle. “Sloppy knots,” Leslie noted, glad to see that each was very different from the others, completed in a haphazard fashion as if Robin hadn’t done this very often.

  “Should I make them like Jane’s?” Robin said, smirking deviously.

  “How do I know you’re not the murderer,” Leslie suggested, “going back to all your old lovers and knocking them off one by one.”

  “Humm. Great idea. You really ought to have thought of that before now, don’t you think?”

  Robin stood above Leslie as if admiring her work, then she descended to her warm body. “Relax, darling, the only crimes I want to commit are outrageous acts of hedonistic lust.” Her lips came down and pressed themselves on Leslie’s. “Close your eyes.”

  “Is that when you strike?”

  “Sure,” Robin said. “You just let me take charge. I know that’s tough for you but… you really have no choice, now, do you?”

  Leslie’s heart beat a little faster… she wasn’t used to bondage, being out of control… letting Robin take over; it had never been that way before.

  The sizzling snap of a whip brought her up short. Her eyes flashed opened.

  “Don’t worry, it’s just a little whip. Be good and close your eyes.”

  Soft blows rained down on her skin, her thighs, her breasts, her undulating belly. After a hard fist fuck, she was ready for more, as if insatiable, as if a savage new world had opened up before her. She twisted back and forth as the pain worked its way through her body… she hardly found it painful, just sensation, sensuous touch, exhilarating feelings that drove her to an ecstatic edge. If only Robin would play with her again…

  The hardest cuts of Robin’s savage whip were laid across her breasts.

  “Yeeeeshhhhhhhh!” Leslie seethed after the first two. She opened her eyes to see a wilting smile on Robin’s lips.

  “I’ve always wanted to mark a woman’s breasts,” she said.

  “You’re leaving marks?”

  “Uh, huh. Beautiful ones.”

  Robin snapped the whip again twice more and Leslie looked down to see the red lines rising on her undulating flesh. Robin followed with another two quick snaps of her wrist, and the whip came done hard across her nipples.

  “Yeeeeeeeeeeeach!” Leslie threw her head back, the anguish ripping her body in two.

  “Got your attention, huh?” Robin mocked her.

  “My god, what do you want from me?” Leslie cried. The tears were streaming from her eyes.”Are you turned on?” Robin asked.

  “Oh, gawd, yes!” She could feel the sensation tearing though her body, her hips writhing in terror and pain.

  “Good. But you’re going to get me off first,” Robin said. Then she climbed on, straddling Leslie’s waist an
d moved up until her knees were on either side of her lover’s head and her crotch was directly over the brunette’s mouth. Leslie’s tongue immediately began its job, finding places she should easily remember for the many times they’d made this journey before.

  “Yes, girl, that’s exactly what I want,” the blonde softly hissed. She ground her hips against the busy face. “Use your tongue, bitch,” as if Leslie’s tongue wasn’t already working furiously to bring Robin to a climax. She bucked against Leslie’s face, her wet juices spilling out to cover the submissive mouth.

  Robin groaned, her body rocking back and forth. Then she grabbed for Leslie’s hair, holding on tightly, as the climax made her belly spasm. Her moans died off to a quiet murmuring noise that reminded Leslie that she had been satisfied.

  Pulling away, Robin began to finger Leslie’s hungry snatch one more time. Another powerful climax was not that far off. However, it didn’t take her whole fist this time, just some artful play until her bound body tensed in a wave of redeeming pleasure, and finally went limp.

  “You going to keep me tied this way forever,” Leslie finally asked, feeling Robin’s nakedness snuggle against her own.

  “Maybe. You want me to take pictures?” Robin asked, looking into Leslie’s face, and gazing at her outstretched limbs. “I kind of like you this way.”

  “Really?” Leslie replied. “But I can’t touch you this way.”

  “That’s true,” Robin agreed. She slowly pulled herself from the brunette’s side and began to untie the four haphazard knots. “You liked it, didn’t you? Admit it.”

  “I liked being with you again.”

  “No, you liked the bondage,” Robin insisted.

  “Yes, I liked the bondage, but I might have liked it even more if I’d been doing it to you.”

  “Hum. Well, maybe we’ll get to that.”

  “I bet sooner than you think, if I know you,” Leslie smiled.

  Robin grinned, as the last knot came loose. Then she collapsed against Leslie’s familiar body and stoked her flushed skin, as if it had been days not years since they’d been in bed together. “So I guess those unwritten rules are broken now.”


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