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Always You_A Friends to Lovers Romance-Book 1

Page 8

by Alexis Winter

  “You know what I mean…what are we doing?” Before he could answer she placed her hand on his chest and quickly followed up with an explanation. “Listen I know these questions are uncomfortable and taboo, nobody wants to be the person asking where things are going and what are title is, but I’m not wasting any more time playing games. Time to just lay it all out there.” She said with a dramatic sweeping hand motion.

  Luke proper himself up against his pillows and patted to his side for he to come join him. Tucking her in to his side he kissed her forehead, “You’re mine and I’m yours, that’s what we are. I want exclusivity, I want to be your best friend and your lover. The person you run to when you’re sad or hurt or have the most exciting news…I want it all baby. And you’re right, we have wasted far too much time, I’m not asking you to rush things or to put yourself in an uncomfortable position but I know whatever you want or need I’m willing to give it to you.”

  Bridgette snuggled into him closer, draping her arm over his chest and squeezing tightly. “I couldn’t have said it better. Although…” She hesitated, “Can we just keep this between us for now?” Luke’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Not a secret but I’d like to just enjoy having time as us without Grant and Harper’s prying eyes and nosey texts.” Her annoyed demeanor could not be more dramatized, the truth was she loved how much their friends cared about them, how they both wanted them to just be happy in life.

  Luke pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head, “Absolutely. I think I’d like the general idea of sneaking around with you.” He reached down and gave her bottom a quick pinch to which she responded with a yelp and an attempt to swat him away. “Although I have to say, there is definitely something brewing between Grant and Harper. Have they hooked up?”

  Bridgette shot up, “I was going to ask you the same thing?! I asked Harper and she denied it but they are so flirty it’s ridiculous! I’m thinking we need to do a little match making.” She clapped her hands together and rubbed them furiously as if she were concocting a plan.

  “Oh god I’m sorry I said anything.” Luke moaned.

  Bridgette climbed on top of him and playfully pinned his arms over his head, “You listen here Luke Foster, I wear the pants in this relationship and what I say goes!” She tried to keep a face but burst into giggles as Luke grabbed her wrists, flipping her on her back and pinning them above her head. He had every intention of proving to her just how wrong that statement was.


  “So how are you feeling? It’s been almost a week since you guys broke up right?” Harper took a sip of her latte as she spoke to Bridgette.

  “Yeah it has, I’m ok…I'm more than ok actually, I’m good.” She nodded her head as she spoke the words. She didn’t want to let on to her friend that she was beyond good, that she was ecstatic and happier then she’d ever been in her life. She and Luke had agreed to hold on to that secret a little longer, savoring the quietness of the relationship for as long possible. “What about you? How are things with Grant?” She said coyly.

  Harper snickered as she looked down at her lap, “There’s nothing going on Bridge we’re just friends honestly. Besides, I’ve been so busy with work. My class is in such high demand that they’ve added two more days a week plus I’ve taken on a few private clients so I’m way too busy to be worrying about a social life right now.” She waved her hands as if to emphasize the point and took a long gulp of her drink.

  “Mmmhmm, you know what they say about people who over explain things…lyiiiiing.” She was joking with Harper but decided to let it go, she could tell her friend wanted some privacy around the subject to figure things out for herself. She absolutely understood that desire now more than ever.

  She hated keeping things from her best friend but she was still in shock herself about things with Luke. She wanted nothing more than to tell her friend how happy she finally was, that everything she went through was worth it because she finally had everything she ever wanted. If she were honest with herself she was scared that she would blink and it would all disappear. The past week had been wonderful, she had spent almost every night with Luke since that first night. She was worried she wouldn’t know how to handle the next morning or the next day but things just flowed naturally between them.

  “So how are things with Luke? Things seemed pretty tense last week, you guys get stuff worked out?”

  “Uh yeah, you could say that. We’re good, ya know…things have a funny way of working out. I’m not worried about it.” She tried to act calm but she could hear herself being a little chatty and non-comital in her response.

  “Well when you’re ready to get back out there let me know, there’s this trainer at my gym who is to die for and I think you guys would really hit it off. Before you respond! I’m not saying this is your future husband, but he could be a good time. Plus you need to get your mind off Paul, no wallowing!”

  “Honestly Harper I’m ok, it was a clean breakup. I’m bounced back and in a good headspace so no need to go setting up me on blind dates.” She said with a super enthusiastic double thumbs up.

  “Okay well just keep an open mind. Now are we hitting up that wine bar on 55th tonight? Did you invite Luke?” The girls gathered their things and started heading toward the door of the cafe.

  Bridgette glanced at her watch, she was supposed to be meeting Luke this morning actually after her workout and coffee date with Harper. “Yes and yes. I’ll text Luke and confirm that he and Grant are still coming. I’ll see you there at 9?”

  Harper confirmed and the girls hugged before going their separate ways. Bridgette had an extra pep in her step as she rounded the corner of the block and grabbed an Uber to head over to Luke’s house.

  Chapter 14

  “Oh sweetie you look delicious.” Luke pushed Bridgette’s hair over her should as he leaned in to nibble her neck and run his nose along her jaw line. His low moans and soft kisses instantly drove her wild. She playfully pushed against his chest as she told him to behave tonight. It wasn’t exactly easy to stop herself from ripping his shirt open and exploring his body with her tongue. They had damn near spent the entire week in bed, on the couch, the floor, the shower, hell even the kitchen counters and yet she couldn’t get enough.

  Bridgette smoothed the material of her short black dress as she observed her reflection in the floor length mirror in her bedroom. The dress was a little shorter and tighter than she’d normally wear but she was feeling sexy lately. The thin straps accentuated her delicate shoulders and displayed her ample cleavage in a classy way. She had a man that desired and appreciated her body in ways she’d never experienced before, it made her want to embrace that feeling of confidence. She adjusted her delicate rose gold earrings and gave herself a final once over as Luke stood back admiring.

  “Trust me sweetheart every angle is absolute perfection, I cannot believe I get to call you mine.” His eyes said it all as he made a calculated move towards her. She quickly darted out of his path, picking up her clutch and scurrying toward the front door.

  “I don’t think so! We’re going to be late!” She stopped just as she was about to turn the handle and faced Luke, “Thank you though for the sweet compliments, honestly it means a lot. I don’t think I’ve ever been complimented so much in my life. You look ridiculously handsome as usual…I think I still struggle to voice those things to you because I’ve kept them to myself for so long. I just don’t want you to think that I don’t notice them. I’ve always noticed how amazing you look, I just need to remind myself it’s ok to say it out loud now.” She leaned in and rubbed her nose against his as she planted a soft kiss on his lips.

  Luke couldn’t stop himself, he leaned into the kiss as he slipped his hand into her. He settled his hand on the back of her neck as he pulled him into her. She couldn’t resist either, her arms wrapped around his neck as he pushed her against the door, pinning her body with his.

  She moaned into his mouth as she felt his length hardening against her belly. He
quickly hoisted her up his body, wrapping her legs around his waist as her clutch fell to the floor. Their passion consumed them as they devoured one another. Luke reached down between them as he stroked Bridgette through her panties.

  “I want you wet when we’re out tonight. I want you thinking about this as you enjoy your cocktail.” He whispered in her ear as he slowly let her body fall down his until she was standing again. She reached to pull her dress down but he stopped her. “I’m not done with you yet. I want to go out with your taste on my tongue.” He reached up her dress and slid her panties down as he spoke, dropping to his knees as he threw one of her legs over his shoulder. He wasted no time, he dove straight into her, lapping at her with determination. He licked and kissed her dripping slit until she was shaking, on the edge of an explosive orgasm. Her hands were gripping his hair as he tongue fucked her to ecstasy. Moaning loudly, his name fell from her lips as her body convulsed in pleasure.


  Harper waved Luke and Bridgette over to their table, she pointed to her phone clock as they walked up. “Uh 9pm guys?” She said playfully. Thanks to Luke’s wandering tongue they ended up almost twenty minutes late to meet their friends.

  “It’s my fault.” Bridgette quickly quipped. “I was halfway here when I forgot to bring a tampon so I had to run back and grab one. What’d we miss? Where’s Grant?” Harper motioned toward the bar where Grant was grabbing drinks. Luke quickly jumped up to go join his friend and put in an order for him and Bridgette.

  Luke liked his lips and winked at Bridgette from the bar as he chatted with his friend. Giving her a casual reminder of what had transpired between them just a short time ago. “What was that about?” Harper caught the flirtatious moment between the two.

  “What?” Bridgette tried playing it off but was failing miserably, she could feel her cheeks began to grow red. “Oh he’s just trying to make up for the last few months of weirdness between us. We had a nice talk earlier this week.” The guys came back to the table with the drinks just in time before Harper asked more questions.

  The friends were having a blast, catching up and busting moves on the dance floor. They talked about the guys upcoming softball championship the next weekend and how the other team had no chance of winning. Luke would casually slip his hand over the table and rest his hand on Bridgette’s thigh or run his fingertips along her exposed skin. She slipped her phone out of her clutch to type him a quick message.

  Think we can casually slip away for a dance?

  Luke carried on talking and laughing as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and read the message. She could see him smile to himself even as he responded to Harper’s question about work. He was just about to come up with a reason to step away in the hopes that Bridgette would catch on a follow suit when Harper opened her big mouth.

  “So did Bridgette tell you about then blind date I’m trying to set her up on? He’s this super dreamy trainer at my gym. I told her he doesn’t need to be a long term thing but might be fun to get out there and just let loose…get Paul off her brain ya know?” Bridgette couldn’t tell if her friend was meddling or if she thought Luke would encourage her to go out with the guy.

  Luke played it very cool, his facial expression gave nothing away as he set his drink back down on the table. “No she didn’t. Bridge have you made a decision yet? I mean, it could be a chance to have a rebound like Harper said….nothing serious, just a purely physical thing.” He made direct eye contact with her as he spoke. She wasn’t sure if he was annoyed she didn’t saying anything to him about it or if he was taking the opportunity to tease her.

  “Well like I told Harper previously I’m doing ok and not looking for anything but if you guys think it’s a good idea then hell! Give him my number, I guess it might be good for some new guy to bang Paul out of my head.” She lifted her martini as she spoke and then took a large gulp, the liquor burning her throat on its way down. “I’ll be right back.” She got up off her bar stool and headed toward the bathroom.

  Luke excused himself from the table as Harper and Grant carried on barely noticing. He could see Bridgette heading down a long hall towards the restroom. He caught up to her just in time, slipping his hand around her waist and pulling her into a dark corner of the hallway. He barely gave her time to register what was happening before he pressed his body against hers and claimed her mouth with his own. Neither of them spoke, Luke slipped his tongue into her mouth over and over, massaging her tongue with his own.

  Harper was enjoying her one on one time with Grant but felt a little worried about Bridgette and Luke. “Hey, we should go check on them. Make sure they aren’t killing each other. Plus, it’s getting pretty late. I think everyone is probably ready to head out?” Grant agreed and placed his hand on Harper’s lower back as he ushered them through the crowd. They made small talk as the walked toward the restroom, rounding the corner at the end of the hall Harper stopped suddenly causing Grant to run into the back of her. She quickly turned around and motioned for him to stay quiet as she pointed toward a couple passionately making out in the corner. The man had a firm grip on the exposed thigh of the woman as he pressed his body into hers and held her leg around his waist.

  Harper turned to Grant and mouthed the words “Holy fucking shit!” Before pushing him to walk back down the hallway before Luke and Bridgette noticed them. They emerged from the hall before they both burst out into laughter. “Did you know?!” Harper asked Grant.

  “No! This is crazy, how long has this been going on? They aren’t THAT drunk right?” Grant couldn’t help but smile, he was so happy for his friend. He had known for years that Luke was in love with Bridgette even though the two had never discussed it. They scurried back to the table they had all been sitting at, discussing what they should do next.

  “Oh my god let’s mess with them!” Harper slapped the table with both hands as she spoke. “Okay so how about at your championship softball game next weekend I’ll tell Bridgette that Chad, the blind date guy, is coming? See if we can get her to panic and admit she’s hooking up with Luke!”

  Grant shook his head as he laughed, “I’ll let you handle that, I’m just going to sit back and watch this all unfold.” He could see Luke and Bridgette approaching the table and quickly changed the subject to work, asking Harper about her plans for her bootcamp class.

  Luke and Bridgette smiled casually as they approached the table, she tried to adjust her dress back in the hallway but she could feel her panties were still askew and she was pretty sure her hair was a bit of a wreck. “Hey guys sorry I think that last drink hit me wrong, not feeling so great.” Bridgette made a face as she hugged her stomach to really drive the point home. “I think I’m ready to head home.” Luke nodded in agreement as he rubber her arm.

  Harper smiled to herself, “Yeah Grant and I were just saying it was getting late. Bridge I can ride home with you, I don’t want you going alone.”

  “Oh no, no that’s ok Luke lives that way anyway so he’ll be with me. Thanks though sweetie I appreciate it.” She gave Harper and Grant a warm hug and smiled at Luke, “You ready?”

  Chapter 15

  The next week flew by, Bridgette had been buried at work but still managed to meet up with Harper for her bootcamp classes and get in a run with Luke. Work had been more manageable this week, she had finally hired a jr. editor to help her get through a lot of the busy work so she was able to enjoy her recent promotion more. Taking on more responsibility had been daunting at first but with help she was able to delegate more now and she had been able to make more important decisions for the publishing house.

  It had seemed strange how the transition from best friend to boyfriend had gone so seamlessly…or maybe it wasn’t that strange. They had been best friends for a decade, they knew each other better than the other so I guess it would be natural for things to progress well. Bridgette had an uncanny knack for overthinking things to a fault…something she was working on changing about herself but it was still a daily struggl

  She was lost in thought going over a manuscript when there was a slight knock on her door. Her admin stuck her head in the door with a huge grin on her face, “Hey Bridge sorry to bother you but Luke is here.”

  Bridgette also broke out in a huge grin and scampered around her desk. She stopped just before she got to the door and asked her admin if she looked ok, smoothing down her pencil skirt and fluffing her hair. “Heeeey, what brings you by?” She had barely finished the question when he scooped her in his arms and pulled her in for dramatic kiss. The ladies near by all swooned and giggled with delight. When she came back up for air she buried her very red face in her hands.

  “I came to take you out to lunch baby. I wanted to surprise you, is that ok?”

  “Yeah of course, let me just grab my purse.” She walked back over to Luke as he made small talk with her admin, her eyes glowing with every word he spoke. She linked her arm in his and they made their way to the elevators. She looked back over her shoulder to see her coworkers giving her a giant thumbs up and smile.

  She dunked her tortilla chip into the salsa bowl on the table, “Hey do you think it’s weird how things have been going so well between us?”

  Luke’s face said it all, “Uhh weird that it IS going well?”

  “Yeah I hear it now.” She laughed. “No what I mean is…well, maybe I don’t know what I mean. I guess because it’s never gone this well with someone it made me nervous. Has it gone this well for you before? Or is this not going as well as I thought it was?”


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