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Complex Dimensions

Page 5

by Brenda Murphy

  Millie held her gaze a moment and then glanced away. “Mistress Siobhan and Marilyn have been clients of ours for years. Last year, after Mistress Siobhan’s stroke, I thought I’d never see them again. If no one else has said it to you, thank you for working out how to make their request come true and being respectful of them.” She turned her gaze back to Veronica.

  Millie’s praise sent a rush of warmth through Veronica. “I’d want someone to do the same for me. Horses are the best medicine.” She shifted her gaze away from Millie’s eyes, unsure of what she would see, unwilling to risk exposing herself even more than she already had with her confession. “I struggled with anger and depression. The inmate equestrian program was life changing. Horses saved me.”

  “And for that I’m eternally grateful.” Millie reached out and placed her hand on Veronica’s shoulder. The skin exposed by her sleeveless T-shirt blazed under Millie’s brief touch. Dropping her hand to her side, Millie turned away. “I’ve got an errand to run for Cook. See you at dinner?”

  “Yeah. See you then.”

  Veronica watched as Millie strode from the tack room. She touched the place Millie’s fingers had rested on her skin and cursed herself for being so caught up in a woman so unavailable.

  Chapter Six

  “THIS IS YOUR favorite room?” Veronica glanced around the knotty pine-paneled room. A ping-pong table took up one end of the long narrow space. Three card tables were evenly placed around a burnt-orange area rug. With the black-and-white floor tile it was a classic family game room, a monument to the seventies. The shelves held brightly colored boxes of board games.

  Millie clasped her hands behind her back. “It reminds me of my gran’s house.”

  Veronica perused the shelves before she turned to face Millie. “What do you like to play?”

  Millie met Veronica’s gaze. “Um. Well. Lots of things.”

  Veronica raised her eyebrow, not giving Millie any quarter. “Really?”

  “Scrabble.” Millie blushed under Veronica’s scrutiny and blurted her answer, her normally deep voice high and squeaky. She cleared her throat. “I like Scrabble.”

  Veronica grinned. “My mom banned Scrabble one summer because my aunt flipped the board when she lost.”

  Millie’s laugh was genuine. “Sounds like your aunt and my cousin have a lot in common. My gran made us stop playing more than once because of the shouting.”

  “Want to play?” Veronica tilted her head, watching Millie’s face for her reaction.

  “British or American spelling? Or both?”

  Veronica rested her hand on her hip. “How about both?”

  “Done.” Millie pulled the game box from the shelf and they set the board up.

  Alone with Millie in this room, Veronica could imagine they were anywhere but an exclusive brothel on Skye.

  Millie held the bag with the letter tiles over her head. “You pick to see who goes first.”

  Veronica stretched her arm, reached in, and chose a tile. “Y.” She laid her tile down on the board. “We had a Crown Royal bag for our tiles. My uncle owned a bar and had so many of the little flannel bags my grandma made him a pair of lounge pants from them.”

  Millie’s snort of laughter made Veronica laugh herself. “You’re making that up.” She laughed louder. The light in her eyes and the way her face relaxed made Veronica want to make her laugh again.

  “Nah. True story. My grandma never let anything go to waste. My aunt forbid him to wear them out of the house so of course he did.”

  Millie snorted again, and laid her tile down. “E. Looks like you go first.”

  Veronica chose her tiles and arranged them on her rack. Millie chose hers and did the same. The room was quiet except for the steady hum of a small refrigerator in the corner.

  They played quietly, complementing each other when they came up with a high scoring word or made a particularly clever play. Millie was sharp and skilled and Veronica quickly fell behind in points. She tried to tell herself it wasn’t because she spent more time studying Millie than the board, but she’d be lying to herself. The concentration on Millie’s face as she worked the board and set down her tiles made Veronica admire her even more.

  She made her play and reached for the bag at the same moment Millie did. Their fingers brushed, and an electric current of desire whipped through Veronica. She wanted to know this woman, to be close to her, to share more moments like this. She had never been so relaxed with anyone. She sighed and took the last two letters from the bag, only to realize it was her turn and she had nothing she could use.

  Millie looked up and grinned. “You okay?” A tiny smirk twisted her mouth. “Have I stunned you with my Scrabble talents?”

  Veronica laughed. “Dude, you have thoroughly spanked me. All I have left is Us and Ns. And nowhere to play them.”

  Millie grinned. “You’re good. The last person I played with I beat by three hundred points.”

  Veronica leaned back in her chair as a tiny flare of jealousy ignited in her chest. Ridiculous. I am ridiculous. She’s not mine. So what if she played Scrabble with someone else? “Thank you. We played a bunch growing up. I’m rusty.”

  “If that’s your version of rusty I better be prepared for our next game.” She stretched and her shirt pulled tight across her chest. Veronica had to turn away before she embarrassed herself. “I hate to say it, but I’ve got to go and try to get some sleep. I’ve an early pickup tomorrow.”

  Veronica stifled her disappointment. “It’s okay. Maybe we can do this again sometime.”

  Millie met her gaze. “I’d like that. I like being with you.”

  Veronica’s breath caught in her throat. “Me too” was all she trusted herself to say.

  They cleaned up the board in silence. Veronica tried to come up with something else to say. Did she mean like a friend or more? Does she like me? Or like like me? She straightened her shoulders. “Good night.”

  Millie leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek. “Good game. Good night.” She stepped back, her expression cocky. “Anytime you want me to spank you again let me know.” The cheeky grin on her face made Veronica want to kiss it off.

  “Yeah.” Veronica swallowed hard. “Good game. See ya,” she called over her shoulder as she fled the room.

  A SINGLE RAP on her door startled Veronica. Damn. Of course at the good part. She scooted off the bed and used her finger to keep her place in the book. She hurried to the door and snatched it open.

  “Sorry. I disturbed you.” Millie’s apologetic expression let Veronica know she had failed to keep her annoyance off her face, and her lingering glance at her bare legs reminded Veronica she was once again only dressed in tank top and briefs. She must think I lay around without pants all the time. Because I do.

  “Um. No.” Veronica lowered the book in a feeble effort to hide her lack of pants. Why is she here? And damn that shirt fits her. Oh man. Be cool.

  “I need a favor. Martha is away and it’s chest day. Could you spot me? I mean if you’re not busy.” Millie toyed with the top of a water bottle she held.

  Veronica took in the blush spreading across Millie’s face. Is this a pickup line? Or is she serious about her workout? “I haven’t…” Veronica saw the edge of disappointment and the sadness creeping into Millie’s eyes as she took a step back away from Veronica’s door. I hurt her. Damn, she’s asking me to help her out. It’s not a date. She’s been so kind to me. Idiot. Tell her yes. “It’s been a while but I’d be happy to. Give me a minute.”

  Millie’s broad smile was her reward. “I’ll wait.” She stepped back. “Out here.” She turned her back and walked down the steps.

  Veronica closed the door. She stuck a bookmark in her book and tossed it on the bed before she tugged on a pair of shorts and laced up her trainers.

  ON THE WALK over to a low building behind the main house, Veronica had time to admire Millie’s ass and muscular thighs on display in her workout tights. I’m so gone. Damn. Does she get
how beautiful she is? She forced herself to avert her gaze and didn’t notice Millie had stopped. Veronica’s breasts and the rest of her came into full contact with Millie’s hard body and firm ass as they collided. A rush of heat flowed through her.

  “Sorry.” She leaned back and stumbled a bit before regaining her balance. She wiped her face with her hand.

  Millie grinned at her. “I didn’t think anyone else was as impatient to use the gym as me.” She turned the key and opened the door to the gym.

  Veronica followed her around the fully equipped gym. She rested her hands on her hips and whistled. “Damn. This is amazing.”

  Millie hung the key on the hook. “We also have a dry sauna, a steam room, and a lap pool if you’re interested. Mistress Lucia’s idea. Part of the improvements for the staff and guests.”

  “After seeing the library and this, I guess a tour would’ve been a good idea.” Veronica ran her hand over the rack of dumbbells lining one side of the room.

  Millie tilted her head and looked at Veronica. “There’s still time.” Her voice held a hint of hunger.

  Veronica glanced away, striving to douse the spark of desire ignited with Millie’s suggestive tone. Does she mean with her? She’s flirting. Maybe she’s serious? I couldn’t go behind Myfanwy’s back. She doesn’t act like a cheater. Maybe they have an open relationship? She sat down on one of the weight benches and rested her arms on her knees and knotted her hands together. No. Not as a side piece. No matter how much I want her. Maybe with both of them? A ménage? I don’t like to share subs. Don’t respond. Change the subject.

  “How much do you bench?” Veronica kept her tone even.

  Millie pressed her lips in a thin line and turned away from her. “My personal best is eighty-four kilos, but I usually work out my chest with seventy kilos.”

  “Wow. Do you compete?”

  Millie pulled a bench over in front of a rack of dumbbells. She grimaced. “No. I’d be too embarrassed to appear in public in those suits they make you wear.”

  “I’ll be able to assist you, but I couldn’t clear the bar if you got stuck.” Veronica rolled her shoulders and then stretched them.

  “I won’t work to failure. I’m going to do some warm-up sets with the dumbbells. Once I’m done with the heavy bench if you want to leave it’s okay. The rest is more dumbbell work and machine flys.”

  “I’ll stay.” Veronica watched as Millie stretched her long arms over her head, clasping her hands over her elbows. “Do you usually work out alone?”

  “Most of the time. Martha spots me when I work heavy on chest, and on leg day.” Millie’s resigned tone and the hint of melancholy in her voice made Veronica’s heart ache. Lonely. What about Myfanwy? Maybe it’s not good between them?

  Millie walked to the rack and picked up a set of ten kilo dumbbells. She stepped back and sat on the bench. Squaring her body, she lay back and pressed the dumbbells up in a straight line with her chest, her face a mask of concentration as she worked. The muscles of Millie’s chest bunched and flexed with her movement and displayed a deep cleavage and the hint of riches hidden by her compression top.

  What would it be like to slip her shirt down and fill my hands with her breasts, to rub my face over her soft skin? To suck one of her nipples between my lips and feel it harden in my mouth. Millie’s nipples peaked with her exertion. Get a grip. Stop staring. Walk away.

  Veronica clenched and unclenched her hands. She turned away and paced the room, mentally cataloging the exercise equipment while she waited for Millie to finish her set.

  Millie sat up and placed the dumbbells on the floor. She met Veronica’s gaze in the mirror. “I’m sorry. It’s probably boring watching me. I know you get enough exercise with keeping the stable and working with the horses.”

  “No. Not bored.” Veronica met Millie’s gaze in the mirrored wall. Definitely not bored. Wound up? Yes. Get it together.

  Millie stood up and replaced the dumbbells. She returned with fifteen-kilo dumbbells. “I’ll need you to spot me with these.”

  Veronica moved to the top of the bench and kneeled. Millie laid back, the dumbbells even with her chest. Veronica placed her hands on the outside of Millie’s elbows. The heat of Millie’s skin, damp with sweat, under her fingertips sent a sharp wave of want through her. Fine lines highlighted Millie’s face, a smattering of freckles over her cheeks. Veronica admired her deep laugh lines, thick eyelashes, and lush mouth. She wanted to smooth her fingers over her broad cheekbones and kiss her. Focus. Don’t let her get hurt because you’re thirsty. She’s so handsome. This is killing me. Why’d I say yes? Damn it.

  Millie completed her set, the muscles in her chest larger now with her exertion. She sat up and placed the dumbbells on the floor. She opened her water bottle and took a sip. Her breathing returned to normal and she grinned at Veronica. “Ready?”

  “Hell, yeah. You’re impressive.”

  Millie laughed. “Because I can lift heavy things?”

  “Not only that.” Veronica avoided Millie’s gaze. “You take care of people. You’re kind to everyone.”

  Millie stood up and stretched her arms. “Some people would disagree with you.” The bitter edge in her voice made Veronica look up. Who? Someone she cares about. Or cared about. Millie’s back was turned to her, but the set of her shoulders reflected the hopelessness in her voice.

  “Help me?” She pointed to the rack holding the Olympic-style weights. They worked together loading plates in tandem to keep the bar balanced on the rack.

  Millie lay down on the weight bench and wrapped her hands around the bar. Veronica positioned herself between the upright supports. She set her feet wide on the step-up behind the bench before she placed her hands next to Millie’s and helped lift the bar from the supports. She let Millie lower it and then press it up, keeping her hands in a position to help with the barbell if she got into trouble.

  Millie worked steadily, her eyes fixed on some vision only she could see, her concentration evident as she pressed the weight off her chest. Sweat poured off Millie’s forehead with the strain and her arms trembled. Veronica wrapped her hands around the bar, worried Millie would not be able to rack it on her own. “Last one?”

  Millie grunted her answer and lowered the bar again, her knuckles white. Veronica held on lightly, letting Millie handle the weight, assisting her only when she racked the bar. Millie lay on the bench, chest heaving, eyes closed. Veronica walked around to the side of the bench and picked up Millie’s water bottle. She stared down at Millie, memorizing her expression. Satisfied exhaustion filled her features. Veronica pushed aside her desire to be the cause of her expression instead of her workout.

  Millie opened her eyes, and Veronica stared back, unable to hide her want, dazed by the heat she saw in Millie’s eyes. Kiss her. Do it. Don’t think. Kiss her now. She leaned over her, unable to resist the invitation she saw in Millie’s eyes. Millie’s hand came up and gently cupped the back of Veronica’s neck. She hesitated, her lips a whisper away from Millie’s.

  The door slammed open and Benita entered followed by Roxy. Millie let go of Veronica’s neck and sat up quickly. Veronica stepped back and thrust the water bottle into Millie’s hand. A flush rose in her face, and she caught Benita’s curious gaze as she shifted her gaze from Millie to Veronica.

  “Did I miss the show, Millie?” Roxy’s loud voice and incurable flirty attitude filled the space, and the sexual tension between Veronica and Millie melted.

  Millie snorted. “You did. But if you show up Tuesday you can watch my ass when I squat.”

  Veronica forced a laugh, desperate to cover her awkwardness and disappointment. “Now your fan club is here, are we done?”

  Millie tilted her head to the side, her expression shuttered. “Sure. Sorry to keep you from your book.” She turned away from Veronica, her posture rigid.

  Damn. She’s pissed off. Because I almost kissed her? Or because I didn’t? What is wrong with me? Even if she wanted me to kiss her. I
can’t fuck this up. I don’t want to hurt Myfanwy. Or make things awkward where I work. Fuck me.

  Chapter Seven

  THE MIDDLE GARAGE bay door was open. Veronica paused outside it to watch as Millie worked. Millie’s hand rested on the hood of a classic red MG roadster. She was dressed in short-sleeve gray coveralls and the muscles in her forearms stood out as she unlatched the catch, lifted, and then propped open the bonnet. Her shoulders sagged.

  Veronica stepped into the garage. Say something. Don’t be weird. Stop staring. She took another step, and her wet boots squeaked on the dry floor.

  Millie straightened as she wiped her hands on her coveralls. “Did you need help?”

  “No. I’m finished until this evening. Not much I can do while it’s raining.” Veronica walked over and stood next to the car. She shoved her hands into her pockets. “Tune up?”

  Veronica’s fingers itched with the urge to touch the wrenches and screwdrivers arranged in perfect lines on the crisp white pegboard covering the rear wall of the garage. She surveyed the row of toolboxes resting against the back wall and inhaled the sharp tang of motor oil and dust, the smell of her childhood. Growing up, she had spent countless weekends helping her dad while he took meticulous care of every car they had ever owned, doing his own maintenance and repairs. Memories of sunny afternoons, the soft sounds of classic Motown in the background, working hip to hip as he taught her about engines. At seven, her primary job was handing him tools and sorting screws. By twelve, she had graduated to doing the work under his supervision. When she turned sixteen, with every dime she had earned, she bought a 1972 Mustang Mach One and rebuilt it with his help. When she graduated valedictorian from high school he had paid for the paint job, having it painted a jaunty yellow. She swallowed hard as the awful memory of selling it to pay part of her legal fees surfaced. She blew out a breath and shook her head to rid herself of the kaleidoscope of miserable images cluttering her thoughts and the ache of missing her family. “Need some help?”


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