Book Read Free

Complex Dimensions

Page 11

by Brenda Murphy

  Millie’s eyes were bright. “I love power play. Not been on this side of it before.”

  “Is it okay?”

  Millie kissed her again, before her mouth pulled into her cheeky grin. “More than okay. Even if you have spoiled me. I might have to become a pillow queen if it’s this good.” The naughty expression on her face matched the well-fucked look in her eyes and made Veronica giddy.

  Chapter Eleven

  ROWAN HOUSE WAS only open from March to November, and summer was the busy season, most of their clients not willing to brave Skye in the fall. In the two weeks since they had experimented with power dynamics in the glen as they waited for Mistress Siobhan and Marylyn to complete their adventure, Veronica had come up with a very long list of things she wanted to do to Millie.

  Veronica chewed her lip. Millie was busy and very often away from Rowan House shuttling guests, running errands. Twice she had stayed overnight in Portree. Veronica’s desires would have to wait until the stream of guests slowed down.

  Veronica was just as busy, working long days to keep up with guest outings and the barn. No one came to help with the mucking. No one wants to shovel manure, or clean tack, or groom horses now the damn bet is over. Jerks. The week after her date with Millie she had gone back over the list of assistants and marked off the ones who had simply not showed up, and those who suddenly had a conflict in their schedule. Unwilling to work with anyone who had participated in the contest, too embarrassed to even mention it to Martha, Veronica kept to herself and worked fourteen-hour days to keep up.

  Benita was scheduled to help her today, but after the series of no-shows, Veronica had learned not to count on anyone turning up. For the past week she had skipped staff breakfast, preferring to eat early before the rest of the house was up. Robin and Myfanwy accepted her into their routine. She thought about the day ahead as she worked her way down the line of stalls.

  Not going to feel sorry for myself. So what if no one wants to help me if they don’t have a chance of getting in my pants? I miss her. So much. What is in Portree she stays overnight? Images of them in the glen filled Veronica’s thoughts, and a trickle of wet into her briefs made her press her legs together. She had fingered herself last night thinking of the way Millie had placed her shirt over the rock for Veronica to sit on, and then kneeled, hands laced behind her back, waiting for permission to feast on her. Millie’s strong hands on her thighs and the reverent way she touched her as if she were precious, and the way the muscles in her back flexed as Millie kneeled with her face between Veronica’s legs, her skillful tongue pleasuring her, making her cry out when she came. The only prior outdoor sex she’d ever had involved the underside of the bleachers in high school in the dark. Half naked in the sun, she had shouted so loudly when she came she surprised herself. Veronica smiled to herself, and the wet ache between her legs intensified.

  In the glen, after they had dressed, Millie had taken hold of her hand, not letting go even while they ate lunch. They had stretched out on the rocks, warmed by the sun, and talked about everything and nothing while waiting for Mistress Siobhan and Marylyn to call them. Damn, she can kiss. Her hands. Maybe tonight. I have to see her. I’ve got it bad. So bad. So good. Maybe I should invite her to my room? Would she stay overnight? It’d be so sweet to wake up to her.

  And so it went as she worked, her thoughts spilling over with what she wanted to do with Millie the next time they had uninterrupted time together and questions she wanted to ask filled with desire to know everything about her.

  BENITA ARRIVED AT 7:30. She gripped a mucking rake in her hands as she leaned against the stall door. “Hey.”

  “Hey yourself.” Veronica leaned on the handle of her pitchfork. “Thinking you might have another chance? Is there a runners-up category, or did you guys come up with something else to amuse yourselves?”

  Benita scuffed the toe of her boot over the floor. “No. And I’m sorry.”

  Veronica snorted. “Sorry you didn’t win?”

  Benita raised her head. Her eyes were dark, and her brows lowered. “Sorry I wasn’t a better friend. Sorry I didn’t tell you about the bet. I thought they’d figure it out and let it go.”

  “Figure what out?” Veronica turned away from Benita and resumed cleaning the stall. “That I’m stubborn?”

  “That you’re not a casual person and you only have eyes for one woman here.”

  Veronica stopped and studied Benita’s face. “Were you in on it?”

  Benita quirked her mouth. “No. Neither was Tessa or June if you’re curious.”

  Truth. She’s telling the truth. “Okay.”

  Benita smiled at her. “What stalls are left to do?”

  “Bruno, Marco, and Bella.”

  “Got it.” She turned to walk away.

  “Hey, Benita?”

  Benita turned back. She rested her hand on the stall door. “Yeah?”


  “It’s what friends do.”

  They worked steadily and had the stalls cleaned by midmorning and took their break in Veronica’s office.

  “I’m going to gain twenty pounds if I keep eating all these treats Robin bakes.” Benita wiped the crumbs off her mouth. She didn’t ask anything about Veronica’s relationship with Millie, but Veronica had caught her smiling at her more than once as they sat together.

  “What are you smiling at?”


  “Nothing?” Veronica snorted. “Right. Ask what you want to ask. You look like you’re going to pop trying to not ask.”

  “Okay. Why Millie?”

  “Why not?”

  Benita tilted her head and raked her gaze over Veronica. “I wouldn’t have expected a stud like you to go for her. I expected you might go for Tessa, or maybe June.”

  “Because she’s strong? And not femme?”

  Benita shrugged. “Well, yeah.”

  “That’s kind of narrow minded, don’t you think?”

  Benita took another bite of pastry and chewed it slowly before she answered. “Yeah, I guess. I was surprised. I’m not judging.”

  “Really?” Veronica sighed. “I don’t get why people think studs don’t go for other studs, or butches, or whatever you want to call gender non-conforming queer women. I’m attracted to who I’m attracted to.”

  Benita furrowed her brow. “I wasn’t trying to piss you off.”

  “I know.” Veronica tipped back her water bottle and took a long drink. “I was kinda surprised she was interested in me.”

  Benita’s eyebrows shot up. “Do you own a mirror? You are hot as hell. And like you said, not every stud wants a femme.”

  “Like I haven’t heard that before? Like you haven’t? A lot of people want what’s on the outside without giving a damn about what’s on the inside. They don’t even want to unwrap the package.” Veronica shrugged her shoulders and lowered them, trying to relive her tension and squash her anger. Fucking contest. Like I’m some prize or check box to mark off. She blew out a breath. “Hey, she said you guys play some open mike nights.” Her abrupt change of subject garnered her a raised eyebrow from Benita.

  “We have one in two weeks.”

  “I asked her if I could tag along. Is it okay with you?”

  “Sure. It’s always good to have a friendly face in the crowd.”

  Veronica glanced at the clock. “I have to get Bruno and Marco ready for Lucia and Martha. Want to help?”

  “I would love to, my friend, but I have to go let June make me beautiful for my afternoon client.” Benita scooted to the edge of the couch to stand.

  Veronica placed her coffee cup on the desk. “Thanks for coming to help. I’ve been working my ass off trying to keep up by myself.”

  “My pleasure. I’ll make sure Tessa gets out here to help you too. I like your ass the way it is.” Benita waggled her eyebrows at Veronica before she sashayed from the office.

  VERONICA CLIPPED A lead shank to an eyebolt mounted on the wall in the stall set aside
for play. Located on the far side of the office, Veronica kept it cleaned and stocked for guests who desired a barn setting for their fantasies. She tipped her fingers over the collection of crops and short whips arrayed on the wall of the stall. The floor was covered in clean straw. She moved hay bales around until she had made a platform the size of a double bed and covered it with a tarp and then a thick navy-blue blanket. She moved a small table from the corner of the room next to the makeshift bed and placed a no-harness dildo on a low stool next to a small bottle of lube. She heard the door to the barn slide open and Millie’s unmistakable heavy tread as she approached.

  “In here,” Veronica called out.

  Millie stood in the entryway to the stall. She wore a simple black T-shirt stretched tight over her thick body, and the sleeves displayed her strong arms to perfection. Her jeans were worn and hung off her hips in a way that made Veronica hungry.

  “You called?” Millie’s face pulled into a grin.

  “Come in and shut the door.” Veronica rested her hands on her hips.

  Millie rolled the heavy wooden door shut. The light shone between the bars at the top of the door and cast lined shadows across Millie’s body.

  “Come here.”

  Millie came, stood before Veronica, and lowered her head. “You kept me waiting.” Veronica tipped Millie’s chin up with one finger. She rubbed her thumb over Millie’s lower lip.

  Millie’s tongue edged out, and she licked the tip of Veronica’s thumb. “Sorry, Ceannard.”

  Her top name on Millie’s lips ignited the smoldering desire in Veronica. “Take off your shirt and boots.”

  Millie grasped the ends of her T-shirt and pulled it over her head before she folded it and placed it carefully on the hay bale. She toed off her boots, stripped off her socks, and tucked them inside her boots. She came back and stood in front of Veronica, head bowed, her arms clasped behind her back.

  Veronica pointed to the middle of the stall. “Stand there, arms extended.”

  Millie backed away from her and assumed the position. “Like this, Ceannard?”

  She obeys without question. Trusts me. “Yes.” Veronica took up the leather of the lead and wrapped it once around Millie’s palm and closed her fingers over it. She did the same with the other lead. “Hold tight. Don’t let go until I tell you to.”

  The stretched position showed off Millie’s hard physique, the lean muscles of her torso, the sculpted curves of her biceps and shoulders, and the flat planes of her stomach. So exquisite. And mine. Is she? Does she want to be mine? Maybe she has a lover in Portree. We’ve never talked about being exclusive. Forget it. Don’t think about it. Focus. She’s here now. Make her want to be yours.

  Veronica trailed her fingers over Millie’s nipples and sighed as they hardened under her touch. “Mmm. I like you like this, like an offering displayed for my enjoyment.” She dipped her head and raked her teeth over the tip of her nipple, the sharp intake of Millie’s breath creating a hard throb between Veronica’s legs. She cupped her through her jeans and squeezed hard. “Don’t let go of the leads, or I’ll stop. Understand?”

  Millie groaned under her touch. “Aye, Ceannard.”

  Veronica moved behind Millie and looped her arms around her waist, pressing her breasts against her wide back. She laid her cheek against her smooth pale skin and unbuttoned Millie’s jeans. Millie shifted and pressed her legs together.

  “Be still.” Veronica nipped her. “Stand still or I’ll stop.” She flattened her hand and slipped it lower into Millie’s pants. Her fingers tangled in soft wet curls. “No briefs? Hopeful then? Or is it laundry day?” Veronica nipped her again, smiling at the sharp intake of Millie’s breath and the low chuckle that rumbled through her.

  “Hopeful, Ceannard. I’ve missed you.”

  The wistful tone of her voice made Veronica bite her lip and lean her cheek against her broad back. “Me too.”

  Shaking off the unspoken words between them, Veronica pressed the pads of her fingers against Millie’s swollen clit. She drew a groan from her when she pulled her hand free and pressed her fingers to Millie’s lips. Millie opened to her and Veronica thrust in and out of her tender mouth, closing her eyes against the sensation of Millie greedily sucking her fingers.

  She pulled her hand free and grasped a nipple in each hand. She rolled and tugged them, squeezing them, pulling them into tight buds. Millie panted.

  Veronica palmed her breasts and squeezed. “You like this. Can you come this way?”

  “I never have, Ceannard.” Her voice was husky.

  “Well, first time for everything.” Veronica released her nipples and pushed Millie’s jeans down around her ankles before she pulled them free of Millie’s body and tossed them to the side.

  She kneeled between her legs and brushed the back of her hand over her thighs until she reached the thick lips of Millie’s sex. Millie hissed and arched her hips, seeking contact. With one finger Veronica teased back the hood, leaned forward, and touched the tip of her tongue to her fat clit. She dragged her tongue lower and grabbed her ass with both hands, squeezed hard, and pulled her to her mouth. Veronica plunged her tongue deep, seeking Millie’s sweet taste. She drove her tongue in and out, taking what she wanted, burying her face in the sweetness of Millie’s body.

  Millie’s legs tensed and her breathing shifted, signaling how close she was to coming. Veronica reveled in her power and pulled back. Millie groaned when Veronica stopped. Veronica gazed at Millie’s face. Her jaw was slack and her mouth open, eyes glazed with pleasure. “Oh no. Please don’t stop. Please, Ceannard.”

  She left Millie panting and picked up the toy she had prepared from the table. She held out her palms, cradling the twin dildo for Millie to see.

  Millie raised her eyebrow. “That’s new.”

  She stroked her fingers over the toy. “No need for a strap.” She tapped the shorter end of the toy. “This is your side. Too big?”

  “Just right, Ceannard.” Millie’s eager tone sent a fresh wave of desire through Veronica.

  “Glad to hear it.” She dripped lube over the bulbous end of the shaft before she pressed it into Millie’s body, watching as the short phallus disappeared and her body closed around it. Millie’s sigh of contentment sizzled in her ears. The other half of the toy stood rampant and bobbed as Millie shifted her feet, setting them wide. Veronica palmed the toy, jacking it with slow strokes as she covered it with lube, watching the blissful expression sweeping Millie’s face at the sensation. Wet heat soaked her briefs and she couldn’t stifle her own groan of pleasure.

  “Oh. That’s…” Millie panted, her face red. “Those ridges over my clit, so good.”

  Veronica kissed her cheek. “Isn’t it?” She stopped her motions and Millie sobbed a breath.

  “Please, Ceannard. Please don’t stop. Let me come for you. Jerk me off like this.”

  “Patience, babe.” Veronica sucked Millie’s nipple into her mouth. The rough tip of Millie’s nipple against her tongue made her squeeze her legs together to relieve the pressure building there. She plucked and teased Millie’s other nipple with her fingertips.

  “Oh, please. Let me come.” Millie’s body tensed under her, her muscles straining as she stayed still under Veronica’s touch. Veronica held on to Millie’s shoulders as she alternated, going back and forth between Millie’s nipples, sucking them in turn, gauging her reaction. The heavy shaft between Millie’s legs bobbed obscenely as she quivered.

  Veronica took her time building Millie’s passion, reveling in each shudder of her body. Needful moans and sharp yips punctuated the quiet. Close but not there. She needs more. She won’t ask.

  Veronica lifted her mouth from Millie’s breast. “I can feel you. You’re close. What do you need?”

  Millie’s breathing was harsh, her body trembling. “I need more. On my clit. Please, Ceannard. I can’t. I’m sorry.”

  Veronica stopped and backed away. Millie’s open-mouthed expression and the panic in her eyes mad
e her move back in and press a gentle kiss to her mouth. “It’s okay. We’re not done, babe. Just taking a break.”

  “A break?”

  Veronica turned her back and took off her jeans and briefs, bending from the waist to give Millie a clear view of her excitement. She turned back to her, the heavy-lidded expression on Millie’s face letting her know exactly how effective her display had been.

  “Look at me.” Veronica lay back on the soft blanket-covered hay bales, bent her knees, and opened her legs wide. Millie’s groan shattered the quiet.

  Veronica touched her fingers between her legs and drew the wetness up and over her clit. She held herself open with her left hand as she circled her fingers around her clit. “This. This is what I do when I miss you. When I think about having you.” She met Millie’s desire-filled gaze. “Do you want to taste me? To lick my clit until I come?”

  Millie jerked hard on the leather in her hands and the clips rattled against the eyebolts. “Yes, Ceannard, yes please. Let me. Let me please.”

  “Or do you want to fuck? Fuck me with that toy? Do you want to look into my face as I come, to fuck yourself into coming? To come with me?”

  Millie pulled hard at the leads wrapped around her hands, her knuckles white, muscles bunching and flexing in her arms. “Please, Ceannard. Please let me. All of it please. I’ll make it good. Whatever you want. Please.”

  “Not until you put on a show for me.” Veronica held her gaze.

  “Anything, Ceannard, anything.”

  “Move your body for me. I want to watch you. Show me how you want to fuck me.”

  A bright-red blush spread over Millie’s face, and Veronica leaned back on one elbow and pushed two fingers inside herself. Millie closed her eyes and set her feet wider and began to move her hips, thrusting slowly into the air.

  “That’s it, babe. Show me how much you want to fuck me. Show me what you’re going to do to me when I give you permission.”

  She arched into her hand as she watched Millie’s hips jerk, knowing the dildo inside her body moved with each thrust and twitch of her hips. Millie’s arms were taut. The long lines of her biceps and sharp curves of her forearms gleamed with sweat. Her face was suffused with pleasure as she moved. Veronica’s breath caught in her throat. So beautiful. So powerful. No restraints needed but my voice. Millie’s breath rasped as she worked her hips, striving to do as she had been commanded, to earn the right to fuck Veronica. Millie opened her eyes and their gazes locked and Veronica’s own need crested.


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