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Fearless Fighters [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 7] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 5

by Paige Cameron

  Beck strolled to his room. The colors soothed him as soon as he entered. He sat in his favorite chair and stared at the mountains. Then he studied the pictures of the sea. He loved nature in all its moods and climates. But for the past three years, he’d put people in the background, to be tolerated. Therapy had helped, but he never had gotten rid of the guilt, not completely. Dare he hope she might save him and push the darkness out?

  He closed his eyes and meditated, clearing his mind and body of stress. He’d just finished and stretched when Gavin knocked on his door.

  “May I join you?”

  “Sure.” Beck motioned him in. “I suppose she got home safe?”

  “Yes. We talked briefly and I headed back. She’s tired. Cora is a hard taskmaster, but Heather said she can feel the difference already.”

  “You want her for our wife,” Beck said.

  “Don’t you?” Gavin asked.

  “I think so, but can she handle my moods?”

  “With her here maybe you’ll get rid of them.”

  “I doubt it.” Beck closed his eyes and rubbed his face.

  “It was not your fault that your friend died. You brought him home, and his parents were appreciative.”

  Beck strode across the room. He turned and glared at Gavin. “But I failed to protect him from the second shot. Hell, it came out of nowhere.”

  “It could have easily killed you. You were wounded, too, and you still got his body and yourself to the helo before it took off.”

  “I was barely wounded. I hear what you’re saying, but I can’t seem to accept your words.” Beck sat in his chair and put his head down.

  “You never talked to his parents. Go see them.”

  “Are you crazy? No, never. Go to bed and leave me alone.”

  Gavin walked out quietly. Beck stared at the closed door and hoped the dream wouldn’t return tonight.

  * * * *

  “I’m glad you’re going riding this morning,” Aunt Bella said as she placed the plate of pancakes in front of Heather.

  “I’m going to be huge if you all don’t stop feeding me so much good food.”

  “You can refuse it.”

  “I can’t. I don’t know where my willpower has gone, but it’s left me.” She kissed her aunt’s cheek when she bent to put the plate of pancakes in front of her. “And your cooking is so good, too. Won’t you have another cup of coffee and sit with me?”

  “Sure, I’d love to.” Bella poured them both a cup and sat across from Heather. “My first guests will be at the bed-and-breakfast the end of next week. Are you certain you don’t mind sleeping in the manager’s apartment until the lady I hired can get here? She had to give notice where she worked and make arrangements for her move to Triple Creeks Township.”

  “She’s coming across country from what you said. How does she know she’ll want to stay?”

  “She grew up here. I remember her vaguely. She married young and he was in the service. They moved around a lot. She’s a widow now.”

  “Is she old?”

  “No, she’s twenty-nine. Have you had any thoughts about your future?”

  “Not really. I have a few ideas but I’m waiting to see how strong my leg gets.”

  “Any thoughts you want to share?” Her aunt smiled at her.

  “I will as soon as I’m sure about my options.”

  “Do any of them include Gavin and Beck?”

  “I honestly don’t know. I’ve had little experience with men, except at work. Most of the men in our troupe are so different from Beck and Gavin.”

  “In what way?”

  “The male dancers in our troupe are more emotional, demanding of what they want. I’m not sure how to describe them. I guess they’re as driven as the women to become the lead and the best. It’s very competitive. That’s the part I don’t miss.”

  Heather stopped talking to eat her pancakes and drink some of her coffee. When she put her fork down, she added, “Gavin annoys me at times trying to control the situation, but it’s in a different way, and he doesn’t get mad when I tell him to back off.”

  “What about Beck?”

  “He’s a mystery. I think he has deep pain he doesn’t share except maybe with Gavin. But I doubt even Gavin knows all of it.” She looked across at her aunt. “He took me by surprise when he asked me to go riding.”

  Heather glanced at her watch. “I have to run. If I’m not there in ten minutes, he’ll leave without me.”

  She grabbed her bag and blew her aunt a kiss.

  “Here, don’t go without your jacket. It’ll get chilly if the wind comes up.” Her aunt handed her the jacket she’d worn last night.

  “Thanks. See you later.” She flew out the door and to the car. Tomorrow, she and Gavin were taking the rental car to a place he found in Willow Junction. Then she’d use his mother’s truck.

  It didn’t take long for her to get to the other ranch. Beck stood at the barn entrance holding the reins of a large, chestnut horse and a small reddish-brown mare. “You made it by one minute.”

  “I was talking to Aunt Bella and forgot the time.”

  “I’ll forgive you. She’s a nice lady.”

  “She is and I’m sorry I’ve been remiss about visiting.”

  He helped her up on the bay horse. “She’s gentle and won’t run away with you.” Beck ran his hand along the horse’s flank. He swung with ease onto his saddle, and they rode toward the open prairie.

  “You must have visited during the years I was away,” Beck said. “Otherwise, I’d remember you.”


  He glanced her way and gave her his encompassing look. “You’re pretty, and I expect you were then, too. And your hair is a strikingly different shade of blonde. It’s almost silver in some light and gold in others.”

  “You’re observant.”

  “I was taught to be.” A look of sadness crossed his face so fast she wasn’t sure she’d seen it.

  “Where are we riding?” Heather asked.

  “We’ll take a short trail that goes around the staff’s homes and to a small pond. Then after resting we’ll ride back to the barn.”

  He saw her glance at his saddlebags. “I’ve bought snacks and drinks for when we stop.”

  “A picnic. I haven’t gone on one, other than the big barbecue, in years.”

  “It sounds as though you allowed yourself little fun in your life.”

  “Ballet is, no, was, my life and it was enjoyable.”

  “I’ve read about all the temperamental dancers and the pressures put on you by the director.”

  Heather shrugged. “So it wasn’t all pleasurable. All occupations have their ups and downs. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  “True. Look up in that tree.” He pointed to a tree on her right. “See the eagle. He’s a beautiful bird, especially in flight.” Beck stopped his stallion and aimed his camera at the eagle. Just before he clicked the large bird took flight. He clicked several more times, and then showed Heather how he’d caught the bird starting to fly and in mid-flight.

  “What beautiful pictures. Can I have a copy?”

  “Sure.” He took hold of Mischief’s reins and they moved on.

  “Has Mischief ever moved and messed up your shot?”

  “That’s how he got his name. He senses when I get excited about a picture and several times he’s moved just enough to mess it up. I’ve learned if it’s really important to me, to get down.”

  “You and Gavin have a lovely ranch. I like the colors of the spring wildflowers beginning to bloom.”

  “Wait until they’re at their peak. The prairie is a carpet of color.” Gavin pointed to a bison and in the distance horses were running.

  “Are the horses wild?”

  “Yes, we don’t bother them unless we see them in trouble.”

  “I’ve lived in the city all my life except for brief visits to see Aunt Bella. I’ve seen so much more today than ever before.” She glanced across at Beck. “Thank you f
or opening my eyes to the beauty of your state.”

  “You haven’t seen it all yet.”

  “Where’s the pond you mentioned?”

  “Just ahead of us. See the blue in the distance?”

  “Yes, let’s hurry. I’m getting thirsty.”

  They galloped the rest of the way. When they stopped, Beck tied their horse’s reins to a tree near the pond. Then he took out a plaid blanket and laid it across the soft grass.

  He carried his saddlebag to the spot and opened the other side. “Water.” He handed a bottle to Heather. Then he rummaged further into the bag. “I hope you like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.”

  “Definitely.” She took one and pulled away the wrapper. Then she sat on the blanket and looked around. “All this fresh air gave me an appetite.” She stretched her legs out in front of her.

  “Does your leg ache?”

  “A little, but not too much.”

  Beck had finished his sandwich. He took a swig of water and came to sit at her feet. “It’s your right leg, isn’t it?”

  She nodded. “I’ll be fine, really.”

  He removed her new boots, and pushed her jeans leg up and out of the way. Beck put her leg across his lap and rubbed the tight muscles.

  Heather lay flat. “You don’t know how good that feels.” She closed her eyes as he continued to knead and rub the area. A cool breeze swirled across the lake.

  When his hands slowed, she opened her eyes and studied the sky above her. The clear blue reminded her of Gavin’s eyes. White wisps of clouds floated by carried on the wind.

  Suddenly, Beck leaned across her. His head dipped, blocking out the sky when his mouth caressed hers.

  “You taste like strawberry jam.” His lips skimmed over every spot on her face. She closed her eyes again and relaxed, letting him do as he pleased.

  When his teeth nibbled on her earlobe, a zing of pleasure shot up her spine. His warm breath on her throat gave her shivers. He rubbed his tongue across the spot where her heartbeat ran wild.

  “I love the smell and taste of your skin,” he whispered in her ear.

  Slowly he’d lowered his body over her. His hard cock pulsed against her belly. His eyes were heavily lidded. She couldn’t read his expression.

  “You excite me as no other woman has in a long time.” Beck’s husky voice inflamed her desire to a roaring fire. He unbuttoned her shirt and pushed it aside. His teeth grazed along her shoulder and then he unfastened her bra to free her breasts. Warm hands cupped both breasts and he licked each nipple.

  Delight and pleasure filled her being. Her arms tightened around his neck as she pushed her body firmly against his hard frame.

  His tongue teased one nipple and then the other. Ripples of delight rolled across her body and her pussy wept with her juices. Her world had narrowed to this man, her, and the music of nature surrounding them.

  The sound of her jeans snap opening brought her back to the present. She placed her hand over his.

  “Do you want me to stop?” His stare was bold and yet there was softness in it.

  “No,” she breathed the word out.

  Beck stood and quickly removed his clothes. Heather enjoyed looking at his magnificent body. His skin was sun browned and his physique well toned. His wide shoulders tapered to narrow hips and long legs. Shiny black hair blew around his chiseled cheeks and hard jaw. He took a condom out of his jeans pocket and sheathed his cock. Then he pulled her up.

  “It’s time for you to get out of the rest of your clothes.” He pushed her shirt and bra off. They fell on the corner of the blanket. Then he knelt and pulled her jeans and panties down and off. He stepped back and observed her. His look was so intent she had difficulty not putting her arms up to cover part of her nudity.

  He grinned. “I think you’re blushing all over. You really are a newbie in the area of lovin’.”

  “I warned you.”

  “I’m glad. You have a lovely body. If I closed my eyes, I could picture you in your tutu dancing across the stage.”

  She giggled and went up on her left foot. He stopped her. “Don’t risk the progress you’re making.” He picked her up and carefully placed her on the warm blanket.

  His mouth tickled and tasted her midriff. “You have incredibly soft skin.” Beck moved further along her body, and opened her soft folds to expose her clit. He licked across her jewel.

  Beck’s every touch excited her and sent a thrill racing through her body. Her pussy clenched tight with the desire to have his hard cock inside of her. She ran her fingers through his silky hair. When he looked at her, his eyes blazed with hunger.

  “Move up and let me touch you,” she said.

  “I’m so hard and ready that if you touched me, I’d explode. This is for you. To make sure you are pleasured.” He licked all the way from her clit to her pussy opening. His finger rubbed inside across her G-spot.

  Her hips raised and she yelled at him, “Take me, now.”

  But he didn’t. His mouth tasted and teased until every nerve in her body tingled. When he plunged in, she screamed and her body shook with her orgasm. He thrust in and out and her pussy clamped tight to him as they both exploded with euphoria.

  Chapter Six

  Beck rolled to her side. He stared at the sky. “Damn, that was good.” His hand reached for hers and he held on tight. His heart thumped hard and fast in his chest. He glanced at her bright hair glowing in the sunlight. Her full breast lifted straight upward, their rosy nipples tightened from the cool breeze flowing across them.

  “Are you cold?” he asked.

  She turned her face in his direction and smiled. “I may never be cold again.”

  “I’ll be glad to offer my services to keep you warm.” Her soft chuckle warmed him through and through.

  Then she cuddled close to his side and put her head on his shoulder. Her soft curves molded to the contours of his hard muscles. He kissed the top of her head and rubbed his hand along her backside. A lump formed in his throat, and he blinked his eyes several times.

  Heather must have sensed his mood. She raised her head and looked at him. “Is something wrong?”

  “It couldn’t be better. Why do you ask?”

  “Your arm tightened around me and your chest tensed.”

  “You are very observant, too. I just wanted to hang on and not let you go. I haven’t been this relaxed in weeks.” He stirred, and she sat up. “We’d better ride back.” Beck pulled on his jeans and watched her dress.

  “You may be good for me.”

  “Is that bad?”

  “Not for me. The question is will I be good for you?”

  Beck helped her onto the mare. Looking down at him, she smiled. “You are much too introspective after sex. I’ll have to try harder to make you smile more next time.”

  He kissed her hand. “I’m glad to hear I’ll have another chance to wow you.”

  “If you wow me more than today, I may explode with joy.”

  Beck didn’t comment. He led the way back to the barn. They didn’t talk much on the ride, but it was a comfortable silence. He helped her unsaddle the mare and showed her how to take care of her horse before putting the mare back in the stall.

  * * * *

  Out of the corner of her eye, Heather observed Beck brushing Mischief. He talked to the stallion in a low voice. When his hand rubbed across the stallion’s chestnut back, Heather shivered remembering the feel of his fingers stroking her body.

  She hadn’t expected the emotions and feelings he’d aroused. The few other times, well to be honest, the two times she’d had sex had been unimpressive, making it easier to forget and devote her life to her dancing.

  Heather had thought she was frigid and unable to reach a climax. Thankfully, she was wrong. Today had been a wonderful experience with a caring man who knew how to give pleasure, not just take.

  “Are you finished? You’ve been brushing the same spot for a minute or two.”

  Blushing, Heather gla
nced up to see a sparkle in his eyes. They looked bluish gray. “I’m done.”

  Beck checked his watch and punched in a number. “Hi, Gavin, have you been to lunch yet?” He paused and listened. “Good. I thought Heather and I might join you. Yes, we had a good ride and a snack, but I’m still hungry.”

  Beck looked at Heather and moved his lips to ask if it was okay. She frowned at him, but nodded yes.

  “In about an hour? You are running late. We’ll meet you at the diner.” Beck clicked off the phone.

  “At least we’ll have time to shower before we go,” Beck said.

  Heather put her hands on her hips. “You and Gavin are much too bossy. Next time ask me before you make an appointment for the two of us. I might have other plans.”

  “Did you?”

  “No, but that is not the point.”

  “I get it. I promise to try and not be so”—he raised his eyebrow at her—“what’s the word?”

  “Annoying,” she said and brushed by him to go to her car.

  He yelled after her. “No more being annoying. I’ll pick you up at your aunt’s in thirty minutes.”

  She didn’t stop walking. When she got in the car, she slammed the door. But as she drove down the driveway she had to smile. It had been the best day since her accident, and it wasn’t over yet.

  Aunt Bella and her uncle weren’t home so Heather quickly showered and put on clean clothes. She’d bought three pair of jeans, two regular and one black pair. She put it on with an aqua colored shirt and her new boots. There was a matching scarf that went with the shirt, so she used it to fasten her hair into a ponytail. A spritz of cologne and she was ready.

  Beck arrived exactly on time. Heather slid in the truck’s seat beside him. “I can tell you were a military man. Your obsession with timeliness must come from that experience.”

  “Partially, but I’ve always hated being late. It might please you to know that Gavin’s not as obsessive about punctuality as I am.”

  He started to turn and go down the lane to the highway. She put her hand on his arm.

  “May I drive? I’ve never driven a truck and after tomorrow I’ll have Gavin’s mother’s truck. I don’t want to wreck it.”


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