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Fearless Fighters [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 7] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 8

by Paige Cameron

  Beck rose to stand in front of her. “That’s good to know. Hug my neck.”

  When she did, he wrapped her legs around his middle. Beck bit her earlobe sending chills down her spine. He kissed her neck and her heart raced. She felt his large cock right at the opening to her pussy.

  Heather wiggled trying to move down on his dick, but Beck held her firmly.

  “Not yet, my darling. I want to taste your sweet skin and arouse your desire for me.”

  “I am aroused. I want your hard cock pulsating inside me.”

  “Patience, it’ll be better for the waiting.”

  “Tell me that the next time I make you wait.”

  Beck grinned. “I like it when you always let me know there’ll be a next time.” His mouth savored hers.

  He held her tight, but Heather moved her breasts as much as she could against his chest. Her juices flowed out of her pussy as his tongue explored the interior of her mouth. Her fingers traced the contours of his ears and brushed along his neck. She found the spot where his heart pounded for her, and she pulled away from Beck’s kisses to kiss it. Then she bit the edge of his shoulder.

  “Put your cock inside my pussy, or I’ll bite you harder,” she threatened and gave him a determined look.

  Beck shook his head. “You have no patience. We’ll have to work on that the next time I have you in bed. But since my cock is ready to explode, I’ll let you have your way.” He placed his dick at her opening and thrust inside.

  Her body welcomed his hard cock and her pussy stretched tight to accommodate him. A delightful shiver of satisfaction made her smile. When he began to slowly move in and out, her blood surged from her heart to the far reaches of her body. Her pussy clenched tight around him, and she moved with his rhythm.

  He pushed her tight against the cool tile wall and kissed her hard as his cock plunged in and out faster and faster. Pleasure saturated every cell and a wave of joy flooded her insides. She screamed his name as her orgasm swept from her feet to the top of her head.

  Beck thrust faster a few more times. His shoulders shook with his hard breathing as he yelled out his satisfaction. He let her legs down, and he leaned against the wall still clasping her hand.

  “It this gets any better, darlin’, you may kill me. But I’ll die with a smile.”

  “Silly, don’t you dare. I need you.” When the words came out, they surprised Heather. “I shouldn’t have said that because I haven’t made any decisions about my future.”

  He put his finger on her lips. “It’s okay, but sometimes we say the truth when something slips out. I’ll hope I’m right.” Then he kissed her mouth softly.

  “Let’s get ready and go for an early dinner. I’ve worked up an appetite,” he said and grinned at her.

  When they walked into the bedroom, Gavin was asleep. “Leave him be,” Heather whispered. “You can take me home to change and come back and wake him so you both can get dressed.”

  * * * *

  Pamela cried as the two detectives stood over her repeating the same questions over and over. “I didn’t do it,” she sobbed. “Why won’t you believe me?” The tall detective walked around the room annoyance showing in his every step.

  “I want a lawyer. I’ve tried to cooperate, but this is enough.” The other detective frowned. “All right, but we know you did it, and we’ll find the evidence. When we do, all deals are off the table.” They left her alone in the small room with cameras watching her every movement.

  How can I prove my innocence? I’ve heard of people going to jail for something they didn’t do. She shivered as she considered a hopeless future.

  Chapter Nine

  The restaurant in Willow Junction reminded Heather of eating out back home. She’d been surprised when they entered the plain-looking building and found the walls had red velvet wallpaper with gold trim. A prim and proper maître d’ met them in the foyer and led them to a table in a corner. The window overlooked a small enclosed garden.

  Their waiter handed them the menus and promised to return. The décor and menu was as well done as any swanky eating place in Chicago.

  “It all looks delicious. What do you recommend?” she asked Gavin and Beck.

  “Beck always orders steak,” Gavin said. “I like the trout myself.”

  “Hmmm, I think I’ll try the steak and shrimp.”

  “They serve large portions,” Gavin warned.

  “I don’t know how”—she grinned at them—“but I’ve worked up quite an appetite. Bring it on.”

  Beck raised his eyebrow, but Gavin laughed out loud. A couple nearby glanced their way and Heather blushed. Then Beck laughed a low, husky sound that didn’t help diminish the heat in her face.

  “Stop. Behave.”

  “You started it,” Beck reminded her.

  The waiter with his stiff posture and flat expression joined them at that moment to take their order. Heather put a hand across her mouth to hide her smile. The service was excellent and they soon had their meals.

  “This is really delicious,” Heather said as she finished her steak and started eating the shrimp. Gavin and Beck watched her with a look of admiration and satisfaction on their faces.

  For dessert, they ordered a large piece of chocolate cake with raspberries, vanilla ice cream, and whipped cream on top. “You two have to help me eat this.” She handed them a fork and they all started eating the delicious concoction.

  When they were walking to the car, Heather rubbed her tummy. “I’m so full, I’m almost uncomfortable. I can’t remember eating that much in years. You all are a bad influence on me.”

  “Then we’ll mark this place off our list and not bring you here anymore,” Beck said with a straight face.

  “He’s right,” Gavin agreed. “We don’t want to be responsible for making you gain weight. I’ll weigh you when you come in the office next week.”

  “I don’t want you to do anything so drastic as to mark it off your list. I’ll work on exercising and walking more.” She looked at Gavin. “But I will weigh myself when I come to your office on Friday.”

  Beck nodded. “I thought you might not like my idea.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him, and he hauled her close and kissed her. Then he reached around her and opened the truck’s door to help her inside.

  Heather kissed each one of them when they dropped her off at her aunt’s. “I’ll miss you both. But, Beck, I’ll see you on Wednesday to go horseback riding. Gavin, I’ll come to your office Friday morning.”

  “All right,” Gavin said, but neither looked very happy.

  * * * *

  Heather liked the bed-and-breakfast. She was surprised to discover the first guests of the season were Beck’s parents.

  “Beck didn’t want me to tell you,” Aunt Bella said. “He told me this way it’d surprise you, and you wouldn’t have time to get nervous about meeting them. I hope you don’t mind that I went along with his request?”

  “When the lady introduced herself as Mrs. Beck, I’m sure my mouth fell open. She must have thought I was an idiot. Then I looked at her husbands. Beck really resembles his dad Russell.”

  “He does. His other father, Tim, got a lung condition a few years ago, and he couldn’t take the cold weather anymore. They sold their ranch to Beck. It conveniently connects to Gavin’s land on the west side. He and Gavin were pleased.

  “Recently they’ve bought a ranch that bordered them on the north side and the combined acres give them the largest ranch in this part of South Dakota.”

  “They said it was big. But it’s much more than I visualized.”

  “Anyway, his parents come to stay as soon as the weather warms up a bit. They miss the town and the countryside.”

  “Where do they live the rest of the year?”

  “They bought a home in Arizona.”

  “You’d better go home,” Heather told her aunt. “Uncle Jack will be looking for you. I’m all settled in one of the other guest bedrooms. I thought I’d leave
the manager’s apartment as it is. Then the lady you’ve hired can move in when she arrives.”

  “Thanks. Call me if you have a question.” Aunt Bella waved on her way out.

  Heather wandered through the house checking on everything. Beck’s parents had gone to visit friends, and the peace and quiet gave Heather a chance to sit in the family room and think.

  It was hard to believe she’d only been here a few weeks. Gavin and Beck had captured her heart although she wasn’t ready to admit it.

  What if the doctor can fix my leg where I can dance? If I had to choose between ballet and them, what would be my choice?

  Heather was pulled in both directions. Ballet had been her life for as long as she could remember. Her mother took her for lessons at three, and she never wanted to do anything else.

  But in spite of the fact that she’d only known Gavin and Beck for a short time, she felt like she did when she took her first ballet steps. When I’m with them, I get excited and happy. They make me feel like being with them is what I want for the rest of my life.

  She went in the kitchen and made a gallon of her favorite raspberry tea. She placed the jug in the refrigerator to cool. Then she got a brownie mix from the pantry and decided to make them. She liked to be busy while her mind roamed.

  Her phone ringing startled her. She grabbed it out of her pocket.

  “Hi, Heather,” her father said from the other end.

  “Dad, it’s so good to hear from you. I’m staying at Aunt Bella’s bed-and-breakfast this week during the afternoon and nights.”

  “I know. I called her first.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Your director called us yesterday and said the detectives are being pretty hard on Pamela. He doesn’t believe she’s involved in the wrecking of the car and injuring you. He said, as you did, that she’s too nice and wouldn’t do such a horrible deed.

  “So I called the police today to get an update on your case. The detectives are adamant about Pamela. They say she hired someone to do the job for her.”

  “I’m so sorry for her. Tell the detectives I’ll be there Monday. Impress on them that I don’t think Pamela had anything to do with my attack. I’d come sooner, but I can’t leave Aunt Bella in a lurch. Her new manager will arrive Saturday or Sunday. Also I want to make an appointment and talk with Dr. Kendrews while I’m in town.”

  “I’ll pass on your message to the police, and I’ll let your mother know you’re coming. We’ll be looking forward to seeing you.”

  “I’ve missed you and Mom, too. Give her a hug. Bye.” Heather clicked off her phone and slipped it in her jeans pocket.

  She opened the brownie box and got busy. Her head whirled with all the questions she had and the decisions to make. First of all who would want to hurt her? She hadn’t realized she had an enemy. She went to work and went home, and had very little personal life outside of her family. Thinking about her routine made her realize how she’d limited herself. Her sole aspiration had been to succeed in her career. When she thought of relationships and having a family, it was some time in the distant future.

  Heather stirred the brownie mix and turned on the oven. Returning to Chicago was a good idea. Perhaps the real villain would show her or his self, and Pamela would be cleared. It might also help her in deciding where she wanted to be after this was all over, Chicago or Triple Dare County.

  * * * *

  Tuesday night Beck took her and his parents out to dinner. They chose a steak house just outside of town. When he’d talked to his parents and told them she’d be with him, they’d looked at her curiously. But they didn’t ask questions.

  After they’d been seated and given their menus, Mrs. Colley glanced across at Beck and her. He had his arm resting on the back of Heather’s chair. Heather blushed when his mother looked pointedly at his arm and her.

  “Is there something you want to tell us, Beck?” she asked.

  “I’m glad you asked. Gavin and I are hoping we can convince Heather to stay and marry us.”

  Heather jerked her head around to look at him. “Beck, we haven’t gone as far as to discuss marriage.”

  “You know we want you to be our wife,” Beck said. “Heather danced in the ballet in Chicago. She hurt her leg when her car was hit and the driver drove off,” he explained to his parents. “Her world was turned upside down. I know how that feels.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear you’ve been injured, Heather. I noticed your cane, but you barely limp. I didn’t want to ask and be nosy,” his mother said.

  “I’m better. The therapist I’m working with is helping me get strong enough to walk without the cane. I only need it now if my leg gets overtired.”

  “Do you hope to return to dancing?”

  “I was the lead soloist. I’ll never be that good again. My doctor originally said I’d never dance at all, but he may be wrong. There’s a procedure I’m going to check on when I fly to Chicago on Monday.”

  This time Beck was surprised. “You’re going to Chicago this Monday?”


  He shook his head. “Not without Gavin or me. Whoever tried to hurt you before is still out there.”

  “My dad can protect me.”

  “We’ll discuss this later,” Beck said. He frowned at her.

  “There’s nothing to discuss.” Heather tilted her chin up at him. She heard a chuckle from across the table. All three parents were smiling.

  “Oh, yes. You’re the one for him and Gavin,” Tim said.

  Russell added, “You keep tipping that chin up at them. They need a strong woman, or they’d want to be too protective.”

  “As these two thought they’d be with me,” his mother added. “I had to convince them it wasn’t going to work. But in this instance, Beck may be right. Why take a chance? You can’t have too much protection from a mad man or woman.”

  Heather glanced at Beck. “I’ll consider one of you going with me to the big city. Here comes our waitress. We’d better decide what we want,” she said hoping to move the attention from her.

  When they got back to the bed-and-breakfast, Beck’s parents went on inside. Beck held her arm keeping her in the truck snug against his side. He tipped her head and kissed her.

  “Are we still going riding tomorrow morning?” he asked. His finger brushed across her lower lip sending a wave of hot desire straight to her core.

  “Definitely. I’m looking forward to the ride and being with you alone.”

  “Sweet words to my ears,” he teased. He bit her earlobe and whispered, “I can’t wait to have you under me and my cock buried in your hot, sweet pussy. Then we’ll really ride.”

  She saw the spark of desire in his gray eyes. “You are insatiable.”

  “Don’t you want the same?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “No buts to it. We agree. I’ll come for breakfast and drive you to the ranch.” He bent his head and savored her mouth. “I hope the night passes fast.”

  Beck got out and walked her to the door. He waited until he heard the lock click.

  Heather watched his red taillights go out of sight. She wanted Monday to hurry and get here. Her head hurt with all the different possible options she had. To add to the confusion, her feelings for Beck and Gavin were getting stronger every time she was with them. Was there one good answer for her?

  Chapter Ten

  “I’m leaving to go to the office. I thought about what you said last night. I agree one of us must go with her to Chicago, if she’ll let us. Are you sure you want me to be the one?” Gavin asked.

  Beck had just started to put the saddles on the horses, for Heather and him, when Gavin walked into the barn. He pulled the cinch on the mare tight and turned to face Gavin. “As I said last night, if she’s going to be checking on the procedure, you can help her understand the pros and cons. She’ll need you to talk to regarding whether to opt for the surgery.” Beck shrugged his shoulders. “And you will make a better first impression on he
r parents. I’m not a people person.”

  “You can be when you want.”

  “True, but I really believe she needs your medical knowledge to help her make the best decision regarding her leg.”

  “I’ll ask Dana to cover for me Monday through Wednesday. That’s all the time I can take off. This is still the cold and flu season even if it is tapering off.”

  “If she wants to stay longer, I’ll fly to Chicago,” Beck said.

  “Then it sounds like a good plan. See you later. Have fun today.”

  Beck stepped outside the barn and gazed across at the house and the mountains. He breathed in the clean, fresh air. This was home and always would be, but it might not be for Heather.

  He and Gavin were both tense regarding her reaction when she got to Chicago. This might well be their last horseback ride, if she didn’t want to return.

  She’d brought light into his life, but he shouldn’t put that weight on her. He had to find his way back on his own. Visiting his friend’s parents might help or not. At the service he’d barely looked at them or spoke. His guilt weighed heavy on his heart. Damn the bullets that took Pete’s life and left Beck an empty shell.

  He shook off his melancholy mood. This day would be bright and happy. One day at a time was the best he could do.

  * * * *

  Heather turned in the saddle and smiled at Beck. “It’s so beautiful out here. You must be proud to own such a wonderful place.”

  “Gavin and I know how fortunate we are. He bought part of his parents land and when my folks had to leave, I bought theirs. Then getting our neighbors ranch to the north made it perfect for all we want to do.”

  “Can you tell me your plans?” They’d stopped on a hill. In the distance, Heather saw cattle and a stream that ran through the acreage.

  “We want to take a portion of the land, the furthest from the home area, and keep it in its natural state. It’ll continue to be a habitat for birds, animals, wild horses, and various types of natural plants. I’ll show you the spot when you’re able to ride farther.”


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