The Meddler

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The Meddler Page 7

by Donna Maria McCarthy

  ‘I’ll leave you to it then, boy? You were looking for a leather I think, to shine the brass on Old Kane’s staff?’

  ‘Aye, I think so, Reub! Though why I look for it so furiously I do not know!’

  ‘Maybe the old man could be took down from his watch, Oaky? He must feel lonely at times? Perhaps you felt it too?’

  ‘Aye, I will get to it, Reuben, and you?’

  ‘Sleep I think, till supper.’

  Meddler sat outside whistling incredibly badly.

  ‘It will get better the bigger your tongue grows!’ Reuben laughed.

  ‘I do not whistle, Reub – how antique! No, this is called Frubelling and can be understood by frogs!’

  ‘Silly question I know, but why would you wish to talk with frogs?’

  ‘Have you ever wondered, Reuben, why you do not?’

  ‘No, I cannot say I have.’

  ‘Then let this be the time that you address this void, allow me to teach you.’

  ‘Perhaps tomorrow, Creature.’

  ‘On the journey to Hares Folly? I meddled enough to know we would journey there together, tomorrow.’

  ‘And there’s me too tickled by the thought of Frubelling with a frog to scold you, mischief maker! And I am sure I will not waste my words on telling you that I travel alone on the morn.’

  ‘Wisdom is a marvellous thing, Reub.’ And he spun about the old dragon, Frubelling with great skill. They joined the others who gathered at the twilight blaze for the night turned chilly as did the times, and was comforting.

  ‘Come on, Meddler! Something from the fire?’ a young one called, and quite importantly, Meddler stood before the flames and recited,

  ‘Captured souls,

  Set alight,

  Show to me,

  The one called fight!’

  ‘It is Reuben! It is Reuben! Look it is you!’ The children delighted in the display as the fire took on the form of the Old Dragon.

  ‘More, Meddler! More!’

  ‘Fire, Fire in your bed,

  There’s one we seek, who wished him dead!’

  Reuben blushed.

  ‘Who is it, Meddler?’ a young one asked, ‘Look there are two, no, three !’

  Reuben took a large nip of Nella’s brew.

  ‘It is just a story, little one,’ Nella comforted one of the children who had begun to cry.

  ‘Let me try again?’

  ‘No, Creature!’ Reuben shouted and kicked his feet from under him, ‘I just do not wish to be kept awake by the young one’s tears and screams in the night, do any of us?’

  ‘Of course, excuse me I got carried away.’

  ‘Oh come now, no harm done. Let us all eat.’ Nella pinched his nose and whispered to Reuben, ‘He is as silly as the little ones, Reuben. Come now, don’t shout – you know how he is of late. A little more human, yes? It pains me so to see him struggle.’

  ‘And if I had the time, it would me too, Nella. I have a heart you know, but have no time for worry.’

  ‘You sees bad for you, don’t you, old man.’

  ‘I think my time has come to an end, sweet Nella. Tell me, do you see fear in my face – or resolve? For I tell you I cannot tell how I feel by looking. I know I have changed, but do not know the hows?’

  Gently, she took his face in her hands and kissed his cheek. ‘Fierce!’

  ‘That will do.’

  ‘You have always been a bit scary Reub, but now I says, you look fierce ! Though I am not scared for you, even though you tells me your fears.’

  ‘Can a fierce man still get a cuddle then?’

  ‘Aye of course, always!’ And she sat closer than you or I would ever dare. Such a creature he became, eyes bright from a fire within that readied him for battle.

  Chapter 12

  ‘If you think to talk round the prickly one, I’ll warn you it’ll be like pulling the hairs off of a witch’s chin!’

  ‘No, she’s no beauty I will grant you that, Meddler, but she’s young yet and all young ones are susceptible.’

  ‘Not her, Reub. She condescends goodness as though it has much to learn.’

  Reuben fixed his stare to the road ahead and was understood that he understood, but did not affect his resolve.

  ‘Creature, I think we might to town first. A tart from the baker’s wife and a greeting from Folly’s fine folk will dilute any poison we are to take today. What do you think?’

  Meddler sat silent, staring into Reuben’s eyes.

  ‘Well, you gone deaf?’

  ‘No, Reuben, I just wondered that you may have learned to read minds? For would have been my very suggestion.’

  ‘Well that’s just grand, and yes now you asks, I do read minds!’

  ‘And yet?’ The cart heaved up in front of the two and lurched to the side. The old mare lashed out and landed Reuben one on the chest as they jumped from the twisted, buckled frame, landing painfully on the dry track.

  ‘And yet? You could have said!’

  ‘I was about to, Reub! I promise! I realised perhaps, at the same time as you and was because we had no eye for the road!’

  ‘What damn thing has done this?’ He examined the ground beneath the broken cart, ‘So dry, it’s been. It has cracked you see?’ He freed the mare without a care that she had seen fit to kick, and gave her oats and soft soft words – wiser than a stick.

  ‘Well, what now?’

  ‘You ask me, Reuben? When I am as puzzled as you are. Though common sense says we ditch this cart and share a ride home.’

  ‘No, I will not go home now. No, Creature, she’ll take us both to town. There is no point wasting a half journey.’

  ‘Harry Punch!’ Meddler screamed as he rode towards them.

  ‘Hello there, can I help? Is that you, Reuben? It is – and Wakanda! Well this is fortunate for me also!’ Harry leapt from his mount, greeting the two affectionately.

  ‘I have always said that accidents were there to forge different destinies! Ay, Meddler, have I not?’

  ‘This could indeed bring about a change, Reub - and as one of your many observations, I cannot say I am familiar; but it is your philosophy, that is certain.’

  ‘Now why then, Harry, should we meet you here?’

  ‘I was on my way to call on you, Reuben and now I can rescue you as well! Can your journey be postponed?’

  ‘For sure it can.’

  Reuben held an impatient hand up to Meddler’s face. ‘This be serendipitous, I am sure.’

  ‘She is a bad tempered one I think!’ Harry said as the old mare went to bite him,‘Wakanda, will you share my mount? I believe yourself, Reuben to be more than capable with your own beast.’

  All was settled and the happy three set off; a brief reprieve then, for as it goes, that even in sleep Reuben acquired more foes.

  Meddler now resolved that he could not foretell, walked a fine line between heaven and hell. For yes, he still meddled as that was his way, but without a conscience, as we know, to obey.

  ‘Of course!’ Meddler yelled, ‘Rosie!’

  ‘Ah, the girl I am yet to meet, but prepares herself anyway.’

  ‘And you too, Harry – you are intrigued by the name!’

  ‘Ha! I may well have thought, wondered, why you mentioned her last - but only for a second, Wakanda!’

  ‘No, no, there is more to it - do you see, Reub?’

  ‘I see that you will get a thick ear if you embarrass the girl!’

  ‘Aye that too, which reminds me, ouch!’


  Then not so very far away a small camp, built by survivors needing a new world.

  ‘Charming, absolutely as I expected!’

  ‘You like it then? It is a bit ramshackle but we have the sun all day, even when there is none.’

  ‘And a view from every window! And webs for curtains!’ enthused Meddler, ‘you know, Harry, I think you almost envious?’

  ‘Not almost, Wakanda – I am . This would be the life for me, the one I would choose. Te
ll me, Reuben, do I have to be so misfortunate to join you?’

  ‘Ha! No, I expect if you could get Bell Baker to like you less, ay Meddler?’

  ‘And the town’s folk to be less than romanced?’

  ‘Aye it might suffice, might be seen as a persecution of sorts! Here, this is Father Kane. Let us surprise him, Creature; we have so few agreeable visitors of late.’

  ‘Of course, Reub. I am no spoil sport!’

  ‘And none of the Jeremiah, let us enjoy this for what it is!’

  ‘Off with you then, profit of doom!’ and Harry pushed him from his mount, laughing, ‘Too quick for even you, I’d say, ay Reub?’

  ‘You might just well be! Why, Creature, you look almost shocked!’

  ‘Not shocked, friends. Amazed at such manners!’

  ‘Yet you could not foretell that I would?’

  ‘No, I thought you meant to send me off – not turf me off, Harry Punch!’

  ‘Oh, too easy! You will have to convince me more if I am to believe in your psychic powers.’

  ‘Don’t tempt him, Harry, Lord he can be as irritating as a crawler!’

  ‘How do, pilgrims! You have lost a cart and gained a friend I see?’ Old Kane’s memory faded, though none saw it as bad for his welcomes grew warmer never knowing if it be a day or year since he had seen you.

  ‘Kane, this be Harry Punch that we have talked of and he comes this way to visit with us.’

  ‘Well met then, Reuben, and good day to you as well, Harry Punch. And the cart?’

  ‘Buckled and broke beneath us just yonder.’

  ‘Is a shame, but still we have another.’

  ‘Aye, will you join us at The Heart, Kane?’

  ‘Wait!’ Meddler stood before the three. ‘He shall! But why do you laugh, Harry?’

  ‘It is hardly a psychic vision now, is it, Wakanda?’

  Reuben gently pushed him down the hill. ‘Go on, you are losing it!’

  Meddler skipped away wagging his finger and shouted, ‘You will see Harry, within the month you will marry!’

  ‘Sorcery suits you, Wakanda!’ Harry called but blushed as Meddler came upon Rosie.

  ‘Rosie! Harry, how fortunate.’

  ‘Go on you, get! Or I’ll be after you for a beating!’ And she joined the party. ‘Reuben, Kane, and I am sure I do not know you, Sir?’

  ‘Harry, dear girl. No need for introductions with the like of Wakanda about, ay?’

  Blushing, she fussed over Reuben, ‘So old man, why you back so soon? And with this Harry Punch, you spoke so well of?’

  ‘I shall tell all at The Heart, girl – now stop your flapping and have some patience.’

  ‘For me at least, Rosie, I would say you fluttered rather than flapped.’

  ‘Why thank you, Mr Harry Punch, but I am not sure I should talk with you this way, seeing Kane looking so concerned. He is our Father you see, and Reuben is just an old dragon! So I will leave you to it,’ she flippantly remarked and turned. ‘Perhaps we may talk later if, of course, it is deemed proper!’ Then she winked and fluttered away, as Harry might say.

  Harry spent a good few hours admiring the camp and stole a few nips of Nella’s brew and when asked if he should stay for the Hoomey, was delighted to accept.

  Reuben offered him a bed of sorts for the night and Harry surprisingly accepted, saying his mama would expect no different. Was his way, he said, to often stay out – but had never been such a wholesome cause!

  ‘Perhaps tomorrow, Reuben, we may travel to Hares Folly together? And you, Wakanda?’

  ‘Meddler, please, Harry, everyone I trust refers to me as such.’

  ‘Or Creature , I noticed!’

  ‘Yes well, Creature I am of course, but never as ugly as Reuben!’


  ‘No, Reuben, you are by far the most challenged.’

  ‘Well then, Harry, you must decide who is the most handsome? I myself am an evolved being, devoid of snaggletooth and rogue hairs and Reuben is as you see. I believe I can see without meddling; and please save your blushes, I have no need,’ Meddler smugly announced.

  ‘And yet you can’t, for I see nothing of you beneath that big hat and baggy clothes. And so I say, how do I tell? I will add that Reuben is fine and handsome and has no few admirers.’

  ‘You speak of Caroline? Fi Fi La La’s? I feel we have an understanding.’

  ‘I do, Reuben, but also of more though a confidence and all that!’

  ‘Aye, and I like you more for keeping it.’ Reuben’s chest swelled. ‘Come then, Creature, let Harry see you for what you are.’

  ‘I have never known fear, Harry, only this minute. I am scared that you will dupe me again – challenged as I am of late, and say you prefer Reuben’s looks!’

  Harry quickly snatched his big hat. Ears sprang back, his black eyes wide and haunted but unmoved, stared back.

  ‘I should not have worried, and yes, Harry, you are right – I am impressive!’

  ‘ Impressive ? I just wondered why you hide so. Is a shock that you mistake for ought else – however I shall not traverse the subject of who looks the most ‘un worldly’. I would say you both have an uncommon look.’

  ‘No, Reub, ‘tis truly as he sees it. He is no politician.’

  Reuben got up, pulling Meddler by the scruff. ‘Truly Harry? You see no divide? Look again.’ He stood proudly before him, Meddler in one hand and eyeing Harry with his best feature.

  ‘Very fine, Reuben and though your appearance is more conventional, you still look positively alight!’

  ‘That will do!’ Meddler cried. ‘As long as you are not sickening? Now let me down!’

  Meddler was infuriated at being held so, and of Reuben’s persuasiveness. He ceased to wonder that day why witches often referred to spells as charms , for sure Harry was a witch full of charm! And Reuben, shockingly susceptible.


  Evening had begun to fall softly about and before long was Reuben who readied the fire for the Hoomey.

  ‘Vain, vain, vain. I have made him so, I am sure!’ Meddler was still searching for the truth behind a blatant lie, was how he saw it; and Harry still unsure of him, asked Reuben if he had sounded disrespectful.

  ‘Don’t you worry about him, Harry, is his way. Come and help me with the fire.’

  Harry more than any that day, yearned for the ritual to begin, if only to speak more with Rosie – and he happily fetched and carried bracken and log, making light work of it, such as Giants do.

  Nella approached and perhaps had seen to her appearance more than was required. ‘How do then? You will be Harry Punch and if you wondering, I am Nella. I expect you have heard more of me than I know of myself.’

  ‘I have to say that I didn’t expect you to be so young for one hailed as so wise! Do my friends exaggerate or are you also a natural phenomenon? Which I feel I grow used!’

  ‘Well, I am not as phenomenal as you see Meddler here.’ She laughed girlishly and with little thought, for sure Meddler could feel that sting. ‘Handsome though, I’d say!’ She almost managed a rescue – almost.

  ‘And yes, Nella, you should be ashamed!’

  Nella looked from Meddler to the fire. ‘Makes my cheeks hot, so it does. That’s all that is! Meddler, would you play for us so as Rosie might dance?’

  Rosie, a little more sensitive perhaps in her youth, checked that Meddler’s blushes were not true. ‘Been at my rouge again have you!?’

  A lavish amount of bright red paint in perfect circles he had applied, and pulled from behind him a fan, leaping before the party. ‘Tonight, friends, if Rosie will allow? I shall dance for you all!’ A few Spanish steps and a clap, to which Oaky appeared playing the fiddle.

  ‘Rosie, dear girl, you look flushed!’ Meddler imperiously announced as his dance grew wilder and less recognisable. ‘Is that right? That tonight of all nights you wished to impress?’

  ‘Oh no, wee one, this is far more amusing!’

  ‘And will serve you better
, you shall see.’

  ‘Thank you, Meddler. My, what a pretty picture you are!’

  Harry caught her eye, and the two shared a giggle. ‘I must say – Meddler, is it?’

  ‘Yes, to friends, as you are Harry.’

  ’Well, Meddler, as enchanting as this is, I am sure Rosie is just as so, at this very moment she is at least to me.’

  The dance then became more Turkish with tongues and great lunges and the more hysterical it became the more the young ones urged him on, joining with him. Reuben, seizing a chance, stood before the fire. ‘That’s enough! You all dance too close to the fire! Creature, you ought to know better than to influence them so – they will never sleep!’

  ‘Was it anybody but myself, Reuben, I would agree – but as you know I can foretell such trivia. Rest easy, you old dragon, they will sleep.’

  ‘Meddler!’ he warned.

  ‘Very well, very well, all of you sit down. We shall wait till they dream to see more of my performance.’

  ‘Are you well?’ Reuben asked, pulling him down beside him.

  ‘Quite so, Reuben. I am not so ignorant, but choose to see smiles where you see more. Choices are a marvellous thing, I grow used to.’

  ‘Yes, Creature, but you are ignorant.’


  ‘Enough! I want to enjoy tonight, Meddlesome Creature – not be harangued by philosophy and math!’

  ‘I am sorry, Rosie, but I cannot take a dance seriously! Not at this moment.’ Harry shocked all with what seemed very harsh words, considering how the girl had made such an effort.

  ‘No need to be so honest!’ she scolded and sat back down.

  ‘I was just checking.’

  Rosie, not used to be talked so – ever – flushed from head to toe.

  ‘You see, I simply checked that you felt something.’ He walked over and kissed her hand. ‘Please, sweet Rosinda, I will not catch breath till you do so?’

  ‘ Woooooooo !’ The young ones laughed and took Nella to shush them all with a look whilst Oaky played a lover’s dance, winking at Rosie who squealed with excitement.

  ‘Who has the Hoomey, though?’ Kane asked.

  Rosie had danced till her skirt caught light and was gallantly outed by Harry. She said she would sit by him as it felt safer and where you might have thought that Meddler had earlier stood in her way, now it was apparent that he indeed was wise.


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