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Dark Facade (Book One) (Dark Facade Series)

Page 5

by Hubbard, Sylvia

  Just like the dream …. Just like the dream!

  But now it was coming true!


  Just as her mind came to the realization that the man in her dreams was really between her legs, her body erupted in a plethora of delightful sensations so powerful he had to put his other arm around her waist to hold her in place. This only increased the orgasm and her trembling made the whole bed quake.

  Maxine’s eyes were closed so tight she was passed seeing stars. There was just this white light and her eye sockets felt like someone was trying to pull her eyes out because she had been straining so hard to fight her release.

  As her body descended, spasms emitted here and there uncontrollable. His mouth was tenderly laving her pussy coaxing it to calm down, yet still keeping her body slightly aroused.

  “Why did you do that?” she asked baffled.

  His huge body shot up over hers and a look of displeasure was in those beautiful eyes of his. His large hands grabbed her wrist and shoved them down over her head in the bed, while the weight of his body kept her practically hostage.

  “I can see you still cannot obey your master completely,” he snarled, his shoulder length thick brown hair hung over his face, giving him a wild yet commanding presence.

  In the picture, his hair must have been pulled back, but now the length was very present giving him this untamed roguish appearance, pushing her sense of danger to its limits.

  The weight of him made it difficult to breathe and without thinking Maxine tried to wrench her body under him. This only seemed to increase his weight. Lord, was he going to kill her? Tears swelled, as she pleaded with her eyes for him to stop.

  “Obedience is a must at all times!” he reiterated through gritted teeth. “Do I make myself clear?”

  Maxine nodded quickly and soon as she did, the weight lifted. Breathing in a lungful of air, she wanted to pass out and faint, but for some reason couldn’t stop staring. This was her master? The same man? How?

  Perplexed, but afraid of disobeying again if she spoke again, she reluctantly looked away from him for a moment to gather her wits. ‘Just like the picture!’ That’s all her brain kept repeating

  This was her master! This gorgeous white man had the power over her and damn, even after what he had done to her, she was deriving some bizarre pleasure from it. He seemed better in person and his voice was thick, husky, and profound.

  He smirked suddenly. “I will excuse your disobedience this time seeing that you were not in your right mind, but I won’t excuse you anymore - no matter what the reason is.”

  She lowered her eyes decorously, too caught up by the beauty of his eyes staring down at her. This was just some dream. It had to be. The man that was on Lisa’s computer screen and the man she had dreamed about so lasciviously was laying over her naked body and had just given her the most unbelievable pleasure.

  He rolled off the bed and stood on the side. “Sit up,” he ordered.

  Maxine obeyed trying not to look at him eye to eye. Yet, she couldn’t help notice he stood a little over six feet, wide physique, and long massive limbs. Despite his clothing, she saw that he had a thick neck, which would indicate that he was thickly built; Sculptured shoulders and pecks, barreled arms, brick type chest and stomach, with a wide waist and column type legs. His face contained chiseled features with a stubborn chin, aristocratic nose, thin sensual dark pink lips. With his dark hair on his shoulders, she saw it was usually pulled back in a ponytail. But with him just recently between her legs and her thrashing about the bed, unloosened its hold, which was why it was now partially in and partially out the ponytail. He was almost animalistic as he faced the bed.

  Where she was, as she sat up, her face was looking right at his stomach. He wore a silk shirt and tailored pants. She could see that this suit looked almost newly made just for him and what was really shocking was that he wore gator shoes. Something she usually saw on black men and she knew that those shoes cost about five hundred or more a pair. These were the same color as his navy pants.

  He stepped away from the bed and reached out for her hand indicating that he wanted her to stand and come to him.

  Somehow she had slipped out the robe in the midst of him pleasuring her, and now she was bare. The last man she had been in front like this was Gerald and that felt like decades ago.

  Even then she had always taken off her clothes in a hurry and climbed in bed under the covers.

  Her master didn’t say anything as she quickly slipped the robe back on before going to him.

  She didn’t have to look at his face to know his eyes were looking at her from head to toe, just as she had done him.

  “Undress me,” he ordered.

  Carefully, as her heart raced faster than a speeding bullet, she reached up to unbutton the shirt. Underneath he wore a white wife beater undershirt. She examined the real gold clips on the sleeves of his shirt and placed them on the table by the bed after removing them.

  “You will carefully lay my shirts over that chair in the corner,” he instructed after she had taken off his shirt.

  Maxine did this and returned to the front of him trying to forget that she was naked underneath the robe, but at the same time also wondering if he would take the robe off and touch her again as he did before.

  He wore a matching gator belt with a real gold buckle. His belly didn’t hang over his pants like Gerald’s. Matter of fact, her “master” didn’t have a belly at all. It just felt like he had a steel plate underneath his clothes.

  To distract herself from blushing to death since she’d never undressed a grown man before, she decided to speak without causing upset to him. There were so many rules that it was hard trying to find out information without crossing the line.

  “I want to speak to you without disobeying,” she said, looking occasionally up at him.

  He seemed to watch every movement she made. “What is it you wish to know, slave?”

  She couldn’t help but stiffen and bite her lip at the title he called her. “What am I to call you?”


  Frowning, she looked back down as she carefully pulled down his pants feeling his slight hardness on the back of her hand. Trying to word her question where it would seem favorable to him, she said, “How would I get …. A boon from my master?”

  His eyes shot a hard glare as if he couldn’t believe what had come out of her mouth.

  “A favor,” she explained quickly as if she had said something wrong.

  That glorious smile graced his face and she thought for sure she would pass out. His teeth were as white as they were in that picture and his smile was from ear to ear. His eyes seem to dance in amusement and he laughed genuinely. “I know what a boon is, Maxine,” he said a little bit caught off guard. “I just didn’t realize you were so intelligent. I’ve never heard of anyone using that word before.”

  She shrugged. “I figured if you were going to call me an old time name, I should use an old time word.” This was said as a tease, but the humor quickly left his eyes. Quickly, she said, “I’m just a little confused about how to please you without disappointing you.”

  “And in return you think you will deserve a favor?” he asked bitterly.

  Shaking her head, she said, “No! I want to understand my position as your….” It was so hard to say that word. “As your…s-slave.” She almost wanted to throw up after she said it.

  He didn’t even notice her hesitancy about saying that word. This time, he looked confused as he sat down in a chair so she could remove his shoes and socks. “You don’t want gifts?”

  “No. I don’t want gifts,” she answered without thinking, while removing his pants and laying them over the chair careful to leave the pleats. Maxine returned to him, but he was still sitting in the chair, so she had to bend over him to pull his undershirt off.

  He stopped her hands from removing his undershirt, holding her down. The front of her robe opened giving him ample view of her breast, bu
t his eyes were on her face and that confused look was in his eyes.

  “But that’s why all the women are here. That is your incentive for this.”

  Of course, she didn’t know that, but she was supposed to know this. Quickly lying, she said, “Lisa did not explain all of it to me.”

  He still did not remove her hands. “Lisa is always very thorough about explaining everything to everyone that decides to participate. So why are you here?”

  Had she blown it? He did not look at all happy and the more seconds that went by the harder his look became. “You said you looked at my application, Master. You should have that figured that out if you chose me.” She didn’t break eye contact, challenging him to question her motives and making sure she used that disgusting title to make him feel that she wasn’t trying to be disobedient, yet it was weird how she really didn’t mind calling him her master

  One hand rose to caress her cheek gently. For someone so large, this action seemed almost foreign. “You were lonely. You wanted to be accepted as you were - Beautiful, intelligent, extraordinary.” His thumb tenderly rubbed her bottom lip. “Sensual, exotic…” He leaned forward and kissed her.

  His actions were hesitant at first, but then his hand moved around to grip her nape and with a small sweep of his mouth, his tongue parted her lips, and moved with hers. She could taste her sweetness on his lips and for some reason this further aroused her. Closing her eyes, she felt so consumed as his mouth seemed to extract every moral fiber and interleave passion, wantonness, and desire.

  When he stood up, his arms moved around her waist and drew her against his solid chest. His body was so wide; she could barely get her arms around his neck, even though she had to stand on tiptoes. Yet, he seemed to sense her conflict and brought his other hand around and almost lifted her, while leaning down some more to deepen the kiss.

  This was no ordinary kiss. This man held something more powerful than just to enjoy her. He wanted more. He wanted…

  She was suddenly shoved to the bed abruptly and he stood above her looking very upset.

  Lying breathless on the bed, she looked down trying to ignore the fact that she saw the largest hard on between his legs. “I’m sorry,” she said quickly.

  “Don’t!” he snapped, turning away from her. “Bring me two champagne glasses from downstairs and the bottle of Moet in the cooler below.”

  Maxine took another brief glance at his sculptured ass before she gathered the robe about her and went downstairs. Looking around for a cooler, she saw nothing around on the floor and decided to check the refrigerator.

  Opening it up, she saw it was stocked with caviar, sushi, shrimp, lobster, crab and special breads, sauces and spreads on the first two shelves. The second shelf had eggs, bread, sausages, butter, and fruits that were already cut up and de-skinned. The top shelf contained a weird rack of different expensive wines and champagnes. One of them was a bottle of Moet.

  Going through the cabinet, she found a set of champagne glasses and started back up the steps, but then stopped herself when she noticed on top of the refrigerator was a carrying tray.

  Grabbing the tray, she quickly put the glasses on, some napkins just in case, the bottle of wine, and the bottle opener.

  Satisfied with her display, she carefully carried it up the stairs. He was just getting off his cell phone and was taking off his shirt.

  Maxine paused at the top of the stairs because she was mesmerized by the ripples on his stomach and the sharp definition of his chest. He wasn’t sculptured, he was perfection.

  He had pulled his dark hair back in a neat ponytail and those ever-watchful turquoise eyes were on her as he placed the t-shirt on the chair with the rest of his clothes and now only stood with a pair of white boxers on.

  Licking her lips, she took a deep breath forcing herself to keep her eyes on his face.

  “Why did you take so long?” he snapped.

  For some reason, she knew his ire wasn’t with her taking too long, but she didn’t talk back like she wanted to. Instead, she placed the tray down on the table near the bed next to the gold clips.

  “I will try to move faster for you next time,” she said coolly trying to salve his irritated demon looking to pick a fight with her. She hadn’t turned to him, pretending putting the tray down and fidgeting with the objects on the tray was highly important. “Would you like me to open the wine and pour it, Master?” she asked.

  He moved behind her and she could feel his body press against hers. “You don’t drink, do you?”

  Maxine didn’t remember that on the application. “No. How did you know?”

  There was a moment before he answered low. “Moet is champagne.”

  She giggled at her innocence. “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry for what, Slave? Sorry, for your disobedience once again with the questions. I did not give you permission to ask more after the last time.”

  Turning to him, she nodded. “I did not know my question time was up, Master.” Lowering her head, she pretended shame, but she was still amused by her silly mistake.

  Forcing her chin up to look at him, he said, “I see I’m going to have to punish you like the other slaves. Despite your IQ, I see you have no common sense.” His grip tightened. “What do you prefer as punishment slave, a beating by my fist or should I request a whip?” His touch was rough and almost hurtful.

  Instinctively, she tried to move his hand away, but that was exactly what he wanted and yanked her by the robe almost tossing her around the room to the floor once again. She hit her butt hard and jumped up ready to do battle, but when she saw he raised his hand to knock her down again, Maxine remembered and dropped back down on the ground again cowering.

  He stepped towards her and Maxine knew by the crazed look now in his eyes he was going to beat her, just like he said. What had she gotten herself into?!


  Grabbing her arms, he pulled her to stand up and shook her hard to stop her screaming. Maxine had not realized she was screaming until he shook her.

  “You must obey,” he gritted through his teeth. “Do you understand?”

  Maxine couldn’t help herself. She cried hard because she didn’t know what to do. Yet, she nodded to show she had heard his question.

  He stepped away from her and patiently waited for her to get herself together. She took a moment to rub her wrist now bruised. By morning, there would be even darker bruising from his harshness, yet that had been the extent of bruising on her. Her hysterics had stopped him from actually beating her.

  Maxine went around him and picked up the napkin to fix her face carefully hoping her mascara didn’t run.

  “You have five minutes to go into the bathroom, wash your face up and come to bed. I cannot play with you like I want to. I have an early meeting in the morning.” He sounded tired.

  She started down the steps.

  “Maxine,” he called.

  “Yes, Master,” she said obediently.

  There was a look of satisfaction on his face. “There is another private bathroom over there.” He pointed to the other side of the bed where some curtains hung, but she thought that it was just another decoration around the room. Going past the curtains, she saw it was a closet with towels and clothes hung up on both sides, but towards the back was a door. Turning the knob, she was startled by the white room. A large porcelain tub big enough to seat eight was in the middle of the room and against the wall was a separate large glass shower. In the shower was a high shelf that held wash clothes and special handmade soaps.

  Beside the shower was a white porcelain sink with a beautiful gold toned facet. There were towels stocked in there - also white, but the texture of them was thick.

  They were ten times thicker than any Martha Stewart towel and softer than any silk, but she was positive they were cotton thread with a high count.

  Getting the soap, she washed her face and there was a large case with the letter M on it. Opening it up, she knew it was just for her and marve
led at the expensive perfumes and lotions that were in there. There was make-up just for her tone of skin and so many items for a woman she couldn’t begin to imagine their use.

  Applying lip-gloss and eyeliner and then freshening herself up a bit, she hurried up and left back out before she was punished again.

  He had lit a few candles around the room and her nose embraced the musky arousing scent. Yet that wasn’t what caught her attention. He was lying in bed with the silk covers just at his waist and he was lifted up by one arm to his head staring at her.

  “You do learn fast, slave. Not like the others,” he complimented, patting the bed beside him.

  She noted he had poured the champagne and had even drunk some of it as she stepped to the bed. Just as she was about to get in the bed beside him, she noticed he narrowed his eyes and she stopped instantly.

  Turning away from him, she let the robe fall down to the ground and slid in the bed quickly blushing from head to toe. ‘What was she doing?’ She repeatedly asked herself.

  He didn’t move to touch her though. How could she know what he was doing when she laid stiff as a board with her eyes closed tight.

  Slowly, she opened them to see he was hovering over her. He must have used the downstairs bathroom because she could smell soap on him and around the edges of his hair was drenched.

  He raised his hand to her forehead and for a brief moment the fear of him hitting her returned, but then she felt him push a lock of hair to the side of her face.

  “I stared at your picture for a long time,” he said in a low tone. If she had not been so close, she probably wouldn’t have heard him.

  Maxine was almost tempted to say, ‘I did too,’ but she didn’t. Instead, she stared up at him benefiting from the opportunity to see him closely. Despite his abuse of her, she found herself still powerfully attracted to him. This realization confused her.

  At one moment she despised him for who he was and what he had done to her, yet the next, she wanted more of what he did to her. But how could she just say, ‘I want your mouth between my legs again?’ He would be disgusted at her. Repulsed?


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