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Field Stripped: 15 Steamy Military Romances

Page 64

by Marissa Dobson

  Jesse sat back in his chair while Shannon flagged a waiter and asked for a coffee. “You don’t mind me butting into your meeting do you, Charlie? Thanks.”

  Jesse shared a look with Charlene and a handsome little smile spread across his lips. “Shannon, have him come by the booth after one.”

  The marketing agent shook her mane of hair. “Now. Need you now. Mr. Yin is going to be here in an hour. We can’t blow this deal. Mr. Harrington wants it wrapped up this weekend. If Mr. Yin signs now, there’ll be more money down the road. You and I can make him feel like he’s our most important client. Grab a coffee to go and come up to my suite. I’ll give you the details and show you what he wants.”

  Charlene’s insides squeezed tight with jealousy, but she said, “Sounds important, Jesse.”

  Jesse’s broad chest lifted with an inhale. “Send the info to my email, Shannon. I’ll look it over after Charlene and I finish breakfast. Where are you meeting him?”

  Shannon’s zest for the deal and her plan to get Jesse into her suite deflated a little. “Tell you what, finish your breakfast meeting and then come up. I’ve got it all laid out.”

  “Sure, we’ll be up after breakfast.”

  Shannon blinked. “We?”

  “Charlene and I. She can have a look as well. She’ll be able to tell Mr. Yin what he can expect as a timeline. He’ll want to know that, too, before making a decision.”

  “Can’t you do that?” Shannon asked.

  Before Jesse answered, Charlene stepped in. “One of my daughters is going to University of Las Vegas. I promised I’d pick her up this morning and we’d spend some time together. I’ll see you at the booth later.”

  Jesse shot her a dark look. “We had plans, Charlene. I’ll look over Shannon’s pitch and catch up with you later.”

  Shannon smiled blissfully as if she’d finally won the lottery and slid a room card to Jesse. “Room 1569,” she said, then left before her coffee arrived.

  Charlene stared at her omelet but lost her appetite. She wanted to say, you know what will be waiting in Shannon’s room. Shannon in bed. Naked and breathing heavy.

  “More coffee?” he asked, the carafe tilted over her cup.

  “No. I’m done, thanks.”

  He lowered it slowly. “Done with what, exactly?”

  “I have to call Mandy. I’ll see you at the booth.”

  “Charlene.” He rose quickly when she did. “Nothing is going to happen between Shannon and I.”

  “Think you’ll see things differently when she’s splayed out on her desk waiting for you.”

  “You don’t have a lot faith in men, do you?”

  She tucked a twenty under her plate. “Not so much, no.”

  Jesse watched Charlene disappear through the doors, then sat down and gazed at the exquisite pools and the white loungers stacked next to each other, waiting for sunbathers. He glanced at his watch. Only nine o’clock, but the blistering June sun told him it would be a hot day.

  “Did the lady leave?” the waiter asked, holding another cup of coffee.

  “Make it to go,” he said without taking his eyes off the pleasant scene the hotel had created for their visitors. Big vases with sculpted trees lined the walkways. Private tents and discreet areas for nude bathers were shielded from public viewing. Charlene needed to relax, and he could use a little down time himself.

  He’d stop by the front desk and book another two nights at the hotel. He wanted time alone with Charlene, without interruptions. She had no reason to rush home. He mulled over thoughts about returning to military duty and what Charlene had pointed out. He hadn’t given that angle a thought, and he should have, but it took her insight to make it register. She just might be right.

  As a SEAL, he’d made a modest income. As a programming engineer, he made a ridiculous amount of money. If he could convince Charlene they had a future, why would he want to leave her for months on end? He didn’t.

  Flipping open his wallet, he paid for the meal with his card and left a tip, then tucked Charlene’s twenty in his wallet to give back to her later.

  The clack of chips on the gaming tables and the sounds of laughter reached him as he wove through the casino toward the elevators. He stopped before getting in and sent a text to Charlene.

  Meet you at the entrance in one hour.

  She wasn’t going to get away with evasive tactics. Every time she’d fake a left, he’d be waiting to intercept. If she needed to find her faith again in men, he would be the man to prove it.

  He knocked on Shannon’s door instead of using the key card.

  “Come in, Jesse.”

  He juggled the coffee and opened the door. Folders covered the desk, but not Shannon. He grinned to himself. Charlene’s show of jealousy gave him hope, and those folders offered a helluva lot of relief.

  “You in the bathroom?” he called out. “Brought your coffee.”

  “No,” she answered.

  He walked past the closets and turned into the room. For fuck’s sake. Shannon lay on her side in bed. Crisp white sheets accentuating her tanned, naked body.

  “It’s time you stop ignoring me, Jesse,” she said, lowering her lashes and sliding a hand over her hip and down her thigh.

  He rubbed his jaw and sat on the couch. Man, his SEAL brothers would laugh their fucking heads off if they saw him now. The taunts would be endless. He’d never mentioned his team name to Charlene, and she didn’t know enough about SEALs to ask, but he could hear the guys now, ‘Hey, Skinman, afraid that pussy is going to eat you up and spit you out?’ He’d been a virgin when he entered the BUD/s program. Once he’d been assigned to a team, they’d found out. First downtime home they made sure he lost it, but the ribbing he took went on for weeks. The guys could be brutal on each other, but he definitely gave as good as he got over the years.

  He sighed. “Where’s the paperwork?”

  “Stop it. We can be professional and still share something amazing. She wound herself around to give him a full view and propped herself on her elbows, then opened her legs to show off a pink, shaved sex. “You look like the kind of man who likes to fuck a woman hard. Why don’t you show me.”

  “Is there a deal pending or not?” he asked, getting pissed with her game. Was there something about his English she didn’t understand? Frankly, he didn’t want to be in a crack that had so many names on it, it’d put the Vietnam Veterans memorial to shame.

  Shannon sat up, her blonde hair falling over one shoulder and covering a breast. “Yes, there is.”

  “Do you want my help or not?”

  She looked astonished. “Are you trying to tell me you’re not interested?”

  “I’m telling you I’m interested in helping to bring in a lucrative deal. That’s all.”

  Shannon didn’t have any problems showing off her body as she walked toward him and then tried to crawl onto his lap.

  He gripped her waist and held her away. “If you want sex, find it somewhere else. This is Las Vegas, should take you about fifteen seconds down on the casino floor.”

  “Seriously, Jesse. Do you know how much fun we could have? What’s stopping us?”

  “I’m stopping us. Either get dressed and I look over the paperwork, or I’m gone. Understood?”

  “Hmm.” She nearly growled. “Sure, whatever you want.”

  For the next hour, he removed her hand from his ass three times. Then from his arm, when she attempted to get closer. Finally, he slapped down the paperwork when she curled up beside him on the couch. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “So sue me. You’re attractive and I want you. I don’t believe for a second you don’t want the same.” Two fingers walked up his thigh. “Wouldn’t it feel good with my mouth around your cock?”

  “Listen—” He turned and gripped her chin. “I’m a one-woman man. You’re not her.”

  Shannon’s brow wrinkled tight. “You’re not seeing anybody.”

  “I’m more than seeing her. I’m going to
marry her.” Was he? That had come outta his mouth like a determined round from an RPG.

  He sure as fuck was. Charlene and he hadn’t only built a working relationship for six months, they’d also built a friendship over the last year. He’d dreamt about her for that long too. He wanted a woman with deep thoughts and a loving heart. Charlene had both. It wasn’t a stretch to see them living their lives together. The team guys had always said when they’d met the woman they married, they knew it immediately. When they weren’t making her moan in bed, there was a distinct connection between them. It felt balanced and nothing meant more to a team guy than returning home to find balance in their wive’s arms.

  “Marrying her…who the hell is she? Do I know her?” Shannon broke through his thoughts.

  Jesse rose and straightened his shirt from all the pawing he’d had to endure. “I’ll be at the booth after one o’clock. Bring Mr. Yin to see me there.”

  Shannon sat on the couch he’d vacated with her arms tightly crossed, gazing out the window. “Sure.”

  Chapter Six

  When the door closed, Shannon removed her fingernails from her palms. Marriage? She couldn’t believe it. She wouldn’t. He hadn’t put the ring on the woman’s finger yet, which meant she still had time. But first, she needed to know who it was.

  She quickly pulled on her pumps and looked down the hallway to make sure Jesse was gone. Reaching the elevator, she pushed the call button. Two college kids joined her, and both gave her a healthy look up and down.

  “Out of your league, boys,” she said, before they decided to throw a suggestion or two her way.

  She’d done every sexy guy in college while she’d attended. Now it was time to settle down in a comfortable home and make some babies with a wealthy man, just in case the marriage went wrong and she had to hook the guy with alimony and child support.

  If Jesse would just change his mind, she wouldn’t have to worry. They’d live happily ever after. He didn’t know it yet, but Mr. Harrington was going to give him ten percent of the contract she landed with Mr. Yin to make the project happen. She liked the idea of being married to a millionaire, and she wanted Jesse for his body and for his soon-to-be bank account.

  When the doors opened, she darted for the gaming area and searched for Jesse. Target obtained. He walked through the crowd like a king, and very hard to miss with his rockin’ hot physique. She skirted the slot machines and followed him to the front entrance. There were two sets of doors and she remained behind the interior set to keep herself hidden.

  He spoke to the valet who sauntered away to get his car, and then Jesse turned an enormous tantalizing grin on a woman who approached. She seemed a little standoffish.

  Wait a second!

  “That’s Charlie,” she said. Well, guess she’d have to find out who Jesse was screwing…some…other… “No fucking way,” she spit out when Jesse reached around Charlie’s waist and drew her to his hot body, then kissed her with a ferocity that made Shannon’s blood pop and sizzle with jealousy.

  Bullshit. Jesse turfed her for Charlie? What the fuck was wrong with him? Did he have a mommy complex? Charlie had to be older than him by ten years. Shannon watched in horror as he gently and sweetly stroked her face and kissed her again. When Charlie backed out of his arms, he grasped her hand and drew it to his mouth. Charlie blushed.

  “Aw, how sickening,” Shannon whispered to herself. “How utterly sickening.”

  She spun around, rage building in her chest. Seeing more of their pathetic love affair would make her hurl. She pushed her way through the throng of people, then stopped and considered heading to the bar to sooth her sorrow. Mr. Yin wasn’t expected until later this afternoon. She’d lied to get Jesse up to her room and intended on fucking his brains out until at least two o’clock.

  She needed a drink to bring her pulse down. Maybe two, maybe something more.

  Sliding into an empty stool at the counter, she waved at the bartender. “Vodka, a double shot with ice.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  That bitch. Charlie knew how much Jesse meant to her. Shannon tossed back the drink and ordered another. When the bartender eyed her, she glared back. “Another,” she grouched.

  Jesse was perfect for her. He was a war hero. They were both blonde and amazingly good looking. People would stop and stare when they walked by arm and arm. Even if he’d lost part of his leg, nobody could tell. She just wouldn’t look if it grossed her out, and it probably would. The rest of him was sublime. He kept himself in top shape. They would make gorgeous babies together.

  She’d dated a lot of men. They didn’t mind screwing her, but none wanted anything permanent. She’d even played Miss Molly Homemaker a few times, preparing dinner and showing them how amazing life would be with her.

  But they all wanted something else. Something she obviously couldn’t give them.

  When her drink arrived, she sipped this one slower. Think. Charlie already had her shot at marriage. She had a few kids. Shannon hadn’t listened too closely because they had nothing in common. Charlie had never tried to be her friend, just friendly.

  Women were so annoying.

  Shannon didn’t need friends. She wanted to settle down…and she wanted Jesse…and a wall of her closet dedicated to her favorite shoes.

  “Mom?” Mandy drew her attention as they waited on the sidewalk while Jesse gave the keys to the valet outside the New York, New York hotel. “There something you want to tell me?”

  “About what, honey?”

  “About why Jesse is looking at you the way he does.”

  Charlene shook her head. “Not really.”

  “You work with him right?”

  “I do. We’ve been working on a project for six months.”

  “He’s, um, kinda hot, Mom.”

  “You think so?” She threw an arm around her daughter’s shoulders. “So how about you. I hope you’re concentrating on your studies instead of boys.”

  “I am, but uh…” Mandy watched Jesse approach. “Mom, that guy definitely has the hots for you.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  Mandy gave her a cocked brow. “Gee, I don’t know. If he just works with you, why is he coming out with us and making an effort to know me? Unless, of course, he’s got something permanent in mind.”

  “Honey, he’s a little younger than me.”

  “So what.” She shrugged a shoulder. “Dad made a new life while you took care of us. I don’t remember you dating anyone. Both Tina and I hate the idea you’re alone.”

  “I’m not alone. I have friends and the people at work.”

  Jesse reached them. “Ready?”

  “For what, exactly?” Charlene asked.

  “Well, you mentioned you’ve been a grown up for so long, you’ve forgotten what it’s like to experience a thrill.”

  “I didn’t exactly say it that way.”

  “Oh my God.” Mandy clapped her hands over her mouth. “Are we going on the coaster? I love this coaster. And when we’re done here, let’s go to the Stratosphere. That one is amazing.”

  Jesse grinned. “Agreed.”

  Roller coaster. Charlene’s stomach flipped over three times, and she wasn’t even on the ride yet. “I don’t know. I’ve never been a big fan.”

  “Yes, Mom. You have to try. Come on Jesse. Let’s get her buckled in.”

  He chuckled.

  “I hate you,” Charlene murmured when her lover and her daughter bodily turned her. She felt like she was walking on death row toward the electric chair.

  “Think you’re going to love every second of it,” Jesse said, fighting a grin.

  The ride came to a jolting stop, and Charlene blinked the tears away. Jesse’s hand had to be a size smaller because she’d squished the heck out of it. Her throat was hoarse from screaming and she was too weak to slap either Jesse or Mandy when they high-fived each other.

  “Can we hit the Stratosphere next?”

  “For sure, let’s go,” Jesse
said, grinning at Charlene. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. It gets easier every time.”

  She staggered a little when she stepped onto the platform. This was not a good way to burn off a hangover. Luckily, she hadn’t eaten much at breakfast or somebody a few seats back would have been wearing it.

  Fifteen minutes later they stared up at the eleven hundred foot structure known as the Stratosphere hotel. They all watched as a small dot fell from the top of the tower at rapid speed. The Sky Jump attraction could only be tackled by the most lionhearted of people.

  Mandy’s gaze swept to Jesse. “Mom says you were in the Navy.”

  He nodded once. “Sixteen years.”

  “Guess you didn’t jump out of a plane, huh?”

  “Actually, I’ve got 245 confirmed jumps.”

  Mandy’s eyes rounded. “Wow, I’ve always wanted to skydive.”

  Charlene’s brow twisted. “Why would anyone want to jump from a perfectly good airplane? Especially you. I can’t get you to climb a ladder.”

  Mandy blushed. “I know, that’s why I want to do it.”

  “Face your fear?” Jesse asked, offering her a nod.

  “Yeah, kinda. I wish I had the guts to do the Sky Jump.”

  “Then let’s do it,” Jesse said.

  “What?” Charlene cried. “No, no. I’m not doing that.”

  “But Mandy does.”

  Mandy crossed her arms and shook her head. “Don’t think I can. I’d be too scared.”

  Jesse gripped Mandy’s shoulders and bent his head. “Fear is not believing in your equipment or yourself. You can’t fly, so in this case you have have to trust the equipment will get you to the ground.”

  “Is that what you did?”

  He nodded. “We packed our own chutes. That meant if we screwed up, we died.”

  “Why were you jumping out of planes? Don’t guys in the Navy just run around in boats?”

  He chuckled. “Some, I was in the Special Warfare group.”

  “What’s that? I mean I know a little. Two guys from my graduating year joined the Navy, but they were on those big boats.”


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