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Peacekeeper (Montgomery Brothers Series ~ Book 2)

Page 15

by Laura Pavlov

  “Of course, she does. Tell me you didn’t fuck her?” Ford hissed, his hands fisting on the table.

  “God, no. Buck would kill me. He’s warned all of us, especially me—Monroe is off-limits. Plus, she’s not my type. But we may have taken a guys’ trip down to see her race two years ago. She ran on the Stanford cross country and track team. Ended up winning nationals last year.” Jack shook his head like he’d just remembered she was a freaking superstar.

  I shook my head. “And?”

  “Buck and I hooked up with two of her teammates and she called us pigs. She’s barely acknowledged me since.” He shrugged and popped another piece of bread in his mouth. “But hopefully she’s over it now. Anyhoo, Buck’s protective as hell, so we’d need to look out for her if we brought her on.”

  “Keep your dick in your pants, Jack. I’m not kidding. I don’t need any more HR headaches from you.” Ford waved the waiter over and asked for the bill.

  Jack pointed his finger at our older brother. “You don’t have to worry about me. Buck would kick my ass. But we need to watch out for some of those shady fuckers you’ve got in the newsroom.”

  My head fell back, and I chuckled.

  “Who? Hal? Wesley? They’re like a hundred years old. What are you even talking about?” Ford’s face was red. He’d hit his limit with Jack, and this was where things tended to go sideways.

  “The interns, dude. They’re shady fuckers. They cruise around the newsroom like they own the place, hitting on all the young chicks. And Wesley just celebrated his seventy-ninth birthday and the dude slays. But he’s no predator.”

  Ford rolled his eyes, and I covered my mouth with my hand to try to hide the smile. It was impossible not to when it came to Jack. He was batshit crazy, and by far the most entertaining person I knew.

  “Okay, then. I’ll keep my eyes out for predators. I’m sure she can handle herself. Babysitting doesn’t come with the gig. But if you hear of anyone acting inappropriately, I’d appreciate if you told me. I mean, aside from yourself.” Ford pushed to his feet.

  “I dated two chicks that worked in the newsroom. They’re my age and they hit on me. I also wasn’t working in that department at the time, so no harm, no foul. I haven’t touched a single chick in that newsroom since I started overseeing it.”

  Ford shook his head with irritation, and I stepped between them as we walked out to the curb and moved into our waiting car, before I spoke. “First off, don’t call them chicks—they’re women. Come on, Jack. Secondly, you do own the company, so it would be wise to remain professional. Can we please stay focused on Mom’s party?”

  “Have you heard the saying, don’t dip your pen in company ink?” Ford scrolled through his phone before smirking at our younger brother.

  “Hell yes. Which is why I haven’t acted on any of the women who have hit on me since I took over that department. And trust me, it happens on the daily. Just hard to deprive all the ladies of my charms.”

  I laughed and shot a text to our pilot to let him know I was ready to leave. “Jerome, can you drop me at the helicopter on the way back to the office?”

  “Sure thing, Harrison.”

  “Someone’s eager to get back to Napa,” Jack said, a stupid grin across his cheesy face.

  “I have work to do. Stay out of my business, and try not to kill each other this afternoon,” I said, opening the door when we pulled up to where the helicopter was parked.

  “Let us know what Laney says,” Ford shouted.

  “And stop being a pussy. Tell the girl how you feel, asshole.” That came from Jack.

  I slammed the door and made my way to the helicopter pad. I shot Laney a quick text before we took off.

  Me ~ Can you meet me at the office in an hour? I have an important project to discuss with you.

  Laney ~ Sure. I’ll see you soon.

  A smile spread across my face as the helicopter left the ground.

  Now I just had to sell her on sticking around for six more weeks.

  Once we were on the ground, I drove the short ride over to the winery and dealt with yet another ridiculous issue that happened in the kitchen. Mom called to let me know that Donovan and Robb, who were our chef and assistant chef, had gone to blows and were both threatening to quit if we didn’t fire the other. The entire argument was all over the new server we’d hired, Elise. Wasn’t it always about a girl? I spoke to Elise first, because I’d learned over the years that it was best to go to the source. I then met with both of the guys and let them know that Elise was not interested in either of them. They both stormed around blaming the other, before I informed them that Elise had given me permission to let them know that she didn’t date men. She was in a long-term relationship with her partner, Tara. Both men pouted for a minute before fist bumping the other and apologizing.

  Another day in paradise. If it wasn’t one thing, it was another. Thankfully, my brothers had trained me well when it came to putting out fires.

  I found Laney sitting in my office. I shut the door behind me and laughed.

  “Wow. Someone’s prompt.” I moved past her and dropped down to sit at my desk.

  “You piqued my curiosity.”

  “Good. I just had lunch with Ford and Jack, and we wanted to talk to you about planning a party for Mom. She’s turning fifty in six weeks. We want to have a big blowout for her. Obviously not here, because she’d know. But we need to find somewhere special to have it. We’d fly in all of her family and friends. It will be a lot of work, and I didn’t know how long you were staying and where you were with your wedding plans. But we all three want you to do it if you’re available.”

  She leaned back in her chair. Long blonde waves cascading around her shoulders. Ocean blues dancing with excitement. Her yellow sundress and white cardigan were sexy as hell.

  “Really? What would we tell your mother I was doing?”

  I formed a teepee with the tips of my fingers and thought this over. “We’ll come up with something at Montgomery Media. We’ll say you’re overseeing a large event for the company. She won’t ask much because she’s not super involved with that side of the business. Ford can handle that end of things.”

  “Okay,” she said, looking off as if she was deep in thought.

  “Are you going to stick around for six weeks?”

  She pushed to her feet. “Yes. I think I am.”

  I couldn’t hide the stupid shit-eating grin on my face if I’d wanted to. I nodded. “Charlie okay with that?”

  She paused at the door and turned around to face me. Her gaze locked with mine for the first time since we’d talked in the tree house. “Oh, we’re not together anymore. The wedding’s off. I’ll go check out some venues and let you know what I come up with.”

  My pulse raced at her words.

  What the hell?

  And just like that, things were looking up.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “So, you’re going to stay on for a while to plan this event for Harrison’s mom?” Jenny asked. It was my second time meeting with her, and so far, she’d impressed me. She was a family therapist and she didn’t push. She let me share what I was comfortable with, so it felt more like I was visiting with a friend.

  “Yep. I told him I’d take it.”

  “I’m sure your parents are thrilled that you’re staying. I think it’s good, Laney. Allowing yourself the time to figure out what you want to do. And your mom is doing well, so that helps.”

  “Yes. I’m so relieved. She’s been so strong through all of this, which in a way has actually inspired me.”

  “How so?” Jenny asked.

  “Well, she faced cancer head-on. I need to do the same. And I think breaking off my engagement was the first step. It still hurts when I think about Charlie. The pain I caused him.” I shook my head. “But I know it was the right
thing to do.”

  “Agreed. For both of you. Marrying someone out of obligation wouldn’t have been fair to either one of you. And yes, you hurt him. And you’ll learn from it. But not allowing yourself to explore things with Harrison doesn’t take the hurt away from Charlie. It punishes you. In a sense, not following your heart does a disservice to him.”

  I pushed forward, resting my elbows on my knees. “How so?”

  “Well, you called off your engagement because you knew it wasn’t right. Harrison is the one who showed you that, correct? The way you feel about him is very different from the way you felt about Charlie?”

  “Yes. That’s true.”

  “So not exploring that means it was all for nothing. You hurt Charlie, but you didn’t allow yourself to be happy either—making it all for nothing, right?”

  I nodded. “I guess. It just feels too soon to jump into anything.”

  “It’s been a few weeks, Laney. You told Charlie you were in love with Harrison. You ripped the bandage off, and then you ran for cover. Why do you think that is?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe I’m afraid of getting hurt. I honestly don’t know,” I admitted.

  “Maybe you don’t think you deserve to be happy. Is that possible?”

  I licked my lips and reached for the bottle of water sitting on the side table. Jenny’s office was chic. Decorated in whites and blush pink. White sofa, white coffee table, pink floral art on the walls. A large crystal chandelier hung overhead. Feminine and gorgeous. I instantly felt comfortable here. But right now, I had my haunches up.

  “Why would I not deserve to be happy?”

  “I think that just might be the million-dollar question. I want you to think about it before we meet again next week.”

  “Okay. I can do that.”

  “Dig deep, Laney. The root of everything is there. It’s the reason you were going to marry someone you weren’t in love with. It’s the reason you stayed away from Harrison and your home for so long.” Her dark brown gaze drilled into mine.

  I shook my head and whispered, “I was heartbroken.”

  “I believe you. But why? That’s what I want you to think about.”

  My skin was warm as I pushed to my feet. I clenched my teeth. She’d hit a nerve. One I wasn’t ready to expose.

  “All right. I’ll see you next week.”

  I turned my phone on when I got in the car and saw a text from Harrison.

  Harrison ~ When will you be back? I’ve got a few bids to discuss with you.

  So needy. And I loved it.

  Me ~ On my way now.

  When I arrived at the winery I walked straight to Harrison’s office.

  “Can you pull the door closed behind you? Mom’s around here somewhere. I just saw her walk by.”

  I shut the door and took the seat across from him. He removed his glasses and set them on the desk. He only used them for reading or when he was looking at his computer, and he looked sexy as hell when he wore them. His dark hair was a bit disheveled today, a little longer in the front with a clean fade on the sides. He had day-old scruff peppering his chin, and my fingers longed to brush against it. I tucked my hands beneath my legs on the chair to keep them in place. His white dress shirt exposed his T-shirt beneath, the tie loosened, and two buttons undone. Very un-Harrison. His jacket hung over his chair and his chocolate brown gaze locked with mine.

  “You okay?” I asked.

  “I’m fine. Where were you? You took a longer lunch than usual. Did you have date?” He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

  I barked out a laugh. He was a frazzled jealous mess. “No.”

  “You can tell me. I mean, you are single now, right?”

  I smiled and pushed to my feet, Jenny’s words ringing in my ears. If you don’t give it a chance, it was all for nothing.

  He studied me as I came around his desk. I reached for his hand, holding it between both of mine. Tears threatened as I pushed the lump in the back of my throat away.

  “I ended things with Charlie because I have feelings for someone else. So, no, I’m not dating anyone. I was actually at an appointment. I’m seeing a therapist. I want to work through all of these feelings, but there is one thing I know for certain.”

  He pushed to his feet and looked down at me. “What’s that, Laney?”

  “I love you. I’ve never stopped. I don’t know what it means, and we need to take this slow because I’m terrified, Harrison.”

  “What are you afraid of?”

  I shook my head, tears streaming down my face. “Of my feelings. Of how strong they are. Of my future. Of my past. Of the way I hurt Charlie, and how I allowed it to go that far.”

  He placed his fingers beneath my chin, forcing me to look up and meet his gaze. “No more being afraid, okay? I’m here for you. I love you so fucking much I can’t think straight.”

  He used his thumbs to swipe away the liquid beneath my eyes. And he stepped closer. One hand moved behind my neck, tangling in my hair. His lips hovered just above mine. Close enough that I could feel them. Mint and sandalwood flooded my senses. I fisted his dress shirt in my fingers, wanting him in a way I didn’t know was possible.

  “Are you going to kiss me already?” I whispered.

  His mouth crashed into mine. My heart exploded like fireworks blasting through the sky, my desire and need almost overwhelming me. He dropped to his chair and pulled me onto his lap, without losing contact. I straddled him, yet I still couldn’t get close enough. He tilted my head to the side, taking the kiss even deeper. It still wasn’t enough. Like a starved animal, I took and took and took. Tasting and savoring every single second. Every single sound. He moaned into my mouth, his tongue dancing wildly against mine. I pressed into all his hardness, and his desire fueled me even more. It wasn’t enough. Not even close. He pushed my cardigan off my shoulders and it fell to the floor. His lips moved down my neck and I leaned back to give him better access. His finger tugged at the spaghetti strap of my dress, and one shoulder broke free. His mouth covered my breast and I gasped as I tugged at his hair.

  Wanting more.

  Needing more.

  A knock at the door brought me out of my sex-driven trance and I fumbled to pull myself together. Harrison tried to help me, but we both lost our balance and fell to the floor. The door flew open, and he sprawled out on top of me, using his hands to keep his weight from crushing me.

  We were panting and crazed.

  A startled Monica Montgomery stared with disbelief before she quickly apologized and hurried out of the room.

  We both broke out in a fit of laughter. This was not the first time his mother had caught us in a compromised position. But it was certainly the first time in a long time. And the only time it had happened since I’d been employed by her.

  And oh my god. What does she think of me right now?

  “Shit. Does she know I’m not engaged anymore?”

  “Yes. I told her the day you filled me in. She encouraged me to tell you how I feel.” He pushed the hair back from my face and moved to his feet, offering me a hand.

  “Please tell me my boob wasn’t out when she walked in,” I said, frantically trying to right my clothing.

  Harrison laughed, moving closer and putting his hands on my shoulders. “She didn’t see anything.”

  I stepped back and held my fingers up, making the sign of the cross. “Stay back, you sexy beast. I can’t do this at work. This is so unprofessional.”

  His head fell back with a wicked laugh. “I own the place. We love each other. I don’t give a shit who knows it. And that was some kiss, Laney. Five years of wanting you right there.”

  I placed my hands against my cheeks, feeling the heat against my skin. “Oh my god. Stop. You can’t talk like that. Not here. And we’re taking this slow.”

  I fumbled over to the
door and hurried out in the hall. And then I remembered I was there for an actual meeting.


  I knocked on the door.

  “It’s open,” he purred.

  “We had a meeting, right?”

  “Yes, we did.” He dropped down to sit in his chair and patted his lap for me to sit.

  I pushed the door all the way open, dramatically, raised a brow, and pointed my finger at him. “No. And the door stays open.”

  I dropped to sit in the chair across from his and reached for my notebook still sitting on his desk.


  “Yes,” I said, in my most serious voice.

  “Your sweater is inside out.”

  I closed my eyes and took a breath before quickly yanking it off and putting it back on correctly.

  “Are we good?”

  “We were always good.” He winked. “But I’ve got a bit of a situation down here.”

  I pushed to stand and leaned over his desk to look, and he pointed to his lap.

  “That’s quite the boner, my friend.” I chewed the inside of my cheek.

  “Those are some perfect tits you’re flashing me right now, my friend,” he mocked, leaning forward and slipping his hand beneath the front of my dress.

  I slapped it away, and nearly fell for a second time, before making it back to my seat. “Okay, where were we?”

  “About to round third, I think,” he said, and his tongue came out to swipe his bottom lip. I squirmed in my seat. I hadn’t felt like this since Harrison and I were teenagers.

  Wanting and needing him so much I couldn’t think straight.

  “Oh, good, is this a better time?” Monica said from behind me.

  I couldn’t turn around. My cheeks would certainly give me away. But I’d known this woman most of my life, and she’d seen me at more embarrassing moments than this.

  Scratch that.

  Equally embarrassing moments. Today could rival the worst of them. After all, she’d just seen me sprawled on her son’s office floor with him on top of me, and possibly one boob exposed. This definitely ranked number one at the moment.


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