Peacekeeper (Montgomery Brothers Series ~ Book 2)

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Peacekeeper (Montgomery Brothers Series ~ Book 2) Page 21

by Laura Pavlov

  He studied me for a long moment and pulled me close to him, wrapping his arm around me. “Laney Mae Landers, you’ve always been wiser than your years.”

  “I can see that as well. And I think you two are going to be just fine. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen two people put the other first quite like this,” Jenny said.

  Harrison kissed the top of my head. “It’s been like that since day one.”

  “That’s what I’ve been told,” Jenny said with a chuckle. “I also understand you only agreed to come here if Laney considered moving in with you?” She had a smirk on her face as she directed the question to my boyfriend.

  “Damn straight. I’m not above blackmail if it means I get to wake up with my girl every day.”

  “And I might be the world’s best poker player, because I already made my mind up about moving in with you before I made this deal,” I said, swiping at the last of my tears and looking up at him. His dark determined gaze locked with mine. Strong. Kind. Loyal. I saw it all right there, just like I always had.

  My rock.

  My love.

  My everything.

  “You’ve always been a bit devious.”

  “I’m fine with that.” I laughed.

  He dropped a peck on my lips, and we talked more about what happened and how to move forward. But I knew in that moment that we were going to be okay.

  There was no other option.

  I wasn’t living without this man again, so getting past it was something we’d do together.

  It was the day before Monica’s fiftieth, and to say I had a lot going on would be an understatement. But my boyfriend had moving on the brain and he’d gone ahead and organized everything for me. He’d had my apartment in Chicago packed up and delivered to his home this morning, in lieu of us flying there after the party to move out. He didn’t want to wait. It was insane how much you could organize from a distance these days. I’d moved out of an apartment hundreds of miles away without stepping foot in the state of Illinois.

  “You have a package from Amazon,” Harrison called out as he tore open another box.

  “Oh, I know what this is,” I said, hurrying to cut the boxes open and then asking him to grab one and follow me outside. We walked out, a box in each of our arms to the cement slab that he was going to have removed from his yard at some point. It used to be a basketball court, but he was redoing the whole space and had removed the hoops and poles. There was a cement wall on the back side bordering it and I set down the box and motioned for him to do the same.

  “Baby, we’ve got a shit ton to do today. What is this?” He stood there with his hair disheveled, wearing navy joggers and a white fitted T-shirt. His muscles flexed against the cotton fabric, and I had to chew the inside of my lip to keep from jumping on him. He was too handsome for his own good.

  I pushed up on my tiptoes and kissed his soft, plump lips. “Do you trust me?”

  “Always.” He pushed the hair back from my face. His gentle touch sent chill bumps down my spine.

  “Okay then. Open yours.” I handed him a butter knife after opening mine.

  “Plates? Are these for the party?”

  “Nope. These are for us.” I turned to face him. “Remember when you said you wanted to hit something?”

  He laughed. “Yeah?”

  “I do too. So, we’ve each got a set of thirty-two cheap plates to smash against that wall. Let’s get busy.”

  “You’re serious? We’re just going to break these dishes?”

  “Yep.” I picked up the first plate and closed my eyes, thinking about how long I’d carried the guilt and shame, and I leaned back and chucked the plate against the wall as hard as I could. It smashed against the bricks and shattered into a million little pieces. I looked up at Harrison. He stared down with mischief in his eyes and a wide grin.

  “Damn. All right. I suppose this is cheaper than therapy, and equally productive.” He picked up his first plate and stood, deep in thought, before wailing it at the cement wall. And damn, my boyfriend was a badass when he wanted to be.

  My head fell back in laughter and I reached for another. We took turn after turn, letting all the bad memories shatter before us. It was therapeutic, and somehow Harrison made it sexy. The way he unleashed that inner rage he worked so hard to keep hidden from everyone but me.

  “I think we should make this a monthly ritual any time something pisses us off.” He chucked his last plate at the wall before pulling me against him and kissing me hard.

  “Not a bad idea. But right now, we need to get changed and get to work.” I tipped my head back to look at him.

  “Shower first. Together.”

  “You dirty dog. We’ll have to hurry,” I said, reaching for his hand and leading him inside.

  “No way. I plan on taking my time with you, Laney Landers.”

  I walked backwards toward the shower, his hands in mine. “Oh yeah? Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Montgomery.”

  “Never,” he said, yanking his T-shirt over his head and tossing it on the floor. He leaned in the shower and turned on the water, before tugging my tank over my head.

  I pushed down my shorts and panties as he kicked off his joggers and briefs and we stepped into the steaming shower. The water beat down over me, and I tipped my head back and closed my eyes. Harrison’s hands were on me. He backed me up until I hit the shower wall, and he kissed me. Gently at first, as his hands roamed my body. His lips moved down my body, lavishing each hard peak as he grazed over my breasts. He dropped to his knees as he kissed his way down and pressed his palms against my inner thighs, pushing them apart. He buried his face between my legs and kissed me in my most sensitive area. I gasped with surprise, arching off the wall and tangling my fingers in his wet, thick hair. I closed my eyes and gave in to the sensation. Building and aching with such a need only this man could fill. He moaned against my heat and it was all I could take before I cried out my release. Water droplets rolled down his chiseled back, and he looked up at me with a wicked smile. Ridiculously sexy.

  “Not a bad way to start the morning,” I said over the rushing water. My raspy voice was hardly recognizable.

  He pushed to his feet, towering over me as he licked his lips. “I can’t think of a better way to start my morning.”

  My head fell back in laughter. Because he was right.

  I dropped to my knees, eager to return the favor and he groaned when I looked up to meet his gaze. Water beat down on his handsome face, and I smiled up at him.

  As long as Harrison was beside me, I’d always be happy.

  And very satisfied.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “This looks perfect here,” I said, taking in the space.

  The tent was up. Three chandeliers hung from above to provide soft lighting for tonight. One hundred and three guests had RSVP’d to attend Monica’s surprise party, and I couldn’t wait. We’d been working on this event for the past six weeks. Planning parties was my favorite thing to do, and having an unlimited budget—well, that was hard to beat. We’d pulled out all the stops. Harrison and his brothers wanted this to be a forever memory.

  I had a slideshow put together of her life and highlighted the special moments of her wedding and the birth of her three boys. Photofetti covered the white linen cloths on each table, with small circular photos of Monica throughout each decade of her life. It was fun to go through the pictures with Harrison and let him choose his favorites. One of the perks of dating the event planner, I guess. The white and blush arrangements were centered around her favorite flowers. Roses, hydrangeas, and peonies. There wasn’t a detail missed. The décor was elegant and classic, just like the woman being honored.

  We’d transformed Harrison’s property. The tent was set up out on his acre of land, between several tall trees as grape fields sat in the di
stance. We’d cornered off one section of the yard for parking and hired several valet attendants to make sure things ran smoothly. Jack had pushed to have the food catered by Monica’s favorite Italian restaurant that she and Ford Sr. ate at every year on their anniversary. Ford would give a speech after dinner. It impressed me that these three men, who were each strong and powerful in their own right, had been so determined to give their mother an evening she’d remember forever.

  Not everyone knew how thoughtful the Montgomery boys were, but I had a front row seat to just how kind they were to the people they loved. I’d been overcome with nostalgia lately. Maybe it was going through all the pictures for the party. Maybe it was telling Harrison what happened to me all those years ago and letting go of the guilt and anger that I’d held onto for so long. Or maybe it was just being back home where I belonged with the only man who ever owned my heart. But I was feeling all of it lately. From the way he looked at me to the way he held me. But most importantly—the way he loved me.

  “This looks insane,” Harrison said, as he stepped out of his car and joined me. He’d been at the winery all day so his mom wouldn’t be suspicious. He told her I was in the city working on the event for Montgomery Media.

  “It’s coming together, isn’t it?”

  “You’re so talented, baby,” he said, wrapping his arms around my middle and settling his chin on top of my head.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “Laney, do the outhouses go over here?” Craig, one of the many workers that was helping me set up, asked.

  “Yes, let me show you,” I said, kissing my boyfriend on the cheek and leading them both over to where it would go. “We have two sinks that I want in the center, and the five outhouses set up in a line here.”

  “Got it.” He jogged off toward his truck.

  I led Harrison into the tent and showed him where everything would go. “I can’t even wait to see Harley’s desserts. She’s been sending me pictures of the cake she made. It’s…indescribable. She’s so talented.”

  “She is.” He nodded.

  “So, let’s talk about how you’re going to get your mom here and go over the plans for her entrance. She’s arriving thirty minutes after our guests, so be sure to text me when you’re on your way. I can make sure everyone is inside the tent and out of sight. She’ll be dressed for dinner at our house so just bring her up the driveway when you get here, so she won’t see all the cars on the other side of the tent. Then tell her that you want to show her something out back and the golf cart will be parked right off the patio for you. Jack and Ford will already be sitting on the cart waiting for you. And then just drive her down. I’ll have lanterns lining the path for you all the way down to the tent.”

  He shook his head. “Damn, baby. You don’t miss a beat.”

  “It’s my job not to miss anything.”

  “No. It’s all you, Laney.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed me. “Okay, I’m going to get back to the winery and then I’ll head over here to change clothes before I pick her up.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you later, handsome. I need to get back to work,” I said, as three people stood off to the side waiting for me.

  “Love you.” We both said it at the same time and laughed.

  I spent the rest of the day getting it all done. Parties were always more work than you anticipated, and the last few hours were crunch time when you threw events of this nature. There were a lot of moving parts. But this was going to be an amazing night, and I couldn’t wait.

  I’d had to hurry to get ready and scolded my boyfriend numerous times when he’d tried for a quickie in the bathroom as I hustled to slip on my dress and pull my long hair into a chignon. He had a one-track mind these days, and most of the time I was right there with him. But not when we had over one hundred guests on their way to the house.

  “Go. I love you.” I straightened his tie and pointed at the door. “Remember, when she asks why you’re in a suit, you know what to say.”

  “Laney is excited about having our first dinner party at the house and she made me wear it,” he grumbled before leaning down and nibbling at my ear.

  “Oh my god, Harrison Montgomery. Get out of here. You’re killing me,” I said through a fit of giggles as goose bumps covered my arms at his teasing.

  He laughed and moved toward the door. “All right, baby. I’ll see you in thirty minutes. It looked like the lot was filling up when I drove by on my way here. Ford, Harley, and Jack are down there now, so they’ll get everyone assembled until you get there.”

  “Okay. Remember to hold her there until it’s time. Send me a text when you’re on your way.”

  “Got it. Love you.”

  “Love you,” I said, giving him a chaste kiss.

  I dabbed on some lip gloss before I jumped in the golf cart and made my way down to the party.

  The drive to the tent was lit by candlelight tucked in over seventy-five wooden lanterns. The elegant décor tied into the outdoor scenery, which sat in the distance like a painting. The sun had gone down, the stars were twinkling, and the air was just cool enough to keep people comfortable. I parked the golf cart and found Harley slapping Jack on the hand.

  “If you eat one more of those, I swear to all that’s holy, I’ll kick your ass,” she said through her laughter.

  “Damn, Harls. Your hormones have sure been funky since my brother put that baby in you. Tone it down, girl. It’s a party.”

  “I told you, brother. Don’t piss her off right now,” Ford said, draping an arm over his wife’s shoulder and kissing her neck.

  I barked out a laugh at their banter. “Hey, how are we doing?”

  “Laney, this looks incredible. Wow. She is going to absolutely love it.” Harley pulled me in for a hug.

  “You outdid yourself, girl,” Jack said over a mouthful of something, and Harley punched him in the arm.

  “Mom’s going to love it. You did good, Laney Mae.” Ford pulled me in next.

  Harrison had opened up to his brothers about what happened to me when I’d returned to school, and I’d been okay with it. He needed to share his anger with someone he trusted and seeing as I trusted them as much as he did, I’d been fine with it. They never brought it up to me, as I’m sure my boyfriend made them promise they wouldn’t, but they’d both looked at me with such empathy after they found out. It had brought me to tears on more than one occasion. They hugged me a little tighter these days and that was okay. I wasn’t offended or self-conscious. They loved me as much as I loved them, and they hurt for what I went through. We were moving forward, and I was glad Harrison had them to lean on.

  “Thanks, I’m happy you guys are pleased. I can’t wait to see her face,” I said.

  Theresa walked over to show me the guest list and inform me that everyone had arrived. I shot a quick text to Harrison to let him know we were ready. I then put Ford and Jack in the golf cart and sent them up to the house to wait for Monica.

  “Laney, this ice sculpture is incredible.” Harley pointed at the large sculpture of the number fifty sitting on the bar top.

  “Yes, I think it’s gorgeous. But nothing compares to your pastries. And this cake. Harley, you outdid yourself,” I said, taking in the four-tiered white and blush pink floral cake. It was the focal point of the dessert table. “This is incredible.”

  “Thank you. I really wanted to make it special for her. We’re lucky. Marrying into a family like this. With so much love and all.” Harley shrugged.

  “I’m not married just yet.” I chuckled. “But I agree. We are lucky to be part of such a special family. Even Jack-ass is irresistible.”

  “Don’t get me started on that one. I lost my new employee because he, well, how do I say it without being crass? He hooked up with her, and of course, she fell head over heels, and he didn’t want anything serious. So, there were tears. A few cupcak
es thrown at his head. And she waltzed out the door.” Harley closed her eyes and laughed. “He’s ridiculous. He needs a woman that doesn’t take his shit.”

  “He sure does. It’ll happen one of these days, but it will take one heck of a special woman,” I said.

  We both chuckled at the thought as my parents walked up and I introduced them to Harley. And before I knew it, Harrison was texting me that they were at the house.

  “It’s game time,” I said, gathering everyone into the center of the tent.

  We all stood quietly until we heard the golf cart approaching. When Monica stepped out and the whole group erupted with birthday wishes, the party truly started. Music played through the speakers, people bustled around, visiting and waiting to hug the woman of the hour. Monica truly looked stunned, and when her gaze locked with mine over Harrison’s shoulder, tears streamed down her face. She wore a lavender dress and she looked stunning.

  “Laney, I don’t even know what to say,” her voice shook as she pulled me in her arms. “I love you, sweet girl. Thank you for this and for making my boy so happy again.”

  I tried to keep the emotion at bay, but a few tears escaped, and I quickly swiped them away. “Of course. Happy Birthday. Get ready to have some fun.”

  The night was a blur. There was dancing and chatting and lots of laughter. The slideshow was a hit, and Monica cried through the entire thing. Ford’s speech brought the whole room to tears as he praised his mother’s strength for keeping them all afloat these past few years. He raised his glass, and everyone cheered. Harrison hustled me onto the dance floor, and I lost feeling in my feet somewhere along the way, so I finally kicked off my heels. It was a night to remember. Even my mom danced the night away and seeing her smile and laugh as Dad twirled her around was something I’d never forget.

  The party lasted late into the evening and ended just before midnight.

  “Thank you for everything.” Monica beamed.

  “Glad you were surprised, Mom,” Harrison said, as he wrapped his arms around her.


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