The Hunted (The Killing Hours Book 1)
Page 4
“Good night, Raven,” Lazzaro sing-songs. My skin crawls. Lazz is intimidating in his own right, a beautiful man, no doubt, with long, dark hair that falls around his shoulders and intense, dark eyes that look right through you. But where my Hunter is calm and collected, Lazz is more of a loose cannon and no one knows when he might explode. I first saw him the day I arrived here. He was walking the floor of the casino throwing a menacing scowl in everyone’s direction. I’d heard the other girls talk about him. They said he has a terrible temper and he is not afraid of a fight.
If his blood-drenched clothes and busted knuckles are any indication, I’d wager the rumors to be true.
“Raven?” The Hunter asks as he turns me to face him. His eyes are soft as my name spills from his lips. A smile flirts with his mouth and warms my insides.
“Yes, Bane.” He doesn’t acknowledge my timid use of his name if he notices.
“Raven, can you make it to your suite from here?”
“Yes, Bane.”
“See to it, then.”
He pats my arm like we are old chums then turns away from me and paces down the hall. I watch until he turns the corner. I’m not certain what to make of this man. He has lots of hard edges for certain, but there is a gentleness to him.
As I wind my way down the hall, all my thoughts are questions about the Hunter. Who is Bane? Why have I never seen him before or heard of him? He’s obviously someone with some authority if he has quarters here, within the manor. Lazzaro clearly knows him, well, it seemed. The most confusing question is why did my body react to him as if he controlled it? His touch should have repulsed me, but if I’m being honest with myself, my body lit up for him. That thought alone is more than enough reason for me to stay a safe distance from him. I have a purpose for being here, and I need to stay focused on that.
Scarlett. She’s why I’m here. Maybe it’s the months of feeling lost and alone, missing her that have me craving comfort, a shoulder to lean on. Yes, that’s likely what it is.
I get to my door and touch my finger to the lock. It clicks open and I enter to find Lea lying on the couch watching T.V.
“Hey, Raven. Why are you back early?”
Concern etches her face. Her question is logical. There is no reason I should be back yet and absolutely no reason a normal member would be called away. I consider for a moment whether I want to be honest with my suite mate.
“My Hunter got called away to settle a dispute.”
“Why would your Hunter be called away?” Lea asks, her brow creasing.
I inhale a deep breath. No one knows the real reason I’m here. If the truth got out, they could make me leave, and I’d be left with too many unanswered questions. But Lea is the closest thing to a friend that I have right now. Maybe she can shed some light on this situation. She’s been here for about ten months so she knows far more about the ins and outs of this place than I do. Although she is pretty tight-lipped about everything. Lea adheres to the contract we signed.
I take a breath before I decide to lay my cards out on the table. I need information and I’m not getting anywhere on my own.
“I’m not sure who he was, Lea, but he had private quarters here, inside the manor. His name is Bane.” I sit down in the chair across from her and watch as Lea’s big brown eyes grow even wider.
“Did you say Bane?”
“Yeah, someone came to the door and called him Bane.”
“Holy shit, Raven! Holy fucking shit! Do you have any idea who Knox Bane is?” She hops up to a seated position, barely containing her excitement.
“Obviously, I don’t.”
That’s the problem, isn’t it. All this time here and I still don’t know anything. Not one damn thing.
“This belongs to him,” she says as she stretches her arms out and waves them in circles. “It all belongs to him. This is his club.”
My stomach turns. I knew he had to be someone of some influence here, but to find out he owns this place was not what I was expecting. When I came here and made it through the initial interview process and signed my contract with Ace, I had actually assumed he was the owner.
I’ll need to be even more discreet when I try to search for information now that I am on Bane’s radar. He doesn’t seem like the type of man easily fooled.
“How do you know this?”
Lea sits up taller and leans in my direction.
“He left shortly after I arrived. He’d been gone for months,” she says in a hushed tone. “I overheard a couple of members say that he’s in the mafia. That’s where all of this came from.”
Lea whispers the last part as if someone may hear her. Honestly, I can’t say for sure that our suites aren’t bugged. I’ve looked, but I have yet to find any devices. But with the money this place takes in, I have no doubt they can afford high-end, high-tech gear the likes of which I’ve never seen. The mafia…that could also explain why you can’t find any information on this place. The lack of anything concrete is the entire reason I had to come here and subject myself to this to get some damn answers. Everywhere I looked to find information on this place was a dead end.
People would be terrified for their lives if they outed him and he has mafia ties. I could see that being the case now that I’ve met him. His presence alone is intimidating.
Lea’s been my suite mate since I arrived. She seems to be a genuinely good person, but I’ve learned you can’t trust anyone. She’s only here because she needed to pay off her mother’s medical bills, or so she told me.
It seems the girls here have different reasons for agreeing to give themselves bodily to this. The members are paying hefty sums to come and play. It is glamorous and alluring in some ways. The money, the finery, I can see how a young attractive woman could be enticed into being a willing participant. Silver Lake isn’t exactly a budding metropolis. I think of Scarlett, my sweet baby sister, and wonder what could have driven her to make this decision. If she made this decision. I just can’t see her choosing this place as some sort of an option. I know our funds were tight but we were making it okay.
Scarlett vanished almost a year ago. Gone without a trace. No note, nothing taken from her bedroom in the apartment we share. At first the police were extremely helpful and concerned, but as time wore on and no leads were found, the case grew cold. One officer suggested maybe she just left. “It happens,” he’d said. Not Scarlett. We told each other everything. She’s my best friend. She would never have left without telling me. Would she?
“How hot is he? I’ve never seen him in person. The other girls say he is sexy as hell. He usually stays behind the scenes when he is here, I’ve never been in the right place at the right time.”
Lea’s question pulls me back from my thoughts. I answer without hesitation.
“He is very handsome, and kinda scary when you first see him.”
The confusion he stirs within me scares the hell out of me. And the way he seems to be able to possess my body terrifies me even more. His touch feels like a brand to my skin one minute and brings comfort the next. I can’t lie to myself and say I didn’t enjoy the way his touch made me feel. I did. Too damn much for my liking, actually.
“I can imagine.” Lea lies back down and pulls the blanket from the back of the couch over her.
No, she can’t imagine, not at all. Unless you are in his sights, you have no idea. How his eyes glazed over with hot desire when he looked at me. She has no idea how the hard planes of his body feel as his weight presses onto your flesh. A small smile tugs my lips as I recall his touch, his warmth, his scent.
I drop my gaze to hide my thoughts from Lea that surely must be evident on my face, and I notice my dirty bare feet. It’s time to call it a night and thank my lucky stars I got out of this situation. It’s for the best. Really, it is. Even if his touch lit me on fire, I have to stay focused on Scarlett. I’m doing this to find her.
“I’m going to go shower, Lea. Goodnight.” I push myself up from the chair and head to our privat
e bathroom.
“Goodnight, Raven,” Lea calls from behind me as I close the door.
I strip off the dress and drop it in the hamper. My undergarments follow. I turn the water on, testing the temperature with my hand. As I wait for the water to warm, I examine my reflection in the mirror. My face is still flushed from earlier. I touch my lips, still kiss swollen from his. I turn and step into the shower, the warm water steaming the shower’s glass panes. Tilting my head back under the spray, raking my hands over my hair, closing my eyes, I let the water wash away my worries. My thoughts turn to Bane and the way he touched me and kissed me. It was tender but powerful. Gentle but commanding. It was like I was being consumed by him. Beautifully devoured.
My hand drifts down to my center, and I touch myself while I think of how Bane’s hands touched me. How his fingers dug firmly into my flesh as if he were afraid I’d slip away from him. I can recall his intimate caress vividly. My head falls forward on a moan.
“Thinking of me, Little Bird?”
I snap my eyes open and lift my head. I remove my hand from between my legs and swipe it against the glass shower panel. Bane stands before me, amber eyes hooded, staring directly at me.
“Why are you in here?” My voice sounds shaky even to my own ears. I shield my exposed form as well as I can with my hands.
“My business is finished but ours was not.”
Oh, my God. I can’t believe he watched me touch myself. I’m mortified.
“Finish your shower but do not finish touching yourself. That’s my job. I’ll be back to collect you in thirty minutes.”
He walks out the door, seemingly unaffected that he just caught me masturbating. I just stand in the shower, dazed and staring after him. A few moments later, I finally manage to shake my embarrassment enough to finish my shower. I wrap a towel around myself before I come out of the bathroom to find Lea sitting on the couch with the largest smile I’ve ever seen.
“Lea, why did you let him come in while I was in the shower?” I’m still mortified that he saw me in such a way. Thankfully, he has no idea who was starring in my shower fantasy.
“You don’t tell him no. He opened the door, and he just came in. He asked if it was you in the shower. I said yes, and he went in. What did he want? And holy shit, he’s hot!” Lea’s wide eyes meet mine, her excitement forcing her speech to be rushed. I wish I could find the same excitement for my predicament. Just when I thought I had caught a break, of course, fate decides to screw it all up.
“He wants to collect his prize.”
“You lucky bitch. I’d do anything that man asked, for free.”
I shrug in response because really, what can I say? He used my body against me, manipulating it as if it belongs to him. I’m not sure I’ll be able to get out of our next meeting as easily as I did the last.
I set about getting ready, which is a feat considering I can barely control the tremble of my sweaty hands as I slide into a pair of black skinny jeans and an oversized sweater. My feet slip into some flats, and I take a few deep breaths.
What will he do with me? Will I enjoy it? Hate it? I’ll hate it, I think, trying to convince myself. I braid my hair to one side and call it done just as a knock sounds at my door. I take one last deep breath to gather myself, exhale, and open the door to those amber eyes. God, he is handsome. His eyes blaze as he takes me in from head to toe. My nipples harden under his intense scrutiny. The corner of his mouth tries to quirk up into a smile or a sneer. I’m not really sure with this man.
“Little Bird. You ready?” He slides a hand into the pocket of his dark jeans. The motion draws my attention to his large bulge.
He extends his hand out for me to take. The warmth of his large hand gently gripping mine scatters chills along my arm. I step through the door and peek back at Lea who mouths, “Oh, my God,” right before I close it. He leads me down the hall to the elevator, and once inside, he puts his finger to the pad and we ascend.
“You are beautiful, Little Bird.” I glance at him, and I can feel my cheeks flush. He gives me a smirk and the elevator doors open. Taking my hand, we step out toward his quarters.
I can’t wait to finish what we started. Those fucking idiots fighting over one of the girls ruined all my plans. To say I was fucking furious when I showed up and saw them still bickering about which one was supposed to eat her pussy during a scene would be an understatement. I was ready to fucking choke them both. All I could think about was sleek pitch-black hair and haunting green eyes.
Once I threatened the men with allowing Lazz another go at them, the fight resolved quickly.
I made my way to the security room in my quarters so I could see her. I couldn’t stop the thoughts of her spread before me. I told myself I’d just check on her, make sure she seemed to be okay after our encounter. But I couldn’t stop myself from listening in while she spoke with her suite mate. I listened as she talked about me and watching that flush rise on her chest made dick throb. When she bowed her head to hide a small smile, I decided to go collect my prize.
I knew she was in the shower when I snuck in, but I was pleasantly surprised to see her fingering herself. I watched through the misty glass as her fingers rubbed furiously at her clit, and when her head fell forward and that sweet moan slipped past her lips, I had to fight myself not to fuck her where she stood. In due time. I had a surprise waiting for my Little Bird.
I open the door for her and inhale her sweet scent as she passes by, and I follow her inside. Taking her small hand, I cradle it gently in mine. I lead her over to the table set for our dinner and note the softness of her palm where it touches mine. Raven looks around my quarters with interest, taking it all in, but I’m more interested in her.
“Sit,” I instruct, pulling out her chair. She looks at me a moment, but I just stand still and wait for her to do as I’ve instructed. She tentatively moves to the table and sits down, then I slide her chair up to the table. Leaning over her shoulder, I lower my lips to the shell of her ear.
“Thank you for joining me, Raven.” I whisper softly, my lips grazing her skin, just the barest of touches, before I walk around and take my own seat across from her. Her face flushes as the servers come out and place our plates before us. Steak Au Poivre is one of my favorites. I hope she’ll enjoy it. I’ve taken special care to have everything perfect for her. I watch as she places the napkin in her lap, pressing it smooth, before bringing both her hands to rest over it. The action tells me she’s nervous. The accelerated pulse in her neck tells me she is scared. Good, she should be.
“Little Bird, is this food to your satisfaction?”
I sit silently and watch her, waiting for her reply. She nods to confirm that it is. I exhale a small breath as I take my napkin, place it in my lap, and begin to eat. She quietly follows my lead and takes a bite.
“Tell me how you came to be here at The Manor, Raven.”
She stops with her fork midair at my question. After laying her fork down, she takes a deep breath. Tension laces her beautiful face. I realize, at this moment, I want to fix every problem she’s ever had.
“I needed the money to help my family.”
I can tell by her downcast eyes and the nervous fumbling of her napkin that she isn’t being entirely honest. Years of detecting bullshit have taught me she’s hiding something. I intend to find out exactly what that is.
“How long have you been here?”
“Two months. That was my second Hunt.”
I can feel the jealousy coil in my gut at the thought of another man having her in such a way. I squeeze my drink tighter to fight back the anger building inside me.
“Did you enjoy your first Hunt?” I ask through gritted teeth. I watch the color drain from her face. Her eyes cast down to her lap, and her barely whispered, “Yes,” tells me otherwise. I want to murder this man.
“Who was the Hunter who won you on your first Hunt?”
raises her head to look at me. Those beautiful green eyes are glassy with unshed tears as she says, “Lazzaro.” My stomach churns. The thought of that mother fucker’s hands touching her fills my mind with crazy, dark thoughts.
I take a sip of my water and instruct her to finish her dinner. We eat in silence. All I can think about is ripping his fucking throat out for touching what is mine.
I can’t control this obsessive need to protect her. She seems so vulnerable and out of place here. Something about her presence in my home doesn’t sit well with me. She is too pure for this, for me. I think of the times I’ve watched her shy away from the men here and their advances. She wants no part of this. I don’t want her to be a part of this.
“Tell me why you’re really here.”
Her head snaps up.
“I did.”
“Tell me the real reason why you’re here.”
“Bane, I...”
For some reason, I can’t stand her calling me Bane. It’s too impersonal. If anything, I’m about to get on a very personal level with this woman.
“Call me Knox, Little Bird. Knox.”
She clears her throat before speaking. Another giveaway of her nerves. This woman has no fucking poker face. Every emotion is written all over her body.
“Knox, I’m here because my family needs the money.” Irritation rises in her tone. My Little Bird has talons after all.
“If you say so, Raven.”
I agree with her because she isn’t going to be honest with me, and really, what reason does she have to be? Pushing my chair back, I toss my napkin onto the table and stand. I make my way to her side and place my thumb under her chin, lifting her face to me. She raises her eyes slowly to meet mine. Leaning in, I hover right over those luscious lips. Her breath catches and softly, I press a kiss to her lips.
“You can keep your secrets for now, Little Bird.”