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Strike to the Heart

Page 5

by Malia Mallory

  Zane rubbed my shoulder. “I didn’t think flying commercial would allow you to elevate your foot properly.”

  I leaned toward him and laughed. “Oh really? You chartered a plane so I could elevate my foot?” He had a point. It seemed like the seats were closer together on every flight.

  “Well, even first class is rather cramped … for certain things.”

  “Certain things?” I enjoyed bantering with Zane. I felt light, like the weight was off my shoulders. I was ready to kick back on the beach without worrying about anything.

  “Yeah. Certain things. Sexy things. Intimate things. I didn’t want to risk getting thrown off the plane.”

  I laughed. “You’re afraid of getting thrown off the plane?”

  “I didn’t want to cause an incident. They would have to divert. It could get ugly.”

  “An incident?” I tried to imagine the splashy headlines that would erupt.

  Tennis Player’s Love Game Diverts Flight.

  It’s the Mile High Club for Ryan and Parker-Barrow.

  Zane stroked my arm. “There’s no way I can sit next to you for hours and be able to keep my hands to myself.”

  “Is that so? No way?” My skin heated and I softened inside. Everything about Zane turned me on.

  “Absolutely no way.” Zane unbuckled his seatbelt and held out his hand.

  I tilted my head. “Where are we going?”

  “There’s a bed in the back. Sometimes people like to sleep on long trips.”

  I looked around the cabin. “But … won’t they know?”


  I gestured toward the cockpit. “The flight attendant. The pilots.”

  “We’ll be quiet.”

  “But I mean—” Part of me wanted to. I wanted Zane’s hands on me—everywhere. But my little voice of caution wouldn’t shut up.

  “It’s nothing they haven’t seen before. I’m sure they know people have sex. I’m sure they suspect we’re having sex.”

  Of course. I was being silly. I didn’t want to end up in a tabloid, though. Was I tabloid fodder now? I didn’t know. These people were probably paid for their discretion, weren’t they?

  I grabbed Zane’s hand. He pulled me out of my seat and swung me into his arms. “Watch your foot.”

  Zane turned in the narrow doorway so I didn’t bump the side. He placed me gently on the mattress. I spread out, stretching, and closed my eyes.

  Zane pulled the door shut. When the lock clicked, I opened my eyes and propped myself up on my elbows.

  Zane reached for the bottom of his shirt and pulled it off. Wowsa. That man had muscles. I wanted to lick every plane and hollow on his body—twice at least.

  Zane’s pants followed his shirt to the floor. His erection pressed against the front of his boxer briefs.

  “Let’s get you out of those clothes.” Zane approached the bed. His hands were efficient but gentle as he removed my clothing piece by piece. His tenderness was my undoing. Tears sprang to my eyes, but I blinked them away. Now wasn’t the time. I’d walled my heart away.

  Zane trailed his fingers over my skin. “I’d ask you if you’re already a member of the mile high club, but I don’t want to know.”

  I wasn’t, but apparently, I soon would be. But only with Zane. I couldn’t imagine anyone else’s hands on me.

  Zane removed his boxer briefs and my eyes strayed to his crotch. I couldn’t help it. I wanted him deep inside me, making me quiver and shake with pleasure.

  Zane crawled onto the bed and pushed my knees apart. “I promise I’ll be gentle. Very gentle.”

  “Not too gentle, I hope.” One of the things I liked about being with Zane was his physical urgency. He made me feel so wanted.

  Zane’s hands slid up my thighs until they encountered the neat curls between my legs. His fingers probed gently and he swooped in with his mouth. He licked me and I shoved my knuckle in my mouth and bit down hard to muffle my scream. He kissed and sucked until I was quivering on the edge of satisfaction.

  “Let go. Just let it go.”

  And I did.

  ~ * ~ * ~


  I loved feeling Jo come, and this time was no exception. I didn’t think I’d ever tire of it. When I felt the tiny quiver that signaled her orgasm, I looked at her face—the rosy flush on her skin, the way her lips parted and her eyes fluttered.

  I crawled up her body and positioned myself between her legs. I slipped inside her. I banked my urgent need and let tenderness bubble to the surface. I held Jo’s head in my hands, kissing her lips deeply as I stroked in and out. I wanted her. I wanted everything.

  My balls drew up between my legs and I released inside Jo. Careful to keep my weight off her, I rolled to the side, taking her with me. I held her to my chest, wanting her again. We had time. A whole week. A week to convince her that what we had could go the distance.

  ~ * ~ * ~


  A wave rolled in, its froth settling on the sand. The breeze lifted my hair. I ran my finger down Zane’s arm.

  Zane looked out toward the ocean. “Fighting saved me.”

  “What you mean?” I asked.

  “Just that. I was out of control. Fighting gave me a rock.”

  I waited, hoping he would continue. Zane hadn’t mentioned much about his past or his family. I hadn’t probed, telling myself it didn’t matter with a short affair, but another part of me wanted to know everything that had made the man beside me.

  “My mother took drugs. My dad wasn’t in the picture. I don’t even remember him.”

  My heart squeezed. Though my father was gone, I still felt his influence. He’d been loving and gentle. A great dad. I missed him terribly. I couldn’t imagine never having him in my life.

  “I was skipping school. Running wild. Getting into trouble. I probably would’ve ended up in jail or worse. One day a friend of mine took me to the gym. Something clicked. It gave me something to focus on. It gave me a place to be other than on the streets.”

  “Where is your mother now?” I asked. I had the standard mother/daughter conflicts with my mom, but I loved her and knew she had my best interests at heart.

  “Dead. She died a few months before my first professional bout.”

  “She must’ve been proud of you.”

  “She wasn’t anything about me. Her life was a haze, stumbling from one high to another. I’m not even sure she noticed I was gone.”

  “I’m sure that’s not true.”

  “No, it’s probably not. She just couldn’t get it together. I know she wanted to. I do know that.”

  I leaned toward him and wrapped my arms around his neck as if I could shield him from the hurt.

  Chapter 10


  When I woke, Zane was still asleep beside me, his face turned toward mine. His eyelashes were dark against his skin. He looked vulnerable in sleep. All the intensity that normally radiated from him was calm. I reached out with my fingertip and brushed a stray lock of hair off his forehead and my heart lurched in my chest.

  I loved Zane.

  The realization froze me. I’d gone and done it again. I’d exposed my heart to someone who was bound to break it. How could I have been so stupid?

  Zane’s eyes flickered open and he smiled. I forced myself to smile back, but my heart was breaking.

  “What is it?” Zane asked.

  “I … nothing.” I couldn’t admit it to Zane. I could barely admit it to myself.

  “Is it your ankle?”

  “Yeah.” My injury was an easy excuse. The swelling was way down but it was still painful.

  “There’s no reason to think you won’t recover.”

  “No, I suppose not.”

  “Besides, if you need a little extra physical therapy, I’d be happy to oblige.” That sensual light that always warmed me inside appeared in his eyes. “Do you need something for the pain?”

  “No, but maybe I could use a little distraction.” I knew Zane was bad for m
e in every way, but I wasn’t strong enough to resist. Not yet.

  ~ * ~ * ~


  Two days before we were due to leave, I knew I couldn’t take it anymore. I looked across the table at Zane. “I think we should get everything out in the open.”

  Zane turned his attention to me. “What everything?”

  “This.” I waved my hands around in a circle.

  Zane rubbed the back of his neck. “Jo, I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”

  “Us. This thing we have. We’re going back to our lives soon.”

  “Now my life includes you.”

  He wasn’t going to make this easy. Why wasn’t he going to make this easy? “It’s clear that this is just a short-term thing.”

  Zane sighed. “How is that clear?”

  “We won’t even be in the same place. I’m going to go back to New York to get therapy for my foot. I’ll be preparing to return to the tour. You’ll be off somewhere training. It doesn’t seem likely we’ll ever even see each other again.”

  Zane jabbed his finger in my direction. “That’s bullshit. If something is important, you make the time. You make it work.”

  “We’re very different, you and I.” I didn’t let myself think of the ways we were in sync.

  “Of course we are.”

  “Too different, don’t you think? I know what they say about opposites attracting, but people need to have values in common.”

  Zane froze. “You don’t think I have values?”

  “I think we have very different values.”

  “Wait a damn minute. You don’t know shit about my values. Actually, scratch that. You should know something about my values. We spent all this time together and you don’t know anything about me? You claim you don’t know anything about me?”

  “This isn’t going anywhere and we should admit it.”

  “I’m not about to admit anything. I don’t know why you’re pushing me away. I don’t know why you’re saying these things. You’re hitting me with this out of the blue.”

  “It’s not out of the blue. This is what I’ve thought the whole time. I wouldn’t even say we’re together. We’ve just been hanging out.”

  “Hanging out? You think this is just hanging out? I mean nothing to you?”

  “It’s been fun. You’re a great guy. A sexy guy. But the fun is over. We both have other things to focus on.”

  “So you just want to leave and that’s it.”

  “I think that would be best.” I stood and turned away.

  It had been upsetting, but I’d had my say. If it was this painful now, I didn’t want to imagine what it would be like if we tried to stick it out a few months. I headed to the bedroom and pulled out my suitcase. I was leaving now.

  ~ * ~ * ~


  I’d handled Jo all wrong. I’d bungled it. I needed to apologize—grovel if need be. I loved her and I wasn’t going to let her slip away.

  I jogged back down the beach and up the stairs to the house. As I entered, I noticed the quiet. I headed straight into the bedroom, dreading the worst. Jo’s things were gone. Jo was gone. She’d left. She’d left me.

  ~ * ~ * ~


  Darcy poked her salad with her fork. “How are things with your hottie?”

  I didn’t pretend not to know who she meant. “He’s not my hottie.” Zane wasn’t mine. He’d never be mine.

  “He’s hot. You’re mmm mmm.” Darcy crossed her fingers and waved them.

  “We aren’t seeing each other anymore.” I’d seen to that.

  The teasing look dropped from Darcy’s face. “What? I thought you really liked him?”

  “It was going nowhere.” Zane had probably already hooked up with someone else. A guy like that was never unattached.

  “Why?” Darcy asked.

  “He’s got his thing. He’s busy and I’m traveling and …” I trailed off, losing my train of thought completely. I didn’t know how to explain my feelings for Zane. I didn’t want to have feelings for Zane. They’d fade away soon and I could move on.

  Darcy tapped her finger on the table. “I don’t get it. You two seemed to have it.”


  “The right chemistry. And if anyone looks at you sideways, he could totally take them out.”

  I didn’t laugh. I couldn’t laugh about it. There was so much risk to what Zane did—the risk of injury or worse. It was just one more reason I’d made the right choice. “I wouldn’t want to see him get hurt.”

  “You mean the fighting thing? Yeah, that’s tough. I suppose he’d want you to be there if you could.”

  “No, you don’t understand. This is the same shit I went through with Alex.”

  “What? What are you talking about? Zane and Alex are nothing alike.”

  I whipped up my anger. “They are exactly alike. Guys who get whatever they want, whenever they want with no regard for others. Risking everything for a thrill while people who care for them look on.”

  Darcy looked dumbfounded. “Alex was selfish. Everything he wanted came first. He never compromised on anything. It was his way or no way. That had nothing to do with the fact he was a race car driver.”

  I shook my head. “It had everything to do with it. That’s the kind of temperament it takes to compete in something so dangerous.”

  “I don’t know which one came first for him, but I don’t think ‘asshole’ is on the qualification list for the Monaco Grand Prix.”

  I took a deep breath. I didn’t want to argue with Darcy. She was trying to be supportive, but I didn’t want anyone to try to talk me out of my choices. What if Darcy was right and I was wrong? I didn’t want to know. Not now. “Tell me something about you.”

  Darcy paused. “Actually, I do have something to tell you.”

  Her voice told me it wasn’t positive. “What?”

  “I’m leaving the tour.”

  “That’s not funny. Don’t even joke about that.” If that was her attempt to distract me from Zane, it wasn’t working.

  “I’m not joking. You know I don’t have what it takes.”

  “Darcy, listen, you played well. We played well. There are opportunities in doubles. We were close to making the quarterfinals.”

  “I know players can make a career out of doubles, but I’m done. My rank isn’t going up. It’s going down, and it has been for a long while. You know that.”

  “Everyone has dry spells.” It was part of the game. Even top players dropped in rank from time to time.

  “This isn’t a dry spell and you know it. I’m not going to get better. My best tennis is behind me.”

  My throat swelled. Play on the tour without Darcy? It was unthinkable. We’d been together forever. Tennis camp. School. Junior tournaments. I didn’t have other close friends among the players. Darcy was it.

  Darcy leaned in. “It’s a good time to go. My father’s offered me a position in sports and recreation. If I prove myself, I can move up.”

  Darcy’s family owned a string of luxury hotels in exotic locations. She’d shared that she wanted to go into the family business after retirement from tennis, but I’d never imagined retirement would come so soon. “Darcy, have you thought this through? I know I haven’t been able to play, but—”

  “I’m withdrawing from the tournaments I committed to. I know it seems sudden, but I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. I want to get on with the rest of my life. Tennis isn’t my life.”


  Darcy took my hands. “Tennis is your life. You’re going to be number one soon. That’s awesome. Amazing. But I’m done. If it weren’t for you, I’d probably have quit already. It’s what’s best for me.”

  Was it? Maybe I wasn’t thinking about what was best for Darcy but what was best for me. I loved having her around cheering me on. I loved having her to practice with and hang out. How hadn’t I seen that she was unhappy? I knew she struggled, but I never considered that she wo
uldn’t get better. I thought if we kept at it, her serve would improve, she’d get faster, and her backhand would become killer. While it had happened for me, it hadn’t for her.

  Darcy gave me a lopsided smile. “If you want to keep playing doubles, you’ll have no trouble finding a partner.”

  I wouldn’t. I’d been approached before, but I couldn’t think about it now. “I don’t want to partner with anyone else.”

  “You say that now, but you might change your mind.”

  I shook my head.

  “Well, it’s fine to concentrate on singles.”

  “Darcy, I—”

  She grabbed my hands. “It’s okay. It’s hard for me, too. But I’m trying to focus on the positive.”

  “It is positive. If it’s something you want to do, it’s great news. I’m just so … surprised. I didn’t see it coming. I know you’ll be great at it.”

  Darcy smiled. “I think I will. And who knows, maybe I’ll meet someone tall, dark, and handsome who’s also Mr. Right.”

  Chapter 11


  I punished the bag. Anger and frustration traveled from my shoulder, down my arms, and out through my hands with each punch and jab.

  My sparring partner and sometime cornerman, Paulie, climbed into the ring. “You ready?”

  In the month since had Jo left me at the beach, I’d trained non-stop. I was in shape—good shape, but any skill I could improve before the fight might give me an advantage. I’d been to Philadelphia to work on my wrestling and California to work on my ground game. Now I was back in New York for boxing and agility.

  A fighter’s career wasn’t forever, and I was already feeling like I might be past my peak. I needed everything I had to give—physical and mental.

  I couldn’t get Jo off my mind, but I wanted to give her some time. I wanted to give her some space, but it was hard. A part of me wanted to go to her, especially now that I was back in New York, but I didn’t think that would go over well.

  I hoped she missed me. I hoped she was thinking of me, wishing we were together, but I didn’t know if I was that lucky. Just because thoughts of Jo filled my head didn’t mean the reverse was true.


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