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Big Bad Rancher: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 9

by Tia Siren

  Lincoln began sucking my bottom lip gently. He nipped and sucked like a pro, and my body caved into his. I parted my lips slowly to allow his tongue to enter, and it explored my mouth and caressed my tongue like a lost man who had discovered a hidden cave. His mouth was warm and tasted like the beer we had been drinking. I wanted to taste more. He was so inviting, so enticing, and even more intoxicating. I moaned against his mouth, my body encouraging him to do whatever he pleased with me. I had only experienced Lincoln’s naked body against mine one time, but that one time had been enough to set the standard. I needed to feel him deep within me.

  He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up onto the table. I reacted by wrapping my legs around him. His warm hands slipped under my shirt. They began to massage my hips and sides, exploring my curves like they were natural wonders. I gasped, pulling away from his kiss and arching my body closer to him. As soon as I did, he lifted my shirt and tossed it to the ground. He looked me over like a man who had just discovered fire. There was nothing but wonder and awe in his eyes. A blush consumed my cheeks, but I felt so confident in front of him.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on,” he said breathlessly.

  I adored what he said to me and the honesty in his eyes. I reached over and grabbed his hand, placing it over my breast. He squeezed it with such a tender and gentle touch that I felt like I was a prized possession. While he fondled my breast with one hand, he unhooked my bra with the other. He was fairly skilled at it, and I had to push the thought of him practicing with other women out of my head. Instead, I focused on the bite of the cold air upon my exposed nipples. They rose and hardened, enhancing the pleasure I felt between us. Lincoln must have been a breast man, because he spent a considerable amount of time on my nipples and chest.

  I moaned out, savouring the delightful sensation of his touch. As much as I adored it, however, I wanted more. Lincoln was taking his time enjoying my body, but I craved his manhood within me. I looked up at his entranced eyes and bit my lip coyly.

  “I need you inside me, Lincoln,” I whispered.

  No more needed to be said. Lincoln started undressing himself as well as me quickly. While he slid off my jeans and panties, I looked over his toned body. He had changed a lot physically. He was no longer a lanky boy with barely any body hair. Lincoln had transformed into a chiseled man with chest hair and defined abs. He was built like a true cowboy, even if he didn’t consider himself to be one anymore. I eyed his body hungrily, my loins moistening at the sight of that beautiful being. It wasn’t until he took off his boxer briefs that I nearly orgasmed at just the sight. He had not changed below the belt at all. In fact, he must have gotten larger somehow.

  His member was standing tall. I would have sworn it was too large to fit inside me if I didn’t know better. I thought back to the first time I had seen it and panicked because I’d been worried I was too small. Lincoln had proved me wrong then, and I’d been consumed by full-body pleasure. He had filled me up, and I hadn’t been able to handle the intensity of it all. Now, I was more than eager to feel him fill me up.

  “You like what you see, huh?” he asked, watching me admire his physique and blessings.

  I nodded and looked up at him through my lashes. “I need to feel you, Lincoln. Now.”

  Lincoln didn’t spare another second. He lifted my hips and positioned his perfect cock right at my opening. I squirmed from the anticipation and kept my eyes on his member. I needed to see it go inside me. It turned me on just thinking about it, so I needed to see everything as it happened. I watched as he slowly shifted his hips forward and spread me apart. I half gasped and half moaned out from the intense pleasure that filled me when he thrust himself into me, but I kept my gaze focused on that beautiful manhood of his.

  “Look at me,” Lincoln demanded, pulling our hips together and pushing his entire cock deep within me.

  I gazed up at him and squeezed my walls tightly around him. I’d learned a few tricks while he’d been away, and there was so much passion and resentment that I needed to fuck out of my system. I wrapped my legs around his waist and locked my ankles around him. Carefully, I sat up from the table and pressed my body against him. As he remained still to allow me to adjust to his size, I leaned up and nipped at his neck. I knew his sweet spot, and I began sucking his skin and biting it gently. His moans and the twitching of his cock inside me assured me that I was doing the right thing. I didn’t try to give him a hickey, but he ended up with one anyway. I could tell he couldn’t hold himself back anymore, because he gripped my hips tightly and began thrusting in and out of me hard.

  The sound of our skin slapping together filled the air. It was soon joined by our moans and heavy breathing. I felt the wetness from my womanhood lubricate his cock as it got easier for him to thrust in and out of me. The friction that built between us got more and more intense. I felt myself getting closer to my orgasm, but I didn’t want it to end. So, I pushed Lincoln back and out of me. A growl of protest escaped his lips, and I responded with a coy smirk. I pushed him down onto the floor so I could mount him. His eyes widened when he realized what I was doing, and a low, ecstatic growl rumbled from his throat when I lowered myself onto him.

  Slowly and carefully, I began riding him with pride. I positioned my legs on either side of his body and began bouncing up and down. I felt his cock deeper within me, stretching me out and filling me to the brim. I was completely in charge, and I fucking loved it. Lincoln busied himself by running his hands over my body and grabbing my breasts. I moaned out his name and picked up my pace when he squeezed my nipples.

  “You’re my sexy fucking cowgirl,” Lincoln moaned out, only increasing the fire in my belly.

  I started riding him faster. The sound of my bouncing and the echoes of our pleasure filled the air. It became heated, so heated that sweat began to drip from my body. My womanhood ached for release, but I held out because I wanted my pleasure to be shared with Lincoln’s. I rolled my hips forward and tightened myself around him. I watched as his face contorted and twisted with pleasure, and I was sure he was going to explode within me at any moment.

  I was wrong.

  Just when I thought I had him, Lincoln lifted me off him. I gasped out of shock, because it took me off guard. He shot me a challenging look before turning me around and bending me over on my hands and knees. I knew at once what he was doing. I arched my back and shifted my legs closer so that I would be tighter around him when he entered my moist, tingling peach. He positioned himself in front of my opening one more time before he thrusted forward quickly. This time, Lincoln was not going to hold back. I could feel it, literally.

  Lincoln fucked me hard from behind. I felt the strength he possessed in every thrust. It was hard to keep myself from climaxing, but I was determined to make him work for it. Without warning, his broad hand came down firmly against my ass. A low moan escaped my lips as a jolt of pleasure coursed through me. Hearing the sounds our bodies made together and feeling him deep within me drove me to a different level of pleasure. He rolled his hips forward, and it was then that I completely lost control.

  He fucked me right into one of the most intense orgasms of my life. For a moment, I forgot where I was and exactly how I had gotten there. The only thing I could focus on was how amazing his cock felt plunged deep within me. My walls convulsed around his thick girth, and I yelled out his name. His rocked his hips back and forth, thrusting in and out of me a few more times before I felt him reach his own climax. He moved his body to ride out his orgasm, and I moaned out from the sheer pleasure of it all. I was twenty-eight years old, and never had I been fucked like that before.

  Slowly, Lincoln pulled out of me, and we both collapsed against the cold floor. It was a welcome contrast to my warm body. I glanced over at Lincoln, surprised he’d had it in him. If he had been holding that back for as long as he had been living with me, I was surprised he had managed to think properly. My mother had always told me that a man couldn
’t focus the head on his shoulders if his other head was backed up. I watched Lincoln close his eyes and relax against the kitchen floor. He seemed so off guard. It was almost awkward seeing him so normal.

  Reality began to set in as I realized that I had slept with Lincoln. I had let my guard down, and I wasn’t sure if I would see him the next day. The last time we’d made love, he had left me and I didn’t see him for ten years. A sense of panic filled me when I realized I could be in the same situation again. As I thought about it, he opened his eyes and looked over at me with those gorgeous eyes of his.

  “Are you all right?” Lincoln asked me.

  I nodded, unable to bring myself to say anything.

  “Did I just fuck the words out of you? You usually have so much to say,” he teased. He reached over and pulled me toward him, wrapping his arms around me. I had the urge to fight him and move away, but I felt at home right there in those strong arms of his. I relaxed against him and cuddled close to his body.

  It was there, on my cold kitchen floor, that we fell asleep in each other’s arms. We were both naked and content with being with one another. I didn’t know if he was going to be there when I woke up the next morning, but I drifted off feeling completely at ease in that moment with Lincoln. For the first time since he’d arrived, I felt just as close with him as I had been before. I didn’t know what the next day would bring, but I was prepared to face whatever came my way as long as I got to savor and relish that moment with Lincoln.

  Chapter Eleven


  The next morning, I woke up on the kitchen floor. I was naked and alone, and I had a panting Dalmatian standing over me. I tilted my head to look over at Gin before grunting and standing up. I wasn’t accustomed to waking up in such a fashion, so I was slightly off-kilter when I stood up. In all my naked and groggy glory, I made my way to the coffee pot to pour myself a nice cup of joe. The coffee Harper had wasn’t exactly my favorite, so while I sipped it I made a mental note to buy her something better when I went grocery shopping again. While sipping the coffee, I read over my text messages and saw one from my mom.

  There’s a bull riding contest tonight at Pete’s Pub. You should take Harper and have a good time. You both deserve it.

  I thought about it and shrugged, figuring I’d toss the idea in the air to see how Harper reacted later that evening. After my morning coffee, I headed to my room to get dressed for the day. I had a lot of work to do to get the stables cleaned and ready for the new horses, and I wanted to get a jump-start on cleaning up around the property to start rebuilding pens for the other animals I wanted to purchase. The Callahan family had once had more than just chickens and horses. They’d had goats, pigs, cows, sheep, and even a mule. I always felt a twinge of remorse whenever I compared the old farm to what it had turned into.

  In its heyday, photographers had often traveled to the farm just to take pictures of the beautiful scene, and artists had frequently rented out rooms so they could add images to their portfolio. The grass had been lush and green, expanding as far as the eye could see. There had been a plethora of animals roaming around their pens while the dogs had chased sheep and one another through the fields. Harper’s mom had kept a food garden that she’d taken care of like it had been a child; she’d grown the healthiest vegetables humanly possible. That woman had had a thumb so green, even the grass had burned with envy. I remembered Harper being so excited to ride her horse, Ash. She would get up early just to do so. She would wake up, call me, and tell me to meet her at the human-made lake on the edge of her family’s property. Her father had dug that lake up and filled it with water, and her mom had put a flower garden around it. It had been Harper’s favorite place; she had spent hours reading there.

  Ten years later, the farm was a shell of its former self. There were only a few chickens, three horses, and her two dogs. Both of her mother’s beloved gardens had died and withered, and I was sure the lake was drained, because Harper didn’t even bother going over to it. A part of me wanted to restore the farm back to its former glory for Harper, and not solely for the sake of the benefits my business would receive. Her eyes had changed. There was no spark, no passion, no energy behind them. I knew it had to do with the business, and I wanted to try my best to give her hope in life again.

  I headed to the stables, as I figured Harper was there since she spent so much of her time caring for the horses rather than fixing up the farm. When I found her brushing her father’s favorite horse, Cow, I knew it was hard for her to push herself to change or fix anything because she didn’t want to change the last things her parents had seen.

  “Good morning, Harper,” I said softly.

  She looked back at me and smiled the first genuine smile I’s seen from her that was meant for me. “Good morning, Lincoln. Do you want breakfast?”

  I shook my head. “No. I was thinking about getting started on fixing up the farm. There’s a lot to do, and I think we can get it done in a few months’ time.”

  “You don’t have to fix anything up. I’ll find a way to do it,” she said.

  She was too stubborn to ask me for help, and a fire grew in my belly at that. Without hesitating, I grabbed some work gloves and made my way out. I felt her eyes on me, but I wasn’t going to look back or stop. I started working at once. First, I took apart the shabby old posts and fences that had held the animals. I made notes of what and how much I needed to order as I worked. Once all the wood was gathered, I tossed it into a pile to be burned. After that, I went to the lawn mower I had seen Harper using a few days before, and I evened out all the grass. With just those two things done, the property looked a lot better. I made a note to buy a new lawn mower and some paint for the stables and the garage.

  After seven hours of nonstop work, I finally decided to take a break. Harper had moved inside well before, so I let the horses run around the property to get exercise in. I walked inside covered in sweat and with mixed feelings about what I had done. It had taken me back to when I’d been younger. I hadn’t worked on the Callahan farm, but I had worked clean-up for the rodeo during the weekends and as a farmhand during the week. I wasn’t comfortable slipping back into my old skin; it made me want to scrub off all the dirt from every inch of my body. However, it had also felt good to do something I was naturally good at. There had been no pretending and no judgement, so I’d felt completely at ease.

  I walked into the house, drenched in sweat, and entered the kitchen, where I heard Harper cooking lunch. My nose was greeted by the smell of chicken, and my eyes fell on Harper. She must have heard me approaching, because she looked over. When she saw me, her eyes slowly admired my body before they looked into mine. There was no hiding it; she was checking me out. She must have liked seeing me work on the farm.

  “Are you hungry?” she asked with a lusty drawl.

  I couldn’t keep myself from smirking as I nodded. “I am. What are you making?”

  “I’m reheating some chicken and making sandwiches,” she said, her eyes still roaming around my body.

  I walked over and allowed her to get her eyeful before I cleared my throat to get her full attention. “Let’s go to the bar tonight.”

  “Are you sure you want to go out again tonight? You’ve been working hard all day. Don’t you want to relax?”

  “My mom told me there’s a mechanical bull riding contest, and it’s been a while since I’ve mounted a bull of any sort,” I said. “It’d give us an excuse to go out and have fun again, and you a reason not to cook.”

  She thought it over and quickly decided. “I’ll be ready by six,” she said, handing me one the sandwiches she had made.

  Later that evening, we walked out of the house more comfortable with one another than we had been since I’d arrived in town. She was dressed like a Western goddess with her high-waisted Daisy Dukes, a low-cut black T-shirt with a dark brown leather jacket, and a pair of dark brown cowboy boots. I was more casual as well in my jeans and long-sleeved black shirt. We looked like a
pair of locals, but we were the most attractive bunch in the town.

  As I drove, Harper chatted away. It was obvious she was excited about the night, and I was excited to be with her. While she talked, I thought about how much I cared about her. She’d told me I wasn’t the Lincoln she had fallen in love with, and those words replayed through my head constantly. I wanted to prove to her that I was the man she loved and the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. The only thing that had changed was the money. I just had to show her that Lincoln hadn’t gone away like she’d thought. He was still present and determined as ever to show her that fact.

  We arrived at the bar and walked right in. It was loud, the air was full of cigar and cigarette smoke, and the crowd was already half drunk. I remembered wanting to come into this very bar as a teenager, but I’d never managed to persuade anyone to let me in. Harper and I walked right to the bar. She ordered a beer and I ordered a neat whiskey. We socialized, laughed, and shamelessly flirted with one another as we waited for the bull riding contest. Once it came, we watched the others go first. Some fell off within a matter of seconds, but others got just a few seconds away from beating the one-minute record before falling off. Before I knew it, it was my turn.

  I walked right up to that mechanical bull and mounted it like a pro. I felt everyone’s eyes on me, especially Harper’s. It brought me back to my dream, but I shook those thoughts out of my head. No bull was going to take me down—not a golden one and certainly not a mechanical one. As the bull began to move, I shifted my body and rolled my hips like I had been taught when I’d worked at the rodeo. I moved my weight around and kept my body loose. If I tensed, I would fall. It didn’t get a hard until the bull began jerking me around; that was when I decided to grip onto the straps harder to keep my cool. I wasn’t sure how long I was on the bull, but people began cheering and yelling. There were whistles and howls of entertained laughter. It wasn’t until the announcer’s voice broke through the air that I realized what was happening.


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