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Big Bad Rancher: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

Page 126

by Tia Siren

  What I really wanted to do was break something.


  A sock on the door only meant one thing; Tiffany was getting laid. What else was I to expect from one of the most promiscuous girls on campus?

  I remembered there was a bar just down the street that we used to visit on Friday nights from time to time. I couldn’t remember the name, but a drink just sounded good right now.

  Even though I was angry at Brad, it was incredibly hard to keep my thoughts off him. He was the dumbest guy I knew, giving up so easily on such a great relationship for a fleeting one night stand.

  I wondered who the girl was. Was she prettier that me? Was I just not that interesting anymore? Had we really told each other all our stories and become a boring couple? I couldn’t fathom whatever reason he had. Maybe it was just his twenty-two-year-old hormones taking over and ruining the one good thing he had.

  I knew he was regretting it. My constantly ringing phone was a grim reminder of that. It was bothering me, so I turned the thing off. The less I thought about it, the better.

  I felt like making some mistakes tonight.

  It was only a ten-minute walk to the bar down the street. I took a seat and started regretting my decision to come. A few members of the Football team had decided to come out for drinks tonight as well. They were stirring up a raucous while playing pool.

  I stayed out of sight and just stared into my glass, finishing drink after drink.

  “Does the bottom of that drink look like an animal, too,” I heard Chris say from behind.

  “What the hell do you want,” I said.

  I slammed the glass back on the bar; I definitely slurred my speech.

  “Whoa, take it easy. I’m just here to talk. Maybe get to know you a little better,” he said.

  “Tonight isn’t the best night for talking to me.”

  “And, why is that?” he asked.

  If I were soberer I probably would have avoided saying anything, but what did I care right now.

  “If you have to know; I caught my boyfriend of the last three years sleeping with some girl.”

  Chris leaned back, surprised at what he heard.

  “Okay, that’s a rough one. Here, let me buy you your next drink. I have a feeling you need it.”

  I just nodded and rested my head on my hand.

  “You know, you’re pretty cute,” I said, not realizing what I was saying.

  “That’s not the first time I’ve heard that,” he replied with a laugh.

  “I bet nobody would ever leave you if you didn’t want them to,” I said.

  “Probably not, but I wouldn’t know. I don’t really stay with people too long,” he replied.

  “Why the hell not,” I asked.

  “It’s hard to stay with people for too long; you get stuck in a bunch of drama-”

  He stopped himself mid-sentence, realizing he’d probably said a little bit too much.

  “Let’s just say, I don’t like to be tied down,” he added, trying to smooth over a possible blunder.

  “I get it; I get it. I’m sure I would’ve been the same way as you, but I just like being able to curl up with someone when I want to.”

  “That sounds boring,” he replied, “I’m young and would rather meet as many people as possible. All that sappy girly stuff isn’t for me.”

  I tried my best to focus my eyes on him; I wondered if he was really serious or just having a laugh. He seemed to be telling the truth.

  “I bet you wouldn’t be saying that if you met someone that mattered,” I said, returning myself to my new drink.

  “I’ll let you know when I meet someone that matters,” he replied.

  “You’ve slept with half the women that go to this college, and you haven’t met a single one that mattered? That’s convenient,” I slurred at him.

  He grabbed me to hold me in my seat; I’m sure I would have fallen out of it otherwise.

  “Why would I bother getting involved with anyone here? Am I really going to see these people when I’m playing pro ball? I’d rather just have my fun while I’m here and move on.”

  While his point may have been idiotic to hear, I did understand his meaning. We’re all in college for only a few years; a few gleaming years when you can do whatever you want without any real repercussions.

  “I guess I kinda get what you’re trying to say,” I replied.

  “Good,” he replied, “you should be having more fun. This recent ex-boyfriend of yours is doing it.”

  “Don’t remind me,” I replied, taking another large swig.

  “Okay, something else is bothering you, isn’t it,” he said.

  “Yeah, and what do you really care?” I replied.

  “Whoa, don’t throw me the attitude. I’m just trying to keep you from passing out on the bar,” he said raising his hands in the air in a gesture of innocence.

  “Well, if you must know, I don’t know what I’m going to do after college. Brad was the only thing I was able to count on.”

  “If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that you shouldn’t count on anyone.”

  I moved my head to lean on my other hand so I could keep Chris in eyeshot.

  “Aren’t you a player on the football team? Aren’t you supposed to count on people?”

  “Count on these jokers,” he said under his breath, “I’ll probably lose my pro-ball shot if I relied on these guys.”

  I looked at the group partying in the back. They hadn’t heard the insult that their quarterback had just thrown, but I was there to catch it.

  “You know, you should try trusting them a little more. If you get to the pros and keep the same attitude, your team is going to kill you.”

  “You mean when I get to the pros,” he laughed.

  I joined in with an awkward laugh and silence fell between the two of us. He leaned over and whispered in my ear.

  “You wanna get out of here?”

  “I’m drunk, and my ex-boyfriend just broke up with me.”

  “That sounds like a yes to me,” he said with a smile.

  He had a smug face, but it was still a super cute smile. I still had Brad’s transgression stamped in my memory, but somehow Chris was helping me forget. Besides, he’s been with a lot of people and Tiffany had good things to say. Maybe I should give it a shot.

  “You know what, let’s go for it. But, we can’t go back to my place. My roommate is shacked up, and I don’t want to try calling her, my phone is dead.”

  I lied about the phone being dead, but I don’t think he cared.

  “Okay, we can head back to my place.”

  I knew this was about to be a mistake, but my body yearned for some comfort and alcohol wasn’t cutting it. I felt a surge of adrenaline as I paid my tab. I maybe have been drunk, but I wasn't completely out of my mind.

  I followed him towards the nearby parking lot where his truck was waiting. His helping hands got me into the passenger seat, which was sitting just a little too far off the ground for me to get into without help.

  The ride was a blur, but I knew we’d gone out of town. The forest unfolded, and the stars began to shine through the paltry clouds that covered the sky.

  My head was coming around, and I started sobering up.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “To my favorite place in the area, I don’t think anyone else knows about it. You’ll see.”

  After a few more miles we pulled off the road and followed an old pair of tire marks towards a small clearing in the trees. We pulled up nearby, and he gestured for me to hop out.

  I looked around at the sights, and it was understandably gorgeous. I was jealous that this was the first time I’d seen it.

  The clearing was nearly a perfect circle of untouched tall grass. We were away from all the city lights, and the evening sky opened up to us. The stars looked so close that I thought I could just reach out and touch them. With the truck clicked off I could hear a babbling of water off to the west.
r />   I wanted to investigate more, but Chris was pulling a large blanket from the cab. My heart suddenly skipped a beat as I realized why I was really here.

  Chris was the guy that most guys dreamed they could be, and I had the chance to be intimate with him for the night. I’d only ever really cared about Brad, but now all the emotions that I felt for him were confused. The love I once felt was quickly turning to rage.

  I started to wonder if I was only sleeping with Chris to make Brad jealous. But, I didn’t want to be with Brad anymore, I wanted to enjoy tonight.

  Chris took off his shirt, flashing his gorgeous muscles. I started feeling the real impact of my decision but didn’t have any intention of changing it.

  He laid himself down on the blanket, and I joined him.

  “So, what do you see,” he started.

  I looked at the sky; I knew the constellations.

  “I don’t see any animals,” I replied.

  He turned to me and craned his neck in for a kiss. I turned my head to accept and felt the warmth of his lips. He was a tender kisser, not forcing himself at all. I let it happen, and begged for more.

  I leaned up on my elbow and rolled over to kiss him again. His arms wrapped around my lower back and pulled me on top of him. He smiled as I continued to kiss him.

  His hands caressed up and along my back, the motions sent shivers down my spine that made me quiver. I had never been with someone as attractive as Chris, so I didn’t know what to do.

  He decided for me, as he tugged my shirt up over my head. I reached around to my back and unsnapped my bra, letting my small perky breasts feel the cool autumn air.

  Chris put a hand on one, massaging it gently, and then met the other with his lips. He started to suck and lick around my nipple and the feeling danced around in my head. I could feel myself starting to drench my underwear, a feeling that I haven’t had in a long time.

  I sat up; straddling his abs with my tight toned thighs, and propped my arms up on his strong pecs. With my free hand, I started to unzip his jeans. I could already tell that he was rock hard through his pants.

  He kissed me along my neck and bucked his hips to push his jeans down to his ankles, freeing his throbbing member for me to enjoy. I took it in hand and stroked along the length. He was much bigger than Brad was, and I looked forward to the new sensation.

  I perhaps looked forward to it a little too much, as I bit my lower lip. The look only seemed to rev him up. He lifted me off his stomach threw me to the blanket; then started to tear off my jeans.

  I did my best to help, but he didn’t need any. He paused for a moment, taking in the sight of my naked body. His expression changed a little as he disappeared between my thighs.

  He kissed down the length of my left thigh while massaging the other thigh with his empty hand. I squirmed in delight as he kissed closer and closer to my sex.

  I shuddered and moaned when he kissed my little clit. He teased me just a little with his finger before leaning back down to continue with his mouth.

  He flicked it at just the right angle, and I could feel an orgasm beginning to build in my stomach. I tried pushing myself into his face more, in an eager and vain attempt to get there faster. But, I think he knew.

  My legs wrapped around his head, urging him to keep going. He continued running circles up and down my tiny slit, and every little lick sent shivers down my spine. I couldn’t hold on anymore.

  My hands tensed up, grabbing onto the blanket, as though I were trying to keep holding onto planet earth as I was sent into ecstasy.

  It must have been shocking for him, because when I finally managed to relax, I realized he was still wrapped up in my thighs.

  I let him go, and he stood up, I felt it was time I showed him what I was capable of.

  I rolled to my knees before he could take one more step, and kissed the head of his member. He stopped in place, hoping I’d continue.

  I had a lot of practice with this, it was my ex’s favorite thing, and I dutifully obliged whenever possible. Now, I would get to practice on someone more worthy of my efforts.

  I wondered if I’d be able to fit him in my mouth entirely. There was only one way to find out. With one hand I reached up and began to stroke his shaft while the other began to fondle his sack.

  I pulled him into my mouth, feeling his girth open my jaw the further I took him. He moaned in excitement as I could feel him throb as the tip of his manhood reached the back of my throat. I don’t think he’d ever had someone who was capable of taking so much of him in such a way.

  I bobbed my head while covering the rest of his shaft with my hand. He didn’t last long, which I would normally consider disappointing, but this time, I took pride in my skills. His juices shot down the back of my throat, which I swallowed neatly.

  He doubled over on the blanket. I could tell he was spent, but I wasn’t ready to call it a night.

  I threw a leg over his abs, and he smiled excitedly as I did so. I could feel my sex dripping all over his skin. He grabbed my hips and guided them back to his pelvis.

  I could feel his manhood running along the length of my slit until his head felt my entrance.

  He lifted his hips and thrust himself inside my willing opening. I felt him fill me up inch by inch. He felt like a giant compared to my ex, and on the first thrust, I had lost it.

  It was like my brain just clicked off and gave in to the excitement of the moment. Only once he’d gone in as far as he could did he pick me up by the hips, pulling himself out, only to lower me back on top.

  I felt like a ragdoll to his whim, and I liked it. He sped up as he continued, pulling me down harder and harder with each passing thrust.

  I moaned with what little energy I had remaining, and I felt another orgasm begin to swell in the pit of my stomach. It grew somewhere I’d never felt before, and as it did so, I started giving in to the pleasure.

  The explosive release of orgasm took hold of me harder than any orgasm I’d felt before. It rippled through my back, and my tiny breasts, and my stomach. I wanted to scream in release, but I couldn’t find my voice, it was stolen by the moment.

  Then I could feel him tense up while he was inside me, and his spurts shot straight into my welcoming sex.

  I collapsed on top of him, and neither he nor I had the energy to move anymore.

  “It looks like a giraffe,” he said.

  I rolled off him and looked to the clouds.

  “You’re full of it,” I replied.


  I turned my phone back on in the truck ride back to the school campus. I wondered how much I’d missed during the night of passion. Chris did little more than drive.

  I missed almost twenty calls from Brad alone, along with just as many messages. I hadn’t much interest in listening to what he had to say, but I did so anyway.

  Most of the messages were about how sorry he was. I wanted to forgive him, but I was still just too angry to even consider the thought. Then the last few messages had him going off the deep end, talking about how much I owed him for being in the relationship.

  I just deleted anything that sounded remotely like him. Then I got a message from Tiffany.

  “You’ll never guess who I slept with, Chris from the football team. God, he was so dreamy. I wonder if he’ll be free tomorrow for another round.”

  I clicked off the messages.

  “Did you sleep with my roommate, Tiffany, yesterday,” I asked.

  “She was your roommate?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “I did. I called her after practice the other day, and it sounded like she was super excited.”

  I wanted to be angry at Chris, but it wasn’t as though we were dating. He even explained to me the other night that he was only here for some fun.

  “Well, at least, this was a one-time thing,” I said.

  “Really? After all that, you don’t want to try a second time. I really have to say that you were the best I’ve had since coming to the school.

  I blushed at the compliment, but I was still a little upset, so I kept a straight face.

  “Chris, you’re just here for some fun, remember?” I snapped.

  “Yeah, but fun is best when it’s shared,” he replied with a cheesy grin.

  I sighed.

  “Listen, Chris, this is the one and only time I’m going to sleep with you. I have more important things to do with my time than sleep with some college bonehead that’ll stick his dick in the first girl that bends over.”

  “That was harsh,” he replied.

  “If I don’t figure out what to do with my life, then my entire college career is going to become a pointless waste of time. I can’t be sleeping around; this is important.”

  He went quiet for a moment.

  “You should be a counselor because then you can yell at everyone all the time about how stupid they are and make all their decisions for them,” he said.

  “You’re kidding, right?” I asked.

  “I don’t see where the joke was,” he started, “you spent our entire conversation at the bar trying to figure me out. You did the same to your friend Tiffany when I met you guys at the coffee shop. I might not be the smartest person in the world, but I can tell you would be a decent counselor.”

  He wasn’t entirely wrong. I did like trying to figure people out, and advising them. I wondered why I’d never thought of it before.

  The truck pulled up to my apartment that I rented with Tiffany.

  “Thanks for the evening, Chris,” I said, “maybe we can get some coffee and chat some other time. Like friends are supposed to.”

  “We’ll see. I have a lot of girls bent over and waiting for me, after all,” he said with a laugh.

  I couldn’t stifle my own giggle at his somewhat obnoxious comment.

  With the door shut, he drove off.

  I wondered what kind of counselor I would be.


  I started thinking about being a counselor more and more as time continued on. It had been nearly a week since my excursion with Chris. Brad had finally stopped harassing my phone, which allowed me to continue on with life. And, I finally got my things back.


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