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Catch Me a Cowboy (Wattle Valley, #1)

Page 26

by Jacquie Underdown

  Alec chuckled.

  ‘Just had a few drinks,’ he slurred.

  ‘Yep, can bloody well see that,’ said Dad.

  Wil sighed deeply and leant his head back against the headrest. ‘I love her. I fucking love her. I love Emily Wolfe and she doesn’t love me.’

  ‘Yeah, we know, mate,’ said Alec. ‘We know.’



  Bombed cowboy booted from bar after drunken outburst

  Eyewitness reports were rampant on Friday after resident cowboy, Wil Parker, was escorted from a public bar in his hometown of Wattle Valley, barely able to stand.

  Witnesses state he was inebriated, and eventually thrown out of the pub when he became violent and incoherent. He staggered, with the help of his brother, Sydney stockbroker elite, to the gutter where he sat until a car carted them away.

  Rumours hint that all is not well for the reality dating show sweetheart, with reports that filming will cease for the next week. No one was able to provide any details about what was troubling Parker so deeply.

  A spokesperson for the show commented, ‘We support our cowboy’s decision to take the time to heal wounds that have opened up during the filming of this season of Catch Me a Cowboy. We respect that all our contestants are human beings with feelings, and the emotions experienced on the show are very much real.’


  Wolfe sinks fangs into cowboy

  Emily Wolfe, Melbourne real estate agent, already has her claws out. The eight remaining contestants, including Wolfe, went on their first round of ‘individual dates’ this week with Catch Me a Cowboy hunk, Wil Parker.

  The controversial kiss between Wolfe and Parker was the first to occur this season. And it is anticipated, it will not be the last. After an intimate massage hidden behind a white tent on the picturesque Parker farm, Wolfe caught the cowboy off guard as they drank champagne together on a jetty.

  Wolfe, without warning, crawled to Parker on hands and knees, then proceeded to engage in a kiss that has been described by some as ‘ferocious’. While others have labelled it the kiss that ‘broke the internet’.

  Opinion is divided if this tactic has won Wolfe fans. Twitter was energetic with conversation after the ‘kiss’ aired last night.


  #CatchMeACowboy OMG! Emily is a vixen. Watch out, Wil—her claws are long and she’s not afraid to use them. #WolfeFindsPrey


  Um … was not expecting that. Holy hot kiss, batman! You go, girl!!! #CatchMeACowboy


  Oh no, she didn’t. Emily needs to give Cowboy breathing room. Ever heard of not giving it all away on the first date? #CatchMeACowboy


  #jealous Emily for the win. Now that’s how you play at the reality dating game. #CatchMeACowboy #IWantMeSomeSexyCowboyToo

  Time will tell if that risky move keeps Wolfe in the game. And how will the other contestants view this fierce contender? The next elimination airs tonight on the Dream Network at 7.30 pm.


  Cocky cowboy caught with contestant after hours

  Catch Me a Cowboy heartthrob is not the gentleman once suspected after he was caught with his pants down by his pregnant ex-wife.

  Wil Parker’s ex-wife, Billi Walsh, said, last fortnight, she came to the Parker farm around 7 pm to talk to Parker. ‘I found him in the kitchen having sex with one of the contestants.’

  It appears the gentleman act all the contestants are talking about may simply be that—an act.

  ‘He didn’t even seem embarrassed or regretful. He didn’t try to hide what they were doing,’ continued Billi when asked about the couple’s reaction. ‘Wil never behaved like this in the past. It was all very out of character.’

  When asked to confirm if the contestant in question was indeed the controversial Emily Wolfe, Billi stated, ‘Without a doubt. She has claws ten inches long that one.’

  With a baby due in two short months’ time, Billi described the encounter as “upsetting”. She had this to say when questioned about the alleged drunken incident at the local public bar last week, ‘It wouldn’t surprise me if Emily Wolfe had something to do with that. She came across as disingenuous and a real heartbreaker. I think she has led Wil astray.’


  Sassy Lady Poor Billi. Pregnant and having to walk in on that. Wil Parker sounds like a pig and Emily … well they deserve each other.

  Dave Emily is a WILF—Wolfe I’d like to f**k.

  Drama Fuelled I am loving this season. Emily and Wil are so obviously in love. Of course they’re going to continue their romance off camera. Good on them I reckon. #TeamEmily

  Ranch Dressing Up Wil Parker is the sexiest cowboy on the entire planet. I’d be doing him behind the scenes. Go for it, Emily, you get your dessert.

  Travis Bring back Amber. She said it herself, her tits were grade A.


  Sassy Lady Travis, it’s not all about a woman’s tits.


  Travis Hellz yeah it is

  NothingInCommon How does this even qualify as news? Seriously, there are better things to talk about in the world. Global Warming anyone? Or have you all buried your heads in reality TV land too far to even know what’s going on in the real world?


  Marcia If you got off your preaching box, you’d know that Wil is a massive proponent for doing something about climate change. Next time, get your facts right before you comment.


  Hellz yes! Emily and Wil are totes in love. Did you see the way they looked at each other on the chopper ride home? #CatchMeACowboy


  #CatchMeACowboy Wolfe for the win. That is love right there #magicaltvviewing


  Emily’s got this. Wil is a different guy around her. Love, people, if I’ve ever seen it. I want me a cowboy too! #CatchMeACowboy


  Where’s my cowboy @DreamNetwork? This season of #CatchMeACowboy has got my knees weak.


  @EllieGroves63 I know, right? Totes sex on legs. #CatchMeACowboy


  @DramaPlus Wil can Parker his shoes under my bed anytime. Hahaha see what I did there? #CrackMeUp


  @EllieGroves63 @DramaPlus I can’t stand him. Amelia was right—he thinks he’s better than everyone. #TakeOrLeaveHim


  @EllieGroves63 @HatfulJ1985 #HatersGonnaHate

  Chapter 42

  As the reality TV watching community grew more and more excited about the imminent blow-up between Emily and Wil, she tried to hide. But that was hardly possible when she had to sell houses to people who were fans of the show. She knew once viewers learnt of her hasty exit from the show and inevitably ripping Wil’s heart out in the process, that she was about to become the most hated reality show contestant on the planet.

  Emily had avoided watching the episodes that had aired over the last month. She wanted to keep her memories real, not tarnished by editing, and, besides that, she wasn’t strong enough, emotionally, to see herself with Wil. The billboards she passed throughout the city were bad enough—his soulful blue eyes staring at her, reminding her of what they had together. He was so handsome it made her chest ache and, as of yet, she’d not passed one without crying.

  But, as she had reminded herself every minute of the day, this was all her decision. She chose to leave Wil rather than face a future of pain far more extreme than anything she was experiencing presently.

  On the way to an open house on Saturday morning, the rain was coming down hard, the clouds dark and brooding overhead. The city was cloaked in damp greyness. Through her car’s Bluetooth, she dialled Xanthi’s number, like she had done every day for the last month.

  Her heart beat hard as she waited, she held her b

  Two rings, then the phone when straight to message bank. It made Emily sick to her stomach to think she had ruined her long friendship. Xanthi was like a sister to her, more than a sister, a major component of her life, and without her, she was lost. She pressed her hand to her chest as an ache shuttered through her.

  ‘I miss you,’ she said after the beep, angst deep in her tone. ‘I know who I am and I can’t change it. I tried. I’m sorry. I miss you.’ Then hung up. And she did miss her. So much. Couldn’t things go back to how they were? Couldn’t this aching in her soul disappear? Emily found the distance and silent-treatment distressing. Tomorrow, if Xanthi didn’t pick up the phone, she was going over to see her face-to-face.

  Arriving at the house she had listed for sale, located on the fringe of the Melbourne city, she climbed out of the car with her umbrella stretched above her head and tiptoed through the pooling puddles below her feet to the front door. She shook out the umbrella and collapsed it, leaving it in a rack provided on the doorstep. The owner Tammy and her husband Lewis, swung the front door open after she knocked.

  Emily planted a disingenuous, strained smile on her lips because smiling was the last thing she felt like doing.

  ‘Hi,’ they replied boisterously, oblivious to the pain buried deep inside her heart. ‘Come on in.’

  Emily followed them through the expansive rooms to the kitchen. They had prepared the house exquisitely, clean and professionally decorated. The sweet scent of flowers filled the air along with the smell of fresh baking cookies.

  ‘Shame about the weather,’ said Tammy. ‘Do you think that will deter people from viewing the house?’

  Emily didn’t want to sugar coat things. She hadn’t that capability anymore. ‘It probably will. But I’ve generated enough interest in this property to still achieve a good turn-out, nonetheless. So, don’t worry, we are going to get a great result today. I’ve at least three parties that are very interested, who will definitely show.’

  Lewis nodded, relief in his features. ‘Good. We trust you. You don’t become a millionaire by doing your job poorly.’

  Emily hid her cringe. Xanthi was right, that snippet of information had worked in her favour, work wise, but each time a client brought it up, she felt like her personal space was invaded.

  ‘A big episode tonight on Catch Me a Cowboy,’ said Tammy. ‘Hopefully, I’ll be watching it while drinking celebratory champagne because you’ve sold the house above list price.’

  Emily forced a smile. ‘Hopefully.’

  ‘Any insider information about what the big controversy they are advertising is?’

  Emily shook her head. ‘Sorry. It’s confidential.’ And if I told you, you may just hate me. She wasn’t so fond of herself at the moment. She knew with all her heart that her decision to leave was irrational and based on fear, but she couldn’t do anything about it, couldn’t mend her scars.

  A quick tapping, scratching noise came from the back of the house. Emily spun to see the family dogs—two boxers with filthy wet paws, jumping on the glass doors that opened up to an entertainment area.

  ‘Sit,’ yelled Lewis. ‘Sorry, they’re angry with us because we’ve locked them outside. Best not let anyone open those doors or they are coming straight inside.’

  Emily’s brow furrowed and she eyed the pale furnishing and white flooring. The dogs would make an awful mess in the muddy state they were in. ‘Oh God, we don’t want that happening.’

  ‘No, we really don’t want that happening.’

  Emily pulled a notepad from her satchel and scratched out a note. She applied some Blu-tack to the back and marched to the doors where she hung the note up. Just in case. When she met Lewis and Tammy in the kitchen again, she said, ‘The open house will run for about an hour. If there are some interested parties, then it could go longer. So, don’t go rushing back. If you aren’t here by the time I wrap things up, I’ll lock up behind me and will call you with the results.’

  They nodded.

  Despite the rain, the open house was a success. Emily had generated more interest than she had anticipated and nearing the end of the showing, she had shown the property to over forty people. And more still came.

  She was in the main bedroom with an older couple when screams and yells floated to meet her. It sounded like people were being murdered.

  ‘Excuse me,’ Emily said to the couple and rushed out to the lounge. When she took in the scene, she gasped and threw her hands over her mouth. The back door was open and two wet dogs were bouncing around the lounge room, leaving their black paw prints. Spittle was dribbling from their mouths as they jumped across the couches, then over to a middle-aged woman dressed in white pants. One of the dogs jumped up on her, paws to her pants, leaving a long trail of mud.

  The woman screamed. ‘Get it off me! Get it off me! It’s wet and filthy.’

  The screaming stirred the dogs up more and their pace quickened, using the couches and chairs and rugs as trampolines to bounce from.

  The house was going to be destroyed if Emily didn’t get them outside. ‘Out!’ she ordered, pointing to the open back door, the note flapping in the breeze. The rain was pelting down outside. The house stunk of wet dog and dirt.

  ‘Out. Outside. Go!’

  But the dogs were too far gone, far too frantic with excitement to listen to her. Determination flooded her body. She kicked off her stilettos and, barefoot, marched towards the first dog running across the now grey-white lounge. As she neared, it went to bolt from her but she dived at it, tackling it around the waist against the couch. Her face crashed into the couch, but she didn’t feel it, too preoccupied with containing these dogs. Scrambling to her feet, the damp dog wriggling in her arms, she hoisted it up and carried it to the door then threw it out. A man was there to close the door behind it.

  Emily dusted her hands off and stared down the remaining dog. He was easier to contain, bounding over to her and throwing its paws onto her stomach. She reached down and gripped it around the waist, lifted it into the air and carried it to the door. It thrashed around in her arms, but she held tight, not letting this one get away. The man opened the door. She pressed her heel to the dog already outside trying to get back in and nudged it away before throwing the dog in her arms out. They bounded off into the rain.

  The man shut the door. Emily turned to face all the open-mouthed faces. Her breaths were heavy from exertion, her muscles were pinging. Serotine must have been flooding her brain because she was overcome with exhilaration for having got a taste of nature—city style—after too long.

  A man clapped, then another joined in.

  The woman whose pants were ruined shook her head, awe on her features. ‘Wow. You had no fear.’

  Emily’s chest was rising and falling. A smile crept onto her face. ‘I’ve dealt with worse things than a couple of wet dogs and bit of mud.’

  And she had. The pig sty for starters. She stilled then, as memories flooded her brain of the time she spent on the farm. An intense longing throbbed through her veins. Her bones ached to be there again, in Wil’s arms. The smile fell from her face and tears filled her eyes. Her chest was achy. A sob burst from her mouth, then another. Her shoulders shuddered as she dissolved into tears.

  ‘Oh God, what have I done?’ she sobbed.

  The lady shook her head. ‘It wasn’t your fault, love. I’m the one who opened the door.’

  Emily groaned. ‘No. Not this. I’ve made a very, very bad decision and I’m afraid it’s too late to take it back.’

  Emily managed to calm down after some hugs from the buyers. Before her clients returned home, she organised and paid, in advance, for the house to be professionally cleaned, and the couch and rugs steam-cleaned. It was an expense she didn’t need, but in comparison with the near triple-figure commission she made on the sale of this property this afternoon, it was a pittance. But it wasn’t about the money anymore. Life was more than that. Her aching heart sung out loud and clear that melancholy melody. />
  After the contracts were signed with the property owners, Emily rushed home. She threw her bag on the floor when she pushed through her front door. Ignoring Fifi as she pattered over to meet her, her loud meows filling the silent apartment, she quickly showered to rid herself of the dog stench and dressed in her pyjamas.

  She grabbed her pillows from her bed and rested them on the couch, then flopped down, laying back against them. She ordered a pizza, flicked on the television and navigated to her recorded shows. Enough was enough, she had to watch the Catch Me a Cowboy episodes she had taped on her set-top box. She wasn’t sure why the sudden urge had overcome her, but she knew it had something to do with trying to determine if she had any chance left to be with Wil.


  #CatchMeACowboy I am literally crying right now. How could she have ripped Wil’s heart out of his chest like that? #CruelHeartedEmily


  Emily is a bitch. There I said it. Does she have no heart? #CatchMeACowboy


  I can’t believe this. Emily is leaving the show? This can’t be happening. WTF @DreamNetwork? I am no longer watching this show. #ThisIsFucked #CatchMeACowboy


  Heartbroken. That’s all I’m saying about tonight’s episode. #CatchMeACowboy


  Good riddance, Emily!!! Wil is better off without you. #HeartBreaker #ColdAsIce #CatchMeACowboy


  Well that escalated quickly #CatchMeACowboy #WarningNextTimePleaseBeforeYouMurderMyHeart


  What the fucking fuck? No. No. No. Just No. #CatchMeACowboy

  Chapter 43

  ‘You’re doing well,’ said Andrea as she sat across from Wil.

  He wasn’t looking at her, distracted by her silhouette cast on the wall from the lights set up around the room.

  ‘Wil, are you listening to me?’ Her voice was firmer.

  He turned to face her then and nodded.


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