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Loving Two Doms (Club El Diablo)

Page 14

by Holly S. Roberts

  “You’re catching on, Jewel. You’ll see some things tonight that will make you uncomfortable. Hell, they still make me feel that way sometimes. If you don’t want to watch, walk away, ask questions, and reserve your judgment until you have time to process things.”

  “I can do that.” Jewel let out a relieved breath. She knew she could do it.

  “Are you ready to play, little bird?” Lydia asked.

  “Yes, Mistress. I’m more than ready,” Angela answered, her excitement apparent.

  “You might not like me very much before we’re finished, but please blame your evil husband.”

  “I’d be happy to, Mistress.”

  Jewel walked with Lydia to a back alcove having no idea what awaited.

  Chapter Twenty-four


  Rehearsal went well. They played a few tunes, but only to test microphones and electrical equipment. The day dragged and both he and Matt were impatient to get the weekend over with. They loved their fans and if it wasn’t for the attack on Jewel they’d have managed to leave her without their hearts feeling this heavy. Stephon worried about her having nightmares. He knew Angela would hold her, but he wanted Jewel to lie between him and Matt so they could offer comfort. He wasn’t used to feelings of possessiveness with women, but with Jewel, he didn’t even want another woman in bed with her.

  They checked in at their hotel, tried to rest, and then met in Krispin’s room before they were scheduled to head back to the coliseum.

  “Have you spoken with Jewel?” Krispin asked.

  Matt lounged on the floor holding his guitar. “After we landed. We told her we’d call tonight when we get back to the room. We’re hoping she takes a nap today so she’ll be awake.”

  “She’ll be up. They probably won’t even get back to the room until after midnight.”

  Stephon didn’t like what he heard and his voice tightened. “Why is that?”

  “Angela’s taking her to the club.”

  “What?” Matt stood suddenly and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “You didn’t know?” Krispin chuckled slightly. The man was evil.

  Stephon looked at Matt and saw the trepidation on his face too. “No, we didn’t and it’s too much for her. Yesterday morning a man attacked her, and then she learned about us a few hours later. Christ, you think she’s ready for a full excursion into a BDSM club? I can’t believe you let Angela go without you.”

  “I was worried about her and made arrangements with Lydia. They’ll take good care of your lady.”

  Matt rested his hand on Stephon’s shoulder. “It’s probably better that her first time is with the two of them. They’ll help her understand and answer questions she might not ask us.”

  “Either that or run screaming. If she’s not at the hotel when we get back I’m kicking your ass.” He looked straight at Krispin. “After this we don’t have a public show for months and your bruises might fade by then.”

  Krispin wasn’t worried and only laughed. “You two are priceless. She’ll be fine. Angela really likes her and who better to show her the ropes?”




  Angela calmly began removing her clothes, folding them neatly, and then placed them on a shelf to the side of the play area.

  When they first walked over, Jewel tried not to stare around her at the nudity displayed, but Lydia’s words helped her feel less self-conscious. “Most of the nude people are exhibitionists and don’t mind if you look. The ones who aren’t are often brought in by their Master or Mistress as punishment. Either way it’s okay to look.”

  Now Jewel found herself watching Angela while Lydia secured arm and ankle cuffs to her limbs and then secured her to what looked like an old fashioned pommel horse. Angela’s ass was in the air with her legs spread wide.

  “Stay with her, but don’t talk. I need to grab my bag from the office.”

  Jewel couldn’t believe she was alone with Angela’s bare ass and other female unmentionables facing her direction. She was glad Angela didn’t talk to her, because she didn’t know if she was capable of answering. Playing with a few kinky toys during the night she spent with Matt was nothing compared to this.

  Lydia finally came back carrying a bag similar to Matt’s. She didn’t smile or even nod. The Domme was all business and scarier than hell. She walked up to Angela and placed a sudden sharp swat on her ass. “Did you miss me?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Good, I’ve missed you too. Your Master’s not a very nice man.”

  “No, Mistress.”

  “He doesn’t want you having an orgasm until his return. He even mentioned a chastity belt.”

  Angela didn’t say a word this time.

  “Ha, I knew that would get you. I told him if he wanted to put you in one he could do it before he left, but I wasn’t doing his dirty work.”

  “Thank you, Mistress.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. I’m going to drive you crazy and trust you keep your Master’s edict.” Lydia removed a short whip from her bag. “Let’s warm you up first, little bird, and then we’ll get going.” She walked over and rubbed Angela’s ass cheeks with a familiar caress.

  Jewel was past embarrassment and the word “shock” didn’t come close to covering how she felt. On the first strike of the whip she actually screamed. Lydia turned toward her and winked.

  Shit—she was so out of her element.

  “Count for me, little bird.”

  “One, Mistress.”

  “We’ll start with ten. Are you ready for the next one?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  The next nine came one after the other with very little time in between. Jewel was actually shaking when the last one landed.

  Lydia looked at her. “How are you doing?”

  “She’s had enough.” Jewel tried to tamp down her anger.

  “Not even close. Go talk to her.”



  Jewel walked to Angela’s head, which was hanging on the other side of the horse. She got down on her knees and looked into her new friend’s face. Angela’s expression was almost dreamy. Jewel spoke softly because for some reason she thought it was called for, “Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” It was said with a wistful lilt.

  “Can I help you?” She had to ask.

  “Yes. Don’t judge and just know Lydia loves me. Krispin loves me too and I’m more than fine.” A small titter rumbled out of her mouth. “For now.”

  Jewel gently pulled Angela’s ponytail to the side. “Do you have a safeword?”

  “Yes, the club safeword is red.”

  “Okay.” Jewel walked back behind Lydia, who took a vibrator from her bag, placed a condom over it, and then dripped lube from a tube, rubbing it over the condom. Jewel gulped.

  The Domme walked over and smoothed her hand over a reddened ass cheek. “Now it gets fun, little bird. This is one of the reasons I’ve missed you so much. Your surrender is absolute and complete. Let’s see if your husband has messed up all the work I’ve done with you over the years.”

  “Yes…” The tip of the vibrator found home. “…Mistress.” Lydia wiggled the toy a little and pushed it further inside Angela’s pussy.

  She walked back beside Jewel and picked up the whip. “Now we’re ready for ten more.”

  “Yes, Mistress.” Her voice wasn’t as easygoing now.

  The eleventh strike landed, but instead of lifting her arm again, Lydia walked over to her bag. “Very remiss of me, little bird. I forgot the most important part.” She took out a remote controller and flipped the switch. She moved the dial until a small cry came from Angela. “Now we’re ready. Don’t forget to count.”

  “No, Mistress.” The whip landed. “Twelve, Mistress.”

  Angela was having trouble staying still. Jewel couldn’t believe what she was seeing, but her pelvic muscles tightened and her panties grew wet. Twenty couldn�
�t come soon enough.

  When the last lash landed, Jewel was breathing hard and trying to get her pulse rate under control. Lydia looked at her and reached her hand out. Jewel could do nothing but take it and follow her over to Angela. Lydia released Jewel’s hand so she could skim over the raised welts. “It’s important not to break the skin and leave a scar. How’s the vibrator feel, Angela?”

  “I think I’m going to kill my husband, Mistress.” Her heavy breathing didn’t diminish.

  Lydia laughed joyfully. “Yes, I don’t blame you. I’d like to warm your thighs a little. Are you up for ten more?”

  Angela groaned. “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Okay, then we’ll get started. Do you want to feel the welts, Jewel?”

  “No,” she uttered.

  “Now, little bird, this time will be harder and I’m turning up the vibrator. It would be better if you used your safeword than have an orgasm. I’ll report it to Krispin and no telling what he’ll do.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  Angela might not have an orgasm, but Jewel was afraid she would.

  Chapter Twenty-five


  The crowd had had no idea that Matt’s head wasn’t in the game. He had Krispin to thank for hours of rehearsal so he could play on autopilot. His attuned ears knew Stephon was in the same place. They didn’t suck, but it wasn’t their most spectacular performance either.

  After the concert, they made it to their luxurious bus, which waited in the side VIP parking lot. They would cool down and then take private cars back to the hotel.

  The door of the bus closed and Krispin spoke up, “You know you both sucked tonight, right?”

  “And you were at the top of your game?” Stephon snapped back.

  Wade gave them each a dirty look. “From here on out the women travel with you guys. I’m not going through that again.”

  Lefty, their drummer, chuckled. “You boys have it bad. When do I get to meet her?”

  “Never,” Stephon and Matt spoke together.

  They all laughed and some of the tension died down.

  Lefty was a perverted sadist with a twenty-four seven slave waiting back in California. He lived the life of total power exchange, though the other members of the band tended to wince when faced head-on with the absolute dedication to his lifestyle. Rocky, their bass guitarist, lived quietly with a submissive man as his partner. To each their own kink, which was one of the reasons the dynamics of their band worked so well. Krispin knew what he was doing when he had brought them together.

  Stephon and Matt were unable to kick back and relax because they wanted to speak with Jewel. Matt called for a car to be sent over without asking Stephon.

  “I’m with you, brother. We need to see how bad things are.”

  “Or how good they are.” Matt tried a smile to relieve some of Stephon’s stress, but it wasn’t sincere enough to help.

  They didn’t want to speak in front of the unknown driver, so they waited to call when they were safely behind the doors of their room. It was twelve twenty in the morning in her time zone. Stephon put his cell on speaker.


  “How are you doing, love?” Stephon let none of his internal turmoil come through.

  “Hi.” Warmth flooded her voice and Matt was able to breathe. “I’m talking to Angela.”

  “Angela should have you tucked in bed by now.”

  “Is that you, Matt?”

  “Yes, it’s me.”

  “If she had me tucked in bed I wouldn’t be awake for your call.”

  “Then straight to bed after this.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Both men looked at each other and Matt held back a groan. “How was your night at the club?”

  “Umm, very enlightening.”

  Stephon broke in, “You didn’t run back home, so it couldn’t have been too bad.”

  “I thought about it once or twice, but knew you’d come get me.”

  “Yes, we would,” their voices rang out together.

  “I love when you guys do that.”

  “What?” they both asked.

  “Talk at the same time. It’s cute.”

  “I’d be happy to show you cute when we get back.” Stephon’s voice roughened with desire.

  “I can’t wait.”

  “You’re killing us, Jewel.”

  “I’m glad, because I’m horny as hell and Angela and I are both in the same predicament. Is it cheating if we get each other off?”

  “Yes,” both men said with force.

  “Okay, but it’s your fault if we have sexy dreams and slip up.”

  Matt grinned at Stephon. “Angela put you up to this conversation, didn’t she?”


  “We’ll be sure to let Krispin know.”

  “She’s talking to him in the other room, and I’m sure she’s being much more explicit than I am.” Jewel’s voice dropped into a sexy whisper. “She told me all the things she would do to me if you both said yes.”

  “You know I’m spanking your ass when we get back, right?” Stephon used his Dom voice.

  “I’m counting on it.” There was nothing submissive in her tone.

  Both men groaned. “Get some sleep, love. We’ll call tomorrow.”

  Her voice changed, “I need to ask you both something.”

  “Go ahead.” Matt’s body tensed because he could almost feel her uncertainty.

  They heard her breathe into the phone before her words came out quickly. “Can we take the whole BDSM thing slowly? I don’t know if I’m ready for all of it.”

  Matt nodded to Stephon, giving him the okay to answer. “It’s about all three of us, love. We take it slow, learn what you like and don’t like, and work it out. Nothing’s written in stone. We’ll talk more when we get back.”

  Her voice grew husky. “Can we talk after?”

  “Good night. We’re heading for cold showers.”

  They heard her husky laughter until Stephon disconnected the call.

  “Hell, we’re in trouble.” Stephon walked to the couch and stretched out. “I can’t believe she made it through a night at the club.”

  Matt sat at the other end, putting Stephon’s feet on his lap. “Don’t get any ideas, but seriously you are a bed and couch hog.”

  “It’s okay. Your hands wouldn’t do my feet justice right now.”

  Matt stared at his friend for a few minutes. “Are you doing okay?”

  “I think I’m better than okay. It’s been an interesting two days and now we just need to get back to Houston so my dick doesn’t fall off.”

  “That would be a shame.”

  “For both of us.” Stephon closed his eyes.

  “You think quite highly of your junk.”

  “I think quite highly of yours too.”

  “I’m heading to bed. This conversation will get us both into trouble.” Matt left the room and took a quick shower. He looked at the empty bed and then made his way into the other bedroom. He couldn’t see Stephon’s eyes in the dark, but felt him watching. “Please tell me you showered,” Matt said into the quiet room.

  “A damn cold one.”

  Climbing in beside his friend, Matt settled in without touching him.

  “What’s up?” Stephon leaned over and slid warm fingers through Matt’s hair.

  Matt relaxed. “I want this to work.”

  “We’ll make it work.” The fingers stilled, but remained connected.

  Jewel had to accept and understand the men’s relationship, but if she didn’t, they would still be there for each other. “Okay, but scoot over a little so I can breathe.”

  Instead, Stephon rolled over and partially trapped Matt’s body beneath his. “With her, I’m almost willing to go vanilla.”

  “After the night I had with her, I don’t think she could go back.”


  Matt closed his eyes and imagined the three of them fucking.

  Stephon hogg
ed the bed the entire night.

  Chapter Twenty-six


  On Sunday night, Jewel knew she was returning to work the following day and called Starla. “Yes, I’m sure. My face is still a delightful wreck, but seriously I need to be working. If you don’t think I’ll scare the customers away, I’m coming in tomorrow.”

  “Having a rich boyfriend should keep your mind off work for a little longer.”

  Jewel decided to go for broke. “I have two rich boyfriends.”



  “I’m digesting what you said. Give me a minute.”

  “I might be in love.” Just saying the “L” word made her feel better. She hadn’t slept with Stephon, but it didn’t matter.

  “Oh, Jewels. I’m not sure what to think. I saw the news and put two and two together.” Starla laughed with her gravely vocal cords. “Or maybe I should say one and one. They’re damn hot.”

  Jewel sighed with relief. “You have no idea.”

  “Come back to work tomorrow, but take advantage of a hotel car.”

  “I can do that. The guys won’t be too happy with me, but my agreement was for the weekend.”

  More laughter. “You know keeping two men happy won’t be easy.”

  “Neither will two men keeping me happy.”

  “That’s my girl. Don’t let them bulldoze you.”

  She hung up and dialed Matt’s cell. Stephon answered and she could hear jumbled sounds in the background.

  “Hi, love.”

  “Is this a bad time?”

  “Not really. We’re getting ready to fly out.”

  She breathed in and said her piece in an outward rush, “I’m going back to work tomorrow, and I’ll take a car in the morning. I can’t take another day cooped up here.” She waited, but heard only background noise.

  Matt’s voice came over the phone. “Stephon’s not happy. What’s up?”

  “Then he should talk to me. I’m going into work tomorrow.”

  Matt’s tone was firm, “I don’t think so.”

  Hers was frustrated, “I told Stephon I would take a hotel car. I’ll be fine.”

  “This isn’t a good time to argue about it.” His voice matched hers.


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