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Planet of Ice (The Broken Stars Book 2)

Page 13

by Tony Healey

  A team of three researchers in goggles and white lab coats collected samples from the debris in glass containers and carried them over to minilabs. Two technicians manned those stations, pouring solution over the samples and swirling the containers.

  Steam rose from the glass as the rock disintegrated. The silvery-white remnants were passed along to armed guards, and tucked inside storage crates. Containers without the grainy substance were dumped out and returned to the work stations.

  "Is that the rest of Mayday's team?" Kort asked.

  "Yeah." Pazo smacked his lips. "They're still breathing, which is a good sign."

  "What are they doing?" Max said.

  "Mining." Pazo snickered. "But ya probably already determined that."

  "Samarium. It's got to be," Kort said. "Mayday told us Wils discovered some here on Quaris. Now we know how he's getting his hands on it."

  "Funny, isn't it?" Pazo said. "Abductions, murder, corruption; all this hubbub over some powder."

  Kort smiled. "Powder worth more credits than you and I would see in a million lifetimes, that's for sure."

  "I don't understand," Max said. "If he's keeping this discovery from the Union, who else stands to benefit from this stuff?"

  "That's a great question, Max. Adam told me it had ‘certain properties’ of interest to the Union, which means there’s an appetite for it on the black market as well." Kort checked the level on his blaster's ammo clip. "Not knowing what it’s used for is equally as terrifying as not knowing who's buying it."

  "Is samarium dangerous?" Max asked.

  "Remember how that anti-tank cannon melted a chunk of the tundra and nearly sank us under it?" Pazo replied. "Samarium is the backbone for the tech that powers Codename: Maelstrom. That cannon they attacked us with on the tundra was only a taste of what's to come if we don't stop him."

  "Pazo, where did you get this information about Codename: Maelstrom?" Kort asked. "Seems Wils would've kept it under lock and key, yet you have this valuable intel."

  "Ya accusing me of something, old man?"

  "Now's not the time, you two," Max said with a stern tone.

  "Look, I've got a source," Pazo said. "More than that, ya don't need to know."

  "In any case, yes, Max. In the wrong hands, samarium can definitely be dangerous." Kort wiped the blaster's barrel on his jacket. "I'm not saying I entirely trust what the Union would do with it, but better to have it in the hands of the devil you know."

  Pazo nodded. "So, how do we wanna play this? If we go in guns a' blazin', there's bound to be research team casualties, and I made a promise to bring them back safely."

  Kort tapped a finger against his chin. He looked K1R-B up and down. "Hmm . . ."

  K1R-B shrugged. "What?"


  "Everyone down!" Kort shouted.

  The five research team members cried out in panic, and covered their heads as they dropped to the ground. The mercenary guards drew their weapons and aimed toward the walkway. Kort lobbed a metal ball into the cargo storage area. It bounced on the ground before hitting a crate of samarium, and coming to a rest.

  "Grenade!" a mercenary called out.

  A pack of guards ran and took cover behind the mining drills.

  "Imbeciles!" The remaining mercenary jumped on top of the spherical object.

  "Now!" Kort slipped out from behind the wall and fired at the closest drill. Sparks flew as small pieces broke off around the base. Smoke billowed from blaster holes, yet the machine continued to function.

  Two mercenaries popped their heads up and opened fire on Kort. He ducked behind a work station, sharing the space with one of the researchers. Her eyes welled with tears.

  "We're going to get you out of here," Kort assured her. "Just stay down and leave everything to us, okay?"

  The woman nodded.

  Pazo entered the fight next, firing explosive tip plasma bolts at the mining equipment. The blasts tore the drill's plating wide open, exposing the machine's inner gears. He launched another bolt inside the opening, destroying the drill's internal mechanism and taking it offline.

  Two guards darted out from behind the crippled machine and shot back. A laser ricocheted off Pazo's claw and struck the ceiling. A clump of rock broke away and tumbled down. Pazo dove and dodged the impact by a narrow margin.

  Max remained hidden out of sight, but his part to play in the assault had come. With both Kort and Pazo pinned down, he stepped out from cover and sprayed blaster fire over their heads. As the mercenaries scrambled back to safety, Kort crawled between work stations, gathering the researchers and pointing them toward Pazo.

  Pazo rounded up the confused researchers and instructed them to wait at the elevators. One by one, they ran up the walkway until only the mercenaries remained.

  Click. Click. Click.

  Max depleted his blaster's ammunition cartridge.

  "Get over here, old man!" Pazo said. "On the double!"

  Without the aid of Max's cover fire, the mercenaries resurfaced from shelter. Kort sprinted back to his team, ducking and weaving to avoid the mercenaries' blasters. Pazo met Kort in front of the cavern wall and shielded him with his claw. Lasers bounced off the hard exoskeleton.

  The mercenary leader sat up, noticing the undetonated sphere beneath him. He poked it with the barrel of his blaster. The hunk of metal rolled, revealing robotic fingers curled into a tight ball. When he looked up, K1R-B stood at the walkway, waving the nub at the end of its arm.

  Pazo grabbed K1R-B's shoulder and pulled. "Would you come on?"

  The mercenary leader threw the severed hand at the wall, breaking it into several pieces. "After them, you idiots!"

  Kort and Max had a head start up the walkway. Pazo reached into a pack on his belt and removed a cluster of oval-shaped mines. He tossed them underhanded at the cavern wall. Each stuck in place to the rock and charged.

  "That ought to buy us some time," Pazo said to himself.


  The researchers waited at the elevators as planned. Kort and Max arrived first, with K1R-B and Pazo close behind.

  "You're with the Union, right?" Kort said. "Part of Mayday's team?"

  "You know her?" a male researcher said.

  "Yes, and we're going to take you to her."

  Chatter arose among the researchers, containing whispers of both relief and uncertainty.

  "If this is true, we are in your debt." The male stepped forward and shook Kort's hand. "I'm Doctor Terrance Pyra."

  "Pleasure to meet you," Kort replied.

  A series of explosions sounded at the bottom of the cavern.

  "Sorry to cut this introduction short, but that's our cue to split," Pazo said. "We've only got a couple of minutes before they regroup."

  K1R-B hacked into the electronic panel again and called down the elevator.

  "Is this everyone?" Kort asked.

  "Yes." Dr. Pyra stared at the ground. "We're the only ones left."

  "Oh . . ." Kort shuffled his feet.

  A chime rang as the elevator doors opened. The group crammed inside, making the fit tight, but leaving a small amount of elbow room. As the doors closed, Pazo affixed his last two mines to the external control panel. He folded his arms across his broad chest to squeeze in. His elbow pressed against K1R-B's cheek.

  K1R-B harrumphed.

  "Boy, this elevator is crowded, yeah?" Pazo said. "Good thing you're one hand shy, eh, Stumpy?"


  A troop of tech armor-clad mercenaries awaited them on the main floor with weapons drawn. Officer Wils emerged from the middle of the pack, dressed in full Union regalia and standing at least a foot shorter than his guards. He tapped a tube-shaped stun rod against his leather-gloved palm.

  "That's about enough," Wils said. "It was fun for a while, but I've grown rather bored of the whole thing." He whispered into the ear of a mercenary beside him. "I must admit, though, you made it much further than I anticipated. I'd have to rate the performance of my c
urrent security forces . . . unsatisfactory."

  The researchers cowered at the back of the elevator.

  "You didn't really think you made it all this way undetected, did you?" Wils laughed, and stared down the mercenary next to him until he joined in. "Nothing happens on Quaris without my knowledge or say so." He walked up to Kort. "Nothing."

  Wils jabbed the end of his stun rod into Kort's portly stomach and pressed the button. An audible zap accompanied a flurry of bright blue sparks. Kort convulsed and dropped to his knees. Max lunged forward, but Pazo grabbed him by the collar and shook his head in disapproval.

  Wils released the button and stepped back. "It took me years to find someone as skilled and competent as Annae, and she will not be easily replaced. For her death, you will suffer. You will all suffer."


  Kort wiped drool from the corners of his mouth. Wils gripped the stun rod in both hands behind his back, pacing in front of the group. Max breathed heavily through gritted teeth. Every fiber of his being demanded retribution for not only the assault on his uncle, but also for the cruel mistreatment of the Union researchers. He counted eight mercenaries backing up Officer Wils and his new right-hand man.

  Ten guards against the three of us, five unarmed scientists, and a one-handed droid, he thought. I sure wish I knew what Pazo was thinking right now. He'd know how to get us out of this.

  "Before we take this any further, there's still one outstanding issue to resolve." Wils nodded. His team of mercenaries moved in and secured Pazo and Max, preceding to strip them of their weapons. Another kicked K1R-B's legs out from under it, knocking the droid to the ground. Wils knelt down and lifted Kort's chin. "Where's Mayday?"

  Kort spat on the officer's boots.

  "I didn't suspect you'd offer up that information freely." Wils backhanded Kort across the face with the stun rod, and wiped his saliva-spattered boot on Kort's jacket. "No matter. Resisting only makes it more fun."

  Max wrestled, but couldn't break free from the guard's grasp. To his left, he noticed four mercenaries working in concert to keep Pazo restrained.

  Damn, he thought. Even at his size, there's just too many of them.

  "Just look at yourself, Wils," Pazo snarled. "You're a disgrace to that insignia on your vest."

  Wils laughed. "Well, isn't that rich? A lecture about morals from a man who makes his living extorting off-worlders, and smuggling packages across the tundra."

  "At least I don't pretend to be something I'm not," Pazo said. "I'd never betray my code."

  "Oh, you think I've betrayed the Union?" Wils tightened his grip around the stun rod. "Well, let me ask you a question, Mintok: if after years of loyal service, your commanding officer not only passed you over for promotion, but also had you transferred to an outpost on a frigid cesspool of a planet, wouldn't you look for an opportunity to make it worth your while?"

  "So, the Union owes ya now, do they?"

  Wils stomped over to Pazo, eyes leveled with the Mintok's bulky chest. "You're damn right they do!"

  The mercenary leader pressed a finger against his ear. "Sir, I've just received a report from our recon squad. The eastern hills are clear. The squad is now moving forward into the woods."

  Wils returned his attention to Kort. "It's only a matter of time until we find Mayday and the others. You can save yourself a lot of discomfort if you just tell me where to look."

  Kort glared, but did not respond.

  "I get it, you don't want to give them up," Wils said. "Tell you what, you don't have to." He reached into Kort's pocket and fished out his map. Wils unfolded the paper and held it in front of Kort's face. "All you have to do is point, and we'll take care of the rest. Your conscience can be clear."

  Kort poked a shaky finger through the center of the map and ripped downward, tearing the paper.

  Wils shook his head. "Is that loyalty or stubbornness? I honestly don't know if there's a difference." He balled up the map and threw it in Kort's face. "I suppose I'll have to get more creative with my sales pitch."

  The mercenary leader stepped over Kort's body and lifted him off the ground.

  "You know where to take him, Largent," Wils said.

  Largent pinned Kort's arms together behind his back.

  "How long do you think you can keep your little operation secret from the Union?" Kort coughed. "I hope the samarium profits are worth the fury you'll unleash once they figure out what you're up to."

  "You're so small-minded. I think much bigger than mere credits." Wils pinched Kort's cheek. "My ‘little operation,' as you call it, has expanded far beyond financial gain. No, I'm interested in something much more valuable than wealth."

  "Oh, yeah?" Kort said. "And what's that?"

  Wils patted Kort's face. "Why, power, of course. What else is there?"

  "Operation: Maelstrom," Pazo said.

  Wils applauded. "Operation: Maelstrom is my ticket off this miserable rock. Once the Union sees what my technology is capable of, they'll have no choice but to show me the respect I deserve."

  "And you think a few samarium-powered heat rays are going to earn that respect?" Pazo said. "Newsflash: the Union already has weaponized heat rays."

  "Heat rays?" Wils burst into laughter. He nudged Largent with an elbow. "I guess we know why the Mintok race has never produced a notable academic, don't we?"

  Largent's body shook, but no sound could be heard from under his helmet.

  Pazo smirked. "Fine, I'll bite. What's so funny?"

  "What you've seen is only a fraction of Operation: Maelstrom's true power," Wils said. "Once I've obtained a surplus of samarium, I'll have the means to control an entire planet's climate. I'm going to start by turning Quaris back into its original tropical state. Maybe stake out some beachfront property for a vacation home."

  "That's impossible," Kort said.

  "Impossible?" Wils stomped his foot. "That's not even the best part! After I began digging under the layers of ice to reach the samarium, I uncovered remnants of Quaris' original inhabitants." He tapped his temple. "Think about it. History tells us so little about these early colonists. All we know is that an ice age erased them from existence, but with my technology, we can finally decode millennia of unanswered questions."

  "So, you're a scholar now?" Pazo said.

  Wils stroked his moustache. "Not so much, but what I am interested in is the tech they've left behind. They didn't have Jump Drives back then, so how did they get here, and for what purpose? Can you even imagine what that kind of tech would be worth? Buyers will be lining up for miles!"

  "I thought you said this wasn't about credits?" Kort said. "What about your ultimate quest for power and respect?"

  "You're right." Wils punched Kort in the stomach. "But if I happen to make some credits along the way, I'm not going to complain about it." He pressed the stun rod under Kort's chin. "I think we're done here, unless of course you've had a change of heart. I'll give you once last chance to tell me where Mayday and the others are hiding before things get ugly."

  Kort met Wils's gaze. "Do your worst. There's no amount of torture that will ever make me tell you."

  Wils frowned. "Oh, I have no intention of torturing you. I can see the resolve in your eyes." He looked at Max. "However, I wonder how long you'll be able to handle watching me torture the boy before you feel like talking."

  "You wouldn't!" Kort said.

  Wils smiled. "You've grossly underestimated what lengths I'll go to. The question you need to ask yourself is, 'What lengths are you willing to go to protect them?'"

  Max's eyes widened. His heart hammered in his chest. He strained and fought in attempt to break away from the mercenaries holding him, but couldn't.

  K1R-B tried to stand. The guard monitoring him delivered a swift kick to its chest and knocked the droid back down. He pressed his boot against the back of K1R-B's neck to hold the droid still.

  "That thing moves again, shoot it," Wils said.

  The two guards shoved Max forward,
maintaining a firm grasp on his arms. Wils sauntered over and gripped Max by the mandible, turning his head side-to-side.

  "Pity it's come to this," Wils said. "The kid looks barely old enough to shave. But, if he's old enough to wield a blaster, he's old enough to withstand a bit of interrogation."

  Pazo laughed in his loud, obnoxious way.

  Wils furrowed his brow. "You find this amusing?"

  Pazo continued to laugh.

  Wils clenched his jaw. His face reddened. "Why are you laughing?"

  Pazo's laughter dissipated to a light chuckle. "I'm sorry, it's just that I can't seem to get this hilarious thought out of my head."

  "What in the name of this galaxy could you possibly find humorous right now?" Wils said.

  "This." Pazo raised his arms, lifting his two mercenary captors off the ground. He threw elbows at either side, striking the other pair of guards behind him. "The Mintok may not have any notable academics, but we do have a long lineage of bad ass barbarians." Pazo threw roundhouse punches and knocked out the last standing mercenaries. He wrapped his claw arm around Wils's neck and held him against his body.

  Wils gurgled and dropped the stun rod. Pazo scooped it up and pressed it against Wils's head. Largent threw Kort down and drew his blaster.

  "I wouldn't recommend that." Pazo dug the stun rod deeper into Wils's temple. "Call off your dogs, or I barbecue your boss from the inside out."

  Largent lowered his blaster and ordered the other mercenaries to stand down. Max untangled himself from the guards and ran to Kort's side.

  "How is he?" Pazo said, not taking his eyes off the enemy.

  Max put Kort's arm around his neck and helped him up.

  "I'm fine." Kort grunted. "Thank you, Max."

  "Doctor Pyra, get everyone behind me," Pazo said.

  The researchers filed out of the elevator and took shelter behind the indomitable Mintok.

  "Okay, so here's what happens now." Pazo dragged Wils away from the elevators. "All ya mercenaries are going to get in there, slowly, and if ya do anything stupid, I'm going to ruin your boss's weekend."


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