A Changeling For All Seasons Vol. 4

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A Changeling For All Seasons Vol. 4 Page 12

by Changelings

  “We haven’t toasted your birthday. And once I get you in that king-sized bed odds are we won’t make it back downstairs.”

  “You grab the champagne. I’ll get the glasses. We’ll toast in bed.”

  “Works for me.”

  Joy followed Jake into the living room and picked up the flutes.

  Jake pulled the bottle out of the ice and popped the cork. He filled the flutes, then touched his glass to hers. “Happy Birthday, Joy. To the first of many we’ll spend together.”

  Chapter Four

  Jake sipped the champagne, wondering what Joy’s response to his toast would be.

  Joy took a sip, then raised her glass. “To the first of many nights of wild sex.”

  His heart thumping wildly, Jake tapped his flute against hers. “Let’s go upstairs.”

  Joy turned and walked toward the stairs, her hips moving with that natural sway that had driven him crazy for years. Joy’s magnificent ass had fueled many a wet-dream, but naked it was nothing less than glorious.

  Jake pinched his arm. She was here, beautiful and naked, walking up the stairs to the bedroom, her long brown hair swinging with each step she took.

  Jake shuddered, the desire to shift burning in his loins. He tamped down the urge, understanding his natural instinct to take Joy in the primitive way. He’d remain in human form, but his feral urges were strong. With Joy it wasn’t just sex, he wanted to mate, to claim her beneath the moon.

  The sweeping staircase was circular, with banks of long rectangular windows leading to the second story. Midway was a landing which begged one to pause and take in the spectacular views of the mountains. A polished wooden railing ran along the outside wall.

  When she reached the landing, she turned. The passion he saw in her blue eyes speared right through his middle. His heart skipped a beat and his cock jerked to attention.

  “I’m turning off the lights, wait for me.” Jake flipped the switch, plunging the stairwell into darkness. He joined her on the landing. Standing at her side, he slid his arm around her waist and turned her to face the long windows that reached the ceiling. Moonlight glistened on the snow-covered trees. “The moonlight is amazing.”

  “It’s beautiful. The moon, the snow, it’s breathtaking.”

  Jake looked at her reflection in the glass. “You’re breathtaking.”

  Her hand brushed his cock. “So are you.”

  “Watch out -- moonlight brings out the wolf in me.”

  “I requested untamed.”

  Between sips of champagne, they kissed. Jake loved Joy’s scent and the feel of her taut nipples scraping his chest. On fire, he set their empty glasses in the corner of a step. “There’s something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time. Look at me.”

  Joy turned around to face him, her back to the window. He cupped her breasts and his breath hitched. Leaning down, he drew a nipple into his mouth, suckling gently. Joy’s soft moan urged him to draw deep and firm. He suckled each breast in turn, loving her sighs of pleasure.

  He ran his tongue from the valley between her breasts to her belly button. Sinking to his knees, he kissed her belly and ran his fingers through her tight curls. She gasped when he slid his hand between her thighs to touch her pussy. Slick and wet, his finger slipped inside her. He moved his fingers in and out, felt her pussy quiver.


  Jake increased the tempo and felt the tightening of her pussy around his fingers.

  “Good, so good. I can’t take it.”

  He removed his fingers and grasped her butt cheeks.

  “Don’t stop.”

  Jake had no intention of stopping. He rubbed her ass, then buried his face between her legs. She grabbed the rail for support, her rings clacking against the smooth wood.

  He plunged his tongue inside her heat, licking her lush walls. His cock strained, painfully, but Jake needed to bring her to climax, now, with his mouth, lips and tongue. He suckled her clit, drawing deeply. Her legs trembled, and her cries of pleasure were music to Jake’s ears. Then she shuddered and her knees buckled.

  Jake rose and turned her around. “Hold onto the rail.”

  Grasping his cock, Jake pushed the head between her thighs and into her wet lushness. He nearly came at the contact. The urge to mate was so overwhelming his breath froze in his lungs.

  The shift hovered, every nerve buzzing and every muscle shuddering. His vision narrowed and he threw back his head. A soft, strangled howl escaped his throat, but Jake controlled the primitive instincts, his mind overpowering his wolven urges.

  He took a deep breath. He wanted to give Joy the fuck of her life, right here on the stairs with the moon visible through the window. The moment, the position as close to wolf sex as possible.

  Jake grasped her hips with both hands and thrust deep.


  All the need, the desire he’d been holding inside for years boiled to the surface. His cock ached, the pleasure so intense his brain couldn’t process it. Their bodies moved in sync, each stroke, each push-and-drag more erotic than the last.

  Wet and hot, her pussy quivered, each nuance of her response fueling his desire, heating his blood. He thrust deep inside her slick folds. Her flesh held him, a tight sheath squeezing and releasing, driving him to the erotic edge.

  Jake’s heart pounded and sweat beaded his forehead, ran down his temples. The need to climax thrummed in his balls.

  He stroked her hips. Hold on. Not yet.

  Jake wanted Joy to peak with him. He wanted them to experience the intensity together, to share the ecstasy. Nothing mattered more in his life than this woman.

  He opened his eyes and looked at the full moon. His wolven urges rose, his feral need to mate racing through his blood.

  * * *

  Joy struggled to draw air into her lungs. A delicious fire flashed through blood, bone and muscle, and flames licked the walls of her pussy. She sucked in a deep breath, then opened her eyes to see Jake’s reflection in the window.

  She gasped at the shadowed image, familiar, yet different. His eyes were open and in their depths she saw the moon. His skin shimmered, silvery in the moonlight. His image seemed to waver as if a veil had fallen over him. Then the image cleared and all Joy saw was Jake looking at her.

  Their gazes locked and his hips began to pump, faster and faster. Her hands gripped the rail as he drove into her again and again, pushing her to the pinnacle. Heat swirled around her and her heart raced. On the sharp edge, Joy cried out as her pussy quaked, followed by delicious tremors.

  Jake’s throaty groan joined her cries. Jake’s body jerked. In the glass, Joy saw Jake throw back his head, his howls echoing in the narrow stairwell.

  Her hands tightened on the railing as if it were a lifeline. Werewolf sex.

  Reality exploded in her brain. In a fraction of a second, Jake was capable of changing. Joy had accepted who and what Jake was long ago, but tonight she’d experienced his wild side firsthand. Those wonderful ripples of sexual energy that had ebbed and flowed were amazing, yet strange. Jake wasn’t like her other lovers. He was a man, but also a wolf. Would she ever fully understand him?

  Relationships were usually rosy in the beginning, until day-to-day contact became the norm. Would she satisfy the wolf in him?

  “Are you okay?”

  Her heart pounded furiously. She didn’t want to have doubts. She loved Jake, but until now she hadn’t truly come to grips with Jake the werewolf, the shapeshifter. “I’m fine.”

  “Then let go of the rail before you break your fingers.” Jake stepped back, withdrawing as Joy released her death grip. He grasped her upper arms and drew her against him, her back to his chest. “Talk to me.”

  Her gaze met his in the shadowy glass. His eyes still glittered but she no longer saw the reflection of the moon. “I felt the werewolf.”

  “The intensity had me on the edge. I wanted to shift. It’s a natural desire during mating.”

  “It’s always like that?�

  He placed his hand over her left breast. “Your heart is racing. I frightened you.”

  “I’ve never heard you howl before.”

  “I’ve never felt the urge to mate before, except with you.” He turned her around and cupped her face in his hands. “The last thing I want is for you to fear me and what I am.”

  “I’m not afraid of you. I just never really thought about the wolf part. I saw the moon in your eyes. It wasn’t scary. It was…”

  He placed his hands on her shoulders, squeezing gently. “Eerie?”

  “A little. I felt like we were flowing together. I felt these ripples moving between us. Maybe it was the moonlight. I read that the full moon affects a werewolf’s libido.”

  “It does and having sex during the full moon is intense. If you were curious, why didn’t you ask me?”

  “I wanted to. I thought about it, but we were never alone. I asked your dad a few questions over dinner once, but I couldn’t ask him about sex.”

  “Ask me, Joy. Ask me anything.”

  “I want to understand the wolf part of you.”

  He brushed her lips with his. “First let me tell you this. Making love with you in the moonlight was extraordinary. Let’s go sit down by the fire.”

  Joy picked up the fur coat off the living room floor and settled into the corner of the sofa, but Jake remained standing.

  “Do you like the coat?”

  Joy slid her hand over the faux fur. “I love it. Karin and Michelle went way overboard with the coat, the weekend, the driver.”

  Jake’s expression told Joy she was dead wrong. “You did it? The coat, everything? Ohmigod, you were the driver, but how?”

  “The message was delivered by a friend of mine. When I picked you up it was dark and I kept my hat pulled low. You were too excited to notice me.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Jake raked his fingers through his hair. “You had me worried. You didn’t know who you were meeting, but you were ready to meet your mystery man.”

  “When I climbed into the car, I thought about you and I wished you were the man I was meeting. But I knew I wasn’t the mate your father wants for you. No matter how I felt, I wasn’t a she-wolf. So I got into the car.”

  “I never knew how you felt. I thought you were in love with Phil.”

  Joy shook her head. “No, it wasn’t love. Phil would have never bought me this coat and he never would have asked me to wear nothing beneath it.”

  “You have no idea how worried I was that you would be disappointed when you found out I was your mystery date. Standing naked in front of that tree was the hardest thing I’ve done in my life.”

  Joy glanced at the scar on Jake’s thigh. Last year he’d been involved in a shoot out with drug dealing gang members and took a bullet.

  “I’d rather be shot than have you reject me.”

  “You’re the best present ever. Come here.”

  Jake shook his head. “I think we need to address the werewolf issue. I’m going to shift. Remember, although I’m in wolf form, I’m still Jake. My shape changes, my senses are heightened, but in my mind, heart and soul I’m still the man who is in love with you.”

  His declaration slammed into her heart, mind and soul with blinding intensity. He loved her.

  Then he shifted. His form wavered, his features changing, blending man with wolf. His nose and ears elongated, his skin sprouted dark fur and his height shrank. Arms and legs altered, hands and feet became paws.

  In a flash, he’d morphed into a huge, dark wolf.

  “Let me touch you.”

  Jake ambled over to her and laid his head on her lap.

  She stroked his head and ruffled his ears. She looked into the wolf’s eyes and saw Jake. “It’s you. It’s so amazing.”

  The wolf lifted its head, then trotted over to her birthday tree and picked up the gift wrapped in purple paper with its teeth, brought it to her and dropped it in her lap. The wolf sat and waited.

  Joy opened the package and found a smaller, black velvet box. She flipped open the box and gasped. The diamond sparkled with a crescent moon of tiny rubies surrounding it. “Ohmigod.”

  The wolf placed his paw on her knee.

  Tears welled in her eyes. “It’s beautiful.”

  The wolf tapped her knee with his paw.

  Joy looked at the wolf and saw the uncertainty in Jake’s eyes. Her answer surged from the heart. Jake was the one. “Yes, Jake. The answer is yes.”

  His wolf tail wagged, then Jake morphed back into human form. Kneeling before her on one knee, he plucked the diamond from the box and slid it onto her finger. “I love you, Joy. I have for years. This ring was my mother’s. Wolves mate only once and this ring is my pledge to you for a lifetime together.”

  “I love you, Jake.” She threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tight. Then she kissed him, soundly.

  “I think it’s time to go upstairs.” He slipped off her shoes, then stood. He took her hand and helped her to her feet. He scooped her in his arms, carried her upstairs and placed her in the center of the bed.

  “This is the way I always envisioned you, naked and wearing my ring. I like it.”

  Joy opened her arms and Jake covered her body with his. Mind, body and soul, Joy melded with Jake. They kissed, they made love, ripples of energy flowing between them, bonding them werewolf and woman.


  Joy lifted the camera and using a long-range lens snapped a photo of Jake running along the ridgeline. His dark fur gleaming in the bright sun, he leapfrogged several boulders before jumping back onto the mountain trail. Ears back and tail straight, Jake trotted along a narrow ledge to where Joy sat on a smooth, flat rock.

  Jake shifted, his features blurring as he changed from wolf to man, a visual experience Joy still found utterly mesmerizing.

  His transformation complete, Joy’s gaze slid appreciatively over Jake’s fit physique. Although fascinated by Jake in wolven form, she loved the feel of his strong arms around her and the languorous kisses they shared.

  “How was your run?”

  “Exhilarating. I love running on pack land. No worries about encountering dogs, only an occasional fox, deer or mountain cat.”

  They’d visited Jake’s pack on several occasions and with each visit Joy became more comfortable in the pack environment. Respectful of his pack, Jake had officially requested permission to take a human mate. He did not have to abide by the elders’ decision, but pack affiliation was important to him. Joy was relieved and Jake ecstatic when after three days of waiting, the elders had given their consent.

  Jake sat down beside Joy. “So, have you decided?”

  Now that Karin’s big day had come and gone and the elders had sanctioned the union, Joy felt free to plan her wedding. “I’d like a winter wedding. In February right before the full moon. I’d like the moon full and bright during our honeymoon.”

  Jake hooked a finger beneath her chin and kissed her. A slow, hot kiss that managed to sweep aside their wedding plans, almost.

  “Where shall we go for our honeymoon?” Jake asked.

  “Let’s go back to Lake Tahoe, rent a house with a hot tub. We’ll ski all day and…”

  “Make love all night?”

  Joy rose to her knees and wrapped her arms around Jake’s neck. “Let’s rent a two-story house with a hot tub, and a stairwell.”

  Jake laughed and reached for the button of her shorts. “Talking about stairwells makes me hot.”

  She looked into his eyes, blazing with heat. “I love you, Jake. I want this to last forever.”

  “I’ve loved you for so long another sixty years or so shouldn’t be a problem.”

  Joy kissed him, a quick peck sealing the deal. “Sixty years. I’m holding you to it.”

  B.J. McCall

  A multi-published author of contemporary and futuristic sensual romance, B.J. McCall is a West Virginia native now residing in Northern California. Thanks to an older sister who was
a librarian, reading became B.J.’s favorite pastime. B.J.’s idea of the perfect way to spend a rainy afternoon or a day at the beach is reading a romance novel.

  The phrase “Do what you love,” applies to B.J. -- she loves to write and each story is special. She hopes her readers will enjoy each and every one of them. Visit her website at www.BJMcCall.com. Visit www.changelingpress.com/author.php?uid=53 for more titles by B.J.

  Just Wink

  Bryl R. Tyne

  How hard could donning a Christmassy green Speedo and pretending for thirty seconds to savor a giant candy cane be, anyway? Granted, Parker abhors candy canes and his co-actor is a lecherous Santa wannabe with grubby paws, but can’t the man just call the commercial a rap, take his money, and go home to his husband for the holidays?

  Is that too much to ask?

  Is it too much to ask Parker to be home on time when it’s his night to cook? Never fear, his husband Jeremy’s got the solution. A new bedroom technique designed to encourage creativity may bring about the visualization skills Parker needs to save his acting career and his marriage.

  “What haven’t I made clear? Desire. Ecstasy. Satisfaction. In that order!”

  Chapter One

  So sweet and so juicy and… mmm, so long…

  Oh. My. God.

  I shifted to the brink of Santa’s lap, balanced on his knee, all while throwing the bearded fat man a go-to-hell look. The prop I held fast in my grip did nothing to ease the tension.

  I abhorred candy canes.

  At least, if I didn’t after today, I’d personally check myself into the Patrick H. psyche ward.

  “Cut -- Cut -- Cut!” The director stomped over to us, scissoring his hands again and again, bellowing for the hundredth-plus time. Could’ve been the thousandth time -- I’d lost track hours ago.

  The giant candy cane fell to my lap, rolled off and onto the set floor as I reached for it, shattering into hundreds of bite size pieces. I hung my head. My eyes slid shut from exhaustion. What desperate Christmas candy company hired an unscreened Santa for lap sitting or settled for a face as worn-out as mine?


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