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The Keepers

Page 26

by Rae Rivers

  He shifted uncomfortably, never one for eavesdropping, but thanks to his enhanced hearing, it was hard not to. He debated giving them their privacy and returning to his room – soundproofed – but the tension in Sienna’s voice had him rooted to the spot.

  Privacy or not, she was still his witch and tuning her out, especially when she was upset, was impossible. So he waited, listening. Unashamed.

  Archer sounded agitated. Nothing new lately, but the heat of their argument was.

  “How could you let this happen?” Sienna snapped in a hushed tone. “You said you’d put the Grimoires away!”

  “I did. And that’s unfair, don’t you think? You were with me. You spelled the damned door shut.”

  “Then how the hell did Hazel get her hands on the Brogan Grimoire? The house and the books are protected by a spell. There’s no way Hazel could crack that without me knowing.”

  “Perhaps your magic isn’t as foolproof as you think.”

  “I’m a Beckham witch –”

  “Stop underestimating Hazel, dammit!”

  “Don’t yell at me, Archer. Being furious with your brother doesn’t give you the right –”

  “You have no fucking idea how furious I am, Sienna. No idea.”

  Something about Archer’s tone had Ethan taking the last few steps, but it was the sound of shattering glass and Sienna’s soft cry that had him bolting into the living room like a discharged bullet.

  Archer had her pressed against the back of the couch. Sienna gaped at him, her hands on his chest, her bare feet surrounded by a broken vase. Her main Grimoire rested in its secret place in the hole in the wall behind her, the door ajar.

  Ethan glanced at the mess on the floor and shot his brother an icy stare. “Archer?”

  “Go away, Ethan.”

  Sienna took a step backward, dodging the glass. Ethan was beside her before she took another step, but Archer threw up a hand, stopping him.

  Screw that.

  Ethan shoved him away, with more force than intended. Archer slid across the floor, slamming into the mantelpiece. The three daggers on the wall rattled from the impact. He lifted Sienna over the glass and tucked her behind him, not sure why he felt the need to. Archer would never hurt her. Duty aside, his brother adored her. But something about their argument had his protective instincts lit up like an airstrip and until he was sure Archer was calm, he wasn’t getting anywhere near her.

  Ethan met his brother’s lethal stare. When Archer took three strides toward him, he didn’t budge. Didn’t even blink. “Who peed in your coffee this morning?”

  “Butting your ass in the middle of our arguments now?”

  “A given if Sienna’s in danger.”

  “She’s not in danger, dammit! Not from me at least.”

  “Then stop acting like an overbearing ogre and calm the fuck down.”

  “Screw you, Ethan.”

  He was vaguely aware of Jenna entering the room, but his gaze remained locked with his brother’s. Archer seldom lost his cool and seeing him like this surprised him. “If you’re angry that I went to Ameera –”

  “Damn right I am.”

  “Get over it, brother. I did what I had to do.”

  Archer released a low growl at the back of his throat and grabbed Ethan’s shirt. “What did you accomplish, huh? All you did was aggravate Hazel.” As he spoke, he pressed forward, their noses almost touching. “And while you were gone, she somehow found a way to the Brogan Grimoire, which means they were here, in our damn home, with access to Sienna. She’s your witch and you weren’t here for her!”

  “Archer –” Jenna said, placing a hand on Archer’s shoulder.

  “You!” Archer bellowed. He spun around, shoving her off him with such force that she dropped her book and crashed into the coffee table.

  She gaped at him. “What the hell’s wrong with you?”

  Ethan bolted forward, grabbing his brother by the shirt in his stride, and didn’t stop until he had him pinned to the wall. “You need to leave, brother. Now.”

  Declan skidded into the doorway, Kate behind him. He frowned when he saw them, but seemed unsurprised at the scuffle.

  “Get your hands off me,” Archer said in a low tone, pushing Ethan away. He straightened his shirt, scowling at them, and jabbed a finger in the direction of the Beckham Grimoire. “The book’s gone and it sounds like Megan found a way to open it. It’s only a matter of time before they track the location of that magic and all hell breaks loose. Do I need to remind you of your duties, brother?”

  “Sienna will always be my first concern.”

  “Make sure she stays your first concern.” He sent Jenna a final glare and walked out, slamming the door behind him.

  Ethan blew out air. He glanced over his shoulder at Jenna, already knowing she hadn’t been hurt – and that Archer hadn’t meant to harm her.

  But … shit.

  Declan raised his brows and spread his hands in question, but Ethan shook his head, not up for another rehash. Jenna retrieved her book off the floor, placed it on the table, and picked up the glass.

  Sienna sighed. “I’m sorry. Archer’s so angry lately.”

  “That we left?” Ethan asked.

  “It’s more than that. He’s mad at everyone. Me included.”

  “He’s worried.”

  “We’re all worried, but …” She paused, her shoulder lifting in a half-shrug.

  “There’s a lot at stake.” Ethan went to her, pulling her into his arms, and kissed her forehead. “He’ll be okay, Sienna. Give him a chance to cool off. He’ll come around.”

  “How did Hazel get the book, Ethan?” When he shrugged and didn’t reply, she sighed and walked to the wall that housed her Grimoire. Closing the door, she whispered a chant that would seal it. “We were browsing my Grimoire recently, but we put it back beside the Brogan book. I spelled the door. What if Archer’s right and my magic isn’t foolproof?”

  “I think he’s right in that you shouldn’t underestimate Hazel.”

  She nodded and he loathed the angst he saw in her eyes. “I should go talk to him.” She paused as her gaze found Jenna’s book. Reaching for it, she ran her fingers across the leather cover.

  Jenna dumped the glass into the bin and came up behind her. “I brought that to show you. It was my father’s journal. I found it in Ameera. It’s mostly his notes about healing potions, but I found this …” She flipped through the pages and slid a finger to a roughly drawn sketch. Three small interlinked circles.

  Judging by Sienna’s gasp, she recognised it instantly. Her head bolted up, her eyes brightening with excitement. “It’s the same symbol as the one on Kate’s scroll.”

  Ethan’s brows rose. “The scroll?”

  The impossible one they’d all but given up trying to decode. The one that hinted at a legend they’d heard countless times growing up. Kate had found it in her late mother’s Grimoire. The faded sketch consisted of a smaller triangle with a symbol at each corner – fire, three daggers, and a Keeper. The triangle was embedded within a larger one, a protection symbol at each corner. A black shadow filled the centre and according to the legend it depicted the evil that would one day descend upon them. The symbols were the keys to defeating it.

  Which would help tremendously if they were able to decipher the damn thing.

  Until now, every time they tried, they came to the same conclusion. It appeared that a Keeper, with the element of fire, and three daggers would be their hero. But they had no idea who that was or when it would happen.

  Sienna hurried to the coffee table. It was covered in old books, dusty and worn. Grimoires. She pulled one out of the pile and showed them the cover. “While you were away, we discovered this old Grimoire in my grandmother’s attic. It has the same interlinked circles on the front.”

  Jenna pointed to her father’s scribbled notes. “He labelled it The Pure –”

  “Oh my God,” Sienna breathed, cutting her off. “Before my grandmother died, she
told me I was a chosen one. The Pure. I thought she was just rambling at the time.”

  “Rose never rambled,” Declan cut in, crossing his arms. “And what’s with the number three cropping up all over the place?”

  “Because it’s significant.” Ethan’s heart upped its rhythm, his gaze flickering between the women. “Three circles that appear on three family heirlooms. Belonging to three women.”

  “That’s crazy.” Jenna gaped at him, her brows creased. “You think we’re all linked?”

  “It’s the same symbol. And you’re all here. Together.”

  “That’s a coincidence, Ethan.”

  “Whoa, Jenna’s right, let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Declan grumbled, holding out a hand. “Sienna, don’t you think if you were part of some big-assed legend, we’d know about it?”

  She stared at him and Ethan could tell her mind raced to connect the dots. And they weren’t far off. He could feel it. Hot damn.

  “Maybe that’s why my grandmother gave me her powers,” she murmured. “She said I wouldn’t understand at first, but it was a journey I had to discover. Maybe that journey has something to do with everything that’s happening now.”

  Ethan caught the way her voice had lowered at the mention of her grandmother. A potent witch with the ability to control all four elements of nature at once. Sienna had once been a simple elemental witch, a fire witch, until Rose had passed her magic on to her. Sienna had fiercely rejected it at first, terrified at the strength of her magic.

  “Rose sacrificed herself for me,” Sienna said softly. “I never understood why.”

  Ethan frowned at the memory. “Before she died, she kept saying you’re meant for greater things. Maybe she –” Levi’s loud growl cut him off. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, her attention on something outside. Another growl, followed by the faint sound of squawking in the distance.

  Ethan moved to the window, vaguely aware of his brother coming up behind him, and traced Levi’s gaze. The noise grew louder as a flock of birds flew past the window, trailed by dozens more. Four deers bolted out of the forest and raced across the lawn in the same direction.

  The ground began to tremble and Levi barked. A deep, agitated bark that always hinted at trouble.

  “We need to close that damn portal,” Declan grumbled, staring outside.

  “I think we have a bigger problem,” Sienna said softly, coming up behind them, her expression twisted with worry. She pointed to the sky, the ominous clouds marred with dozens of birds flying in the same direction. “It’s a full moon tonight. The tremors, storms, and now the birds … it’s starting. Hazel’s begun to harvest the magic.”



  If that damn scroll meant anything, the darkness had started.

  Hot fury, mixed with fear, burned through Jenna as she moved through the water. She’d hoped a swim would uncoil the tension, but other than aching muscles and a shortage of breath, she still felt the overwhelming urge to scream. Or punch something.


  News reports had trickled in all day, the media splashed with repeated warnings of impending storms. Earth tremors and heavy weather had swept through dozens of cities and towns, threatening thousands of homes and people. So far, the damage was mild, but people were in a frenzy as they made the necessary preparations for what the media had dubbed “the worst weather crisis in decades.”

  The sheer magnitude of so many storms at the same time had Hazel’s name all over it. According to Sienna, it would take a mammoth amount of energy to summon such destruction.

  The kind of energy that came from dozens of dead witches.

  But it was Hazel. They were sure of it. Which meant that Hazel had found the location of the massacre. And they couldn’t stop her because they had no idea where that was.

  They’d spent the day scouring Grimoires, her father’s journal, and making notes. They’d made dozens of phones calls, tossed around multiple theories, watched the news, and paced a hole in the living room floor.

  And they were still no damn closer to finding Hazel.

  Jenna released a frustrated scream underneath the water. She did several laps, pumping her legs and arms harder and faster. As if she could outswim the grim reality they faced. And the nagging voice that kept bothering her.

  The Pure.

  Had her parents known this would happen? Had they known she was part of a stupid legend that no one could understand? Is that why her mother had pushed her through the portal?

  You’re made for greater things, Jen. Things that can’t be accomplished here.

  Agitation coursed through her, spurring her on. She increased her pace. Hard, fast, furious. Anything to relieve the ache burning in her chest, a permanent companion slowly driving her crazy.

  A dozen laps later, breathless and exhausted, she reached the edge of the pool, her face emerging from the water with a powerful gasp of air. Before she could catch her breath, a force came out of nowhere, grabbed her shoulders, and shoved her back down.

  The water engulfed her cry as she went under. She fought the grip, thrashing her arms, stunned by the sudden attack. Adrenaline took flight, accompanied by a spurt of horror when she couldn’t break free.

  She surged upward, sucking air. “ETHAN!”

  But her words were muffled as she disappeared beneath the water again. No!

  Her chest burned, her muscles were on fire, and just as the panic set in, strong hands grabbed her by the shoulders and hauled her out of the water. Coughing, spluttering, she lashed out.

  “Jenna, stop it! It’s me, dammit!” Archer said quickly, kneeling in front of her.

  The air slammed out of her in relief when she recognised the voice. “Archer?” she breathed, trying to catch her breath. She grabbed his shirt between her fists and looked around for her attacker. “Where did he go?”

  “Where did who go?” He swiped the hair away from her face, glancing over his shoulder.

  She shoved his chest, tried to stand, but her legs wouldn’t cooperate. “Where’s Kate?”

  “She’s with Declan.” He looked at her as though she’d gone mad. “I thought you could swim. What the hell happened?”

  “There was someone here, holding me under the water. I couldn’t see anyone but –”

  “There’s no one here, Jen.”

  A bolt of anger landed in her chest. Her gaze flew to his. “I felt it, Archer! I’m not imagining things. There was someone here.”

  “Jenna … the alarm is still activated, the patio doors are locked, and the remaining exit to this room is the one I just came through. There’s no one here.”


  Ethan tore into the room, almost dislodging the hinges from the door, and skidded to a halt when he saw his brother kneeling in front of Jenna. Her scream had evoked a level of terror inside him he never knew was there.

  “What happened?” he burst out, dropping to his knees beside them. “What’s wrong?”

  She was shaking, breathless, her eyes wide as she gaped at Archer.

  Ethan took her arm. “Hey, are you okay?”

  “She said someone tried to drown her.”

  His head snapped up, his gaze finding his brothers. “How –? The alarm –”

  “There was no one here and still armed,” Archer grunted, standing up. “I saw her fighting beneath the water but … she was alone.”

  They shared a long, quiet stare as an icy chill crept down Ethan’s spine. He scanned the patio outside. “Did you check the doors?”

  “There’s no one here, Ethan. I saw the whole damn thing.”

  Jenna muttered something and stood. Her panic had subsided, replaced by irritation. She shot them both a glare. “Then explain what just happened. I’m an excellent swimmer. Someone was here.”

  Archer didn’t comment, but looked at her quietly, his narrowed eyes clouded with worry.

  Ethan took her arm, not missing the way she tried to suppress a shiver.
Her wet hair clung to her skin and goosebumps had erupted across her flesh. He tucked her against him. “Check all the windows and doors,” he said over his shoulder, leading her to the bathroom. “And the alarm too.”

  “Ethan –”

  “Just do it, Archer!” Ethan shut the door behind them, exhaling loudly as he pulled Jenna into his arms. She stiffened and tried to pull away, but he tightened his grip.

  “Stop it,” she breathed, trying to wiggle loose. “I’m not a damn kid who lost her arm bands.”

  “I know. But you scared the crap out of me.” That seemed to appease her and she relaxed against him, placing her cheek against his chest. He grabbed a nearby towel and covered her, a new kind of worry taking a beat inside his chest.

  She’d just been attacked. In their home, without a physical presence. Shit.

  “I felt it, Ethan,” she murmured into his shirt. Her head lifted, her brows furrowed. “There was someone holding me under.”

  But Archer swore there hadn’t been.

  “Could this be magical? Hazel?”

  Her eyes widened. “But … how? Sienna’s spelled the house with a new protection spell. No one can get in or out without an invitation. That would extend to any unwanted magic too.”

  “Hazel’s obviously found a way around it.” Which left them exposed and in a shitload of danger. Clenching his jaw, he turned on the shower behind him. “Get showered and dressed and we’ll check with Sienna.”

  Her bikini came loose with a small tug, revealing perky breasts and smooth skin.


  Without taking his eyes off her, he tossed the skimpy material into the bath. She was naked, not counting the scrap of floss that covered her hips, on display for his eyes only.

  That thought tugged at a manly possessiveness he’d only experienced with her. It also wreaked havoc with his libido. His body surged with renewed wanting and he dipped his head to capture her mouth with his. Her breath caught and she opened up to him, tangling her fingers into his hair.

  He ravished her, feasting on her as though he’d been starved. And maybe he had been. For so long, his sexual encounters had been so … meaningless. Quick, fun, mindless.


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