The Keepers
Page 28
But Sienna hesitated, her eyes flashing with worry. “She’s protected. Reaching her won’t be easy.”
“We’ll figure something out. We have to.” He shared a long, quiet look with her, packed with an urgency and emotion that needed no words.
Because they all knew that anything else wasn’t an option.
An ear-piercing screech tore through the darkness.
Jenna slapped her hands over her ears and swung around to see her friends replicating the motion. They groaned, gritting their teeth at the overwhelming noise.
And then suddenly, the sound grew muffled as a familiar energy washed over them. Kate. Her brows were furrowed and she wore an agonised expression that matched the others. But there was more. Her eyes blazed with fierce objection.
She’d tapped into her powers, using her magic to create an invisible dome of protection around them. It was shaky, a new skill she’d recently mastered, but enough to lessen the noise and pain, leaving them breathless and fighting the disorientation.
When Hazel realised her banshee screeching had been nullified, she stopped, leaving a stunned silence.
A cold wind blew through the forest, an eerie murmur that sent a shiver down Jenna’s spine. The wind gathered force, spreading along the edge of the forest, rustling trees along the way. Ethan and Sienna’s magic at work. An elemental connection to air only they shared.
Jenna watched in fascination as the whirlwind gathered momentum around the house. A wailing of earth and air that caused a stir amongst Hazel’s people. The circle of fire flared brighter, the flames fighting the harsh wind.
But the chanting continued.
Without missing a beat, Hazel scanned the forest. There was a rumble as the ground began to tremble. It parted with a loud crack, creating a ripple effect of exploding earth that sped toward the trees.
Dust clouded their vision and they backed away, scurrying for cover. When the ground parted, Jenna lunged for Kate and leapt for solid ground.
“Are you okay?” Jenna panted, glancing at her.
She nodded, but pointed at the sand. “Look!”
Dozens of snakes and scorpions surrounded them, their bodies almost invisible in the dark grit. But they were lifeless.
“What the hell?” Jenna gasped, tugging Kate behind her. “Watch your footing! They’re everywhere!”
Ethan nudged a snake with his boot, easily turning it over. “It’s dead.” He tested another, glancing around them. “They’re all dead.”
“This creepy bitch is really pissing me off,” Declan grumbled, stepping forward, dodging the creatures.
Hazel’s chanting grew louder and faster. Rick barked out orders. Fierce war cries broke out as the men readied their weapons and started running.
Jenna hauled out an arrow from the pouch on her back. She took aim and released it, swiftly reaching for another. Within moments, she’d injured several men. Their screams of rage and pain went ignored as others pressed forward, keeping their heads low, fighting the wind beating down on them.
But they were fast and determined and so damn fierce. They kept coming.
Ethan and Sienna increased the torment, adding more power. Declan joined in. Lashes of fire whipped across the sky, striking warlocks along the way. The whirlwind turned faster, harder, the motion scooping up two men along the way. The others kept running, shouting and waving their weapons. They plundered forward, dodging the unsteady ground and fire. Lightning flashed, a buzz of electricity that sparked around them.
And then they were upon them, roaring as they lashed out with their weapons. They broke out in a vicious battle, a brutal hand-to-hand combat charged with hatred and desperation.
Jenna heard a whoosh of air and jerked around, staring in horror as an axe hurtled past her, missing her by inches.
And slammed into Ethan’s shoulder.
“ETHAN!” she screamed, horror clutching her insides, but ducked as another axe soared through the air.
A warlock charged her and she aimed a low, lethal kick that connected with his knees. He dropped instantly and she backed it up with a punch. Another warlock came from behind and she ducked his swing but took a blow to the jaw when she whirled around.
Pain exploded through her and she staggered backward. Archer leapt above them, colliding with the warlock and took him down with a single strike. Jenna hurried toward Ethan, her movements shaky from the trembling ground. She reached him as he tugged out the axe, cursing loudly. Blood spurted from the wound. She glanced around them, relieved to see they’d taken down several of Hazel’s warlocks. The others had retreated to the safety of her circle.
“I’m fine,” Ethan grunted, but when she reached for him, he didn’t pull away. This was a fight they couldn’t win if injured or weak and he knew that. She placed her hand on his shoulder, grimacing at the gushing blood. Forcing herself to breathe, she exuded energy as her heart pounded with a fear she’d never known before. The wound was deep, making her more grateful than ever for her ability to heal instantly.
He exhaled loudly and took her hand, giving her a brief nod.
Her throat thick with emotion, she stood and offered a hand, pulling him up.
The crack of thunder startled her. It was followed by a loud hissing sound as the snakes and scorpions reared to life. They shifted into attack mode instantly, slithering and scurrying along the ground, striking at everything in sight.
“Sienna!” Archer yelled, scooping Sienna out of the way as a snake went for her.
“They were dead!” Kate gasped, edging backward.
“They must’ve been dormant,” Sienna called out. “Most likely a nifty black magic trick. Probably used for guarding perimeters. Get back!” She held out her hands. Flames flared and swept across the ground, scorching everything it touched.
When it grew quiet, Sienna withdrew the fire and scanned the carnage. The bodies of dead warlocks and creatures surrounded them, a smoking, mangled mess. She frowned at her Keepers’ bloody appearance. Her attention turned to Hazel, still chanting in the distance, her warlocks around her. “She’s untouchable. There’s no point to all this. All this fighting will only weaken us.”
“We have no other choice, Sienna,” Ethan said. His shirt was blood-soaked. He pointed toward the injured warlocks that had retreated to the circle. “They won’t let us near Hazel and we have no idea when her army of supernatural beefcakes from Ameera will arrive. The more we eliminate now, the less we have to deal with later.”
“Which helps shit if we can’t get to Hazel, brother,” Declan grumbled. “We can pick off her minions of evil all we like, but if we can’t stop her channelling that magic, we’re screwed.”
“So we’ll improvise,” Sienna said quietly, something in her tone sparking Jenna’s interest.
“Sienna?” Jenna prompted, her heart picking up speed.
“When the moon peaks, she’ll be channelling more energy than ever. Until then, she’s vulnerable,” Sienna said, her voice packed with a sudden urgency and excitement. Her gaze flickered between Kate and Jenna. “There’s a reason Rose chose to sacrifice herself for me. And there’s a reason you’re both here, with me. A hybrid Null and a Salubrious. I have no idea what The Pure means, but somehow that symbol links us. Maybe …” she turned her attention back to Hazel, her expression thoughtful. “Maybe this is why.”
“Sienna?” Ethan asked, moving around her, his brows narrowed as he studied his witch. “You have a plan.”
There was no question, because Sienna radiated one. Her eyes gleamed and her body bristled with restless energy.
“Between us, we have so much magic,” she continued. “Combined, we’re a lethal force.”
“Cut the witch-speak and get to the point, Sienna,” Declan interrupted, never one for beating around the bush. “If you have an idea, spit it out.”
“I’m thinking, Declan!”
“Well, think a little faster, witchy. Before we’re all toast.”
She rolled her eyes at him and faced the house. “There’s only so much magic one witch can manage until she overloads.”
They all waited for her to elaborate.
Jenna gasped as the meaning of her words fell into place. And then she grinned. “Even Hazel?”
She nodded again, a small smile breaking free. “Even Hazel.”
They withdrew into the forest, using the darkness as a shield, and thrashed out a plan.
They all paced restlessly, itching to move in, but knew that without one they stood no chance.
Ethan glanced at his brothers, sharing a long, quiet look with them that needed no words. So much fear and emotion. But they had no choice.
Jenna took Sienna and Kate’s hands. “We can do this. I’ll be here for you both when you weaken.”
“We won’t have long to pull this off,” Sienna said. “The moment she realises what we’re trying to do, she’ll go crazy.”
“She’ll still be vulnerable. Let’s go.” Jenna moved forward, but paused when Ethan touched her wrist.
“Jen.” Dammit, he hated the gritty, desperate sound to his voice. But didn’t bother covering it up. Now wasn’t the time for some macho crap anyway. He pulled her to him, his body beating with tension. Her eyes were a mixture of worry and determination and she had a smear of dirt on her cheek. But she was so damn beautiful.
His woman.
He glanced at Sienna, the witch he’d devoted his life to. For a moment, all he could do was stare at them, caught between the urge to hold them and let them go.
Jenna leaned in and pressed her lips to his in a soft, sweet kiss that tugged at something inside him. He closed his eyes and inhaled her. “We can do this,” she whispered against his lips.
He nodded before withdrawing, despite the caveman instincts demanding he take her home. Both women were powerful in different ways. They could take care of themselves.
But dammit, it still stung like a bitch to watch them walk away. Without looking back, they headed into the clearing around the house. Ethan and his brothers spread out, even though every instinct he possessed told him not to.
But Sienna had a plan. One that might just work. So he forced the nagging voice of caution to the back of his mind and walked away.
He took shelter against a tree and waited for his brothers to move around the house. They stayed in the shadows at the edge of the forest, keeping hidden. When they were all in place, the women upped their pace.
It was then that Ethan lost the ability to breathe.
It was so quiet, the edge of the forest a yellow haze from the flaming protection circle that safeguarded Hazel.
Their plan had to work or Declan was right – they were toast.
Jenna had her bow and arrow ready, the warrior in her on full alert as she walked beside the two witches. Hell, they were all warriors. All three women. Despite the dangers and their fears and knowing they might not survive tonight, they were here, willing to fight to protect everything they were born to defend.
It was admirable. And no one but them knew it. In a world where they lived in secrecy, their friends had no idea what they faced in their quest to maintain the balance of nature.
The rumble of thunder echoed across the sky. He felt the vibrations beneath his feet, a steady drum of warning that the energy field around him was intensifying. An eerie whisper broke out, an agitated murmur of voices, and Ethan wondered if they belonged to the slaughtered witches buried here.
Sienna began chanting.
When Rick spotted the women, his snapped orders triggered the stampede of three warlocks. But between Declan’s fireball and Jenna’s arrow, they stood no chance.
The wind increased its pace, creating whirlwinds of sand. Lightning struck, a sizzle of flashes around the house. The clouds grew darker, rain inevitable.
Hazel’s chanting grew louder. Her gaze fell on the three approaching women, surprise crossing her expression when she found them alone. Still chanting, she scanned the forest in search of the Keepers.
Of course she’d expect an ambush, a plan. The witch wasn’t stupid and knew the resistance she faced. She stopped chanting, but the others continued. A repetitive drone of voices that filled the air.
She held out her hands, the light of the fire catching both bracelets on her arms, and whispered a spell. Within moments, a swirl of lights signalled the opening of a portal. She pointed at Megan. “Go,” she ordered. “Find Axel.”
“I thought you weren’t going to –”
“We may have no choice. Tell him it’s time. And hurry!”
A portal to Ameera.
The dark caster was worried. Damn right. But she’d roped in reinforcements. Big, scary-assed, feeding, scavenging reinforcements.
Ethan shifted, growing edgier. He searched for his brothers, each backed up against a tree on opposite sides of the clearing. They were well hidden in the darkness and he could barely make out their shapes. But he knew they were there.
The thought comforted him, as their presence always did, but it brought a lot of angst too. He’d already lost a sibling. Losing another …
An energy rush like he’d never experienced before blasted through him. One that had nothing to do with the thought of losing a brother. He inhaled deeply, suddenly uncomfortable with the sheer magnitude of power rolling through him. He glanced at the women, sensing they’d felt it too. They were moving faster, with more urgency, and Sienna’s chanting had upped a pace in speed and volume.
Jenna moved between Sienna and Kate, taking their hands, and together they faced the fray.
Thunder cracked above. Everyone jumped, even Hazel. But she remained unperturbed at the sight of the women and continued to channel the magic that was almost hers.
Sienna glared at her, clutching Jenna’s hand, her voice mingling with the eerie whispers around them – now a loud murmur of angry voices.
No doubt the dead witches objecting to the ritual.
The women reached the edge of the protection circle and Sienna released Jenna’s hand. While the mayhem continued, Kate towered over the invisible barrier.
And drew on her magic.
Within moments, she began to tremble as her body fought the dark magic. She fell to her knees, crying out. Jenna wrapped her arms around her, fuelling Kate’s strength with her own.
“NOW!” Sienna screamed, throwing up her arms.
Ethan grunted as the magic stormed through him, that connection of energy he shared with her. And only her. His brothers would feel it too as she drew on them all, that magical bond that bound them to her.
And together, the power of their combined energy was a force like no other.
It swirled through him, an energy blast he’d only ever felt once before. The night his sister had died and Sienna had tapped into their powers after weakening hers. But this time, instead of fighting it, he let go. He gave in to her, feeding her magic with his.
It began to rain. Flames flared. The ground quivered. The house rattled furiously. Windows shattered. Lightning flashed, striking everything it touched. The angry whispers continued, faster and noisier. The clash of energy, along with the storm, culminated in a terrifying force that threatened to explode around them.
Sienna in all her magical glory. Hazel in all of hers.
“The protection spell’s weakening!” Kate cried out as Ethan and his brothers walked closer. They were bristling with a fierce protectiveness that matched his. “I can feel her! I can feel Hazel!”
Kate sagged to the ground, leaning into her Keeper. Jenna tightened her arms around her, shouting her name. They were both pale and breathless, a sign they were weakening at a rapid rate.
Trembling violently, Sienna held up her hands in the direction of Hazel. An explosion ripped through the house behind the witch, splintering doors and shattering glass. So much power, anger, and a fierce fortitude to win the struggle between right and wrong. A combination of magic – their magic – that was lethal when cha
nnelled all at once.
And Sienna channelled it all toward Hazel.
There’s only so much magic one witch can manage until she overloads.
Sienna’s words ringing in his mind, Ethan saw the moment it reached Hazel. Her body jerked, her head hung back, arms outstretched. She looked like someone about to be sacrificed. She screamed and fell to her knees as the energy engulfed her.
Sienna, Kate, and Jenna joined hands, gritting their teeth, and continued their torment. They staggered, their bodies straining from the force of magic.
Sensing their distress, Ethan and his brothers closed in around them, ready to protect the three women and annihilate anyone who harmed them. They had no control over their magic. Sienna owned them all, but they gave to her freely, feeding her, strengthening her.
They shared the same goal. To weaken Hazel. And they were.
The witch released a long, furious wail, overwhelmed by the flood of magic belonging to the dozens of dead witches – and the six people who fought to stop her.
A witch and a hybrid warrior – both on the brink of collapse from the exertion of energy – fuelled and strengthened by a Keeper’s healing magic. Surrounded, protected, by him and his brothers.
Fighting the darkness that threatened them all.
Ethan jerked as recognition landed in his gut with a punch like no other. A fire witch, a warrior, and a Keeper.
The Scroll.
Rick and John rallied around Hazel, shouting orders at the men.
Jenna screamed a warning as they charged. A fresh spurt of adrenaline overrode the weakness she’d felt after helping Sienna and Kate. She staggered to her feet, stepping in front of them.
The four Keepers sprang into action, side by side, a barricade of anger and unyielding determination as they fought to protect their witches.
But even though they were stronger, they were heavily outnumbered.
Black smoke rose up around them, clouding the fight as the warlocks surrounded them. Rick and John joined the brawl, their strength and speed a challenge the others lacked. They were scavengers and had spent years feeding off the magic of others. A vicious desperation fuelled the battle.