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Breaking New Grounds

Page 4

by Amy DeMeritt

  “She’s not happy.”

  I smile and pick Montana up and cradle her on my shoulder. I gently bounce and sway with her while rubbing her back and holding my cheek against her head.

  “She feels warm. Can someone get the thermometer?”

  Shannon quickly stands and leaves the room to get the thermometer from the nursery upstairs. Montana’s still crying, but she shouldn’t be hungry – she ate only about a half-hour ago. I lift her pants to check the back of her diaper, even though I can’t smell anything. She’s clean. I pull her off of my shoulder and hold her in the crook of my arm. I caress her cheek and bottom lip with the side of my finger, trying to soothe her.

  As I’m gently pinching her chin and bending down to kiss her, a speck of white in her mouth catches my eye. Shannon rushes over with the digital thermometer and takes her temperature.

  “It’s a hundred and one. That’s barely above normal but not bad.”

  “I think she might be teething already. Look.”

  I pull her bottom lip forward, and Shannon bends down to look at her gums. She smiles and kisses Montana on her parted crying mouth.

  “I thought I felt something earlier. It’s barely showing though. Hang on.”

  Shannon goes to the freezer and returns a moment later with a frozen baby carrot with one end wrapped in a napkin.

  “Rub that on her bottom gums. Just don’t let her bite it. I’ll get the teethers from the nursery and put them in the freezer for later.”

  I take the offered carrot and slowly glide the exposed portion over Montana’s gum line. She immediately reduces to a small whimper and tries to clamp down on the carrot, but I hold my finger over the top so she is mostly gnawing on my finger instead.

  Her little eyes had been tightly pinched while she was crying, but she blinks rapidly a few times and slowly opens her eyes. As she looks in my eyes, her mouth forms into a small smile around my finger and the carrot.

  “That’s my girl. Feeling better? Yeah, that doesn’t feel good, does it? I’m sorry to tell you this, but you’re going to have to suffer a lot more of those pearly whites cutting through your little gums. Your big brother and sister didn’t like it either. No, they didn’t. Hey, babes, any words of advice for your little sister on how to handle teething?”

  I lean over the playpen with Montana, where Malana and Helaku are sitting up playing with an assortment of toys and stuffed animals. Both of them look up and garble something with excited shrieks and giggles.

  “That was great advice. Did you catch all of that, Montana?”

  Everyone laughs and Shannon gives me a kiss on my cheek as she runs a hand over Montana’s short soft hazelnut brown wavy hair.

  “I’ll be back. I’m going to get the teethers.”

  Montana’s only a little over four months and already she’s teething. Malana and Helaku didn’t start teething till they were six months old. Since she is subdued and grinning, I pull the carrot away to give her gums a break from the ice. I brush the pad of my thumb over her little cheek and ear, just watching her eyes stare straight into mine. Montana has very light green eyes, a small round nose, and adorable small round ears. She looks a lot like Shannon, but I can tell she has Cherokee in her. She looks like her siblings but not as dark in skin tone. Her hazelnut hair is also lighter than their dark coffee bean brown hair. I kiss her forehead and glide my fingertip over her bottom lip, and she grins at me.

  “Feeling better, baby girl?”

  I tickle her chin and she makes a small happy sound. I smile and kiss her little lips. I love our babies so much. I can’t stop looking at her. She’s so beautiful, pure, and precious – it’s like holding a piece of heaven in my arms.

  “Ok, we are ready to eat. I just need some help to bring the plates out to the dining room.”

  The squad and my wives help Dana and her husband Phil bring the delicious looking plates to the formal dining room. I engage the wheels and push the bassinet to the other room, closely followed by Awenasa pushing Malana and Helaku in their transportable playpen.

  With Malana and Helaku close by, we take our seats around the beautifully dressed table. Sara opens a couple of bottles of champagne, using a towel to prevent the corks from flying. Then she fills skinny fancy champagne flutes for all of the adults, including one for me, even though she knows I hate alcohol.

  “Are you going to put Montana down so you can eat, sweetie?”

  I smile at Shannon and shake my head. “No, I don’t want to. I want to hold her forever.”

  Shannon smiles in a loving way and her eyes glisten with emotion. “Ok, I’ll help you cut your food then.”

  Sara holds up her glass to Dana with a grin, and says, “I think it’s time for a speech.”

  Dana laughs in a shy way as her normally pink cheeks redden more. She clears her throat and stands holding up her own glass.

  “I don’t want the food to get cold so I’ll make this quick. This has been my dream for so many years that it’s hard to believe it’s happening now. I want to thank all of you for making this happen. Most restaurants are bought with a partnership like ours, but I feel pretty confident in saying, I lucked out with the best partners possible. Thank you for making this happen. You won’t regret it. Our restaurant is only going to get better and more profitable.”

  “Oh, we’re not worried about that. You’re the best chef around. But I think we need to give credit to the true seeds that brought us together – Courtney and Alexis. If they hadn’t been in my first choreography class, you probably wouldn’t have tried to fatten all of us up with your delicious off-menu creations and wouldn’t have come out of the kitchen to say hello, and we probably wouldn’t be friends today.”

  Dana laughs a little at my “fattening us up” remark, and looks at her smiling daughters. “That’s probably true. Thank you, girls, for taking Kayla’s class. Ok, please eat. I don’t want it to get cold.”

  “This looks incredible. Thanks for spoiling us tonight.”

  Dana smiles broadly at Shannon’s comment and watches as everyone lifts their forks and knives to try the food.

  She has prepared an herb crusted roast sliced thinly with a juicy red center drizzled with a rich brown glossy gravy and a fresh herb chimichurri. On the side, we have baby bite size red potatoes coated with an herb butter, grilled asparagus with lemon zest and flake salt, roasted blood-red carrots, and bite size cheese stuffed baby Portobello mushroom caps.

  While Shannon cuts my roast for me, I try a mushroom cap and smile around the bite as I chew. “These mushrooms are divine. Oh, man, I could eat twenty of these.”

  I quickly eat a second mushroom, and Dana releases a small happy laugh. “Thank you.”

  “Have you decided if you’re changing the name?”

  All of us look up at Dana, waiting for her to answer Sara’s question. She swallows her food and takes a sip of champagne to wash it down.

  “Yes, I’m going to change the name. Our menu is already largely comprised of items cooked on the woodfire grill and that will always be the case, so I’m leaning towards, The Firepit.” All of us burst at once, saying how much we love it, and Dana releases a deep hearty happy laugh at our excitement. “Well, I guess that settles it. The Flaming Duck is becoming The Firepit. I’ll update the press release tomorrow before sending it out to the local paper and news stations.”

  Montana fusses in my arm so I look down at her and bounce her in my arm to soothe her. Her little face is red with her eyes and mouth pinched in pain. I caress her cheek and she opens her eyes as she releases a small cry.

  “Oh, I’m sorry you don’t feel good, baby girl. Come on, let’s get you another carrot for your gums.”

  “I’ll get it.”

  I shake my head at Shannon as I stand up. “You go ahead and eat. I’ll be right back.”

  I carry Montana out to the kitchen and as I’m opening the freezer, Aura paws at the backdoor wanting in. I open the door for her and she shakes her fur and shivers for a moment. She
cocks her head at Montana, who is still whimpering and crying, and Aura releases her own small whimper, as if to ask what’s wrong.

  “Montana is getting her first tooth. Are you hungry, Aura?”

  I go to the fridge and pull out a bowl of finely diced raw beef roast that Dana set aside for Aura while she was preparing dinner. I pull the plastic wrap off and set it down next to her water bowl. She licks my hand once to say thank you then bends down to eat.

  I set Montana down in a cloth lined basket sitting on the counter next to the sink and I quickly wash my hands before scooping her up again. The teethers Shannon put in the freezer aren’t anywhere near frozen yet, so I grab a frozen baby carrot, then bring Montana back to the dining room.

  In between gently icing Montana’s gums, I eat the delicious feast Dana has prepared for us and listen to everyone talk. As I look around at everyone, my heart swells with happiness, but sadness also fills my stomach. This is an extremely exciting time for us, but I have to leave most of my family in a week and I won’t see them for a full month. The closer we get to having to leave town, the more powerful these moments become. I feel completely consumed by a raging contrast of emotions every time. I’m so torn between living in the happiness of the moment and feeling the pain of the future separation when I have to leave them and miss out on these moments.

  I don’t know what’s going to happen with our schedules after Madison and Sam graduate, but I’m praying we’ll have less times of being apart.


  A hand grabs my shoulder and shakes me. I jump and look around. “What?”

  Shannon smiles and caresses my cheek. “Dana has tried to ask you the same question twice now.”

  “Oh, sorry. I got lost in thought in my baby’s eyes. What’s up?”

  “It’s fine. It’s sweet to watch you with the babies. I was trying to ask you if you have any changes you’d like to see to the menu or décor for the restaurant.”

  “I’m supposed to be a silent partner, remember?”

  “Well, yes, but I’d still like to know your opinion.”

  “I love the menu and I’ve loved everything you’ve come up with off menu when you spoil us, so I think you’re the best judge of what should be on the menu. I like the décor, but if you want to do some upgrades, I’m ok with that. I really like natural wood and stone elements. But really, this is your restaurant, so I don’t feel like I should have any say.”

  “Well, I do think it needs a bit of sprucing up. It’s been at least six years since anything major has been done. Some stone elements would be a nice addition.”

  “Ok, how much money do you think you need?”

  “Oh, I don’t know yet. This happened so quickly. I would need to put some thought into it and get some estimates. I might want to consult with an interior designer, if that’s ok.”

  “Yeah, of course. Whatever you need to make it your dream restaurant. I leave town in a week, but my wives can get you the money. I wonder if Hayley would have any interest in this project. I’m going to ask her. She’s brilliant. If she has time to do it, you’ll love her. Baby, can you hold Montana for a moment? Then I want her right back.”

  Shannon gives me a loving smile and nods once as she takes Montana and cradles her in her arm.

  Me: Hey, remember The Flaming Duck restaurant we took you all to last time you were here? We just bought it as silent partners with the head chef. Do you have any interest in designing the renovations? The plan is to change the name to The Firepit and the menu will stay the same – high end but affordable.

  Hayley: Sounds like a fun project. When do you want this done by? We break ground on your cultural center in Cherokee in June, so I’ll have a little bit of extra time till May.

  “Hayley can do it but only if she can get started and finished before May. What do you think?”

  Dana nods as she swallows a bite of food, then says, “That would be perfect. The sooner we can start, the better.”

  Me: Ok, as soon as you can fly out that would be great. I leave in a week for L.A. with the squad, and will be gone for a month, but Madison, Sam, Awenasa, and Shannon will be here. You’re welcome to stay here at the house.

  Hayley: I can fly out tomorrow. I’m going to have Sorina meet me out there. Can I send Sorina with you to California? There’s an artist there I wanted to meet with for the cultural center, but since you gave me a new project, I won’t be able to go.

  Me: Sure. You can use the company credit card for both of your flights and car service to the house. You don’t need to worry about rental cars – we have plenty of cars here you can use.

  Hayley: Ok. I’ll text you with our arrival times once I have the arrangements finalized.

  Me: Thanks.

  I fill them in on the arrangements and reach my hands out to Shannon to give Montana back to me. She laughs and passes her back. I kiss Montana’s forehead and cheeks and nuzzle in her neck, inhaling her scent.

  “Did she say what the artist is for that she wants Sorina to visit?”

  I shake my head at Sam’s question as I bump noses with Montana’s side to side and kiss her small grinning mouth. “No, she didn’t go into detail. I guess we’ll find out when they get here.”

  “Are all of you ready for dessert?”

  “Dessert sounds good. Here, give me your plates.”

  Sara stands while she stacks Keira’s plate with hers and reaches out for Tonya’s, who is sitting on her other side. Shannon also stands to help clear the table, then they follow Dana to the kitchen.

  I slide out of my chair and crab walk to the playpen behind Awenasa where Malana and Helaku are playing. They look up from their toys and slam their hands against the mesh side while releasing giggling shrieks.

  “Mom Ayla!”

  “Hi, babies.”

  “Kayla, you’re going to make them want to come out of there.”

  I smile up at Awenasa and look back at our babies. I press my hand to theirs and they laugh and smack my hand, giving me tiny high-fives.

  “That’s ok. I’ll hold all three of them.”

  I press my face against the mesh side and Malana presses her face against mine, giving me a slobbery kiss through the mesh. I laugh and pull back, only to press my face in again closer to Helaku this time. He releases a small sharp excited scream before he smooshes his face against mine.

  “Mom, up!”

  Malana pulls herself up onto her feet, holding onto the side of the playpen and stomps her foot in place before wobbling and falling back on her butt. I laugh and press a hand to the mesh. She shrieks and slaps my hand, but she’s determined to get out. She stands up again and shrieks.

  “Mom, up!”

  My heart melts for my baby girl and I quickly stand up. I reach down and wrap an arm around her, pulling her up. With her mouth wide open, she presses her wet mouth to my cheek and gives me a big slobbery kiss. I laugh and give her a kiss on the forehead.

  “I love you, baby girl.”

  “Love Mom Ayla.”

  I gasp and my jaw drops. I spin around to look at my wives and all of them are smiling really big. Awenasa’s eyes fill with tears with a happy loving smile. She stands and runs a hand over Malana’s head and kisses her then me.

  “She really said that, didn’t she?”

  Awenasa kisses my lips, and says, “Yes, puppy.”

  I squeeze her closer and bury my face in her neck, giving her kisses and blowing raspberries in the crook of her neck. Malana laughs and grabs the sides of my face.

  “I love you so much. I need to talk the movie producers into hiring you and your siblings as my sidekicks so I can have you with me all day and night. Do you want to fly spaceships with me, baby girl? We’ll get to pretend to blow things up. It will be lots of fun.”

  “That’s an adorable image. We should get them little astronaut outfits.”

  All of us smile at Madison’s comment and I kiss Malana on her smiling lips. “I like that idea.”

  Helaku release
s a shriek, and screams, “Mommy!”

  He’s standing up in the playpen holding the sides. He slams a hand down while releasing a scream with a big grin on his face. Awenasa laughs and bends down, scooping him up in her arms.


  Helaku smiles really big and presses his mouth to hers. He wraps his little arms around her neck, and as she pulls back smiling really big, he presses in again, making her laugh against his little mouth.

  “Helaku, can you tell Mommy Awenasa you love her? Say, love Mommy.” Helaku lifts his head to look at me with a grin. “Your sister said it. Can you say it? Say, love Mommy.”

  Awenasa caresses his cheek, and says, “I love you, Helaku.”

  “Mommy.” She laughs and kisses his forehead. “Ove Mommy.”

  Awenasa’s eyes mist up with emotion again and she kisses him all over his face. He missed the ‘L’, but it was very close. This is really exciting. They only figured out how to say up a few days ago.

  “I knew you’d have those babies out of that pen when we came back.” We look over at Shannon and she freezes and her smile fades. “What did I miss?”

  “I picked Malana up and she said, ‘Love Mom Ayla’, and Helaku said, ‘Ove Mommy’, to Awenasa.”

  Shannon smiles, but her eyes gloss with sadness. “I can’t believe I missed that. That’s wonderful.”

  “Here, let me see if they’ll do it again. Malana, I love you.” Malana grins and grabs my bottom lip with a garbled sound. I nibble her fingers for a moment before tugging free. “I love you, Malana.”

  “Love Mom Ayla.”

  “Oh, my god, she said love. That’s amazing.”

  Shannon quickly puts the desserts down and walks over to us. She gives each of the babies a kiss and kisses Awenasa and me on the cheek.

  She rubs a hand over Montana’s head with a loving smile and says, “I’m getting so anxious to hear you speak.”

  “Malana and Helaku started saying mom when they started teething, so maybe she’ll start soon.”

  “I hope so.” Shannon kisses Montana and caresses her head again. “Can I hold her now?”


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