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Overdose: A British Bad Boy Romance

Page 22

by Raven St. Pierre

  Although Vanessa had basically turned him down today, he wasn’t worried. In fact, if he had to guess… he wouldn’t be spending this weekend alone.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Greta waved and smiled as Vanessa hurried out to relieve the sitter. She was secretly looking forward to having the next five days off with no work… and no Simon. She couldn’t believe how much lighter she felt as she pulled into her driveway, just knowing there would be no arguments or uncomfortable conversations in the near future.

  Just peace.

  Ryan was working on a homework assignment with Megan, the sitter, when Vanessa walked in and smiled at him. “Look at you getting your work done early. You do know you have the rest of the week off, though, right?” she asked.

  Ryan nodded. “I know. I just thought I’d get it out the way before I asked you something.”

  Vanessa smiled, knowing exactly what Ryan had up his sleeve. However, she was already one step ahead of him.

  “What do you want?” she asked playfully.

  He grinned a cheeky grin and set his pencil down. “Kev and his family are going camping and he said his mom won’t care if I go, too. Can I, Ma? Can I go? They have one of those big ol’ camper things so we don’t have to sleep in tents and stuff. They’re gonna fish and swim and make a fire and—”

  “Well, you know… I would say yes,” Vanessa teased, causing Ryan to frown a bit, maybe thinking she’d deny his request. “However, I already talked to Mrs. Olson days ago and told her you could go.”

  Ryan’s smile grew and he nearly knocked the chair over when he went to hug her.

  “Yes! I knew you’d say I could go, so I already packed,” he offered up.

  Vanessa shook her head, knowing she’d have to re-check said bags to make sure he packed more than just his iPod and his handheld videogame.

  “What time are they coming to get you tomorrow? Did Kev say?” she asked.

  “Eight, I think.”

  Vanessa made a mental note to text Rose later for clarity.

  “And we’ll be back Monday night, I think,” Ryan added.

  Vanessa nodded. “K. Finish your work so you don’t have to worry about it before school starts back up.”

  Ryan didn’t protest at all. He went back to the table and got right to it. Megan shrugged into her jacket and made sure she had her phone in her purse after Vanessa paid and dismissed her.

  The rest of the night was fairly routine. She checked and repacked Ryan’s things. He’d stuffed one outfit and a pair of mismatched pajamas into his backpack. She emptied it and took a small tote from the luggage at the back of her closet—remembering the invitation Zander extended a few days ago when she eyed the set.

  ‘No… you can’t meet him. Nope. Don’t even think about it,’ she told herself as she shut the double doors and headed back toward Ryan’s room.

  He was so excited she could barely get him to sleep, but finally, around eleven o’clock, he dozed.

  She wasn’t as lucky.

  For hours, she tossed and turned, remembering the small piece of paper in her purse, the one with an address written on it.

  “I can at least see what this place is,” she said aloud, reaching for her phone after retrieving the sheet Zander had written on earlier.

  A hotel, that’s what she expected. However, as usual, Zander was full of surprises. This was a home, one located somewhere in the James Peak wilderness. Maybe a bed and breakfast? She couldn’t find a picture, but the driving directions definitely lead up that way. Now, she was even more curious than before.

  She set her phone down and returned the paper to her purse where she was now convinced she should’ve left it in the first place. Her head touched the pillow and her eyes closed, but all she could think about was him. Zander consumed her thoughts and it drove her a little crazy that she couldn’t seem to just be done with him. Whenever she tried to convince herself to forget about him, she’d hear his voice, or see his face, and lose the will to put distance between them.

  Every time.

  Eventually, she was able to fall asleep, but to add insult to injury, she dreamed about him, too. There was no outrunning this man. She was now sure of it.

  The sound of the alarm blaring on her nightstand the next morning startled her awake. When she dragged herself out of bed, she heard Ryan in his bathroom brushing his teeth and washing his face. If only he’d been this eager to get up and ready for school like he was for this camping trip.

  He jumped when he looked up into the mirror and saw his mom standing behind him, smiling as she leaned against the doorframe.

  “Excited?” she asked.

  He nodded and dribbled toothpaste from his mouth.

  “I just added a few more things to your duffle. There’s a Ziploc baggy on your bed for you to put your toothbrush in when you finish.”

  Ryan nodded with a smile and Vanessa left him to finish. She sat on the edge of her bed wondering what she’d do to keep herself busy, alone in this big house while Ryan was away. If she’d known ahead of time that he’d be leaving, she never would’ve changed her schedule. Now she’d have to think of something to keep her mind occupied; something to keep her mind off Zander.

  A frustrated sigh left her lungs as she, again, acknowledged that she was at least slightly curious about meeting him like he requested.

  The doorbell rang and she hopped off the bed again.

  “Ryan, come on,” she called out as she passed by his bedroom.

  She pulled the door open and greeted Kevin’s mother with a smile. “Hey, Rose.”

  The woman smiled back. “Hey. Sorry my text back about the time was so short last night, but things were pretty hectic getting packed and ready. We had to get the RV out of storage, clean it up inside, grocery shop, the whole nine.”

  Vanessa smiled again. “It’s fine. He’s on his way down now,” she was saying as Ryan came thundering down the stairs.

  Rose laughed and touched Ryan’s shoulder as he shouted a greeting to her on his way out the door.

  “Somebody’s excited,” Rose said laughing.

  “If you have trouble getting him to settle down, call me.”

  Rose waved Vanessa off. “Please. Kev has been bouncing off the walls since six this morning. Hopefully, they tire each other out and pass out around lunchtime.”

  Vanessa smiled again. “Well, thanks for including him.”

  “You know it’s not a big deal. He’ll be back by Monday evening. Is that okay?”

  “Absolutely!” Vanessa beamed. “Where exactly are you all headed again?”

  “Well, we initially wanted to visit the mountains, but it’s supposed to snow up there this weekend, so we’re going to the Boulder Reservoir instead.”

  Vanessa nodded, knowing exactly where that was. It also didn’t surprise her to hear of expected snow showers. That was kind of the norm for Denver. It could be tepid in the city while winter-like storms plagued those at higher altitudes. Like today, it was mild and sixty, but in the mountains there was sure to be a blanket of white covering the terrain by morning.

  She would be hearing from Ryan in about three hours, letting her know he’d made it there safely.

  “Okay, I should let you all get going. Call if you need anything,” she added as Rose stepped off the porch. The pair waved and Vanessa stood against the door.

  Snow in the mountains? That was all the more reason for her to stay put. Driving that narrow highway to get there was strenuous enough. Add slippery roads and limited visibility to the mix and you had yourself a recipe for disaster.

  There was a hint of disappointment that came with this newfound certainty that she wouldn’t be going anywhere. Her footsteps echoed in the empty house as she ascended the stairs, standing in the doorway of her bedroom when she reached it, thinking.

  Maybe the snow wouldn’t hinder her from driving.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she questioned herself, stopping mid-step as she headed toward her phone to check the
weather. “You can’t meet him.”

  She stood there, hoping that speaking the words aloud would trigger her sensible side to kick in and talk her out of what she was starting to accept as her plans for the rest of the week and weekend.

  “Vanessa, you’re stronger than this,” she reasoned; however, a huge part of her wanted to say ‘what the hell’ and just… go.

  “Dammit,” she whispered to herself, realizing that, no matter how hard she fought it, her mind had been made up from the second Zander presented the invitation. Rejecting him and denying that she’d comply were nothing more than formalities—the way things went between them.

  Reading the weather report, she saw Rose was right about the snow, but it wasn’t due to come down heavy until nightfall. Up until then, it’d just be light flurries off and on.

  She snatched a suitcase from the closet and filled it with what she’d need for a few nights, all the while trying to talk herself out of what she was about to do. However, every time she thought about putting the clothes back in the drawers, she envisioned Zander, felt his hands on her, his kiss against her lips, her neck, and she started packing faster.

  After a quick shower, she stood in the doorway. Her gaze stopped on the bed that had been so cold lately, and then she traipsed down the stairs, accepting the fact that she was officially not in control of her actions when it came to Zander. Meeting him like this solidified that.

  Dark sunglasses were pushed into place at the bridge of her nose as she drove according to the directions her GPS gave. She was about half an hour into the hour-long drive and had just reached the highway she’d be on the rest of the way up. Every now and then, the sun broke through the clouds and glinted like gold between the leaves of the tall trees arching over the road.

  The sharp turns made her heart race every time she rounded them, especially when there was oncoming traffic. The stress of the drive was enough to make her think she’d made a mistake; however, it was the breathtaking view of sprawling ranges and thick forest that kept changing her mind. It seemed to get better and better the higher she climbed.

  “In 100 yards, veer right,” the robotic, feminine voice on her GPS ordered. Vanessa kept her eyes peeled, braking when she saw a pause in the trees. A large stone served the purpose of marking the upcoming roadway. The sound of her tires changed when the driving surface transitioned from pavement to gravel.

  “Continue three miles to your destination,” the voice spoke again.

  Vanessa frowned as she looked around. Wherever this place was Zander had her driving to, it was deep in the woods from the looks of things. And she still had three miles to go? The first thought that came to mind was that there should’ve at least been a sign with the name of the place on it, letting visitors know they were on the right track.

  Several dark-colored peaks crowned above the trees. Straining to make out the shape, it became clear this was a rooftop. As she drew closer, she could finally make out the large, spanning structure that came into view.

  It was… beautiful.

  Rustic, wood siding covered the top half of the home, succumbing to large stones that covered the bottom portion. A large, wrap-around porch with an awning shaded the lower-level windows. She stared in awe as she shifted the gear into ‘park’, noting that there were far fewer vehicles than she expected. Four to be exact.

  Smoke bellowed from the chimney, causing her to imagine the warmth of the fireplace inside as the cold ravaged her. Yes, had she stayed home, she’d be enjoying sixty-degree weather right now, but home equaled boredom and loneliness.

  Home also didn’t have Zander.

  Vanessa hugged herself in her wool-lined jacket and approached the porch slowly with her suitcases in tow. She glanced down to the address once more and matched it to the numbers mounted on the home’s siding, making sure she was in the right place.

  Her hand encircled the heavy brass knocker on the door and her heart jumped when she realized that, in a moment, Zander would know she had, in fact, accepted his offer. Faint footsteps could be heard inside and Vanessa held her breath while she waited. The door opened and she was sure her expression reflected the surprise she felt when Zander, himself, answered. In her mind, thinking this had to be a bed and breakfast, she imagined it’d be a staff member, but… there was only him.

  He was already smiling when she looked up. It was impossible not to smile back. His gold-colored eyes glinted with delight as he stepped aside to let her in.

  Vanessa’s pace was slow and hesitant when she entered. She didn’t understand. The place was empty.

  “Where is everyone?” she asked, hearing the timidity in her own voice.

  Zander’s smile grew, but there were clear signs of confusion behind his eyes. “I beg your pardon?”

  Vanessa cleared her throat and looked around, taking in the expensive, and yet fittingly rustic, décor inside the home.

  “The other guests,” she went on. “Where are they? There were a few cars outside, but—”

  She jumped when Zander placed his hands on her shoulders from behind, easing her coat down both arms.

  “No guests. Only us,” he clarified. “Not unless you count my staff, but they’re only hear to wait on you hand and foot. Remember, I asked you here to unwind.”

  Hearing this, Vanessa’s posture became rigid and Zander noticed; however, he didn’t call attention to it. He’d already prepared himself for an adjustment period upon her arrival. For a woman of Vanessa’s strength, it was no easy feat to bend to someone else’s will and, in essence, that’s what she’d done by coming here.

  Zander disappeared for a moment with her things and came back empty-handed, continuing to watch Vanessa as he approached. She inhaled deeply and folded her arms across her chest, forcing herself to look away from him.

  “How was the drive?” he inquired, hoping to loosen her up with some light conversation.

  “Fine,” she answered.

  “Was it easy to find?” he asked next.

  She met his gaze and nodded. “I didn’t have any trouble.”

  He smiled again and mesmerized Vanessa with that delectable accent she was sure she even detected when they kissed. “So glad you decided to join me. It can get rather lonely up here.”

  Vanessa didn’t say a word, just stood in the same spot where Zander had removed her coat.

  “Won’t you come sit with me?” he beckoned innocently.

  Vanessa knew better than to buy into that tone, but didn’t hesitate to follow him around the winding staircase he had just descended. Three steps led them down into the sunken living room where large picture windows made up one whole wall of the beautiful room. Only a small section of stone interrupted the flawless glass, encasing the blazing fireplace. With ceilings that stretched up to the second floor, Vanessa’s eyes lifted, taking note of the balcony that looked down from above.

  “Do you like it?” Zander asked.

  Her eyes locked on the bronze chandelier above when she nodded. “It’s… amazing.” When her eyes fell on Zander again, he was watching her, expressionless.

  “Your son got off on his camping trip all right?” he asked.

  “He did,” she replied, keeping her answer short.

  Zander nodded, wondering how many nights she planned to let him keep her.

  “How long have you owned this place?” she asked.

  “Six years ago. It was around the time I started my own practice,” he added with a smile.

  In his adult life, money had never been an issue for Zander and he’d never been shy about spending it. Aside from the income his practice generated, he was quite savvy when it came to investments and stock. Each of his business endeavors were carefully researched before he dove in and he only allowed himself to get involved with those he knew were sure to produce revenue.

  Vanessa nodded and smiled a little easier this time than before, although she was a bit distracted.

  ‘This man is absolutely beautiful,’ she thought to herself, loo
king him over.

  She noted that his stubble was shaven lower than usual. It felt strange noticing something so trivial about him, but she did. She noticed a lot of things about him that she’d never share aloud—like the fact that he was an excellent dresser. Even in a laid back setting like this. He wore a pair of light colored jeans that had an intentionally, dingy wash to them, complimenting a tan-colored thermal with sleeves pushed to his elbows. He just looked so… clean.

  She smiled at that.

  The corner of Zander’s mouth curved into a smile, too. “What is it, Love?”

  She lowered her head and kept the truth to herself. “I was just thinking how interesting this is going to be.”

  His head cocked to the side. “How so?”

  Vanessa shrugged and looked everywhere but at Zander. “For starters, the fact that I’m even here is… crazy to me.”

  Zander listened intently.

  “I just…” She finally met his gaze. “I don’t do things like this—meet strange men in beautiful houses out in the middle of nowhere,” she explained.

  Zander chuckled a little. “Am I really all that strange?”

  “I mean strange as in unfamiliar. I don’t know you. Not really,” she added. “And you don’t know me,” she said matter-of-factly.

  He shrugged. “I know you well enough.”

  Vanessa smiled coyly. “You really think so? I’d like to hear what it is you think you know, Dr. Hale.” She eased deeper into her chair beside him and waited.

  “You’re assertive. You’ve got a good heart, but damn,” he added with a smile, “you’ve got one hell of a mean streak, too.”

  She smiled at that, lowering her head.

  “You’re not one to settle,” he went on. “I imagine your ambitiousness has even rubbed some the wrong way. They may mistake you for being money hungry, abrasive maybe.”

  She didn’t confirm, but he was spot on. She’d been accused of being both those things on more than one occasion.

  “How’d I do?” Zander asked.

  “Not too bad.”

  The fire crackled and a few embers burst upward into the stone chimney. Vanessa reached down in her purse to check her phone when she thought of Ryan, but he hadn’t called yet.


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