Analog Science Fiction and Fact - 2014-01
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Anthony Lewis | 382 words
NOTE: Membership rates and other details often change after we have gone to press. Check the websites for the most recent information.
28 February–2 March 2014
RING OF FIRE CON (southeastern Virginia multi-genre conference) at Holiday Inn Virginia Beach Norfolk Hotel and Conference Center, Virginia Beach, VA. Guests of Honor: Eien Strife, HR R2D2 Builders, Lord Ramirez, Charles Dunbar. Registration: $40 until 28 January 2014. Info:
14–16 March 2014
LUNACON 57 (New York City area SF conference) at Westchester Hilton, Rye Brook, NY. Writer Guest of Honor: Jonathan Marberry; Artist Guest of Honor: Randy Gallegos; Special Guest: Michael F. Flynn. Registration: $50 until 22 February 2014; $60 thereafter and at the door. Info:
21–23 March 2014
CONDOR 21 (San Diego area SF conference) at Guest of Honor: Gail Carriger. Registration: $45 until 10 March; $50 at the door. Info: .
27–30 March 2014
Chi-Fi 1 (Chicago SF, Fsy, and comic book conference) at Westin Chicago North Shore, Chicago, IL. Author Guests of Honor: Jim Butcher, Marie Brennan, Laura Hawks, Donna Thorland. Registration: $70 until 17 February 2014; $80 at the door. Student and active duty military $10 less. Info:
28–30 March 2014
The 3 rd Conference on Middle Earth, Part 2 (Tolkien-oriented fantasy conference) at Westford Regency Hotel, Westford, MA. Info:; . 164 Williamsburg Court, Albany, NY 12203.
14–18 August 2014
LONCON 3 (72 nd World Science Fiction Convention) at International Conference Centre, ExCel, London Docklands, U.K. Guests of Honor: Iain M. Banks, John Clute, Chris Foss, Malcolm Edwards, Jeanne Gomoll, Robin Hobb, Bryan Talbot. Membership: until 30 April 2013. Attending: $160/£95 (adult), $110/£65 (young adult), $50/£30 (child), infant $3/£2, family $390/£230; Supporting: $40/£25. This is the SF universe's annual get-together. Professionals and readers from all over the world will be in attendance. Talks, panels, films, fancy dress competition—the works. Nominate and vote for the Hugos. Info: ; Loncon 3, 379 Myrtle Road, Sheffield S2 3QH, United Kingdom.
Running a convention? If your convention has a telephone or fax number, e-mail address, or web page, please let us know so that we can publish this information. We must have your information in hand SIX months before the date of your convention.
Attending a convention? When calling conventions for information, do not call collect and do not call too late in the evening. It is best to include a S.A.S.E. when requesting information; include an International Reply Coupon if the convention is in a different country.
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366 words
TREVOR QUACHRI........................................ Editor
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Cover design by Victoria Green
Cover Art by David A. Hardy
Analog Science Fiction And Fact (Astounding), Vol. CXXXIII, Nos. 1 & 2, January/February 2014. ISSN 1059-2113, USPS 488-910, GST#123054108. Published monthly except for combined January/February and July/August double issues by Dell Magazines, a division of Crosstown Publications. One-year subscription $55.90 in the United States and possessions, in all other countries $65.90 (GST included in Canada), payable in advance in U.S. funds. First copy of new subscription will be mailed within eight weeks of receipt of order. When reporting change of address allow 6 to 8 weeks and give new address as well as the old address as it appears on the last label. Periodical postage paid at Norwalk, CT and additional mailing offices. Canadian postage paid at Montreal, Quebec, Canada Post International Publications Mail, Product Sales Agreement No. 40012460. (c) 2013 by Dell Magazines, a division of Crosstown Publications, all rights reserved. Dell is a trademark registered in the U.S. Patent Office. Protection secured under the Universal Copyright Convention. Reproduction or use of editorial or pictorial content in any manner without express permission is prohibited. All stories in this magazine are fiction. No actual persons are designated by name or character. Any similarity is coincidental. All submissions must be accompanied by a stamped self-addressed envelope, the publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or artwork.
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