Blood Legion: Adamantine Chronicles Book Two

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Blood Legion: Adamantine Chronicles Book Two Page 13

by D. R. Rosier

  “Liss!” I grunted, and she gripped my shaft and started jerking my base hard, as she pulled away just enough so my seed would land on her tongue.

  She moaned softly in approval, as I pulled on her hair and used her to steady myself, as my legs went weak, and I shot pulse after pulse of my seed between those perfect and full lips.

  “So good. You’re such a naughty cocksucker,” I playfully teased, and at the same time I was serious. I loved it when she turned into a naughty slut. She was always a lady outside the bedroom, but she was also the wildest fuck I’d ever had. She also wasn’t really submissive, not all the time like Carol was, but when Alyssa wanted me to treat her like a slut, she made it obvious. I knew better than to try that all the time, nor would I really want to.

  In short, it was a very situational thing.

  She both blushed, and looked proud, as she lovingly licked me clean, and then packed me back away.

  “I do enjoy it, sometimes I think I turned into a shameless nympho, and I decided it was all your fault.”

  “My fault?” I asked.

  She nodded, “You made my first time a dream, a night full of so much pleasure it blew my mind, which stirred those desires without restraint. I don’t have any hang-ups over a bad first experience, it was nothing like people told me it would be.”

  “Oh, my love, it was entirely my pleasure. I love you so much, gorgeous.”

  I helped her back to her feet, and I gave her a long lingering and loving kiss, with lots of tongue despite what she’d just done. I also activated the amulet as soon as she let me go, so I wouldn’t smell like sex and it would clean my taste out of my mouth.

  She smiled softly, “I love you too. I just… missed you. I know we had sex this morning, and the last two nights, but we haven’t spent an evening together in days. That’s my fault, I’m not complaining, just telling you how I feel. You… really do look fantastic, and I just… needed it. Needed to pleasure you.”

  I held her closely, intimacy was important after one of our wilder sexual adventures, so she’d know I loved her. I just wished we had more time, so I could hold her longer, and truly show her how much, but we didn’t.

  “I understand, seeing you made me feel the same way. I’d hoped you would stop by before our date, and I missed you all day while you were patrolling. I also wish we had time for me to properly return the favor.”

  I loved to eat her out, she got wild for me, and squirmed and bucked when she came for me and trembled on my tongue. Plus, she tasted really good, in my opinion.

  She bit her lip, and said innocently, “Don’t worry about me, I got exactly what I wanted.”

  I laughed, “You’re a marvel. We’ll spend time tomorrow night, even if we have to share it, we’ll be together. But I want our date, soon.”

  She smiled, “I promise, next couple night out is you and me. It has to be, that’s part of the plan. For you it’s me, carol, and Tina, for the personal dates, like a rotation. I have you, Tina and Carol, you get the idea. But yeah, I want it too. Have a good time tonight.”

  I nodded, it was a surreal moment, there we were again wishing each other well on dates.

  “You too. Love you, Liss.”

  She smiled, and hugged me, like she didn’t want to let me go. I wasn’t worried, it clearly wasn’t jealousy, she was just missing me, and I felt the same way. Outside of quickies, and the two extremely wild middle of the night sex marathons after her two girl’s nights out, we hadn’t really just hung out since we changed super partners three days ago. That felt… wrong, because we were about more than sex, but it was what it was, and we’d survive until the next day.

  “Love you too, Daniel.”

  We split apart regretfully, but there was also an air of excitement about her, for her date with Carol, and mine with Tina. It truly wasn’t jealousy, and it was good to see she felt the same way I did. Our physical intimacy was perfect, and we could renew our emotionally intimacy tomorrow night. Even if we were all together, I could hold her, I was sure Tina and Carol would be equally missing each other by then too, so it’d work out.

  I gave her one more loving and wistful smile, then we left the apartment, going opposite ways than last night. Her towards Carol’s apartment, and me toward Tina’s…

  Chapter Eleven

  Tina truly looked lovely as she opened her door. Her long voluminous red hair was down, and it caressed her body all the way down to the small of her back. Her normally piercing green eyes looked a bit nervous, and her smile looked a little unsure. Her soft lips, and the soft beauty of her girl next door face was breathtaking, without the usual tenseness I saw in her facial muscles.

  I couldn’t argue with that, just the fact she had smiled at all boded well in my opinion. Nervous I could deal with.

  Her lissome body with those sinfully large double D breasts too big for her lithe frame were covered in a nice blouse and skirt. The skirt was a creamy yellow pencil skirt, and it hugged her legs to just above her knees. It wasn’t slit more than to her lower thigh, and just by appearance I knew it was made of stretchy material. It had to be or she wouldn’t be able to walk in it, at least not with normal strides. Her blouse was a creamy rose color and shone like silk, and she wore black shoes with three-inch heels. The blouse was unbuttoned to the third button, giving me my first ever view of her glorious cleavage outside of her sexy superhero uniform. The fact it was just a very small amount of her vast cleavage made the allure of it even stronger, I loved a little mystery that way.

  She also emanated a faint and subtle scent of wildflowers, which accentuated her already lovely feminine scent.

  “You look stunning Tina. Truly beautiful.”

  She smirked, and she looked a bit uncomfortable as she stepped out and shut her door. She obviously wasn’t used to compliments from men, and until that night I’d never been brave enough to give her one, considering the forbidding looks she’d graced me with before that night.

  “I made reservations at a steakhouse, that work for you?”

  Tina nodded, “Sounds perfect, and thanks for asking.”

  I smirked playfully, “Then you won’t thank me for the second half of the date then, which is a surprise and you get no choice.”

  Tina looked at me nervously, and then she looked startled when I took her hand, but she didn’t pull it away as I walked her down the stairs. Her hand felt good in mine, warm, and I was glad she hadn’t jerked away. Still, it was also a bit awkward, she was very attractive, but I didn’t feel the same instant chemistry I had with Carol the previous night, but I pushed that out of my mind. They were all different, in small and major ways, of course our experiences wouldn’t be the same.

  I decided right then that our night was going to be very interesting. I was also taking somewhat of a chance with my… shall I call it a creative choice for the second part of the date? She might hate it, but I had a feeling, and was going with it.

  I also decided she was trying, very hard, not to jump to the worst conclusions at my actions.

  “Alyssa said you like history?”

  She nodded, “Lately, I’ve been particularly interested in the last time the government tried to gain power over the supers, after world war two. It was an unmitigated disaster then, and I’m not entirely sure it’s going to be better this time.”

  I nodded, “They have the plasma and rail gun weapons.”

  She snorted, “Yes, and any one of us could take out all twenty without a problem. Sure, only three percent of the ex-heroes revolted, but do you think the rest of them are happy? They aren’t. Even the other ninety percent of supers, that just work nine to five jobs and didn’t want a part of the hero and villain game, are angry on our behalf and nervous about what the next step might be.

  “Beyond that, have you noticed there’ve been no supervillain attacks the last couple of weeks, outside of that married couple? All we’ve dealt with are new supers who can’t quite control their abilities right away. They’re preparing for something, per
haps they see an opening with most of the heroes being forced into retirement. The government is foolish, and shortsighted. If they wanted a handle on supers, out of paranoia and fear, because of a lack of control, they should have trusted us enough to lure us into government service.”

  I sighed, “You’re saying this is only step one?”

  She looked at me incredulously.

  I nodded, “I thought the same, but I’m not sure what we can do about it. I’m not going to turn into a rogue ex-hero, and I’m not a supervillain.”

  She sighed, “Me either, which is why I’m working with them. But I’m also watching them, keeping an eye on them. I’ll do a lot to be a hero, and protect the people, but there are lines I will not cross.”

  “That’s a good point, and I completely agree. I don’t want to underestimate the mad scientists, but I think we’re a long way from the point where they’ll be able to shape and give purpose to meta-energy, like we do with our subconscious minds. Speculation seems to indicate we just aren’t aware enough yet, there’s tons of mysteries left in this universe, before they can start to harness the energy of another. Or whatever it is. Until that happens, I don’t think weapons of this world can ever truly replace us.”

  She blew out a breath, “I hope you’re right. Point was, before I got off on a tangent, the last attempt went very badly, when the supers struck back, and the villains had a party vacation because the government wasn’t powerful enough to handle it on their own. They begged us to come back.”

  I frowned, “So, you don’t think our jobs will last very long.”

  She shrugged, and shook her head, “No, but we don’t need them, for us to be a team. I could be wrong, but I don’t think I am. They already tell us nothing and keep us in the dark about the tactical team’s activities, outside of our patrol, or when they need assistance, we’re told nothing.”

  I smiled over at her, “That’s a very good point. Tina, do you have any idea how mesmerizing your voice is?”

  Her voice truly was hypnotically seductive. It was a perfect mix of persuasively compelling, sultrily enthralling, dulcetly soothing, and naturally breathy. I’d noticed before of course, but I’d never heard her speak for so long before, nor so passionately about something.

  She frowned, clearly not sure how to take that, and possibly leaning toward me being a sexist pig for some reason that only made sense in her paranoid mind.

  I sighed, and said in a simply sincere tone, “It was a compliment, and quite frankly an excuse for being slow earlier. It actually takes a little effort to think through. I could listen to it for hours.”

  She smirked, “Fine. Thank you, then.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  She asked casually, “So, the second part of our date?”

  I laughed, “Nice try. I will tell you it’s related to music, she told me that was your greatest passion, but the rest will remain a surprise.”

  She tilted her head, and gave me a suspicious look, but I pretended not to notice…

  The steak restaurant was a dimly lit and romantic. The tables all had white table cloths, with soft candlelight, and the staff were all dressed to the nines, in tuxedos for the men and elaborate dresses for the women. Wine wasn’t a problem on that date either, with her actually being two years older than me, and we ordered the house merlot to go along with our steaks.

  We both ordered the twenty-six-ounce porterhouse, which as a super should just about fill us up with the potatoes and a side of asparagus spears. I got mine medium rare, when she went for medium. It was truly delicious, and we were mostly quiet the first half of the meal as we chowed down.

  I just wished it was a comfortable silence, I hadn’t been able to draw her out again into a longer conversation despite my efforts. I’d also caught her expression wavering between distrustful, insecure, suspicious, and doubtful. I even saw guilt on her face a couple of times, and I had no idea what that was about, even if I could guess the others had to do with her mistrust of men, I was at a loss on that latter one.

  Tina was without a doubt, going to be a hard nut to crack, she’d be as difficult as Carol had been effortless. Not that I hadn’t given Carol effort, or all the attention she deserved, I just meant our personalities had meshed easily.

  Both Carol and I both had easy going personalities when it came to getting along with others, so it’d just worked. It also probably didn’t hurt that the woman had already been in love with me. The only real shock from Carol had been her straight faced wicked humor, she’d almost given me a heart attack when she’d dreamily told me she hoped I’d knocked her up, if in different words. Still, I’d get used to her startling sense of humor eventually.

  I pushed that out of head, I was with Tina tonight, I didn’t need to be thinking about Carol or Alyssa.

  I managed to pull out a bit more the last half of dinner, about her likes and dislikes. If what she said was true, she liked all music, and couldn’t name a favorite, she claimed they were too diverse to compare, which was pretty much how I was seeing the three ladies in my life in that moment.

  She didn’t care for television, only rarely watched movies, she preferred live plays, and musicals were the best, apparently any kind of musical, from opera to the nutcracker on ice.

  Possibly the most disturbing part of our dinner date, was that she didn’t ask me any questions at all. It was hard to come to any other conclusion than she just didn’t care to learn anything about me, on any level, in the least. Despite that, I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt and appreciate her lackluster efforts.

  She looked up, and she glanced around as we pulled up to our second destination. We were in a short strip mall, along one of the main roads in town.

  “What are we doing?”

  I pointed at the dive bar with the broken sign, the M in Sam’s was dark.

  She frowned, “You’re kidding, right?”

  I laughed, “Nope, come on, you’re going to love it.”

  I hoped. Really, I figured if it failed miserably, I’d just be living up to expectations. Still, it’d taken some work for Rose to track this place down for me.

  She looked like she was being escorted to her execution, as I opened the door and music blasted in our faces. She looked curiously at the karaoke stage, and then back at me incredulously.

  I said in a teasing but firm voice, “Go sign us up for a duet, you pick the song. I’ll get us some drinks.”

  She snorted, “Fine, beer works, something dark.”

  I nodded, and headed over to the bar, while she went to sign us up. I was no Siren, I was no rock star either, but I’d won a few karaoke contests in my college days, and I could hold a tune with the best of them. Best of them meaning amateurs. I knew the dive bar part would be a risk, but I was really hoping she’d have fun, she loved music, loved to sing, and I’d be doing it with her.

  It was a gamble, but it might pay off.

  We were probably the only people in the bar not dressed casually in jeans, or shorts. I didn’t mind standing out though, I wouldn’t be surprised if we’d been recognized already. I carried over our beers, and then handed one to her.

  “What song?”

  She smirked, “It’s a surprise.”

  I laughed, “Fine, I deserved that.”

  She winked, and took a sip of her beer, and I found that a little heartening, if she really hated it she wouldn’t have been making the effort. That was almost flirty in fact.

  We’d barely drank a quarter of the beer, and I could see she was enjoying the music, even the off-key renditions, when we were called up front. My question about being recognized was answered, when the karaoke DJ introduced Silver City’s very own Red Siren… and her companion.

  Yeah, I really felt the love from my new city, not.

  I laughed, when we stepped on stage, grabbed the mics, and the first few bars of Jackson started to play. The song made famous by Johnny Cash and June Carter long before either of us were born. I’ll admit, I felt a sma
ll amount of smugness when I sang the first few lines, and her eyes widened slightly in surprise and admiration.

  Of course, when her part came, I was totally humbled. I was good, she had the best voice in the world, and one that would put the choir of angels to shame. So good in fact, she smirked when I fumbled my next line, but I regained my focus and put the rest of the song to bed.

  I actually started to have a really good time, and she even laughed a few times, a sound I wished that I could hear often. Her laugh was so delightfully and dulcetly pleasing, that it lightened my soul. We drank a few more beers, and at the bar patrons’ demand we sang a few more songs. More karaoke classic duets, like Summer Nights, Bring me to life, and others.

  It was a good time, and when we left there was a soft relaxed smile on her face, I was sure my gamble had paid off.

  She had a smile on her face, and an almost reluctant look of admiration in her lovely green eyes as we walked back up the stairs. I also wondered how much of that was from the three glasses of wine and four beers over the last few hours.

  Honestly, I didn’t feel she was ready for intimacy, I felt a shallow desire for her, she was truly beautiful, and her mesmerizing voice raised that impression up even higher. Beyond that, I knew she was a strong woman, had a shitty past, and I admired her for her strength and grace to fight against those that abuse their powers and normal humans. There was no doubt there was enough there to see if we could build a stronger foundation.

  Hell, after that date, I felt like I understood her a lot better. Not about her past, or her mistrust in men, but her intelligent outlook on history, and her likes and dislikes had given a pretty good picture of who the rest of her was, at least who she was now. I didn’t dare ask about that past either, not after our first lunch together.

  But… true sexual tension was two way, and despite my attraction to her it felt a little like filling a black hole. Like she took it in my attraction, and just swallowed it whole instead of reflecting it. It made the attraction I felt two-dimensional. I hope that made sense, because enough talking about feelings and shit, it was what I felt. I didn’t like overly talking about my feelings, but it was pretty critical to what came next.


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